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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 1984

Fundamental Research in Homogeneous Catalysis by Graziani, M.
Progress in Tryptophan and Serotonin Research: Proceedings. Fourth Meeting of the International Study Group for Tryptophan Research Istry, Martinsried by
Arzneistoffe: Lehrbuch Der Pharmazeutischen Chemie by Haake, Manfred, Schunack, Walter, Mayer, Klaus
Gasification of Rice Hulls: Theory and PRAXIS by Kaupp, Albrecht
Small Scale Gas Producer-Engine Systems by Kaupp, Albrecht
Chemical Ecology of Insects by Cardé, Ring T., Bell, William J.
Grundlagen Und Praktische Anwendung Der Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse (Rfa) by Hahn-Weinheimer, Paula
Advances in Photosynthesis Research: Proceedings of the Vith International Congress on Photosynthesis, Brussels, Belgium, August 1-6, 1983 Volume 2 by
Advances in Photosynthesis Research: Proceedings of the Vith International Congress on Photosynthesis, Brussels, Belgium, August 1-6, 1983. Volume 4 by
Language and Cognition: Essays in Honor of Arthur J. Bronstein by Raphael, Lawrence J.
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: Volume 15 by
Photochemistry: Volume 15 by
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 13 by
Organometallic Chemistry: Volume 12 by
Electrochemistry: Volume 9 by
Environmental Chemistry: Volume 3 by
Mass Spectrometry: Volume 7 by
Radiation Effects on and Dose Enhancement by Luisa, Bozzano G.
Die Pyrolyse Von Kohlenwasserstoffen Im Thermischen Plasma - Bildung Von Acetylen Und Ruß by Spangenberg, Hans-Joachim
Organic Chemistry in Colour by Gordon, Paul F., Gregory, Peter
Steric Effects in Drug Design by
Max Steenbeck, Sein Wirken Für Frieden Und Abrüstung by Lohs, Karlheinz, Rompe, Robert
Vanadiumoxide: Darstellung, Eigenschaften, Anwendung by Oppermann, Heinrich, Reichelt, Werner, Brückner, Winfried
Amorphe Und Glasartige Anorganische Festkörper by Feltz, Adalbert
Hochtemperaturreaktionen: Eine Einführung by Hellmold, Peter
Radicals in Biochemistry by
Kontinuierliche Thermodynamik Von Vielstoffgemischen by Rätzsch, M. T., Kehlen, H.
Theorie Der Adsorption an Zeolithen by
Physical and Inorganic Chemistry by
Plasma Chemistry IV by
Dynamische Selbstorganisation Eines Mehrenzymsystems by Hofmann, E., Schellenberger, W., Eschrich, K.
Modern Syntheses of Cobalt (III) Complexes by Shibata, M.
4/1/83 by
Mai 1983 by
Juni 1983 by
Juli 1983 by
Carbanion Chemistry by Ogle, Craig A., Bates, Robert B.
Oscillations in Chemical Reactions by
8/1/83 by
Preparative Organic Chemistry by
9/1/83 by
Oktober 1983 by
11/1/83 by
Dezember 1983 by
Isotopenpraxis. Band 19, Heft 1/2 by
Ausgewählte Forschungsergebnisse Aus Der Organischen Chemie: Festkolloquium Zum 80. Geburtstag Von Alfred Rieche by Rieche, Alfred
Beiträge Natürlicher Radionuklide Zur Umweltforschung by Fröhlich, Klaus
Die Rolle Des Radons (Isotop 222rn) ALS Umweltfaktor - Eine Übersicht by Watznauer, Adolf
Catalysis. Volume 4 by
Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods, Volume 5 by Wade, Leroy G.
Advances in Chromatography, Volume 23 by
Liquid Chromatography in Environmental Analysis by Lawrence, James F.
New Pathways for Organic Synthesis: Practical Applications of Transition Metals by Colquhoun, H. M., Holton, J., Thompson, D. J.
Zeolites: Science and Technology by
Transglutaminase by
Thermochemistry and Its Applications to Chemical and Biochemical Systems: The Thermochemistry of Molecules, Ionic Species and Free Radicals in Relatio by
Anthropogenic Compounds by
Excimer Lasers by
Issues in Psychotherapy Research by
Cancer - Immunology - Metabolic Diseases: Proceedings Second Winter Workshop on Pteridines March 6-9, 1983, St. Christoph, Arlberg, Austria by
Head-Space Analysis and Related Methods in Gas Chromatography by Ioffe, B. V., Vitenberg, A. G., Manatov, Ilya A.
Determination of Organic Reaction Mechanisms by Carpenter, David O.
Phosphorous-31 NMR: Principles and Applications by
Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems: Volume 105 by
Amedeo Avogadro: A Scientific Biography by Morselli, M.
Liquid Crystals and Ordered Fluids: Volume 4 by Griffin, Anselm C.
Mechanisms of Inorganic and Organometallic Reactions: Volume 2 by
Intramolecular Diels-Alder and Alder Ene Reactions by Taber, Douglass F.
Oxygen Radicals in Chemistry and Biology: Proceedings, 3. Internat. Conference, Neuherberg, Federal Republic of Germany, July 10-15, 1983 by
Analytical Calorimetry: Volume 5 by Julian, F., Gill, Johnson, Philip S.
Einführung in Die Physikalische Chemie: Teil V: Molekülspektroskopie by Labhart, Heinrich
Molecular Beam Epitaxy of III-V Compounds: A Comprehensive Bibliography 1958-1983 by Graf, K., Ploog, K.
Adsorption on and Surface Chemistry of Hydroxyapatite by Misra, Dwarika N.
Beyond the Dyad by Lewis, Michael
Analysis of Volatiles: Methods. Applications. Proceedings. International Workshop Würzburg, Federal Republic of Germany, September 28-30, 198 by
Protein Synthesis: Translational and Post-Translational Events by Abraham, Abraham K., Eikhom, Thor S., Pryme, Ian F.
Chemical Reactor Theory: An Introduction by Turner, J. C. R., Denbigh, Kenneth George, Denbigh, K. G.
Quantum Chemistry of Polymers -- Solid State Aspects by
Laser Applications in Chemistry by
Carbon-Centered Radicals I / Kohlenstoffradikale I by Beckwith, A. L. J., Griller, D., Fischer, H.
Flavins and Flavoproteins by
Verbrennung Und Feuerungen by Günther, R.
Metal Ions in Biological Systems: Volume 17: Calcium and its Role in Biology by
Proceedings of the Fourth Ussr-Frg Symposium Tübingen, Federal Republic of Germany June 8-12, 1982 by
Neurobiology of the Trace Amines: Analytical, Physiological, Pharmacological, Behavioral, and Clinical Aspects by
Magnetic Resonance: Introduction, Advanced Topics and Applications to Fossil Energy by
Heavy Crude Oil Recovery by
The Experience of Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach by Goldstein, M., Goldstein, I. F.
Boussingault: Chemist and Agriculturist by McCosh, F. W. J.
Environmental Research and Protection: Inorganic Analysis by
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 16 by
Automobile Catalytic Converters by Taylor, Kathleen C.
Perspectives on Environmental Impact Assessment: Proceedings of the Annual Who Training Courses on Environmental Impact Assessment, Centre for Environ by
Introduction to Phase Equilibria in Ceramic Systems by Hummel
Macromolecules: Volume 2: Synthesis, Materials, and Technology by
Industrial Crystallization by Grootscholten, P. A. M., Jancic, S. J.
Adhesive Joints: Formation, Characteristics, and Testing by Mittal, K. L.
Elements of Chemistry by Lavoisier, Antoine
The Natural Environment and the Biogeochemical Cycles by
Local Density Approximations in Quantum Chemistry and Solid State Physics by Avery, John, Dahl, Jens Peder
Wavefunctions and Mechanisms from Electron Scattering Processes by
Ultrashort Light Pulses: Picosecond Techniques and Applications by
Chemische Aspekte Der Festkörper-Physik by Endres, H.
Orienting Polymers: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Ima, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis March 21-26, 1983 by
Osmoregulation in Estuarine and Marine Animals: Proceedings of the Invited Lectures to a Symposium Organized Within the 5th Conference of the European by
Handbook of Fiber Science and Technology: Volume 1: Chemical Processing of Fibers and Fabrics - Fundamentals and Preparation Part B by
Complexation of Trace Metals in Natural Waters: Proceedings of the International Symposium, May 2-6 1983, Texel, the Netherlands by
Thomas Beddoes M.D. 1760-1808: Chemist, Physician, Democrat by Stansfield, D. a.
Activation of Saturated Hydrocarbons by Transition Metal Complexes by Shilov, A. E.
Applications of Picosecond Spectroscopy to Chemistry by
Oxyl-, Peroxyl-, and Related Radicals / Oxy-, Peroxy- Und Verwandte Radikale by Scaiano, J. C., Howard, J. a.
Die Spur Des Lebens: Paläontologie -- Chemisch Betrachtet Evolution Katastrophen Neubeginn by Pflug, H. D.
Lehrbuch Der Reaktortechnik: Band 2: Reaktortechnik by Ziegler, A.
Global Solutions of Reaction-Diffusion Systems by Rothe, Franz
The Total Synthesis of Natural Products, Volume 6 by
Fortschritte Der Chemie / Progress in Chemistry Vol 45 by
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Element S-I Si. Silicium. Silicon (System-NR. 15) Part B the Compounds Supplem by
Gel Electrophoresis and Isoelectric Focusing of Proteins by Allen, Robert C., Saravis, Calvin A., Maurer, H. R.
Pathobiochemie Der Entzündung: Merck Symposium Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Klinische Chemie Bonn, 5-7 Mai 1983 by
Industrial Electrochemistry by Pletcher, Derek
Grundkurs Biochemie by Lehninger, Albert L.
Chemie des Wassers in Thermischen Kraftanlagen by Freier, Rolf K.
Lebensmittel -- Mit Allen Sinnen Prüfen!: Qualität Aromastoffe Geschmack Sensorik by Fricker, A.
Modern Methods of Particle Size Analysis by
Comprehensive Treatise of Electrochemistry: Volume 8 Experimental Methods in Electrochemistry by
Advanced Theories and Computational Approaches to the Electronic Structure of Molecules by
Dynamics on Surfaces: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry Held in Jerusalem, Israel, 30 by
Physics and Chemistry of Electrons and Ions in Condensed Matter by
Synthetic Organic Photochemistry by
Monoclonal Antibodies to Receptors: Probes for Receptor Structure and Funtcion by
Chemical Mutagens: Principles and Methods for Their Detection Volume 9 by De Serr, Frederick J., Hollaender, A.
Perspectives in Theoretical Stereochemistry by Kopp, R., Ugi, I., Dugundij, J.
Sensitivity of Functionals with Applications to Engineering Sciences: Proceedings of a Special Session of the American Mathematical Society Spring Mee by
Zuverlässigkeit Elektrotechnischer Anlagen: Einführung in Die Methodik, Die Verfahren Und Ihre Anwendung by Kochs, H. -D
Theory and Research in Behavioral Pediatrics: Volume 2 by
Multiphase Migration of Organic Compounds in a Porous Medium: A Mathematical Model by Abriola, Linda M.
Einführung in Die Physikalische Chemie: Teil I Chemische Thermodynamik by Labhart, Heinrich
Adrenal Steroid Antagonism: Proceedings. Satellite Workshop of the VII. International Congress of Endocrinology Quebec, Canada, July 7, 1984 by
1978-1983 by
Practical Aspects of Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry by Message, Gordon M.
An Introduction to the Properties of Fluids and Solids by Heideman, Robert, Jeje, Ayodeji A., Mohtadi, Farhang
Polyimides: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications Volume 2 by
Chemometrics: Mathematics and Statistics in Chemistry by
Polyimides: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications. Volume 1 by
Specificity in Biological Interactions: Proceedings of a Working Group at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences November 9-11, 1983 by
Comprehensive Treatise of Electrochemistry by
Uranium Dioxide, Uo2, Preparation and Crystallographic Properties by Wedemeyer, Horst, Vollath, Dieter
Analysis/Networks/Peptides by
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Element R-H Rh. Rhodium (System-NR. 64) Supplement R-H Gmelin Rh.Rhodium Suppl by
Enzymes, Receptors, and Carriers of Biological Membranes: A Laboratory Manual by
Proteins by
Proteins by
Affinity Chromatography: Template Chromatography of Nucleic Acids and Proteins by Schott
Aspects of Homogeneous Catalysis: A Series of Advances by
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Liquid Crystals by
Chemistry & Physics of Carbon: Volume 19 by
Advances in Chromatography, Volume 24 by
Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: Theory and Applications -- Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Medicine by
HPLC in Nucleic Acid Research: Methods and Applications by Brown, Phyllis R.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy: Industrial Chemical and Biochemical Applications by
Electroplating Engineering Handbook by Durney, L. J.
Elektronische Textkommunikation in Deutschland Und Japan / Electronic Text Communication in Germany and Japan: Konzepte, Anwendungen, Soziale Wirkunge by
Thermodynamics of Silicates by Babushkin, V. I.
Catalysis Science and Technology Volume 6 by
Reactions and Processes by
C...C15 by Schudt-Weitz, G., Strell, I.
Carbon-Centered Radicals II / Kohlenstoffradikale II by Bonifacic, M., Asmus, K. -D
Host Guest Complex Chemistry Macrocycles: Synthesis, Structures, Applications by
Molekular- Und Zellbiologie: Aktuelle Themen by
Polysaccharide: Eigenschaften Und Nutzung Eine Einführung by
Chemistry and Application of Phenolic Resins by Knop, A., Scheib, W.
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 16 by
Nucleic Acids by
Nucleic Acids by
The Organic Chemistry of Drug Synthesis, Volume 3 by Mitscher, Lester A., Lednicer, Daniel
Microencapsulation and Artificial Cells by Chang, T. M. S.
Pyridine and Its Derivatives, Volume 14, Part 5 by
Modern High Temperature Science: A Collection of Research Papers from Scientists, Post-Doctoral Associates, and Colleagues of Professor Leo Brewer in by Margrave, John L.
Health and Safety in the Chemi, by
Gas Enzymology: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Odense University, Denmark, 28-29 May 1984 by
Photophysics and Photochemistry in the Vacuum Ultraviolet by
Electron-Molecule Collisions by
Mössbauer Spectroscopy Applied to Inorganic Chemistry by
Principles of Peptide Synthesis by Bodanszky, Miklos
Zum 150. Geburtstag Von D. I. Mendelejew: Zerfall Und Bildung Cyclischer Kohlenwasserstoffe Unter Den Bedingungen Der Kohlenwasserstoffpyrolyse by Kolditz, Lothar, Zimmermann, Gerhard
Tribochemistry by Heinicke, Gerhard
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop Neuherberg, Federal Republic of Germany, April 1984 by
Inorganic Chemistry by
Contemporary Problems in Carbonium Ion Chemistry I/II: Nonclassical Carbocations. Rearrangements of Carbocations by 1,2-Shifts by Shubin, V. G., Barkhash, V. A.
Analytiker-Taschenbuch. Band 4 by
Elektrochemische Technologie Und Verfahrenstechnik by Hertwig, Klaus, Kardos, Johannes, Franke, Lothar