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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 1977

Trends in Electrochemistry: Plenary and Invited Contributions Presented at the Fourth Australian Electrochemistry Conference Held at the Flinders by
Biochemie by Yudkin, Michael, Offord, Robin
Kurze Einführung in Die Physikalische Chemie by Rau, Hermann
Catalysis: Volume 1 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 8 by
Saturated Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 4 by
Mass Spectrometry: Volume 4 by
Organic Compounds of Sulphur, Selenium, and Tellurium: Volume 4 by
Electronic Structure and Magnetism of Inorganic Compounds: Volume 5 by
Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms: Volume 5 by
Gas Kinetics and Energy Transfer: Volume 2 by
Surface and Defect Properties of Solids: Volume 6 by
Electron Spin Resonance: Volume 4 by
Inorganic Chemistry of the Main-Group Elements: Volume 4 by
Terpenoids and Steroids: Volume 7 by
Alkaloids: Volume 7 by
Aromatic and Heteroaromatic Chemistry: Volume 5 by
Foreign Compound Metabolism in Mammals: Volume 4 by
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 10 by
Dielectric and Related Molecular Processes: Volume 3 by
Inorganic Chemistry of the Transition Elements: Volume 5 by
Biosynthesis: Volume 5 by
Molecular Structure by Diffraction Methods: Volume 5 by
Grundlagen Der Makromolekularen Chemie by Philipp, Burkart, Reinisch, Gerhard
Dynamische Biochemie, Teil III: Der Stoffwechsel Lebendiger Systeme Und Seine Regulation by Hofmann, Eberhard
Chemisch-Toxikologische Aspekte Des Alkylierungsvermögens Pestizider Phosphorsäureester by Fischer, Gerhard W., Dedek, Wolfgang, Lohs, Karlheinz
Umweltkrieg Und Abrüstung by Lohs, K., Ernst, K. -D, Schneider, M. M.
Grundlagen Der Makromolekularen Chemie by Reinisch, Gerhard, Philipp, Burkart
Infrakrasnaja Spektroskopija Polimerov by Dechant U. a., Johannes
Einführung in Die Chemie Und Technologie Der Kunststoffe by Runge, Franz, Taeger, Eberhard
Strukturuntersuchungen an Biopolymeren Mit Spektroskopischen Und Hydrodynamischen Methoden by Löber, G., Fritzsche, H., Kittler, L.
Reaktionsaufklärung: Methoden Und Kriterien Der Organischen Reaktionsmechanistik by Sykes, Peter
Dynamische Aspekte Der Stereochemie Oraganischer Verbindungen by Döpke, Werner
Physikalische Organische Chemie by
Neuere Forschungsergebnisse Aus Dem Fachgebiet Chemie by
Chemisch-Toxikologische Aspekte Des Alkylierungsvermögens Pestizider Phosphorsäureester by Lohs, Karlheinz, Fischer, Gerhard W., Dedek, Woligang
Neuere Auffassungen Zum Strukturbegriff in Der Chemie by Becker, Heinz G. O.
Ausgewählte Entwicklungsrichtungen Der Physikalischen Chemie: [Festkolloquium Am 10. Juni 1975 Aus Anlaß Des 70. Geburtstages Von Kurt Schwabe, Präsid by
Aussagemöglichkeiten Und Grenzen Der Analysenmeßtechnik Für Die Strukturanalyse by Kriegsmann, Heinrich
Mechanismen Der Enzymkatalyse by Gray, C. J.
Bibliography 1975-76 Organic and Organometallic Crystal Structures by
Environmental Impacts & Policies for the EEC Tanning Industry by Urwick Technology Management Ltd
Complete Book of Marzipan by Storer, E.
Advances in Chromatography: Volume 15 by
Alicyclic Chemistry: Volume 5 by
Photochemistry: Volume 8 by
The Chemical Formulary, Volume 20 by
Plasmaproteine: Pathophysiologie Und Klinik by Hitzig, Walter H.
Metal-Ligand Interactions in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry: Part 1 Proceedings of the Ninth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemi by
Metal-Ligand Interactions in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry: Part 1 by
Hydrogenation and Hydrogenolysis in Synthetic Organic Chemistry by Van Randwijk, G., Kieboom, A. P. G.
Special Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Volume 30 by Weissberger, Arnold, Taylor, Edward C.
Surface Characteristics of Fibers and Textiles: Part Ii: by Schick, M. J.
Electrofocusing and Isotachophoresis by
Kurzes Lehrbuch Der Anorganischen Und Allgemeinen Chemie by Jander, G., Spandau, H.
Enzyme Kinetics by Roberts, D. V.
Structural Chemistry of Layer-Type Phases by Hulliger, F.
Fortschritte in Der Parenteralen Ernährung by
Iatrogenic Carcinogenesis by Schmähl, D.
Micellization, Solubilization, and Microemulsions: Volume 2 by Mittal, K. L.
The Consistent Force Field: A Documentation by Niketic, S. R., Rasmussen, K.
Preparation and Crystal Growth of Materials with Layered Structures by
Chemische Analyse: Basiswissen by Bartels, H. A.
Topological Approach to the Chemistry of Conjugated Molecules by Trinajstic, N., Graovac, A., Gotman, I.
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 9 by
Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods, Volume 3 by Hegedus, Louis S., Wade, Leroy G.
Chemically Induced Magnetic Polarization: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Sogesta, Urbino, Italy, April 17-30, 1977 by
Excited States in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry: Proceedings of the Tenth Jerusalem Syposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry Held in Jerusa by
Thermodynamics in Geology: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held in Oxford, England, September 17-27, 1976 by
High Pressure Technology: Volume 2: Applications and Processes by Spain
Densities of Binary Aqueous Systems and Heat Capacities of Liquid Systems / Dichten Binärer Wässeriger Systeme Und Wärmekapazitäten Flüssiger Systeme by Surawski, H., Synowietz, C., D'Ans, J.
Chemoreception in the Carotid Body by
Aliphatic Chemistry: Volume 5 by
The Total Synthesis of Natural Products, Volume 3 by
Enzyme Structure, Part E: Volume 47 by
Dynamical and Chemical Coupling Between the Neutral and Ionized Atmosphere: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Spåtind, Norway, by
Pyridine Nucleotide-Dependent Dehydrogenases: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium Held at the University of Konstanz, West Germany. Marc by
Aspects of Homogeneous Catalysis: A Series of Advances by
Seminaranleitungen Zum Lehrbuch: Modellvorstellungen in Der Chemie by Keiter, Richard L.
Beiträge Zur Geochemie by
Structural Principles of Unsaturated Organic Compounds: With Special Reference to X-Ray Structure Analyses of Coloured Substances by Dahne, Siegfried, Kulpe, Siegfried
Stand Und Entwicklungsperspektiven Der Chemischen Forschung in Der Adw Der Udssr an Der Schwelle Des Zehnten Planjahrfünfts by Emanuel, N. M.
Stand Und Entwicklungsperspektiven Der Chemischen Forschung in Der Adw Der Udssr an Der Schwelle Des Zehnten Planjahrfünfts by Emanuel, N. M.
Perspektiven Der Metallforschung by Sawizki, E. M.
Massenspektrometrie in Der Organischen Chemie by Remane, Horst, Herzschuh, Rainer
Grundlagen der Stoffübertragung by Kafarow, W. W.