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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Central American History in 2019

Insurreccion Y Dialogo Con El Espejo: Nicaragua, 18 de Abril Al 19 de Julio, 2018 by Lacayo, Max L.
The Role of Female Combatants in the Nicaraguan Revolution and Counter Revolutionary War by Baltodano, Bruno M., Meráz García, Martín, Cottam, Martha L.
In Exchange for Gold: The Legacy and Sustainability of Artisanal Gold Mining in Las Juntas de Abangares, Costa Rica by Niesenbaum, Richard a., Elliott, Joseph E. B.
Prieto: Yorùbá Kingship in Colonial Cuba During the Age of Revolutions by Lovejoy, Henry B.
Prieto: Yorùbá Kingship in Colonial Cuba During the Age of Revolutions by Lovejoy, Henry B.
Diccionário geográfico estadístico del Perú: Contiene además la etimología Aymará y Quechua de las principales poblaciones. by Paz Soldan, Mariano Felipe
Mexiko. Erinnerungen einer Deutschen. by Trautz, Margarete
Las Antillas. Cuba, Puerto-Rico, La Martinica, Santo Domingo, Haiti, Jamaica, Guadalupe, San Thomas, Trinidad. by Cortón, António
La République Argentine, physique et économique. Préface d'E. Gautier. by Guilaine, Louis, Gautier, Émile
Una Visita a la colonias de la República Argentina. Tomado de la "Tribuna Nacional." Introducción de A. Lamas.] TOMO I by Lamas, Andrés, Peyret, Alexis
Apuntes para la historia de Honduras. by Vera, Robustiano
Chile Con Carne; or, the Camp and the Field. by Smith, S. Compton
Estudio de las razas humanas que han ido poblando sucesivamente la Isla de Cuba by Vidal y. Careta, Francisco
Elementos de historia de Costa Rica. by Montero Barrantes, Francisco
Ensayo sobre la historia del Rio de la Plata. by Pereira, Antonio N.
Historia de los gobernantes del Paraguay, 1535-1887. by Zinny, Antonio
Historia Argentina. by Pelliza, Mariano A.
Historia de Costa Rica durante la dominación española, 1502-1821. Editor D. R. Fernández Guardia. by Fernández Guardia, Ricardo, Fernández, León
Historia de los Voluntarios Cubanos ... Segunda edicion. tom. 1. by Ribó, José
Historia de las Guerras con los terribles Calchaquies, Chiriguanos y los Quilmes. Completa conquista del antiguo Tucuman, etc. by Soprano, Pascual P.
Compendio de la Historia de Santo Domingo. Segunda edicion, aumentada, etc.Tome II. by Garcia, José Gabriel
Artigas. Estudio historico. Documentos justicativos. by Artigas, José Gervasio, Fregeiro, Clemente L.
Historia de Yucatán desde la época más remota hasta nuestros días. Segunda edición. TOMO TERCERO by Ancona, Eligio, Sosa Escalante, Francisco
Explorations françaises à l'intérieur de la Guyane pendant le second quart du XVIIIe siècle, 1720-1742. Extrait du Bulletin de géographie historique e by Froidevaux, Henri
Relacion documentada del origen y progresos del trastorno de las provincias de Venezuela, etc. by Urquinaona y. Pardo, Pedro
Historia Argentina. (1492-1820.). by Lopez Dominguez, Luiz
La Dictadura de Rosas. by Rosas, President Of the Argentine Republ, Pelliza, Mariano A.
Ensayo de estadistica completa de los ramos economico politicos de la Provincia de Azangaro en el Departamento de Puno, de la Republica Peruana, del q by Choquehuanca, José Domingo
Ensayo estadístico del Estado de Jalisco referente a los datos necesarios para procurar el adelanto de la agricultura y la aclimatación de nuevas plan by Bárcena, Mariano
La Vida en los bosques sud-americanos. Viaje al oriente de Bolivia. With illustrations by Oliveira Cézar, Filiberto de
Estudios sobre los aborigines de Colombia. Primera parte. With a map by Restrepo Tirado, Ernesto
Brasilien: Land und Leute in ethischer, politischer und volkswirtschaftlicher Beziehung und Entwicklung Mit 10 Tafeln in Heliogra by Lamberg, Moritz
Bosquejo de la republica de Costa Rica, seguido de apuntamientos par su historia. Con mapas, etc. by Molina, Felipe
Lecciones de historia de Chile ... Tercera edicion. tomo primero. by Villalobos, Domingo
Wanderungen durch die mittel-amerikanischen Freistaaten Nicaragua, Honduras und San Salvador. Mit Hinblick auf deutsche Emigration und deutschen Hande by Wagner, Moritz, Scherzer, Carl Von
Compendio de la historia de la Nueva Granada desde antes de su descubrimiento hasta el 17 de Noviembre de 1831, etc. by Plaza, José Antonio de
Episodios de la Revolucion Chilena, etc. by Amengual, R.
Historia Argentina. (1492-1820.) by Lopez Dominguez, Luiz
Mexico. Land und Leute. Reisen auf neuen Wegen durch das Aztekenland. Mit Abbildungen, und einer Generalkarte Mexicos Crfter Theil. by Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst Von
Amérique du Sud. Trois ans chez les Argentins. Illustrations de Riou, etc. by Aurignac, Romain D'
La América Central. Su história, geografía, etc. by Opisso, Alfredo
Aus der Bai von Paranagua. by Platzmann, Julius
Historia de Oaxaca. by Gay, José Antonio
La Guerra de Cuba. Estudio militar. by Reparaz, Gonzalo De
El Elemento Vasco en la historia de Venezuela, etc. by Rojas, Arístides
Memorias sobretas revoluciones de Arequipa desde 1834 hasta 1866. by Valdivia, Juan Gualberto
Die soziale Verfassung des Inkareichs Eine Untersuchung des altperuanischen Agrarkommunismus. by Cunow, Heinrich
El Ecuador de 1825 a 1875. Sus hombres, sus instituciones y sus leyes. Por P. M. by M, P.
Historia de la Revolucion y guerra de Cuba. by Gelpi y. Ferro, Gil
La invasion inglesa en el Rio de la Plata. by Pereira, Antonio N.
Historia de la insurreccion y guerra de la isla de Cuba ... Edicion illustrada, etc. by Llofriu y. Sagrera, Eleuterio
Relaciones geográficas de Indias. Publícalas, el Ministério de Fomento. Tomo I. by Anonymous, Jiménez de la Espada, Marcos
La República Argentina, su historia, geografía, industria y costumbres. by Portugal, Manuel Castilla
Memoria para la carta hidrografica del Valle de Mexico, etc. by Orozco y. Berra, Manuel
Chile ilustrado. Guia descriptivo del territorio de Chile, etc. by Tornero, Recaredo S.
Historia, geografía y estadistica del estado de Tamaulipas, etc. by Prieto, Alejandro
Historia de la insurreccion y guerra de la isla de Cuba ... Edicion illustrada, etc. Tomo II. by Llofriu y. Sagrera, Eleuterio
El General Martinez Campos en Cuba. Reseña político-militar de la última campaña. Por T. O. Noviembre de 1876 a Junio de 1878. by Martinez De Campos, Arsenio
Historia de Colombia ... Segunda edicion. by Benedetti, Carlos
Maurice Lemoine on Nicaragua Leftwing or Fundamentalist? by Bastien, Ovide
Problems in Modern Latin American History: Sources and Interpretations by
Problems in Modern Latin American History: Sources and Interpretations by
Erased: The Untold Story of the Panama Canal by Lasso, Marixa
A Short History of the War With Spain by Wilcox, Marrion
A Commercial View, and Geographical Sketch, of the Brasils in South America by Ashe, Thomas
The Missile Crisis from a Cuban Perspective: Historical, Archaeological and Anthropological Reflections by Karlsson, Håkan, Diez Acosta, Tomás
Educación, Comunidad Y Literatura: Condiciones Para La Emergencia de Una Literatura Indígena Contemporánea (Caso Bröran-Térraba En Costa Rica) by Alberto Tapia-Ortiz, Jorge
The History of Brazil, From the Period of the Arrival of the Braganza Family in 1808, to the Abdication of Don Pedro the First in 1831: Compiled From by Armitage, John
Between the Ottomans and the Entente: The First World War in the Syrian and Lebanese Diaspora, 1908-1925 by Fahrenthold, Stacy D.
CRÓNICAS DE FACUNDO. Bajo el régimen de Hugo Chávez by Aguiar, Asdrúbal
Los Hombres de Los Ríos. Jesuitas En Guayana by del Rey Fajardo Sj, José
Independence in Central America and Chiapas, 1770-1823 by Pollack, Aaron
Contacts, Collisions and Relationships: Britons and Chileans in the Independence Era, 1806-1831 by Baeza Ruz, Andrés
Distilling the Influence of Alcohol: Aguardiente in Guatemalan History by
Operation Condor: The History of the Notorious Intelligence Operations Supported by the United States to Combat Communists across South America by Charles River
La Quinta Columna Nazi en el Uruguay by Ettlin Caro, Marice
Cry of the Renegade: Politics and Poetry in Interwar Chile by Craib, Raymond B.
The Battle For Guatemala: Rebels, Death Squads, And U.s. Power by Jonas, Susanne
Royal Courts Of The Ancient Maya: Volume 2: Data And Case Studies by Inomata, Takeshi, Houston, Stephen D.
Royal Courts Of The Ancient Maya: Volume 1: Theory, Comparison, And Synthesis by Houston, Stephen D., Inomata, Takeshi
Inside The Volcano: The History And Political Economy Of Central America by Weaver, Frederick Stirton
The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor by Blind, Koyote the
The Democracy Development Machine: Neoliberalism, Radical Pessimism, and Authoritarian Populism in Mayan Guatemala by Copeland, Nicholas
La Prosa de la Contra-Insurgencia: 'Lo Político' Durante La Restauración Neoliberal En Nicaragua by Rodríguez, Ileana
The Democracy Development Machine: Neoliberalism, Radical Pessimism, and Authoritarian Populism in Mayan Guatemala by Copeland, Nicholas
Angostura 1819. La Reconstitución Y La Desaparición del Estado de Venezuela by Brewer-Carias, Allan R.
Maya Salt Works by McKillop, Heather
Puerto Rico's Revolt for Independence: El Grito de Lares by Wgenheim, Olga Jiménez
Puerto Rico's Revolt for Independence: El Grito de Lares by Wgenheim, Olga Jiménez
Modern Latin American Revolutions by Selbin, Eric
Keen's Latin American Civilization, Volume 2: A Primary Source Reader, Volume Two: The Modern Era by Buffington, Robert M.
Not Condemned To Repetition: The United States And Nicaragua by Pastor, Robert
Keen's Latin American Civilization, Volume 1: A Primary Source Reader, Volume One: The Colonial Era by Buffington, Robert M.
Nicaragua: Emerging from the Shadow of the Eagle by Wade, Christine J., Walker, Thomas W.
Cruising Coast to Coast Through the Panama Canal 2020-21: A guide on What to Expect by Deitch, Lew
Human Smuggling and Associated Revenues: What Do or Can We Know about Routes from Central America to the United States? by Nunez-Neto, Blas, Mitch, Ian, Greenfield, Victoria A.
The Legacy of the Filibuster War: National Identity and Collective Memory in Central America by Cabrera Geserick, Marco
Writing and the Revolution: Venezuelan Metafiction 2004-2012 by Brown, Katie
Modern Panama: From Occupation to Crossroads of the Americas by Bigler, Gene E., Conniff, Michael L.
Modern Panama by Conniff, Michael L., Bigler, Gene E.
A Social History of Cuba's Protestants: God and the Nation by Baer, James A.
Memorias de Guerra - La historia continúa: Parte III by Castillo Blandon, Jose Jesus
Memorias de un soldado: Nicaragua y la Guardia Nacional: 1928-1979 by Boza Gutiérrez, Francisco
Un Camino Entre DOS Mares: La Creación del Canal de Panamá 1870-1914 by McCullough, David
From the Banana Zones to the Big Easy: West Indian and Central American Immigration to New Orleans, 1910-1940 by Chambers, Glenn A.
Animal Word Search for Kids Ages 6-8: 52 Best Word Search to Improve Vocabulary, Spelling, Memory and Logic Skills for Kids (Large Print Edition) by Charis, Jane
Ancient Maya Wetland Agriculture: Excavations on Albion Island, Northern Belize by Pohl, Mary Deland
Of Centaurs And Doves: Guatemala's Peace Process by Jonas, Susanne
Violent Memories: Mayan War Widows In Guatemala by Zur, Judith
Costa Rica: Quest For Democracy by Booth, John A.
Poets & Prophets of the Resistance: Intellectuals & the Origins of El Salvador's Civil War by Chávez, Joaquín M.
Revolution in El Salvador: From Civil Strife to Civil Peace, Second Edition by Montgomery, Tommie Sue
The Indigenous Peoples of Mesoamerica and Central America: Their Societies, Cultures, and Histories by Carmack, Robert M.
The Guatemalan Tax Reform by Bahl, Roy, Martinez-Vazquez, George, Wallace, Sally
The Changing Role Of The State In Latin America by Vellinga, Menno
The United States, Honduras, And The Crisis In Central America by Schulz, Donald E., Schulz, Deborah Sundloff
Tecpan Guatemala: A Modern Maya Town in Global and Local Context by Hendrickson, Carol, Fischer, Edward F.
Incidents of Travel in Yucatan Volumes 1 and 2 (Annotated, Illustrated): Vol I and II by Stephens, John L.
Incidents of Travel in Yucatan Volumes 1 and 2 (Annotated, Illustrated): Vol I and II by Stephens, John L.
Guerra de razas. Negros contra blancos en Cuba. Estudio crítico de Julio César Guanche by Conte, Rafael, Capmany, José M.
Latin America 2019-2020 by
Brazil, the United States, and the Good Neighbor Policy: The Triumph of Persuasion During World War II by Valim, Alexandre Busko
Revolución by Pacheco, Jorge
Happier Than A Billionaire: Picking a Town, Finding a Home, and Creating a Budget in Costa Rica by Pisani, Nadine Hays
Patron Gods and Patron Lords: The Semiotics of Classic Maya Community Cults by Baron, Joanne
The Women's Movement In Latin America: Participation And Democracy by Jaquette, Jane
Roque Moreno: Novela Histórica by González de Fanning, Teresa
El Canal Americano En Panamá: La Búsqueda, La Adquisición by Drummond, William
The American Canal in Panama: The Quest, the Acquisition by Drummond, William
The American Canal in Panama: The Relinquishment by Drummond, William
Bon Papa: Haiti's Golden Years by Diederich, Bernard
Tikal by
Soviet Influence on Cuban Culture, 1961-1987: When the Soviets Came to Stay by Story, Isabel
Harbour Island, Bahamas: Tourism, Travel Guide by Mills, David
The Technology of Maya Civilization: Political Economy Amd Beyond in Lithic Studies by Chinchilla Mazariegos, Oswaldo, Hruby, Zachary X., Braswell, Geoffrey E.
Decentering the Nation: Music, Mexicanidad, and Globalization by
Los Guaraníes by López Bréard, Miguel Raúl
Aztec and Maya: An Illustrated History: The Definitive Chronicle of the Ancient Peoples of Central America and Mexico - Including the Aztec, Maya, Olm by Phillips, Charles
Sandinistas: A Moral History by Sierakowski, Robert J.