• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 1975

The Flavonoids by Marby, Helga, Marby, T. J., Harborne, Jeffrey B.
Reaktionskinetik by Homann, K. H.
Konzepte Der Kolloidchemie: Aussagen Aus Fünf Jahrzehnten by
Kolloidchemie by Edelmann, K.
Insect Biochemistry and Function by Kilby, B. a., Candy, David John
Proton Transfer Reactions by Caldin, E. F., Gold, Victor
Chemie Für Mediziner by Latscha, Hans P., Klein, Helmut A., Schilling, Gerhard
Vitamine: Eine Einführung Für Studierende Der Medizin, Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie Und Ernährungswissenschaft by Lang, Karl Heinz Bässler Konrad
Techniques and Topics in Bioinorganic Chemistry by McAuliffe, C. a.
Untersuchung Der Phasengleichgewichte Und Reaktionen Im System Mgo - Cr2o3 - 2mgo - Sio2 - 2cao - Sio2 by Krönert, Wolfgang
Low-Dimensional Cooperative Phenomena: The Possibility of High-Temperature Superconductivity by Keller, H. J.
Electrochemistry: Volume 5 by
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: Volume 6 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 6 by
Radiochemistry: Volume 2 by
Mass Spectrometry: Volume 3 by
Organic Compounds of Sulphur, Selenium, and Tellurium: Volume 3 by
Surface and Defect Properties of Solids: Volume 4 by
Environmental Chemistry: Volume 1 by
Reaction Kinetics: Volume 1 by
Statistical Mechanics: Volume 2 by
Theoretical Chemistry: Volume 2 by
Terpenoids and Steroids: Volume 5 by
Alkaloids: Volume 5 by
Aromatic and Heteroaromatic Chemistry: Volume 3 by
Foreign Compound Metabolism in Mammals: Volume 3 by
Dielectric and Related Molecular Processes: Volume 2 by
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 8 by
Colloid Science: Volume 2 by
Biosynthesis: Volume 3 by
Molecular Spectroscopy: Volume 3 by
Molecular Structure by Diffraction Methods: Volume 3 by
Aliphatic Chemistry: Volume 3 by
Saturated Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 3 by
Elementare Einführung in Die Quantenchemie Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Quantenbiochemie by Piskunow, A. K., Sergejew, N. M., Golowanow, I. B.
Ramanspektren Von Molekülen Und Kristallen by Suschtschinskij, M. M.
Grundlagen Der Chemischen Kinetik by Kuschel, Frank, Sackmann, Horst, Kehlen, Horst
Spektroskopische Methoden in Der Organischen Chemie by Scholz, Manfred, Borsdorf, Rolf
Biochemistry by Gade, Lutz H., Parkin, Gerard, Duan, Xue
Bibliography 1973-74 Organic and Organometallic Crystal Structures by
Pyridine and Its Derivatives, Volume 14, Part 4 Supplement by
Alicyclic Chemistry: Volume 3 by
Symmetrie von Molekülen by Hollas, Michael J.
Massenwirkungsgesetz: Programmiertes Lehrbuch Für Studierende Der Chemie Sowie Der Natur- Und Ingenieurwissenschaften an Hoch- Und Fachhochs by Schroeder, Werner
Molecular and Quantum Pharmacology: Proceedings of the Seventh Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry Held in Jerusalem, March 31st by
Chemical and Biochemical Reactivity: Proceedings of an International Symposium Held in Jerusalem, 9-13 April 1973 by
Photochemistry: Volume 6 by
Röntgenkristallographie: Einführung in Die Grundlagen by Raaz, Franz
Protein-Ligand Interactions by
Phänomenologische Thermodynamik by Päsler, Max
Die Chemische Bindung: Eine Verständliche Einführung by Preuss, H., Boschke, F. L.
Theory, Determination and Control of Physical Properties of Food Materials by
Praktikum der technischen Chemie by Kirchner, Kurt, Patat, Franz
Chemistry of Viruses by Knight, C. a.
Carbohydrate Metabolism, Part B: Volume 41 by
Carbohydrate Metabolism, Part C: Volume 42 by
Sorption and Filtration Methods for Gas and Water Purification by
Polyelectrolytes and Their Applications by
Advances in Chromatography, Volume 12 by
Atoms and Molecules in the Ground State: Vol. 1: Atoms and Molecules in the Ground State by Chalvet, Odilon, Diner, Simon, Daudel, Raymond
Computational Techniques in Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Physics: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Ramsau, Germany, 4-21 Se by
Customs and Cultures (Revised Edition): The Communication of the Christian Faith by Nida, Eugene A.
Physiologische Chemie: Begleittext Zum Gegenstandskatalog Für Die Fächer Der Ärztlichen Vorprüfung by Rauen -. Buchka, M., Rauen, H. M. T.
Grundlagen Der Allgemeinen Und Anorganischen Chemie: Ein Programmiertes Lehrbuch Für Studierende Der Natur- Und Ingenieurwissenschaften, Der Medizin S by Sartori, Peter
Nitrogen Fixation in Bacteria & Higher Plants by Hardy, R. W., Burns, Richard C., Burns, R. C.
Electronic States of Inorganic Compounds: New Experimental Techniques: Lectures Presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at the Inorganic C by
Chemical and Biological Applications of Relaxation Spectrometry: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at the University of Salford, S by
Praktikum Der Gesteinsanalyse: Chemisch-Instrumentelle Methoden Zur Bestimmung Der Hauptkomponenten by Herrmann, A. G.
Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Crystalline Solids: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Internal Friction and Ultraso by
Organometallic Chemistry: Volume 3 by
Organometallic Chemistry: Volume 4 by
Emulsion Polymerization: Theory and Practice by Blackley, D. C.
Thermodynamic Equilibria of Boiling Mixtures / Thermodynamisches Gleichgewicht Siedender Gemische by Weishaupt, J.
Anwendung Immunologischer Methoden: Merck-Symposium Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Klinische Chemie Mainz, 16. - 18. Januar 1975 by
University of Konstanz, West Germany, April 14-18, 1975 by
Data for Inorganic and Organic Compounds. Daten Für Anorganische Und Organische Verbindungen by Freier, Rolf K.
Optische Analysenmethoden zur Bestimmung anorganischer Stoffe by Wünsch, Gerold
Environmental Effects on Molecular Structure and Properties: Proceedings of the Eighth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry Held by
Homogeneous Hydrogenation in Organic Chemistry by McQuillin, F. J.
The Chemical Equilibrium of Gaseous Systems by Holub, R., Vonka, P.
Electrode Processes in Solid State Ionics: Theory and Application to Energy Conversion and Storage Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute He by
Adsorption Organischer Verbindungen an Elektroden by Batrakov, V. V., Damaskin, B. B., Petrii, O. A.
Polyesterfasern: Chemie Und Technologie by Ludewig, Hermann