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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Catholicism in 2002

The Life of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque by Bougaud, Emile
Making a Heart for God: A Week Inside a Catholic Monastery by Aprile, Dianne
Catholic Trivia by Elvius, Mark, Elvins, Mark
The Spirituality of the Psalms by
Lectionary - Weekday Mass (Vol. II) by Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Lectionary - Weekday Mass (Vol. III): Volume III: Proper of Seasons for Weekdays, Year II; Proper of Saints; Common of Saints by Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Episcopal Conferences: Historical, Canonical, and Theological Studies by
Lectionary for Mass: Year 2: For Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America by Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
St. Joseph Picture Books (Set of 26 Books) by Lovasik, Lawrence G.
Five Loaves & Two Fish by Nguyen Van Thuan, Francis
On Genesis by Augustine, St
John Paul II: A Personal Portrait of the Pope and the Man by Vrabel, James, Flynn, Ray, Flynn, Raymond L.
The Catholics of Ulster by Elliott, Marianne
Ambrose of Milan's Method of Mystagogical Preaching by Satterlee, Craig A.
The Privilege of Love: Camaldolese Benedictine Spirituality by
Life in Christ: The Spiritual Message of the Letter to the Romans by Cantalamessa, Raniero
Language, Charisma, and Creativity: Ritual Life in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal by Csordas, T.
Wounded Prophet: A Portrait of Henri J.M. Nouwen by Ford, Michael
The Sanctity of Human Life and its Protection by Barry, Robert L.
Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, Books 6-10 by Origen
No Greater Love by Mother Teresa
American Catholic Lay Groups and Transatlantic Social Reform in the Progressive Era by Moloney, Deirdre M.
A Cry for Mercy: Prayers from the Genesee by Nouwen, Henri J. M.
Catholic Dictionary by Stravinskas Ph. D. S. T. D., Rev Peter M. J.
The Political Development of Rome: 1012-85 by McQuillan, S.
A Stay Against Confusion: Essays on Faith and Fiction by Hansen, Ron
Why is That in Tradition? by Madrid, Patrick
Catholic Social Teaching, 1891-Present: A Historical, Theological, and Ethical Analysis by Curran, Charles E.
Preaching to the Hungers of the Heart: The Homily on the Feasts and Within the Rites by Wallace, James A.
Eucharistic Devotion: Renewing a Timeless Tradition by Mudd, John
Christ's Fulfillment of Torah and Temple: Salvation according to Thomas Aquinas by Levering, Matthew
Christ's Fulfillment of Torah and Temple: Salvation According to Thomas Aquinas by Levering, Matthew
John Paul II and the Legacy of Dignitatis Humanae by Rico, Hermínio
Catholicism and Liberalism: Contributions to American Public Policy by
The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism by Jordan, Mark D.
Transforming Self and Community: Revisioning Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Direction by Sperry, Len
The Old and the New: A Dual Commentary on Genesis and the Gospel of St. Matthew by Olaguer, Eduardo P., Jr.
The Papacy, Scotland and Northern England, 1342 1378 by Barrell, Andrew D. M., Barrell, A. D. M.
Medieval Writings on Female Spirituality by Various
Broken and Poured Out: A Spirituality for Eucharistic Ministers by Gaillardetz, Richard
The Systematic Thought of Hans Urs von Balthasar An Irenaean Retrieval by Mongrain, Kevin
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Trier. Das Erzbistum Trier 9: Das Stift St. Simeon in Trier by
Married Saints and Blesseds Through the Centuries by Holbock, Ferdinand
St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Francis of Assisi by Chesterton, G. K.
The Joy of Gospel: Meditations for Young People by Martini, Carlo Maria
Essential Bible Handbook: A Guide for Catholics by Mudd, John
A Holy and Living Sacrifice: The Eucharist in Christian Perspective by Falardeau, Ernest
Daily Prayer in the Classroom: Interactive Daily Prayer by O'Leary, Peggy, Foley, Kathleen
Church, Religion and Society in Early Modern Spain by Rawlings, Helen
The First Five Years of the Priesthood: A Study of Newly Ordained Catholic Priests by Hoge, Dean R.
Spiritual Combat: How to Win Your Spiritual Battles and Attain Inner Peace by Scupoli, Lorenzo
Marriage and the Catholic Church: Disputed Questions by Lawler, Michael G.
Unexpected Way: On Converting from Buddhism to Catholicism by Williams, Paul
God Underneath: Spiritual Memoirs of a Catholic Priest by Beck, Edward L.
Vico, Genealogist of Modernity by Miner, Robert C.
Dissent and Philosophy in the Middle Ages: Dante and His Precursors by Fortin, Ernest L.
Ethics of Health Care: An Introductory Textbook by O'Rourke, Kevin D., Ashley, Benedict M.
Hearing the Word of God: Reflections on the Sunday Readings, Year B by Donahue, John R.
Bernard Lonergan's Philosophy of Religion: From Philosophy of God to Philosophy of Religious Studies by Kanaris, Jim
Creation vs. Evolution: What Every Catholic Should Know by Bermingham, Eric
No Cross, No Crown: Black Nuns in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans by Deggs, Sister Mary Bernard
Short History of the Catholic Church by Bickers, Bernard, Holmes, J. Derek
Horizons of the Sacred by
Catholic Reformation in Ireland: The Mission of Rinuccini 1645-1649 by Ó. Hannracháin, Tadhg
Religion, Politics and Preferment in France Since 1890: La Belle Epoque and Its Legacy by Larkin, Maurice
The Church in Italy in the Fifteenth Century: The Birkbeck Lectures 1971 by Hay, Denys
Church and State in Bourbon Mexico by Brading, D. A.
To Desire Eternal Life: Hope Yesterday and Today. by de Vogüé, Adalbert
Why Catholic? by Pasquini, John
No Longer Slaves: Galatians and African American Experience by Braxton, Brad Ronnell
Toward a New Catholic Church: The Promise of Reform by Carroll, James
The Scripture Documents: An Anthology of Official Catholic Teachings by Bechard, Dean P.
The Christians of Pakistan: The Passion of Bishop John Joseph by Walbridge, Linda
The Resurrection of the Roman Catholic Church: A Guide to the Traditional Catholic Community by Ruby, Griff
The Resurrection of the Roman Catholic Church: A Guide to the Traditional Catholic Community by Ruby, Griff
Saint Benedict: Rule for Beginners: Selected Writings from the Rule with a Commentary by
Dorothy Day: Writings from Commonweal by
Devotion to the Holy Spirit by Anonymous
Devotion to the Sorrowful Mother by The Benedictine Convent of Clyde Missouri
The School of Jesus Crucified: The Lessons of Calvary in Daily Catholic Life by Side, Ignatius Of
Homilies on Joshua by Origen
Religion in America by Tweed, Thomas A.
Handbook for Today's Catholic Children by O'Connor, Francine
Josef Fuchs on Natural Law by Graham, Mark
No Man Is an Island by Merton, Thomas
The Secrets of Jesuit Soupmaking: A Year of Our Soups by Curry, Rick
Catholic: A Scriptural, Historical, and Catechetical Study of Catholic Christianity by Pasquini, John J.
Rethinking Purpose of Business: Interdisciplinary Essays from the Catholic Social Tradition by
Rethinking Purpose of Business: Interdisciplinary Essays from the Catholic Social Tradition by
God Aboveground: Catholic Church, Postsocialist State, and Transnational Processes in a Chinese Village by Lozada, Eriberto P.
The Church Women Want Catholic Women in Dialogue by
Contemplatives in Action: The Jesuit Way by Doherty, Robert G., Barry, William A.
America's Bishop: The Life and Times of Fulton J. Sheen by Reeves, Thomas C.
Challenging the Modern World: Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II and the Development of Catholic Social Teaching by Gregg, Samuel
Marian Apparitions by Foley, Donal Anthony
Marian Apparitions by Foley, Donal Anthony
Angelic Spirituality: Medieval Perspectives on the Ways of Angels by
The Sign of Jonas by Merton, Thomas
The Sign of Jonas by Merton, Thomas
Walking Shoes A Soul Journey by Tracey, Michael
Walking Shoes A Soul Journey by Tracey, Michael
Liturgy, Sanctity and History in Tridentine Italy: Pietro Maria Campi and the Preservation of the Particular by Ditchfield, Simon
Wisdom of the Little Flower Thérèse of Lisieux: Bearer of Western Spirituality by Stertenbrink, Rudolph
Thomas Aquinas: Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives by
A Short History of the Papacy in the Middle Ages by Ullmann, Walter
Changing Patterns of Authority and Leadership: Developments in the Roman Catholic Church in Zimbabwe by Gundani, Paul Henry