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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 1979

Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology by
Physikalische Chemie Für Biologen Und Biochemiker by Price, N. C., Raymond, A. D.
Zum Verständnis Der Chemischen Thermodynamik: Eine Einführung in Ihre Denkweise by Spratley, R. D., Pimentel, G. C.
Biochemie Der Ernährung by Lang, K.
Störungen Des Nucleinsäuren- Und Eiweiß-Stoffwechsels: Ein Grundriß Für Studierende, Ärzte Und Biologen Mit Studienfragen Für Prüfung Und Fortbildung by Fischbach, E.
Textures of Materials: Proceeding of the Fifth International Conference on Textures of Materials March 28-31, 1978, Aachen, Germany Volume I by
Animal Models of Obesity by Festing, Michael F. W.
The Chain Straighteners: Fruitful Innovation: The Discovery of Linear and Stereoregular Synthetic Polymers by McMillan, Frank M.
Funktionelle Biochemie Des Menschen: Band 1 Und Band 2 by Hoffmann, Eberhard
Unconventional Electron Microscopy for Molecular Structure Determination by
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: Volume 10 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 10 by
Photochemistry: Volume 10 by
Inorganic Biochemistry: Volume 1 by
Aromatic and Heteroaromatic Chemistry: Volume 7 by
Organic Compounds of Sulphur, Selenium, and Tellurium: Volume 5 by
Terpenoids and Steroids: Volume 9 by
Alkaloids: Volume 9 by
Mass Spectrometry: Volume 5 by
Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms: Volume 6 by
Electron Spin Resonance: Volume 5 by
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 2 by
Foreign Compound Metabolism in Mammals: Volume 5 by
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 11 by
Colloid Science: Volume 3 by
Molecular Spectroscopy: Volume 6 by
Allgemeine und anorganische Chemie by Riedel, Erwin
Reaktionen an Organischen Polymeren by Philipp, Burkart, Rätzsch, Manfred
Zwischenmolekulare Wechselwirkungen Und Struktur in Flüssigen Nichtelektrolyten by Rätzsch, Margit T.
Probleme Der Schadstoffbewertung by
Die Biologische Stickstoff-Fixierung by Parthier, Benno
Physikalische Chemie Der Halbleiter by Arnold, Heinrich
Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse Und Arbeitsrichtungen Chemischer Institute Der Adw Der DDR by Schirmer, W., Töpfer, E., Philipp, B.
Zu Einigen Problemen Der Modernen Analytik by
Bedeutung Und Einfluß Der Chemie Auf Die Entwicklung Der Industriemäßigen Produktion Der Landwirtschaft by Böhme, H., Keil, G., Philipp, B.
Funktionelle Biochemie Des Menschen, Band 1 by Hofmann, Eberhard
Physikalische Chemie Der Halbleiter by Heinrich, Arnold
Nucleinsäuren by Hoffmann, Siegfried
Biogeochemische Kreisläufe Persistenter Organischer Verbindungen: Dargestellt Am Hexachlorbenzol by Heinisch, Emanuel
Festkolloquium 20 Jahre Zentralinstitut Für Physikalische Chemie by
Die Wasserstoffbrückenbindung by Seidel, Heinz, Geiseler, Gerhard
1969-1970 by Döpke, Werner
Spezialplaste by Bühler, Konrad-Ulrich
Heterogene Katalyse: Eine Einführung by Wendlandi, Klaus-Peter, Bremer, Heinrich
Juni 1979 by
Applications of High Performance Liquid Chromatography by Gilbert, M. T., Pryde, S.
Cake Design and Decoration by Marshall, G. I., Hanneman, L. J.
Nonmetallic Materials and Composites at Low Temperatures by Reed, Richard, Clark, A. F., Hartwig, Gunther
The American Family: Dying or Developing by Hoffman, Howard
Fortschritte Der Chemie Organischer Naturstoffe / Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products by
The Chemical Formulary Volume 22 by Bennett, H.
Mathematics for Chemists by Hirst, D. M.
Thiazole and Its Derivatives, Volume 34, Part 1 by
The Chemical Formulary, Volume 21 by
Über Die Chemie Der Sinnpflanze Mimosa Pudica L.: Vorgelegt in Der Sitzung Vom 10. Juni 1978 by Schildknecht, H.
Kinetics of Ion-Molecule Reactions by
Vitamin B12: Proceedings of the 3rd European Symposium on Vitamin B12 and Intrinsic Factor, University of Zurich, March 5-8, 1979, by
Kurzes Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie by Schrader, Bernhard
Aufgaben Zur Physikalischen Chemie Mit Rechenweg Und Lösungen (Large Print Edition) by
Chemie für Mediziner by Wachter, Helmut, Hausen, Arno
Principles of Protein Structure by Schirmer, R. H., Schulz, G. E.
Thiazole and Its Derivatives, Volume 34, Part 2 by
Paint Flow and Pigment Dispersion: A Rheological Approach to Coating and Ink Technology by Patton, Temple C.
Buffers for PH and Metal Ion Control by Perrin, D.
Optical Activity and Chiral Discrimination by
Examens-Fragen Physiologische Chemie: Zum Gegenstandskatalog by
Thiazole and Its Derivatives, Volume 34, Part 3 by
Indoles, Volume 25, Part 3 by
Organometallics of the F-Elements: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Sogesta, Urbino, Italy, September 11-22, 1978 by
Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Athens, Greece, August 22-31, 1978 by
Atom - Molecule Collision Theory: A Guide for the Experimentalist by
Enzyme Histochemistry: A Laboratory Manual by Schiebler, T. H., Lojda, Z., Gossrau, R.
Aliphatic and Related Natural Product Chemistry: Volume 1 by
Electrons and Phonons in Layered Crystal Structures by
Metal Ions in Biological Systems: Volume 9: Amino Acids and Derivatives as Ambivalent Ligands by
Charge Transfer Processes in Condensed Media by Ulstrup, J.
Practical Inorganic Chemistry: Preparations, Reactions and Instrumental Methods by Pass, G.
Applied Infrared Spectroscopy: Fundamentals Techniques and Analytical Problem-Solving by Smith, A. Lee
Recent Advances in Group Theory and Their Application to Spectroscopy by
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Element U U. Uran. Uranium (System-NR. 55) Supplement A-E Gmelin U.Uran Erg.Bd by Buschbeck, Karl-Christian, Keller, Cornelius
Glucocorticoid Hormone Action by
Chemische Statistik by Moesta, H.
Enzyme Structure, Part H: Volume 61 by
Techniques and Applications of Fast Reactions in Solution: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on New Applications of Chemical Relaxation by
Optically Active Polymers by
Basic Exercises in Immunochemistry: A Laboratory Manual by Nowotny, A.
Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Biophysik: Konstanz, October 1979. Abstracts of Poster Presentations by
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 11 by
Handbook of Analytical Derivatization Reactions by Knapp, Daniel R.
Biochromy: Natural Coloration of Living Things by Fox, Denis L.
Fundamental Research in Homogeneous Catalysis: Volume 3 by Tsutsui, M.
Blutbild Und Urinstatus by Neth, R. D.
The Permutation Group in Physics and Chemistry by
The Transfer of Molecular Energies by Collision: Recent Quantum Treatments by Gianturco, F. A.
Kohleveredlung: Chemie Und Technologie by Knop, Andre, Franck, Heinz-Gerhard
Modellvorstellungen in der Chemie by Osteryoung, Y., Crawford, T. H., Hammond, George S.
A Short History of Chemistry by Tyrrell, Ian
Catalysis in Chemistry and Biochemistry Theory and Experiment: Proceedings of the Twelfth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry He by
Organic Reactions and Orbital Symmetry by Gilchrist, Gilchrist, T. L., Storr, R. C.
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Element S-E Se. Selen. Selenium (System-NR. 10) Supplement A-B Gmelin Se.Selen by
Examens-Fragen Chemie Für Pharmazeuten: Zum Gegenstandskatalog by
Praktikum Der Qualitativen Analyse by Souci, S. W., Thies, Heinrich
Research and Practice in Social Skills Training by Bellack, A. S., Hersen, M.
Anorganische Chemie by Klemm, Wilhelm, Hoppe, Rudolf
Knowledge and Wonder, second edition: The Natural World as Man Knows It by Weisskopf, Victor F.
Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism, Part A: Initial Rate and Inhibitor Methods: Volume 63 by
Quantum Theory of Chemical Reactions: 1: Collision Theory, Reaction Path, Static Indices by
Intercalated Layered Materials by
High-Pressure Properties of Matter / Eigenschaften Der Materie Bei Hohen Drucken by Beggerow, G.
Alkaline Phosphatase by McComb, Robert B., Bowers Jr, George N., Posen, Solomon
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 8 by
Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics by Gennes, Pierre-Gilles
Preparation and Properties of Stereoregular Polymers: Based Upon the Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Tirrennia, Pisa, Italy, by
Esr and NMR of Paramagnetic Species in Biological and Related Systems: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Acquafredda Di Maratea by
Palladium Catalyzed Oxidation of Hydrocarbons by Henry, P.
Wasser: Untersuchung, Beurteilung, Aufbereitung, Chemie, Bakteriologie, Virologie, Biologie by Höll, Karl
Handbuch Zur Anwendung Der Nomenklatur Organisch-Chemischer Verbindungen by
Molekülkristalle: Autorisierte Übersetzung by Kitaigorodski, A. I.
Stoffübergangsprozesse Der Chemischen Technologie: (Systeme Mit Einer Festen Phase) by Raskovskaja, N. B., Frolov, V. F., Romankov, P. G.