• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ceramics in 2019

Caca & Porcelana by Stilton, Anónimo
The Ceramics Studio Guide: What Potters Should Know by Zamek, Jeff
Moravian Pottery in North Carolina by Compton, Stephen
Corso visuale di Scultura: 198 immagini per imparare a modellare ritratti in argilla con la tecnica del rilievo inciso visto di fianco by Savi, Fabrizio
Ceramics and the Museum by Breen, Laura
Ceramics and the Museum by Breen, Laura
Complete Pottery Techniques: Design, Form, Throw, Decorate and More, with Workshops from Professional Makers by DK
Project: Land Kilns by Roloff, John
Kiln to Kitchen: Favorite Recipes from Beloved North Carolina Potters by Anderson, Jean
Creole Clay: Heritage Ceramics in the Contemporary Caribbean by Fay, Patricia J.
The Sarpedon Krater: The Life and Afterlife of a Greek Vase by Spivey, Nigel
Greco Disco: The Art and Design of Luke Edward Hall by Hall, Luke Edward
Surface Decoration by Millward, Kevin
Mastering Kilns and Firing: Raku, Pit and Barrel, Wood Firing, and More by Oesterritter, Lindsay
Malbuch mit Mosaiktieren für Erwachsene by Snels, Nick
PTSD Workbook: Self-Help Techniques for Overcoming Traumatic Stress Symptoms, Anxiety, Anger, Depression, Emotional Trauma by Russell, Anthony
Story on a Plate by
Geert Lap: Specific Objects by
The Tile Book: History, Pattern, Design by Here Design
New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery by Regev, Dalit
Ceramic Glazing: Beginner + Intermediate Guide to Ceramic Glazing: 2-in-1 Compendium for Beginner and Intermediate Ceramic Artists by Roy, Gill
Ceramic Glazing: Beginner + Intermediate Guide to Ceramic Glazing: 2-in-1 Compendium for Beginner and Intermediate Ceramic Artists by Roy, Gill
Ceramic Glazing: Beginner + Intermediate Guide to Ceramic Glazing: 2-in-1 Compendium for Beginner and Intermediate Ceramic Artists by Roy, Gill
Intermediate Guide to Ceramic Glazing: Layer Glazes, Underglaze, and Make Triaxial Blends by Roy, Gill
Intermediate Guide to Ceramic Glazing: Layer Glazes, Underglaze, and Make Triaxial Blends by Roy, Gill
Livro para Colorir de Animais em Mosaico para Adultos by Snels, Nick