• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ceramics in 2010

Lettres Sur La Ceramique (1904) by Hustin, Jacques
Hispania and the Roman Mediterranean, AD 100-700 by Reynolds, Paul
From Mud to Jug: The Folk Potters and Pottery of Northeast Georgia by Burrison, John a.
Discours Admirable De L'Art De Terre (1863) by Palissy, Bernard
Di Un Insigne Raccolta Di Maioliche Dipinte Delle Fabbriche Di Pesaro E Della Provincia Metaurense (1844) by Frati, Luigi
Dreaming in Clay on the Coast of Mississippi: Love and Art at Shearwater by Maurer, Christopher, Iglesias, Maria Estrella
The Art of the Chinese Potter by Hobson, R. L., Hetherington, A. L.
Grand Feu Ceramics: A Practical Treatise On The Making Of Fine Porcelain And Gres (1905) by Doat, Taxile
Techniques Using Slips by Mathieson, John
Beau-He-Me-N-Rib by Kirkpatrick, Mary-Susan
Pottery and Porcelain by Elliott, Charles Wyllys
Maiolica by Fortnum, C. Drury E.
Briques Et Pavages Emailles: L'Atelier D'Argilly Sous Le Ducs De Bourgogne (1900) by Bergeret, Emile
The Wedgwood Handbook, A Manual For Collectors: Treating Of The Marks, Monograms, And Other Tests Of The Old Period Of Manufacture (1875) by Meteyard, Eliza
Greek Vases, Historical And Descriptive: With Some Brief Notices Of Vases In The Museum Of The Louvre, And A Selection From Vases In The British Museu by Horner, Susan
Majolika (1896) by Falke, Otto Von
The Art Of The Old English Potter (1906) by Solon, Louis Marc
English Porcelain Figures Of The Eighteenth Century by
English Porcelain (1886) by Church, Arthur Herbert
Josiah C. Wedgewood: The Man And His Work by Rai, Lajpat
Palissy The Potter V1: The Life Of Bernard Palissy Of Saintes, His Labors And Discoveries In Art And Science by Palissy, Bernard
Palissy The Potter V2: The Life Of Bernard Palissy Of Saintes, His Labors And Discoveries In Art And Science by Palissy, Bernard, Morley, Henry
The Art of the Chinese Potter by Hobson, R. L., Hetherington, A. L.
Pottery-Making In The Southwest by Gifford, E. W.
William Cookworthy by Compton, Theodore
Palissy, The Huguenot Potter: A True Tale (1877) by Brightwell, Cecilia Lucy
Coloring And Decoration Of Ceramic Ware (1898) by Alexandre Brongniart
Ausstellung Von Keramischen Und Glasarbeiten Bohmischen Ursprungs: Periode Circa, 1780-1840 (1908) by Jirik, Franz X., Chytil, Karel
Josiah C. Wedgewood: The Man And His Work by Rai, Lajpat
Briques Et Pavages Emailles: L'Atelier D'Argilly Sous Le Ducs De Bourgogne (1900) by Bergeret, Emile
The Potter's Wheel (1897) by Watson, John