• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 1978

Anorganische Chemie by Hofmann, Karl A.
A General Scf Theory by Carbo, Ramon, Riera, Joseph M.
Lösungen Und Adsorption by
Taschenbuch Der Medicinisch-Klinischen Diagnostik by Seifert, Otto, Müller, Friedrich
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 1 by
Statistische Thermodynamik by Schrödinger, Erwin
Oxathiine, Dithiine Und Thiomorpholine Auf Basis Billiger Rohstoffe (Synthesen Und Reaktionsverhalten) by Asinger, Friedrich, Saus, Alfons
Taschenbuch Für Umweltschutz: Band I: Chemische Und Technologische Informationen by
Taschenbuch Für Umweltschutz: Band II: Biologische Informationen by Moll, Walter L. H.
Receptors and Recognition: Series a by Greaves, P. Cuatrecasas and M. F.
Kostenrechnung in Der Chemischen Industrie by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Catalysis: Volume 2 by
Electrochemistry: Volume 6 by
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: Volume 9 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 9 by
Chemical Thermodynamics: Volume 2 by
Saturated Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 5 by
Theoretical Chemistry: Volume 3 by
Gas Kinetics and Energy Transfer: Volume 3 by
Chemical Physics of Solids and Their Surfaces: Volume 7 by
Inorganic Chemistry of the Main-Group Elements: Volume 5 by
Terpenoids and Steroids: Volume 8 by
Alkaloids: Volume 8 by
Aromatic and Heteroaromatic Chemistry: Volume 6 by
Molecular Spectroscopy: Volume 5 by
Inorganic Chemistry of the Transition Elements: Volume 6 by
Molecular Structure by Diffraction Methods: Volume 6 by
Pathobiochemie: Ein Lehrbuch für Studierende und Ärzte by Buddecke, Eckhart
Supplements / Ergänzungen by Freier, Rolf K.
Zosimos of Panopolis on the Letter of Omega by Jackson, Howard M.
Dynamische Biochemie, Teil IV: Biochemie Der Vererbung, Differenzierung Und Anderer Zellfunktionen by Hofmann, Eberhard
Beiträge Zur Kenntnis Fadenbildender Polymere by
Kernmagnetische Resonanzspektroskopie in Der Organischen Chemie by Zschunke, Adolf
Zur Druckabhängigkeit Von Ionenaustauschreaktionen by Wolf, Friedrich, Fröhlich, Peter
Möglichkeiten Und Grenzen Der Rechnergesteuerten Syntheseplanung by Bittrich, Hans-Joachim, Martin, Dieter
Grundlagen Der Chemischen Kinetik by Sackmann, Horst, Kehlen, Horst, Kuschel, Frank
Kernmagnetische Resonanzspektroskopie in Der Organischen Chemie by Zschunke, Adolf
Die Bedeutung Der Raumstruktur Für Die Funktion Von Enzymen by Hofmann, Eberhard
Zum Reaktionsverhalten Ausgewählter Fremdstoffe by Engst, Rudolf
Neuere Physikalische Methoden Zur Untersuchung Von Stoff Und Struktur by
Chemisch-toxikologische und ökotoxikologische Probleme der "Dioxine" by Lohs, Karlheinz, Heinisch, Emanuel
Molekularstruktur Und Mechanisches Verhalten Von Kollagen by Riedl, Hans, Nemetschek, Theobald
Sulphone Molecular Structures: Conformation and Geometry from Electron Diffraction and Microwave Spectroscopy; Structural Variations by Hargittai, Istvan
Photochemistry: Volume 9 by
Chemical Specialties by
Quantum Theory of Polymers: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Electronic Structure and Properties of Polymers Held at Namur, Bel by
Introduction to X-Ray Spectrometric Analysis by Bertin, Eugene P.
Enzyme Structure, Part G: Volume 49 by
Enzyme Structure, Part F: Volume 48 by
Sex and Behavior: Status and Prospectus by McGill
Chemie Für Mediziner Zum Gegenstandskatalog by Krieg, Benno
Aktuelle Probleme Der Pathobiochemie: Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Klinische Chemie Merck-Symposium 1977 by
Ion Cyclotron Resonance Spectrometry by
Transport by Proteins: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the University of Konstanz, West Germany, July 9 -15, 1978 by
The Biochemistry of Viruses by Martin, Samuel John, Martin, S. J.
Natural Plant Growth Inhibitors and Phytohormones by Kefeli, V.
20 Jahre Fluothane by
Organometallic Chemistry: Volume 6 by
Ausgewählte Übungsbeispiele Zur Nomenklatur Organischer Verbindungen by Falk, Heinz
Selected Topics of the Theory of Chemical Elementary Processes by Nikitin, E. E., Zülicke, L.
Organometallic Chemistry: Volume 7 by
Disc Electrophoresis and Related Techniques of Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis by Maurer, H. R.
Complex Carbohydrates, Part C: Volume 50 by
Cutaneous Receptors by Chouchkov, C.
Peripheral Neuroendocrine Interaction by
Polymer Rheology by Lenk, R. S.
Neue Untersuchungen Mit Gamma-Hydroxibuttersäure by
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 10 by
The Scientific Basis of Flocculation by Ives, K. J.
Crystals as Giant Molecules by Julg, A.
Tables for Texture Analysis of Cubic Crystals by Pospiech, J., Lücke, K., Hansen, J.
Alicyclic Chemistry: Volume 6 by
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Molecular Biology: Proceedings of the Eleventh Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry He by
High Pressure Chemistry: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held in Corfu, Greece, September 24 - October 8, 1977 by
Topics in Surface Chemistry: IBM Research Symposia Series by
Werkstoffkunde der Kunststoffe by Menges, Georg
Modern Cake Decoration by Hanneman, L. J.
Polymer Fracture by Kausch, H. -. H.
Aufbau Und Eigenschaften Der Materie Im Mikro- Und Makrokosmos by Klages, Friedrich
Excited States in Quantum Chemistry: Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of the Electronic Structure and Properties of the Excited States in Atoms, M by
Grundlagen Der Synthese Von Polymeren by Ulbricht, Joachim
Festkörperthermodynamik: Chemie Des Festen Zustandes by Navrotsky, Alexandra, Schmalzried, Hermann