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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 1980

Interior Water-Based Trade Paint Formulations by Flick, Ernest W.
Reactions in the Solid State: Volume 22 by
Examens-Fragen Chemie Für Mediziner: Zum Gegenstandskatalog by Schilling, G., Klein, H. A., Latscha, H. P.
Handbuch Festkörperanalyse Mit Elektronen, Ionen Und Röntgenstrahlen by Brümmer, Otto
Fluor Und Fluorverbindungen by Naumann
Feuchtigkeit Und Trocknen in Der Pharmazeutischen Technologie by Stahl, P. H.
Biopolymere by Ebert, G.
Übungen Und Prüfungsfragen Biochemie: Begleittext Zum Lehrbuch Biochemie by Jungermann, K., Möhler, H.
Polymerchemie: Eine Einführung in Die Chemie Und Physikalische Chemie Der Makromoleküle by Gruber, E.
13c-Nmr- Spektroskopie: Eine Einführung by Ernst, L.
Membrane Biochemistry: A Laboratory Manual on Transport and Bioenergetics by
The Tunnel Effect in Chemistry by Bell, Ronald Percy
Taschenbuch Für Umweltschutz: Band III: Ökologische Informationen by Moll, Walter L. H.
Hydrogen and Energy by McAuliffe, T. R.
Catalysis: Volume 3 by
Electrochemistry: Volume 7 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 11 by
Electronic Structure and Magnetism of Inorganic Compounds: Volume 6 by
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 3 by
Chemical Physics of Solids and Their Surfaces: Volume 8 by
Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 1 by
Biosynthesis: Volume 6 by
Dynamische Biochemie, Teil 2: Enzyme Und Bioenergetik by Hofmann, Eberhard
Januar 1979 by
Februar-März 1979 by
April 1979 by
Einführung in Die Physikalische Chemie Und Kristallchemie Der Halbleiter by Ormont, B. F.
Anwendungen Der Wechselwirkung Zwischen Lonen Und Festkörpern by Weißmantel, Christian
Das Reduktionismusproblem in Der Biologie by Löther, Rolf
Mo-Theoretische Methoden in Der Organischen Chemie by Weiss, Cornelius, Birner, Peter, Hofmann, Hans-Jörg
Fluorchemie: Zur Chemie Und Anwendung by Meinert, Hasso
Schwingungsspektroskopische Und Kernresonanzuntersuchungen an Tetraalkylammoniumsalzlösungen by Kabisch, Gunter
Internationales Symposium Anläßlich Des 125. Geburtstages Von Wilhelm Ostwald by
Internationales Symposium Anläßlich Des 125. Geburtstages Von Wilhelm Ostwald by
Antibiotika Chemie Und Anwendung by Onken, Dieter
Einführung in Die Schnelle Flüssigchromatographie: (Hochdruckflüssigchromatographie) by Eppert, Günter
Dynamische Biochemie, Teil 1: Die Stofflichen Grundlagen Des Lebens by
Die Oxydation Aliphatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe Durch Bakterien by Aurich, Harald
Ausgewählte Entwicklungsrichtungen Der Organischen Chemie by
Salz: Geschichte-Gegenwart-Zukunft by Emons, Hans-Heinz, Walter, Hans-Henning
Juli 1979 by
August 1979 by
Mai 1979 by
9/1/79 by
Oktober 1979 by
11/1/79 by
Dezember 1979 by
Dynamische Biochemie, Teil III: Der Stoffwechsel by Hofmann, Eberhard
Analytiker-Taschenbuch. Band 1 by
Encyclopedia of Surfactants Volume 1 by
Semiclassical Methods in Molecular Scattering and Spectroscopy: Proceedings of the NATO Asi Held in Cambridge, England, in September 1979 by
Phase Transitions in Surface Films by
Adhesion and Adsorption of Polymers by
Molecular Vibrations: The Theory of Infrared and Raman Vibrational Spectra by Cross, Paul C., Wilson, E. Bright, Decius, J. C.
Biochemistry by
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Element U U. Uran. Uranium (System-NR. 55) Supplement A-E Gmelin U.Uran Erg.Bd by
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Element F F. Fluor. Fluorine (System-NR. 5) Hauptwerk 0 Gmelin F.Fluor.Fluorin by
Aspects of the Linear and Magnetic Circular Dichroism of Planar Organic Molecules by Thulstrup, E. W.
Enzyme Kinetics and Mechanism, Part B: Isotopic Probes and Complex Enzyme Systems: Volume 64 by
Reactive Intermediates: Volume 1 by Abramovitch, R. A.
Bifurcation Phenomena in Mathematical Physics and Related Topics: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Cargèse, Corsica, France, J by
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Element F-E Fe. Eisen. Iron (System-NR. 59) Ergdnzungsband A-C Fe-Organische V by
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Element A-U Au. Gold (System-NR. 62) Organogold Compounds by Rudolph, Edgar, Schmidbaur, Hubert, Slawisch, Adolf
Steric Fit in Quantitative Structure-Activity Relations by Motoc, I., Balaban, A. T., Chiriac, A.
Electrophoresis '79: Advanced Methods, Biochemical and Clinical Applications. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Electro by
Nuclear Volume and Cellular Metabolism by Hildebrand, R.
Lactate: Physiologic, Methodologic and Pathologic Approach by
Grundlagen Der Organischen Chemie by Buddrus, Joachim
Anorganische Chemie Zwischen Gestern Und Morgen Ein Fragment by Becke-Goehring, Margot
Vitamins and Coenzymes, Part E: Volume 66 by
Horizons of Quantum Chemistry: Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Quantum Chemistry Held at Kyoto, Japan, October 29 - November 3, 19 by
The Rare Earths in Modern Science and Technology: Volume 2 by McCarthy, G. J.
Chemical Mutagens: Principles and Methods for Their Detection Volume 6 by Hollaender, A., De Serr, Frederick J.
Polymer Colloids II by
Statistische Auswertung von Mess- und Versuchsdaten mit Taschenrechner und Tischcomputer by Noack, Siegfried
Advances in Chromatography: Volume 18 by
Liquid Chromatography of Polymers and Related Materials, II by
Plasticity of Muscle: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the University of Konstanz, Germany, September 23-28, 1979 by
Validität Klinisch-Chemischer Befunde: Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Klinische Chemie Merck-Symposium 1979 by
AB Initio Calculations: Methods and Applications in Chemistry by Urban, Miroslav, Carsky, Petr
Electrochemistry: A Reformulation of the Basic Principles by
Macromolecular Physics: Crystal Melting by Wunderlich, Bernhard
Vibrational Spectroscopy of Molecular Liquids and Solids by Pick, R. M., Bratos, S.
Bioenergetics and Thermodynamics: Model Systems: Synthetic and Natural Chelates and Macrocycles as Models for Biological and Pharmaceutical Studies by
Computational Methods in Chemistry by Bargon, Joachim
Bioelectrochemistry by Pasadena United States-Australia Joint Seminar on Bioelectro
Computational Aspects for Large Chemical Systems by Clementi, E.
Collision Theory and Statistical Theory of Chemical Reactions by Christov, S. G.
Organometallic Chemistry: Volume 8 by
Organometallic Chemistry: Volume 9 by
Point Processes by Cox, D. R., Isham, Valerie
The Physics and Chemistry of Low Dimensional Solids: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Tomar, Potugal, August 26 - September 7, by
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Catalytic Processes by
Introduction to Chemical Process Technology by
Chemistry Through Models: Concepts and Applications of Modelling in Chemical Science, Technology and Industry by Suckling, C. J., Suckling, Colin J., Suckling, Keith E.
Organische Chemie. [Hauptbd.] by Allinger, N. L., Et Al
Bor in Biologie, Medizin Und Pharmazie: Physiologische Wirkungen Und Anwendung Von Borverbindungen by Kliegel, W.
Achievement Motivation: Recent Trends in Theory and Research by Fyans
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 12 by
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 13 by
Begleitbuch by
Molecular Structures and Dimensions Volume 11: Bibliography 1978-79: Organic and Organometallic Crystal Structures by
Analytical Applications of Ft-IR to Molecular and Biological Systems: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Florence, Italy, August by
Quantum Dynamics of Molecules: The New Experimental Challenge to Theorists by
Electronic States of Molecules and Atom Clusters: Foundations and Prospects of Semiempirical Methods by Serre, J., Del Re, G., Berthier, G.
Theory of Rate Processes in Condensed Media by Fain, B.
Electronic Interpretation of Organic Chemistry: A Problems-Oriented Text by Mandell, Leon, Menger, Fredric M.
Immunochemical Techniques, Part a: Volume 70 by
Terrestrial Rare Gases: Proceedings of the U.S.-Japan Seminar on Rare Gas Abundance and Isotopic Constraints on the Origin and Evolution of th by
Mixed-Valence Compounds: Theory and Applications in Chemistry, Physics, Geology, and Biology by
Zell- und Gewebekulturen by Paul, John
Fractionation of the Carbon Isotopes During Photosynthesis: Submitted to the Session of 19 April, 1980 by Vogel, J. C.
Phytochemical Methods: A Guide to Modern Techniques of Plant Analysis by Harborne, Jeffrey B.
Biological Functions of Carbohydrates by Candy, D. J.
Magnetic Resonance in Colloid and Interface Science: Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute and the Second International Symposium Held at Men by
Biological Functions of Carbohydrates by Candy, D. J.
Carcinogenesis: Fundamental Mechanisms and Environmental Effects: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemis by
A Guidebook to Biochemistry by Yudkin, Michael
Luminescence and Energy Transfer by Gade, Lutz H., Parkin, Gerard, Duan, Xue
Biochemische Arbeitsmethoden by Cooper, Terrance G.
Pattern Recognition in Chemistry by Varmuza, Kurt
Autoxidation in Food and Biological Systems by
Triazoles 1,2,3, Volume 39 by
Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods, Volume 4 by Wade, Leroy G.
The Hammett Equation by Johnson, C. D., Johnson, Eric Ed
Quantum Theory of Chemical Reactions: II: Solvent Effect, Reaction Mechanisms, Photochemical Processes by
Vibrational Spectroscopy of Adsorbates by
Beilstein Handbook of Organic Chemistry, Fourth Edition / Beilsteins Handbuch Der Organischen Chemie, 4. Auflage Index/Register 1-4 Gesamtregister F]r by
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Element S-C... SC, Y, La - Lu. Seltenerdelemente. Rare Earth Elements (System- by
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Element U U. Uran. Uranium (System-NR. 55) Supplement A-E Gmelin U.Uran Erg.Bd by
Störungen Des Wasser-, Elektrolyt- Und Säure-Basenhaushaltes: Diagnose Und Therapie by Schley, G.
Homogeneous Transition-Metal Catalysis: A Gentle Art by Masters, Christopher
The Atoms Within Us by Borek, Ernest
Biomonitoring Air Pollutants with Plants by Feder, W. A., Manning, W. J.
Dynamic Plasticity of Metals: Course Held at the Department for Mechanics of Deformable Bodies, July 1970 by Campbell, John D.
Ph-Messung by Schwabe, Kurt
Proceedings of the First International Workshop Neuherberg, Federal Republic of Germany, April 1980 by
Structural Dynamics: Heat Conduction by Fraeijs De Veubeke, B. M., Geradin, M., Huck, A.
Organische Synthesen Mit Cyansäureestern by Martin, Dieter, Bacaloglu, Radu