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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Catholicism in 2001

Familiar explanation of Christian doctrine adapted for the family and more advanced students in Catholic schools and colleges. No. III. ... by Müller, Michael
Strange Vagabond of God: The Story of John Bradburne by Dove, John
Us Catholic Historian V 19 1 by Kauffman, Christopher
Gift of Being: A Theology of Creation by Hayes, Zachary
The Monastic Hours by
As One Struggling Christian to Another: Augustine's Christian Ideal for Today by Tack, Theodore E.
True Confessions: Prayers to Heal the Secrets in Your Soul by Schubert, Linda
Living Wisdom for Every Day: Minute Meditations for Every Day Taken from the Writings of Saint Paul of the Cross by Kelley, Bennet
St. Edmund Campion Missal: For the Traditional Latin Mass by Ostrowski, Jeff
Joyfully Living the Gospel Day by Day: Minute Meditations for Every Day Containing a Scripture, Reading, a Reflection, and a Prayer by Catoir, John
St. John Bosco: The Friend of Youth by Forbes
Achievement of John Henry Newman by Ker, Ian
The Making of Gratian's Decretum by Anders, Winroth, Winroth, Anders
The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit by Finley, Mitch
The One and the Many: A Contemporary Thomistric Metaphysics by Clarke, W. Norris
Strategies for Preaching Paul by Matera, Frank J.
Commentary on the Psalms, 73-150 by Theodoret of Cyrus
The Catholic Counterculture in America, 1933-1962 by Fisher, James Terence
Scripture in the Tradition by De Lubac, Henri
Catholic Revival in the Age of the Baroque by Forster, Marc R.
I See Satan Fall Like Lightning by Girard, Rene
In the Beginning Was the Internet: A Series of Theological Discussions by Haas, Edward N.
God Dwells with Us: Temple Symbolism in the Fourth Gospel by Coloe, Mary L.
Boys to Men: The Transforming Power of Virtue by Gray, Tim, Martin, Curtis
Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict by de Waal, Esther
Trinity by Rahner, Karl
Where is That in the Bible? by Madrid, Patrick
Roman Catholicism After Vatican II by Burns, Robert A.
Poems of St. John of the Cross by Jones, Kathleen
Genetics: A Catholic Ethical Perspective by Guinan, Patrick
The Born-Again Catholic by Boudreau, Albert H.
God as Communion: John Zizioulas, Elizabeth Johnson, and the Retrieval of the Symbol of the Triune God by Fox, Patricia A.
Como Enfrentarnos a la Reina del Cielo = Confronting the Queen of Heaven = Confronting the Queen of Heaven by Torres, Héctor P., Wagner, Peter C.
Catholicism at the Millennium: The Church of Tradition in Transition by Stancil, Wilburn T., Miller, Gerald L., Campbell, James
Catholicism at the Millennium: The Church of Tradition in Transition by Stancil, Wilburn T., Miller, Gerald L., Campbell, James
The Catholic Church and the Holocaust, 1930-1965 by Phayer, Michael
The Sacraments: The Word of God at the Mercy of the Body by Chauvet, Louis-Marie
Prayer, Protest, Power: The Spirituality of Julie Billiart Today by Poole, Myra
The Prayers of Catherine of Siena by
Women in the New Testament by Getty-Sullivan, Mary Ann
Radio Replies: Set of Three by Carty
The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations (4 Volume Set): From the Visions of Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich by Emmerich
Young Adult Catholics: Religion in the Culture of Choice by Dinges, William D., Hoge, Dean R.
Im Angesicht Gottes Suche Der Mensch Sich Selbst: Hildegard Von Bingen (1098-1179) by
Ecclesiology by Pelzel, Morris
Veritatis Splendor: American Responses by
Sacramental Theology: Means of Grace, Way of Life by Stasiak, Kurt
When You Are an Rcia Sponsor: Handing on the Faith by Senseman, Rita
I Believe in Love: A Personal Retreat Based on the Teaching of St. Therese of Lisieux by D'Elbee, Jean
The Making of the Magdalen: Preaching and Popular Devotion in the Later Middle Ages by Jansen, Katherine Ludwig
Bright Promise, Failed Community: Catholics and the American Public Order by Varacalli, Joseph A.
The Open Church by Novak, Michael
Mass Appeal: The Depth and Beauty of the Eucharistic Celebration at an Understandable Level by Desormeaux, David
Preaching the New Lectionary: Year A by Fragomeni, Richard N., Bergant, Dianne
Modern Catholic Social Documents and Political Economy by Barrera, Albino F.
Blood in the City: Violence and Revelation in Paris, 1789-1945 by Burton, Richard D. E.
The 1917 Pio Benedictine Code of Canon Law by Peters, Edward N.
Transnational Catholicism in Postcommunist Europe by Byrnes, Timothy A.
Separatism and Subculture: Boston Catholicism, 1900-1920 by Kane, Paula M.
Lector's Guide to Biblical Pronunciations by Staudacher, Joseph M.
As Leaven in the World: Catholic Perspectives on Faith, Vocation, and the Intellectual Life by
Parables for Preachers: Year A, the Gospel of Matthew by Reid, Barbara E.
Ascetic Discourses: Volume 150 by Abba Isaiah of Scetis
Letting God Come Close: An Approach to the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises by Barry, William A.
Benedict's Way: An Ancient Monk's Insights for a Balanced Life by Pratt, Lonni Collins, Homan Osb, Daniel
The Guardian Angels: Our Heavenly Companions by Anonymous
Singing in the Reign: The Psalms and the Liturgy of God's Kingdom by Barber, Michael Patrick
The A to Z of Catholicism by Collinge, William J.
The Catholic Way: Faith for Living Today by Wuerl, Donald
Commonwealth Catholicism: A History of Catholic Church in Virginia by Fogarty, Gerald P.
The Catholic Faith by Strange, Roderick
The Sacrament of Confession as a "Sequela Christi" in the Writings of A. Von Speyr by Schmitt, William
Section #2 One Who Has Seen God a Catholic, Gives New Insights about the Nature of God: The Theory of Relativity about God by Viscio, Frank A., Jr.
God with Us, God Within Us: Reflections on the Liturgy by Nye, Roberta J.
Sacraments in Scripture: Salvation History Made Present by Gray, Tim
Saint Augustine's Confessions by Saint Augustine, St Augustine
The Catholic Imagination by Greeley, Andrew M.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation by Coffey, David M.
In Mysterious Ways: The Death and Life of a Parish Priest by Wilkes, Paul
Saintly Solutions: To Life's Common Problems by Esper, Fr Joseph
Full of Grace: An Oral Biography of John Cardinal O'Connor by Golway, Terry
Israel's Original Sin, Volume 1: A Catholic Confession by Rolwing, Richard J.
Blue Dusk: New & Selected Poems, 1951-2001 by Defrees, Madeline
The Divine Milieu by Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
Israel's Original Sin, Volume 1: A Catholic Confession by Rolwing, Richard J.
A Ministry of Consolation: Involving Your Parish in the Order of Christian Funerals by Cover, Rose Mary, Piil, Mary Alice, Degrocco, Joseph
Paradox: The American Catholic: A Medieval Church in the Twenty-First Century by Mitchell, Charles H.
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, Books 1-5 by Origen
The Diary of a Country Priest by Bernanos, Georges
Die Römischen Kirchen Im Spätmittelalter Nach Den 'Indulgentiae Ecclesiarum Urbis Romae' by Miedema, Nine Robijntje
Saint Gerard Majella: His Writings and Spirituality by
The Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Community by Tropman, John E.