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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Catholicism in 2022

Pastoral Dynamo: From the Perspective of Saint John Neumann by Boever, Richard
The Letters of Pope Leo III by Pope Leo III
Being Claimed by the Eucharist We Celebrate: A Spiritual Narrative for Priests and Deacons by Detisch, Scott P.
Summa Libertas: A Compendium on Faith and Freedom by Aquinas, St Thomas, Leo XIII, Pope
The Companion Book of Catholic Days: A Guide to Feasts, Saints, Holy Days, and Seasons by Edmisten, Karen
Scriptural Novena to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament by Serratelli, Arthur J.
The Church: Paradox and Mystery by De Lubac, Henri
Church as Field Hospital: Toward an Ecclesiology of Sanctuary by Brigham, Erin
The Sense of the Faith in History: Its Sources, Reception, and Theology by Burkhard, John J.
Ascent of the Mind to God: By the Ladder of Creation by Bellarmine, St Robert
Ascent of the Mind to God: By the Ladder of Creation by Bellarmine, St Robert
Benedict XVI: Defender of the Faith by Pearce, Joseph
Nabre, New American Bible, Revised Edition, Catholic Bible, First Communion Bible: New Testament, Leathersoft, Blue: Holy Bible by Catholic Bible Press
Nabre, New American Bible, Revised Edition, Catholic Bible, First Communion Bible: New Testament, Hardcover, White: Holy Bible by Catholic Bible Press
Nabre, New American Bible, Revised Edition, Catholic Bible, First Communion Bible: New Testament, Leathersoft, White: Holy Bible by Catholic Bible Press
Like Wind: When God Answers by Fronckowiak, Amanda
Garabandal and Its Secrets: The Warning and the Miracle of Garabandal, Like Nothing Before in History by Flynn, Ted
Foolishness to Gentiles: Essays on Empire, Nationalism, and Discipleship by Budde, Michael L.
Foolishness to Gentiles by Budde, Michael L.
Saint Mary of Egypt: A Modern Verse Life and Interpretation Volume 65 by Thurston, Bonnie B.
Victim of History: Cardinal Mindszenty a biography by Balogh, Margit
My Daily Visitor: Lent 2022 by Briscoe Op, Patrick Mary
La vie de sainte Marie-Madeleine et de sainte Marthe sa soeur: Un texte à verser au dossier de l'énigme de Rennes-le-Château by Maur, Raban, Faillon, Etienne-Michel
Cathonomics: How Catholic Tradition Can Create a More Just Economy by Annett, Anthony M.
The Best Sermons You've Never Heard: For All People: Volume 1 by Defrehn, George A.
The Life of Sts Maximus and Dometius (Large Print Edition) by
Faith of Our Fathers: A Brief History of Catholic Traditionalism in the United States, from Triumph to Traditionis Custodes by Chessman, Stuart
Faith of Our Fathers: A Brief History of Catholic Traditionalism in the United States, from Triumph to Traditionis Custodes by Chessman, Stuart
Immortal Latin by Martin, Marie-Madeleine
Foundations of a Catholic Political Order by Storck, Thomas
Catholic Culture in Early Modern England by
Catholic Progressives in England After Vatican II by Corrin, Jay P.
The Theology of Tariq Ramadan: A Catholic Perspective by Baum, Gregory
A Vision Quest by Dunne, John S.
The One and the Many: A Contemporary Thomistric Metaphysics by Clarke, W. Norris
Searching For Christ: The Spirituality of Dorothy Day by Merriman, Brigid O'Shea
Dust in the Blood: A Theology of Life with Depression by Coblentz, Jessica
The Book Of Saints And Friendly Beasts by Brown, Abbie Farwell
Bible Studies In The Life Of Paul: Historical And Constructive by Sell, Henry Thorne
Bolougne-Sur-Mer: St. Patrick's Native Town by Fleming, William Canon
Manière d'absoudre de l'hérésie by Krattman, Herman
Catéchisme national ou Code religieux, moral et civil by Hazard, Pierre-Nicolas-Joseph
The Remarkable Story of Paul the Apostle by Knijpenga, Siegwart
Unforgettable: How Remembering God's Presence in Our Past Brings Hope to Our Future by Floyd, Gregory
Unwanted Priest: The Autobiography of a Latin Mass Exile by Houghton, Bryan
Unwanted Priest: The Autobiography of a Latin Mass Exile by Houghton, Bryan
Healing Fractures in Contemporary Theology by
Healing Fractures in Contemporary Theology by
Pictures, Quotations, and Distinctions: Fourteen Essays in Phenomenology by Sokolowski, Robert
Immortal Latin by Martin, Marie-Madeleine
Jeanne d'Arc la Pucelle by De La Franquerie, Marquis
Foundations of a Catholic Political Order by Storck, Thomas
Rutilio Grande: Memory and Legacy of a Jesuit Martyr by Pineda, Ana María
Braided Lives: The Sisters of Mercy in Sacramento 1857-2008 by Doyle, Mary Katherine
Undoing the Knots: Five Generations of American Catholic Anti-Blackness by O'Connell, Maureen
Ever Ancient, Ever New: Why Younger Generations Are Embracing Traditional Catholicism by Dashiell, David
A Saint in the Slave Trade: Peter Claver (1581-1654) by Gihr D. D., Nicholaus
The Religion of Life: Eugenics, Race, and Catholicism in Chile by Walsh, Sarah
Dies Irae: The Sequence of the Mass for the Dead by Gihr D. D., Nicholaus
The Spirit of Catholicism by Boland Op, Vivian
The Lenten Cookbook by Hahn, Scott, Geiser, David
The Catholic Mass: Steps to Restore the Centrality of God in the Liturgy by Porfiri, Aurelio, Schneider, Bishop Athanasius
The Greatest Commandment: A Fulton Sheen Anthology on Love by Sheen, Archbishop Fulton
Theologia Psalmorum (Volume X) by Ogden, Matthew
Always Be Prepared: A 'New Apologetics' Course for Catholic Secondary Schools by Haddad, Robert M.
Empire and Emancipation: Scottish and Irish Catholics at the Atlantic Fringe, 1780-1850 by Kehoe, S. Karly
50 Years of Saints Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church by Bryan, Sylvia
Catholic Peacebuilding and Mining: Integral Peace, Development, and Ecology by
Misguided Morality: Catholic Moral Teaching in the Contemporary Church by Winter, Michael M.
Works of Asceticism by Skoubourdis, Anna, Of Gaza, Abba Dorotheos, Christina, Nun
Posting the Word: Chris Harris and the Story of Life Light Home Study Courses by Harris, Chris
Illuminate the Future: The Charism of Religious Life by
Oración de intercesión al santísimo Theotokos by Skoubourdis, Anna, Christina, Nun
Bien Predicada, La Gente Vendrá: Predicando la Palabra del Año A, B, y C, como le encanta al oyente by Samaniego, Eduardo a.
Bien Predicada, La Gente Vendrá: Predicando la Palabra del Año A, B, y C, como le encanta al oyente by Samaniego, Eduardo a.
Defend the Faith! by Haddad, Robert M.
St. Teresa of Avila's Nine Grades of Prayer by Leonard, Matthew, Mitch, Curtis
The Catholic Community in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by Corish, Patrick J.
Saint Michael and the Holy Angels: Their Relations with the Visible World by Soyer, Eugène
Madre Angelica Sobre La Vida de Cristo Y Nuestra Senora by Angelica, Mother
A Sign of Contradiction by Wojtyla, Karol
Our Mother's Messages to Michael by Heck, Kenneth
The Journal of The Black Catholic Theological Symposium Vol VII 2013 by
Repetition and Mythos by Boulter, Matthew R.
Repetition and Mythos by Boulter, Matthew R.
The Catholic Treasure Chest Treasury of Lent, Easter, and Springs Feasts Comics by Pflaum, George, Media, Golden Key, Kenney, Jeff
Father Rick Roamin' Catholic by Prashaw, Rick
Father Rick Roamin' Catholic by Prashaw, Rick
Become All Flame: Lent With African Saints by Gresham, Deacon John R.
Supplicatory Canon and Akathist to the Archangel Michael by Christina, Nun, Skoubourdis, Anna
The Heavens Are Telling the Glory of God: An Emerging Chapter for Religious Life; Science, Theology, and Mission by Brink, Laurie
A Sinner Reads the Bible: An (unofficial) Bible in a Year Daily Reader by Webb, Steve
Way to Inner Peace by Sheen, Fulton J.
Way to Inner Peace by Sheen, Fulton J.
Zygmunt Bauman and Pope Francis in Dialogue: The Labyrinth of Liquid Modernity by Polhuijs, Zeger
Principes de Mably sur la nécessité de la religion et d'un culte public by de Mably, Gabriel, Royer, Jean-Baptiste
Emblesmes Sacrez, Sur La Vie Et Les Miracles de Sainct François by Mathieu, Jean
Société de la morale chrétienne by Collectif
Les sept péchés capitaux. L'Avarice. La Gourmandise by Sue, Eugène
Réflexions et prières inédites by de Latouche, Henri
Suffocated by Church: A gay man's journey to freedom by Ward, Paul G.
Called into Light: Meditations with Bishop Richard Challoner for the Christian Year by Whiteaker, Stafford
Marriage, Family and the Church: A Boat with New Nets by Matthews, Pia
Preface to Religion by Sheen, Fulton J.
Revelation by Cory, Catherine Ann
A Lifetime of Love: A Game Plan for Marriage and Family Life by Holtz, Lou
Beginning Well: 7 Spiritual Practices for the First Year of Almost Anything by Stepanek, Joel
Preface to Religion by Sheen, Fulton J.
Restore: A Guided Lent Journal for Prayer and Meditation by Heidland Solt, Sr. Miriam James
Chronique de Nostradamus by Chaulveron, Laurent
Zwölf Argumente für den Austritt aus der katholischen Kirche: Eine Streitschrift by Jordan, Bruno
The Door of Faith: When Reason and Love Meet by Lanzetta, Serafino M.
Supplicatory Canon and Akathist to Saint George the Great Martyr by Skoubourdis, Anna, Christina, Nun
Chapters of Love: Love Stories with the Lord by Balaod, Raymond
Autobiography of an Old Breviary by Heuser, Herman J.
Autobiography of an Old Breviary by Heuser, Herman J.
Random Thoughts on Life & Love by Sevec, Judy
A Sacred Vertigo: Pilgrimage and Tourism in Rocamadour, France by Weibel, Deana L.
Knowing the Terror of the Lord by Lynch, Merienne
Sofferenze E Tesi Sul Purgatorio: Avvertimenti Profetici Per Il Nostro Tempo by Fernandes, Iveta Cleophas
Zwölf Argumente für den Austritt aus der katholischen Kirche: Eine Streitschrift by Jordan, Bruno
Catholic to the Core! by Husak-Tarnacki, Kathy
Catholic to the Core! by Husak-Tarnacki, Kathy
Zapomniana Moc Postu: Uzdrowienie, Uwolnienie, Radośc... by Siostra Emmanuel Maillard
A Service Book for the Orthodox-Catholic Church of America also Known as The White Book: Liturgies Approved by the General Synod of the Orthodox-Catho by
The Franciscans in Colonial Mexico by
Choosing Forgiveness: Unleash the Power of God's Grace by Berg, Fr Thomas, Lock, Timothy
St. Patrick's Day Coloring Book For Kids 4-8: A Fun Saint Patrick's Day Present With Leprechaun, Pots of Gold & Four-Leaf Clovers, Fun and Simple Imag by Press, Joss Institute
Catholics and Us Politics After the 2020 Elections: Biden Chases the 'Swing Vote' by
Searching for God, the Precious Treasure, in My Daily Life by Vu, Peter G.
Searching for God, the Precious Treasure, in My Daily Life by Vu, Peter G.
Consecration to St. Joseph: Year of St. Joseph Commemorative Edition: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father by Calloway, Donald H.
Irish and British Reflections on Catholic Education: Foundations, Identity, Leadership Issues and Religious Education in Catholic Schools by
True Obedience in the Church: A Guide to Discernment in Challenging Times by Kwasniewski, Peter
The Deceiver: Our Daily Struggle with Satan by Fanzaga, Livio
The Art of Dying Well by Bellarmine, St Robert
The Devil in the Castle: St. Teresa of Avila, Spiritual Warfare, and the Progress of the Soul by Burke, Dan
Glory Unto Glory: A Primer on Ascetical Theology by Kirby, Jeffrey
Glory Unto Glory: A Primer on Ascetical Theology by Kirby, Jeffrey
The Door of Faith: When Reason and Love Meet by Lanzetta, Serafino M.
Rising: Learning from Women's Leadership in Catholic Ministries by Woo, Carolyn Y.
On Pilgrimage: The Seventies by Day, Dorothy
Fathers of the Faith: Saint Irenaeus by Aquilina, Mike
The Beauty of a Soul by Mayle, Patricia
The Psychology of Character by Allers, Rudolf
Abide: A Pathway to Transformative Healing and Intimacy with Jesus by Khym, Heather
De Geestelijke Strijd by Scupoli, Lorenzo
Der Mythos Von Moralischen Akteuren: Von Norm- Und Interessengeleiteten Zielen Religiöser Nichtregierungsorganisationen Bei Den Vereinten Nationen by Beinlich, Ann-Kristin
To Give One's Life for the Work of Another by Giussani, Luigi
To Give One's Life for the Work of Another by Giussani, Luigi
The Life of the Venerable Louis de Ponte of the Society of Jesus by Anonymous
The Life of the Venerable Louis de Ponte of the Society of Jesus by Anonymous
Lord Jesus, I Want to See... by Vu, Peter G.
Christian Faith Explained in 50 Letters by Lohfink, Gerhard
Sermons on the Final Verses of the Song of Songs: Volume I by Ford, John Of
The Month of Saint Michael by De Boylesve, Marin
Guia Rapida de Los Sacramentos by Angelica, Mother
Unholy Scandal: Based on a True Story by Hornstra, Patti
The Sacred Heart of Jesus by De Boylesve, Marin
Brigid's Light: Tending the Ancestral Flame of the Beloved Celtic Goddess by
The Golden Legend or Lives of the Saints: Unabridged Premium Edition in Seven Volumes by De Voragine, Jacobus
The Life of Malchus by Skoubourdis, Anna, Jerome, Saint, Christina, Nun
Bioethical Challenges at the End of Life: An Ethical Guide in Catholic Perspective by Weimann, Ralph
Bioethical Challenges at the End of Life: An Ethical Guide in Catholic Perspective by Weimann, Ralph
A Work in Progress: Embracing the Life God Gave You by Hogan Werner MS Lcpc, Julia Marie
Catholicism for Dummies by Brighenti, Kenneth, Trigilio, John
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
Etudes religieuses, historiques et littéraires by Compagnie de Jesus
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