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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Catholicism in 2004

Newman the Oratorian: Oratory Papers (1846 - 1878) by Newman, John Henry
Newman the Oratorian: Oratory Papers (1846 - 1878) by Newman, John Henry
Priests, Prelates and People: A History of European Catholicism Since 1750 by Atkin, Nicholas, Tallett, Frank
American Catholics and Civic Engagement: A Distinctive Voice by Steinfels, Margaret O'Brien
Pequeno Libro de Oraciones by Lovasik, Lawrence G.
A Morally Complex World: Engaging Contemporary Moral Theology by Bretzke, James T.
If God Be With Us: The Maxims of St Philip Neri by Neri, Saint Philip
Dogma: The Church as Sacrament by Schmaus, Michael
Companion to the Liturgy of the Hours: Morning and Evening Prayer by Darcus Sullivan, Shirley
The Rosary in Space and Time by Rees, Ruth
The Illustrated Rosary: Page by Page and Bead by Bead by Bush Taylor, Gigi
The Illustrated Rosary by Hoagland, Victor
The Life of St. Gemma Galgani by Germanus
St. Joseph Atlas of the Bible: 79 Full-Color Maps of Bible Lands with Photos, Charts, and Diagrams by Dowley, Tim
Blessed Sacrament Novenas: Arranged for Private Prayer by Lovasik, Lawrence G.
The Secret of the Rosary by Grignion de Montfort, St Louis
My Rosary Novena by Lovasik, Lawrence G.
Psalms-OE-Saint Joseph by Catholic Book Publishing Corp
Libro de Bolsillo de Oraciones Catolicas by Lovasik, Lawrence G.
Select Orations by St Gregory of Nazianzus
Inspirational Thoughts for Every Day: Minute Meditations for Every Day Containing a Scripture, Reading, a Reflection, and a Prayer by Donaghy, Thomas J.
The Mystery of Faith: An Introduction to Catholicism by Himes, Michael J., Himes, Michael
Taught to Believe the Unbelievable: A New Vision of Hope for the Catholic Church and Society by Kelly P. B. V. M., Sister Jane
The Book of Werewolves by Baring-Gould, S.
Folklore Of Scottish Lochs And Springs by Mackinlay, James M.
Freaks of Fanaticism and Other Strange Events by Baring-Gould, S.
The Book of Werewolves by Baring-Gould, Sabine
Science and Theology: Ruminations on the Cosmos by
The Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary by Anonymous
The Darkness Did Not by Biersach, William L.
Lay Leaders of Worship: A Practical and Spiritual Guide by Brown, Kathleen H.
The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: From the Visions of Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich by Emmerich
Rut: Un Estudio Exegetico, Verso Por Verso, del Lenguage Original by Orona, Antonio M., Orona, Antonio
Pope John XXII and His Franciscan Cardinal: Bertrand de la Tour and the Apostolic Poverty Controversy by Nold, Patrick
The Conciliarist Tradition: Constitutionalism in the Catholic Church 1300-1870 by Oakley, Francis
Missing Mary: The Queen of Heaven and Her Re-Emergence in the Modern Church by Spretnak, C.
Trinity: A New Living Spirituality by Girzone, Joseph F.
Great Ideas, Gentle as Doves: Reflections on Catholic Social Teachings by Brown, Timothy
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets by Theodore of Mopsuestia
Rapture: The End-Times Error That Leaves the Bible Behind by Currie, David
The Lion and the Lamb: Evangelicals and Catholics in America by Shea, William M.
Our Inheritance: An Account of The Eucharist Service in the First Three Centuries by Baring-Gould, S.
The Life You Save May Be Your Own: An American Pilgrimage by Elie, Paul
Gifts of Grace: A Gathering of Personal Encounters with the Virgin Mary by Jensen, Lone
The Faith of Our Fathers by Gibbons, James Cardinal
Stewards of God's Mysteries: Priestly Spirituality in a Changing Church by Philibert, Paul
Belonging to God: A Personal Training Guide for the Deeper Catholic Spiritual Life by Murphy, Charles
Then and Now Bible Maps: Compare Bible Times with Modern Day by Research, Rw
A Good Life: Benedict's Guide to Everyday Joy by Benson, Robert
Juana Inés de la Cruz and the Theology of Beauty: The First Mexican Theology by Tavard, George H.
Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul by Kowalska, Maria Faustina
Do Penance or Perish: Magdalen Asylums in Ireland by
Discussions and Arguments on Various Subjects by Newman, John Henry Cardinal
St. Caesarius: Sermons, Volume 3 (187-238) by St Caesarius of Arles
Rome in America: Transnational Catholic Ideology from the Risorgimento to Fascism by D'Agostino, Peter R.
The Future of Man by De Chardin, Teilhard
The Art of Loving God by De Sales, Francisco
Called to Be a Priest: An autobiography of Fr. Tony by Peters, Tony
Reconciling Catholicism and Feminism: Personal Reflections on Tradition and Change by
Who Do You Say That I Am: Confessing the Mystery of Christ by
The Catholic Church and Russia: Popes, Patriarchs, Tsars and Commissars by Dunn, Dennis J.
Convents and Nuns in Eighteenth-Century French Politics and Culture by Choudhury, Mita
Concilium 2004/2: Re-Thinking Europe by
Formed in the Image of Christ: The Sacramental-Moral Theology of Bernard Haring, C.Ss.R. by Cahalan, Kathleen a.
From the Heart of the Church: The Catholic Social Tradition by Merkle, Judith A.
St Thomas Becket by Green, Michael
The Thomas Keating Reader: Selected Writings from the Contemplative Outreach Newsletter by Keating, Thomas
African Christianity Rises Volume One: A Critical Study of the Catholicism of the Igbo People of Nigeria by Ihenacho, David Asonye
African Christianity Rises Volume Two: Eucharistic Inculturation in Igbo Catholicism by Ihenacho, David Asonye
The Deposit of Faith: What the Catholic Church Really Believes: Jesus Teaching Divine Revelation in his Body, the Church by Kevane, Eugene
The Deposit of Faith: What the Catholic Church Really Believes: Jesus Teaching Divine Revelation in his Body, the Church by Kevane, Eugene
Black and Catholic in Omaha: A Case of Double Jeopardy: The First Fifty Years of St. Benedict the Moor Parish by Angus, Jack D.
The Instructor V1 by Alexandria, Clement Of
Origen Against Celsus V8 by Origen
Treatises Attributed To Cyprian On Questionable Authority by Cyprian
Irenaeus Against Heresies V5 by Irenaeus
Old Mission Stories Of California by Carter, Charles Franklin
Irenaeus Against Heresies V4 by Irenaeus
Memoirs Of James Robert Hope-Scott Volume 2 by Ornsby, Robert
The Life Of St. Frances Of Rome And Others by Fullerton, Georgiana
The Life And Legends Of Saint Francis Of Assisi by Chalippe, Father Candide
The Provincial Letters by Pascal, Blaise
The Dolorous Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Emmerich, Anna Catherine
Commentary On The Apocalypse Of The Blessed John by Victorinus
Orthodoxy by Chesterton, G. K.
The Crimes Of England by Chesterton, G. K.
Behold the Lamb of God: A Treasury of Catholic Truths, Teachings and Traditions by Miron, Patrick J.
The Life of Saint Frances De Chantal by Jones, C. A.
Siena, Civil Religion and the Sienese by Parsons, Gerald
The Coming Catholic Church: How the Faithful Are Shaping a New American Catholicism by Gibson, David
The Letters of Peter Damian, 121-150 by Peter Damian
The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich by Emmerich
Prayer in All Things: A Saint Benedict's, Saint John's Prayer Book by
The Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich: 2 Volume Set by Schmoger, K. E.
The Interior Castle by Avila, Teresa Of
Handbook for Today's Catholic: Revised Edition by Mudd, John
Brother Andre of Saint Joseph's Oratory by Gregory, William H.
Brother Andre of Saint Joseph's Oratory by Gregory, William H.
Wolfe and Montcalm by Casgrain, The ABBE H. R.
Apologia Pro Vita Sua Being A History of his Religious Opinions by Newman, John Henry Cardinal
Seasons in the Word: Liturgical Homilies: Year A by Sandell, John
Hearing the Word of God: Reflections on the Sunday Readings: Year A by Donahue, John R.
The Cultural World of the Prophets: The First Reading and the Responsorial Psalm: Sunday by Sunday, Year A by Pilch, John J.
A Struggle for Holy Ground: Reconciliation and the Rites of Parish Closure by Weldon, Michael
Cardinal Bernardin's Stations of the Cross: Transforming Our Grief and Loss Into a New Life by Kennedy, Eugene
View from the Altar Reflections on the Rapidly Changing Catholic Priesthood by Bleichner, Howard
The Book of the Gospels (Large Print Edition) by Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
The Papal Reform of the Eleventh Century: Lives of Pope Leo IX and Pope Gregory VII by
Healing His Wounded Church: A Catholic Layman's Perspective by Black, John Walter
Healing His Wounded Church: A Catholic Layman's Perspective by Black, John Walter
The Sufferings of John Coustos for Freemasonry and for His Refusing to Turn Roman Catholic in the Inquisition at Lisbon by Coustos, John
The Art of Divine Love or Berthe Petit by Rev Louis M Shouriah
A People Adrift: The Crisis of the Roman Catholic Church in America by Steinfels, Peter
Catholicism and American Freedom: A History by McGreevy, John T.
A Prayer Book of Catholic Devotions: Praying the Seasons and Feasts of the Church Year by Storey, William G.
Bridging the Great Divide: Musings Og a Post-Liberal, Post Conservative Evangelical Catholic by Barron, Robert
The Rule of St. Benet by Benedict, Saint Abbot of Monte Cassino
Knights of Columbus a Guide for Officers First Degree Ritual by
An Account of the Life and Writings of St. Irenaeus Bishop of Lyons and Martyr by Beaven, James
The Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist: A Sermon Preached Before the University in the Cathedral Church of Christ in Oxford on the Second Sunday by Pusey, Edward Bouverie
The Myroure of Oure Ladye Containing a Devotional Treatise on Divine Service with a Translation of the Offices Used by the Sisters of the Brigittine M by
An Account of the Life and Writings of St. Irenaeus Bishop of Lyons and Martyr by Beaven, James
Divine Revolution by Brackley, Dean Sj
Monsignor Romero: A Bishop for the Third Millennium by
Lifting the Burden: Reading Matthew's Gospel in the Church Today by Byrne, Brendan
Primary Readings on the Eucharist by Fisch, Thomas
Many Faces, One Church: Cultural Diversity and the American Catholic Experience by
Prophecy, Miracles, Angels & Heavenly Light?: The Eschatology, Pneumatology and Missiology of Adomnan's Life of Columbia by Bruce, James
A Treasury of Quotations on the Spiritual Life: St. Catherine of Siena Volume 3 by McClernon, John
A Mother's Rule of Life: How to Bring Order to Your Home and Peace to Your Soul by Pierlot, Holly
A Church That Can and Cannot Change: The Development of Catholic Moral Teaching by Noonan, John T.
Origen and His Work by de Faye, Eugene
Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola: The Very Elegant Speech on the Dignity of Man 1940 by
The Great Message 1925 by Van Der Naillen, Albert
The Way of Truth 1925 by Zichy, Countess Bela
On Prayer: Spiritual Instructions on the Various States of Prayer According to the Doctrine of Bossuet Bishop of Meaux 1931 by de Caussade, Jean Pierre
In the Light of the Supernatural or Some Difficulties in Christian Theology Removed 1930 by Como, John F.
Early English Instructions and Devotions by Hodgson, Geraldine E.
Progressive Redemption: The Catholic Church its Functions and Offices in the World by Sampson, Reverend Holden E.
Martyrdom and Memory: Early Christian Culture Making by Castelli, Elizabeth
Within the Market Strife: American Catholic Economic Thought from Rerum Novarum to Vatican II by Schmiesing, Kevin
The New Anti-Catholicism: The Last Acceptable Prejudice by Jenkins, Philip
One with God: Salvation as Deification and Justification by Karkkainen, Veli-Matti
Selected Sermons, Volume 2 by St Peter Chrysologus
The Catholic Verses: 95 Bible Passages That Confound Protestants by Armstrong, Dave
Apostolicity Then and Now: An Ecumenical Church in a Postmodern World by Burkhard, John J.
Queen of the Cosmos: Interviews with the Visionaries of Medjugorje by Connell, Janice T.
Still Interpreting Vatican II: Some Hermeneutical Principles by Rush, Ormond
Orthodoxy by Chesterton, G. K.
Living Peace: A Spirituality of Contemplation and Action by Dear, John
Heirs of the Fisherman: Behind the Scenes of Papal Death and Succession by Pham, John-Peter
The Jesuits: A Historical Sketch by Grinfield, Edward
A Catholic Dictionary Containing Some Account of the Doctrine, Discipline, Rites, Ceremonies, Councils and Religious Orders of the Catholic Church Par by Addis, William E., Arnold, Thomas
What's Wrong With The World by Chesterton, Gilbert
The Flatey Book And Recently Discovered Vatican Manuscripts Concerning America As Early As The Tenth Century by Anonymous
A Catholic Dictionary Containing Some Account of the Doctrine, Discipline, Rites, Ceremonies, Councils and Religious Orders of the Catholic Church Par by Arnold, Thomas, Addis, William E.
S. Augustine's Canterbury: Its Rise, Ruin, And Restoration by Maclear, G. F.
Popery As It Was And As It Is by Hogan, William
Socialism And Catholicism by Soderini, Edward
Many Faces, One Church: Cultural Diversity and the American Catholic Experience by
Popery As It Was And As It Is by Hogan, William
Consuming Visions: Mass Culture and the Lourdes Shrine by Kaufman, Suzanne K.
Vincent de Paul: The Trailblazer by Pujo, Bernard
The Essential Catholic Handbook: A Summary of Beliefs, Practices, and Prayers Revised and Updated by Mudd, John
Risking the Church: The Challenges of Catholic Faith by Lennan, Richard
Rosary in Book Form by Gioia, Steve
Innocent III and the Crown of Aragon: The Limits of Papal Authority by Smith, Damian J.
Lordship, Reform, and the Development of Civil Society in Medieval Italy: The Bishopric of Orvieto, 1100-1250 by Foote, David
Lordship, Reform, and the Development of Civil Society in Medieval Italy: The Bishopric of Orvieto, 1100-1250 by Foote, David