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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Central Asian History in 2023

The Scythian Empire: Central Eurasia and the Birth of the Classical Age from Persia to China by Beckwith, Christopher I.
The White Mosque: A Memoir by Samatar, Sofia
The White Mosque: A Memoir by Samatar, Sofia
Dark Shadows: Inside the Secret World of Kazakhstan by Lillis, Joanna
Dark Shadows: Inside the Secret World of Kazakhstan by Lillis, Joanna
Soft Power in Central Asia: The Politics of Influence and Seduction by
Afghanistan 1979-88: Soviet Air Power Against the Mujahideen by Galeotti, Mark
Mapping the Media and Communication Landscape of Central Asia: An Anthology of Emerging and Contemporary Issues by
The New Secularism in the Muslim World: Religion and the State in Central Asia and Azerbaijan by Cornell, Svante E.
Rooks in Afghanistan: Volume 1: Sukhoi Su-25 in the Afghanistan War, 1981-1985 by Korotkov, Andrey
Khulafa E Rashideen: Hazrat Hasan Aur Hazrat Muawiya by Fazl Ullah, Qazi
Religions of the Hindukush: The Pre-Islamic Heritage of Eastern Afghanistan and Northern Pakistan by Jettmar, Karl
Proxy Warfare in Strategic Competition: State Motivations and Future Trends by Frederick, Bryan, Chandler, Nathan, Watts, Stephen
Staying the Unfavorable Course: National Security Council Decisionmaking and the Inertia of U.S. Afghanistan Policy, 2001-2016 by Evans, Alexandra T., Campbell, Jason H., Sargent, Matthew
The History of Bhutan: The Dragon Kingdom Unveiled by Hansen, Einar Felix, Dorji, Pema James
Assessing the Prospects for Great Power Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific by Kim, Soo, Harold, Scott W., Beauchamp-Mustafaga, Nathan
Assessing the Prospects for Great Power Cooperation in Europe and the Middle East by Vest, Nathan, Treyger, Elina, Rhoades, Ashley L.
Militia Order in Afghanistan: Guardians or Gangsters? by Dearing, Matthew P.
Mongolia: Land of Legends and Spirit by Smith, Jessica
Hydraulic Societies: Water, Power, and Control in East and Central Asian History by
Comparing Taliban Social Media Usage by Language: Who's Speaking and What's Being Said by Niewijk, Jon, Tariq, Zohan Hasan, Knopp, Bradley M.
The Pashtun Tribes in Afghanistan: Wolves Among Men by Acheson, Ben
The Lesson of My Life: About a woman who suffered domestic violence by Iderjargal, Bayarchimeg
A Journey through the History of Asia: From Ancient Empires to Modern Triumphs by Smith, Robert Gunter
Primary Sources, Historical Collections: Through Russian Central Asia; With Photogravure and Many Black-and-white Illustrations, With a Foreword by T. by Stephen, Graham
Flight of a Tartar Tribe by Quincey, Thomas de
An Account of an Embassy to the Court of the Teshoo Lama, in Tibet; by Turner, Captain Samuel
Russia In Central Asia In 1889 by Curzon, George N.
Histoire de l'Asie centrale, Afghanistan, Boukhara, Khiva, Khoqand, depuis les dernières années du r by Boukhary, Abdoul Kerim, Schefer, Charles
The Oxus and the Indus by Bell, Evans
Flight of a Tartar Tribe by Quincey, Thomas de
Histoire Des Mongols, Depuis Tchinguiz-Khan Jusqu'à Timour Bey Ou Tamerlan; Volume 2 by Ohsson, Constantin D'
Der Kriegs-Schauplatz in Inner-Asien: Oder, Bemerkungen zu der Uebersichts-Karte von Afganistan, dem Penjab und dem Lande am untern Indus. by Zimmermann, Carl
Soviet and East German Order of Battle in Berlin Area and Soviet Units in Siberia by
Travels and Archaeological Field-work in Mongolia and Sinkiang: a Diary of the Years 1927-1934 by Folke Bergman by Bergman, Folke
Russian Abbreviations by
Histoire Des Mongols, Depuis Tchinguiz-Khan Jusqu'à Timour Bey Ou Tamerlan; Volume 1 by Ohsson, Constantin D'
Narrative of the Embassy of Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo to the Court of Timour at Samarcand, A.D. 1403-6 by Clavijo, Ruy González de
Codex Cumanicus Bibliothecæ Ad Templum Divi Marci Venetiarum, Ed. G. Kuun by Cumanicus, Codex
Central Asian Portraits: The Celebrities of the Khanates and the Neighbouring States by Boulger, Demetrius Charles
The New Conquest of Central Asia: a Narrative of the Explorations of the Central Asiatic Expeditions in Mongolia and China, 1921-1930 by Andrews, Roy Chapman 1884-1960, Granger, Walter 1872-1941
The Tarikh-I Ḥamidi: A Late-Qing Uyghur History by Sayrami, Musa
A Peep into Toorkisthan by Burslem, Rollo Gillespie
Scenes and Adventures in Affghanistan by Taylor, William
The Turkic Peoples in World History by Lee, Joo-Yup
The Turkic Peoples in World History by Lee, Joo-Yup
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah - Volume 2 by Burton
Persia Revisited by Gordon, Thomas
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah - Volume 1 by Burton
Modern Persia by Daniel, Mooshie G.
The revolt in Arabia by Hurgronje, C. Snouck
La Perse, la Chaldée et la Susiane by Dieulafoy, Jane
A Suse: Journal des fouilles, 1884-1886 by Dieulafoy, Jane
Transforming Inner Mongolia: Commerce, Migration, and Colonization on the Qing Frontier by Wang, Yi
The Loom of Time: Between Empire and Anarchy, from the Mediterranean to China by Kaplan, Robert D.
Genghis Khan: The Saga of the Mongol Conquests by Pembroke, Julian, History, Hourglass
The History of the Mongol Conquests by Saunders, J. J.
The Changing Geopolitics of Central Asia and the Caucasus by
The History of Kazakhstan: From Silk Road to Star Trails by Hansen, Einar Felix, Jensen, Dilshan
Conference Proceedings on Indian and U.S. Security Cooperation: Defense Production, Indo-Pacific Region, and Afghanistan by Rajagopalan, Rajeswari Pillai, Parachini, John V., Dossani, Rafiq
The History of Tajikistan: Silk Roads and Summits by Hansen, Einar Felix, Nazarova-Gunther, Aysoltan
The History of Turkmenistan: Echoes of the Silk Road by Hansen, Einar Felix, Nazarova-Gunther, Aysoltan
The History of Uzbekistan: Legends of Samarkand by Nazarova-Gunther, Aysoltan, Hansen, Einar Felix
The History of Kyrgyzstan: From Yurts to Peaks by Hansen, Einar Felix, Jensen, Dilshan
Heritage and Identity in the Turkic World: Contemporary Scholarship in Memory of Ilse Laude-Cirtautas (1926-2019) by
Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies: Volume 3: Frontier-Zone Processes and Transimperial Exchange by
The Genius of Their Age: Ibn Sina, Biruni, and the Lost Enlightenment by Starr, S. Frederick
The Creation of Kazakh National Identity: The Relationship with Russia, 1900-2015 by Shlapentokh, Dmitry V.
Wert und Subjektivität by Knüsel Adamec, Brigit
Fictions Nationales: Cinéma, Empire Et Nation En Ouzbékistan (1919-1937) by Drieu, Cloé
Deterring Russia and Iran: Improving Effectiveness and Finding Efficiencies by Demus, Alyssa, Martini, Jeffrey, Radin, Andrew
Anticipating Flashpoints with Russia: Patterns and Drivers by Charap, Samuel, Zeigler, Sean M., Chindea, Irina a.
Frühneuzeitliche Dimensionen steppennomadischer Gewalt by Blaszczyk, Arkadiusz
Among the Tibetans: Victorian Travelogue Series (Annotated) by Bird, Isabella Lucy
From Belonging to Belief by McBrien, Julie
The White Mosque: A Memoir by Samatar, Sofia
Viaje a Bujará: Un periplo por India, Afganistán y Persia by Burnes, Alexander
Vedānta, Bhakti, and Their Early Modern Sources: Philosophical and Religious Dimensions of Brajvāsīdās's Prabodhacandrodaya N&#257 by Pastore, Rosina