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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Catholicism in 2019

Sociological Perspectives on Clerical Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Hierarchy: An Exploratory Structural Analysis of Social Disorganisation by O. Ballano, Vivencio
A Newman Reader by Newman, John Henry
A Time to Hope: Finding Encouragement in Prayer and Ministry by Castley, Paul
Abécédaire mal-pensant: Manuel de combat du traditionalisme révolutionnaire by Stormay, Jean-Jacques
Pour un fascisme thomiste: Commentaire de 'La Doctrine du fascisme' de Benito Mussolini by Le Carpentier, Louis
Amid Passing Things: Life, Prayer, and Relationship with God by Shryock, Jeremiah Myriam
St. Robert Bellarmine by McAfee, Shaun
The Way of Love: The Path of Inner Transformation by Chervin, Ronda
Overcoming Spiritual Discouragement: The Wisdom and Spiritual Power of Venerable Bruno Lanteri by Gallagher, Fr Timothy
12 Life Lessons from St. Thomas Aquinas: Timeless Spiritual Wisdom for Our Turbulent Times by Vost, Kevin
Die Lanzenstichszene bei Augustinus. Beobachtungen zur augustinischen Rezeption von Joh 19,31-37 by Bossuyt, Ann-Christin
Discovering Pope Francis: The Roots of Jorge Mario Bergoglio's Thinking by
Die Verhandlung des Erbsünden-Dekrets auf dem Konzil von Trient: Aufbau, Inhalt und Canones des Erbsünden-Dekrets by Bossuyt, Ann-Christin
Saints Who Saw Hell: And Other Catholic Witnesses to the Fate of the Damned by Thigpen, Paul
Heavenly Portrait: The Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe by Caranci, Paul F.
The Warning: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience by Watkins, Christine
We Are Called to be Companions of the Cross by Bedard, CC Bob
AMPLEFORTH COLLEGE. The Emergence of Ampleforth College as 'the Catholic Eton': 'We Must Look to Ampleforth for the Lead' by Galliver, Peter
The Flowing Grace of Now: Encountering Wisdom Through the Weeks of the Year by Wiederkehr, Macrina
The Hours of Our Lady (Annotated): The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Garlits, Jim
Made for Mission: Renewing Your Parish Culture by Glemkowski, Tim
Milo Chronicles: Devotions 2016 - 2019 by Brown, Rachel Fulton
Start with Jesus: How Everyday Disciples Will Renew the Church by Stanz, Julianne
The Lay Saint: Charity and Charismatic Authority in Medieval Italy, 1150-1350 by Doyno, Mary Harvey
Newman's Oxford: The Places and Buildings associated with Saint John Henry Newman during his years in Oxford 1816-1846 by Bertram Cong Orat, Jerome
The Ancient Calendar of the Maronite Church by Ibn Al-Qola'i, Gebrail
Eyewitnesses: Biblical Foundations in Christian Spirituality by Horn Sj, John
The Pope and the Pill: Sex, Catholicism and Women in Post-War England by Geiringer, David
My Body Given for You: History and Theology of the Eucharist by Hoping, Helmut
The Meaning of the Eucharist: Voices from the Twentieth Century by Billy C. Ss R., Dennis
Modernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos by Kozinski, Thaddeus J.
Modernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos by Kozinski, Thaddeus J.
Something to Start From: Proceedings of the New York Encounter 2019 by New York Encounter
The Eightfold Kingdom Within: Essays on the Beatitudes & The Gifts of the Holy Ghost by Robinson, Carol Jackson
Created for Love: Reflections for the Catholic Bride-To-Be by Langr, Chloe
Geritikon: Volume 1 by Monastery, St George
Roman Incense: Journey to God by Bellusci, David
Fe, Pobreza y Desarrollo: Principios y Prácticas del Desarrollo Transformador by Myers, Bryant
The Story of St. Francis of Assisi: In Twenty-Eight Scenes by Verdon, Timothy
Mysteries of the Rosary: Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries by Emmerich
Art and Prayer: The Beauty of Turning to God by Verdon, Timothy
The Liturgy of Marriage: Building your relationship with the Rite stuff by Heck, Timothy a.
Gerontikon: Volume 1 by Monastery, St George
Evergetinos: Volume 1 by Monastery, St George
The Noble Martyr: A Spiritual Biography of St Philip Howard by Plunkett, Dudley
Laywomen and the Making of Colonial Catholicism in New Spain, 1630-1790 by Delgado, Jessica L.
Gerontikon: Volume 1 by Monastery, St George
The Ways of Mental Prayer by Lehodey, Vitalis O. C. R., Lehodey, Vitalis, Lehodey, O. C. R. Vitalis
Integral Ecology for a More Sustainable World: Dialogues with Laudato Si' by
A Beginner's Guide to the Traditional Latin Mass by Little, Derya
Ressourcement After Vatican II: Essays in Honor of Joseph Fessio, S.J. by Levering, Matthew
A Beginner's Guide to the Traditional Latin Mass by Little, Derya
Miracles Exist in Today's World by Kania, Danuta
Encountering Mother Teresa by Schaefer, Linda
Prayer to Saint Michael: Illustrated by Tabone, Karina
A Progressive Voice in the Catholic Church in the United States: Association of Pittsburgh Priests, 1966-2019 by McDonald, Arthur J.
A Progressive Voice in the Catholic Church in the United States: Association of Pittsburgh Priests, 1966-2019 by McDonald, Arthur J.
Prayer to Saint Michael: Illustrated by Tabone, Karina
Irrepetible: Cultivando el llamado único de cada persona by Burgis, Luke, Miller, Joshua
Journey of Faith: A Bridge Between God and Man by Money, Richard A.
Tithing for Catholics by Williams, Derek
Within the Womb of God: From the Journals and Writings of Dianne Wultzen Kelter, Certified Pastoral Minister and Life Coach by Kelter, Dianne Wultzen
The Eyes of God: Living Discernment by Brian, Gallagher
The Life of Mary As Seen By the Mystics by Brown, Raphael
Within the Womb of God: From the Journals and Writings of Dianne Wultzen Kelter, Certified Pastoral Minister and Life Coach by Kelter, Dianne Wultzen
Pilgrims and Popes: A Concise History of Pre-Reformation Christianity in the West by Brandner, Tobias
The Life of Mary As Seen By the Mystics by Brown, Raphael
Street Homelessness and Catholic Theological Ethics by
In Quest of Catholicity: Malachi Martin Responds to Wolfgang Smith by Martin, Malachi, Smith, Wolfgang
Compendium of the Miraculous: An Encyclopedia of Revelation, Marian Apparitions, and Mystical Phenomena by Graham, Albert E.
The Long Loneliness in Baltimore: Stories Along the Way by Walsh, Brendan, Bickham, Willa
Our Lady of Fatima: The Graphic Novel by Tan Books
Christmas Family Prayer by Prestera Jr, Deacon Michael R.
The lives of the British saints; the saints of Wales and Cornwall and such Irish saints as have dedications in Britain (Volume III) by Fisher, John, Baring-Gould, S.
Ojibwe, Activist, Priest: The Life of Father Philip Bergin Gordon, Tibishkogijik by Lewandowski, Tadeusz
Cuatro Rosarios: Para Una Sanación Integral by Jamut, Gustavo
Simply Mary: Meditations on the Real Life of the Mother of Christ by Prothero, James
Simply Mary: Meditations on the Real Life of the Mother of Christ by Prothero, James
Upper West Side Catholics: Liberal Catholicism in a Conservative Archdiocese by Shelley, Thomas J.
First and Second Thessalonians by Eubank, Nathan
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux: Story of a Life by Gaucher, Guy
Choosing Life in Christ A Vocation to Holiness: A Retreat (Part of The Art of Spiritual Life Series) by Kleinguetl, Edward
Le "changement de paradigme" du Pape François: continuité ou rupture dans la mission de l'Église ?: Bilan des cinq premières années de son pontificat by Ureta, Jose Antonio
Franciscan Friars: Coast to Coast by Robinson, Jack
The Powerless Church and Other Selected Writings, 1955-1985 by Illich, Ivan
Sanctum Sanctorum: On the One Whose Name Is Holy by Roberts, Justin Mandela
Sanctum Sanctorum: On the One Whose Name Is Holy by Roberts, Justin Mandela
Franciscan Friars: Coast to Coast by Robinson, Jack Clark
Preguntas y Respuestas: Sobre el Noviazgo Católico by Garcia, Rey David, Tuarez, Maria Jose
Two Popes by McCarten, Anthony
To Light a Fire on the Earth: Proclaiming the Gospel in a Secular Age by Barron, Robert, Allen, John L.
Pope Francis, Conscience of the World: Building Needed Bridges in a Troubled World by Raymaker, John, Grudzen, Gerald
Inspired Messages From Jesus by Noordhoek, Irene
Dark Halo: The Whore of Babylon Revealed by Coutant, Christopher
Un Pesebre en tu Corazón: Reflexiones de Navidad y Año Nuevo by Pérez, Mauricio I.
Mitre and Crook (Catholic Traditionalist Classics) by Houghton, Bryan
Come Forward!: Bold Enough to Heal by Dowling, Jane N.
Flawless: Looking for Stardom - Finding Jesus by Kulczycka, Victoria
Mitre and Crook (Catholic Traditionalist Classics) by Houghton, Bryan
The Martyrdom Of Saint Mercurius The General (Large Print Edition) by Press, St Shenouda
Festivals of the Melkites by Al-Biruni, Abu Raihan
Transubstantiation: Theology, History, and Christian Unity by Salkeld, Brett
Single for a Greater Purpose: A Hidden Joy in the Catholic Church by Zurlo, Luanne
Sacred Braille: The Rosary as Masterpiece through Art, Poetry, and Reflection by Moseley, Annabelle
Ceremonies Explained for Servers: A Manual for Altar Servers, Acolytes, Sacristans, and Masters of Ceremonies by Elliott, Peter J.
My Sunday Missal: 1962 Latin Mass by Stedman, Joseph F.
Place of Pilgrimage: Fátima Experienced by Ignatius, Michael
In Praise of Life by DeMarco, Donald
How to Flourish in a Fallen World by DeMarco, Donald
Place of Pilgrimage: Fátima Experienced by Ignatius, Michael
Waiting with Purpose: Persevering When God Says 'Not Yet' by Ewing, Jeannie
Memorize the Mass!: How to Know and Love the Mass as if your Life depended on It by Vost, Kevin
The Catholic Runner: 30 Days of Motivation and Inspiration by Easterly, Chris
Mary, the Beloved by Berube, Keith
Mission to Kilimanjaro: The Founding History of a Catholic Mission in East Africa by Le Roy, Alexandre
Mission to Kilimanjaro: The Founding History of a Catholic Mission in East Africa by Le Roy, Alexandre
Asian Catholic Women: Movements, Mission, and Vision by Nguyen, Thao
Meditations in the Upper Room by Gordon, Charles Jason
Conciliar Octet: A Concise Commentary on the Eight Key Texts of the Second Vatican Council by Nichols, Aidan
Canticle of Returning by Brown, William J.
Fun is Not Enough: The Complete 'Catholic Eye' Columns by Canavan Sj, Francis
Police Ethics and Catholic Christianity: Lying and Related Ethical Issues within Policing by Dixon, Paul
Towards Calvary: The Stations of the Cross in Everyday Life by Nguyen, Khoi
The Life of Jesus Christ: Part One, Volume 2, Chapters 41-92 Volume 282 by Ludolph of Saxony
Still Listening to the Spirit: Woman and Man Twenty Years Later by
The Way of the Cross with St. John Paul II by Niba, Father Herbert
Praying the Rosary with Saints: Historical Perspective and the View of Saints by Paul, Mary
Leisure and Labor: Essays on the Liberal Arts in Catholic Higher Education by
Prayers Before the Eucharist by Newman, John Henry
Der "Konzilspapst" Johannes XXIII. und seine Bedeutung für das II. Vatikanische Konzil by Niagne, Anne-Catherine
Deacons Today: New Wine & New Wineskins by Gooley, Anthony
Two Books: Paradox and the Christian Faith & Hippie Convert by Kurt, James H.
Yhwh: Order of the Divine NAME by Kurt, James H.
The Church in Pluralist Society: Social and Political Roles by
The Church in Pluralist Society: Social and Political Roles by
A Devotional Alphabet: Sixty-second meditations for women to guide them on their faith journey by Schisler, Amy
Prier le chapelet et aimer ça !: Guide de méditation du rosaire et de ses mystères by Finet, V.
St. Joseph Missal Annual 2020 Canadian Edition: Prayerbook and Hymnal for 2020 Canada by
Breathed Into Wholeness: Catholicity and Life in the Spirit by Frohlich, Mary
Conversion of King Mirian by St. Nino by Mroveli, Leonti
Rome's Audacious Claim: Should Every Christian Be Subject to the Pope? by Pavao, Paul
Ecological Theology of Liberation: Salvation and Political Ecology by Castillo, Daniel P.
Reclaiming Sundays Pray, Play, Serve, Rest, Refresh, and Celebrate by Cooper O'Boyle, Donna-Marie
Victorian Cosmopolitanism and English Catholicity in the Mid-Century Novel by Traver, Teresa Huffman
Encounter Jesus!: Transforming Catholic Culture in Crisis by Doane, Peter M.
Encounter Jesus!: Transforming Catholic Culture in Crisis by Doane, Peter M.
Becoming Holy, One Virtue at a Time: A Guide to Living the Theological and Cardinal Virtues (Stay Connected Journals for Catholic Women) by Estabrooks, Sara
Liberalism: A Critique of Its Basic Principles and Various Forms (Newly Revised English Translation) by Billot, S. J. Louis Cardinal
Catholic Social Teaching as Theology by Catta, Grégoire
Catholic Doctrines on Jews After the Second Vatican Council by D'Costa, Gavin
God's Word: Scripture, Tradition, Office by Benedict XVI, Pope
Sayings of the Desert Fathers of Mt Sinai by Monastery, St George
The Marvels of Creation by Grenada, Louis Of
On Job, Volume 1 by St Albert the Great
I'm Catholic. Now What? by McAfee, Shaun
Breaking the Chains of Mediocrity: Carol Robinson's Marianist Articles by Robinson, Carol Jackson
Vida de la Virgen (3): Según María Jesús de Ágreda en la Mística Ciudad de Dios by de Ágreda, María Jesús
A Catholic's Guide to Essential Oils by Warner, Christopher
Saints and Feasts by Varner, Delphina
The Great Siege of Malta: The History of the Battle for the Mediterranean Island Between the Ottoman Empire and Knights Hospitaller by Charles River
The How to Pray Handbook by Author, Thomas Crehan
The Great Siege of Malta: The History of the Battle for the Mediterranean Island Between the Ottoman Empire and Knights Hospitaller by Charles River
Integral Human Development: Challenges to Sustainability and Democracy by
Integral Human Development: Challenges to Sustainability and Democracy by
Lives of the Saints: Volume IV (Octoberl - December) by Ruszala, Michael J., North, Wyatt
In Search of the Sacred Image by Nichols, Op Aidan
Conversion to Catholicism in Early Modern Italy by Mazur, Peter A.
Pope Innocent II (1130-43): The World vs the City by
Political Catholicism and Euroscepticism: The Deviant Case of Poland in Comparative Perspective by Napieralski, Bartosz
On The Incarnation: Pathways To The Past by Athanasius
The Construction of Reformed Identity in Jean Crespin's Livre des Martyrs: All The True Christians by Tucker, Jameson
Los Arcángeles by North, Wyatt
The Way of a Pilgrim and the Pilgrim Continues His Way by Monastery, St George, Skoubourdis, Anna
Hand of Friendship: Love Looking Upward by Isugu B. Phil, Francis Bestman
Faith That Dares to Speak by Cozzens, Donald B.
Sermons on the Song of Songs, Volume 3: Volume 26 by Gilbert of Hoyland
Suspect Saints and Holy Heretics: Disputed Sanctity and Communal Identity in Late Medieval Italy by Peterson, Janine Larmon
History of St. John the Baptist by Pseudo-Mark the Evangelist
The Gentle Traditionalist Returns: A Catholic Knight's Tale from Ireland by Buck, Roger
The Gentle Traditionalist Returns: A Catholic Knight's Tale from Ireland by Buck, Roger
Grace Notes by Doyle, Brian
Liberal Religion: Progressive versions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam by de Kadt, Emanuel
Catholic Daily Prayer book With Jesus: Effective Prayers that Brings Quick Result. by Young, Harrison
Discipleship Parenting: Planting the Seeds of Faith by Cameron-Smith, Kim
The Way of Benedict: Eight Blessings for Lent by Johns, Laurentia
Ecclesiology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium by
Ecclesiology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium by
A Practical Field Guide for Bush Catholics...and bushed Catholics by de Haas, Peter
The Catholic Red Pill: A Guide for Men by Deprisco, James a.
Covenant and Communion: The Biblical Theology of Pope Benedict XVI by Hahn, Scott W.
The alliance of divine offices by L'Estrange, Hamon
Magnify: pursuing virtue as a feminine genius by Brown, Kaylene M.
Holy Abandonment by Lehodey, Vital
Eating Together, Becoming One: Taking Up Pope Francis's Call to Theologians by O'Loughlin, Thomas
The Good News According to Jesus by Blosser, Donald
Truly Seeking God by Bonowitz, Bernard