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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 1987

Electro-Diffusion of Ions by Rubinstein, Isaak
Mega Molecules: by Elias, Hans-Georg
The Mathematics of Combustion by
Lectures on Mathematical Combustion by Ludford, G. S. S., Buckmaster, J. D.
Kurzes Lehrbuch Der Anorganischen Und Allgemeinen Chemie by Jander, G., Spandau, H.
Br 25 Nongenotox Mech in Carcin 87 by Butterworth, Byron E., Slaga, Thomas J.
Lerntest Chemie: Allgemeine Anorganische Und Organische Chemie by Hölig, V.
Transportvorgänge by Haase, R.
Topics in Nucleic Acid Structure: Part 3 by
An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics by Hill, Terrell L.
Amino Acids and Peptides: Volume 18 by
Photochemistry: Volume 18 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 18 by
Amino Acids and Peptides: Volume 19 by
Organometallic Chemistry: Volume 15 by
Organometallic Chemistry: Volume 16 by
Mass Spectrometry: Volume 9 by
Electron Spin Resonance: Volume 10b by
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 9 by
Molecular Cloning of Hormone Genes by Habener, Joel F.
Analytiker-Taschenbuch. Band 6 by
Dynamische Biochemie, Teil IV: Zellbiochemie by Hofmann, Eberhard
Über Den Ablauf Organisch-Chemischer Reaktionen by Hauptmann, Siegfried
Über Den Ablauf Organisch-Chemischer Reaktionen by Hauptmann, Siegfried
Zellbiochemie, Teil 4 by Hofmann, Eberhard
Ein Beitrag Zur Koordinationschemie Konzentrierter Elektrolytlösungen by Emons, Hans-Heinz, Pollmer, Kirsten
Aktuelle Probleme Der Peptidforschung by Oehme, Peter
Februar 1986 by
Small Ring Compounds in Organic Synthesis II by
März 1986 by
4/1/86 by
Mai 1986 by
Juni 1986 by
Juli 1986 by
8/1/86 by
Synthetic Organic Chemistry by
9/1/86 by
Small Ring Compoundsin Organic Synthesis I by
Oktober 1986 by
11/1/86 by
Entwicklungen Auf Dem Gebiet Der Organischen Hochpolymere by Rätzsch, Manfred
Dezember 1986 by
Uhlig, Egon: Kopplung Von C1-Bausteinen an Elektronenreichen Übergangsmetallkomplexen; Wolf, Friedrich; Hager, Waltrud: Zur Modifizierung Von Trägern by Hager, Waltrud, Uhlig, Egon, Wolf, Friedrich
Salzhydratschmelzen by Naumann, R., Emons, H. -H, Fanghänel, Th
Organolithıum Compounds/ Solvated Electrons by
Elektrochemie by
Grundlagen Der Chemischen Kinetik by Sackmann, Horst, Kehlen, Horst, Kuschel, Frank
Mathematical Concepts in Organic Chemistry by Polansky, Oskar E., Gutman, Ivan
Organic Geo- And Cosmochemistry by
Techniques in Molecular Biology: Volume 2 by Walker, John M., Gaastra, Wim
Catalysis and Surface Properties of Liquid Metals and Alloys by
Quantum Chemistry of Atoms and Molecules by Matthews, Philip S. C.
Mossbauer Spectroscopy by
Organic Syntheses by Oxidation with Metal Compounds by
Understanding Molecular Properties: A Symposium in Honour of Professor Carl Johan Ballhausen, Held at the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters by
Structure/Reactivity and Thermochemistry of Ions by
New Horizons in Electrochemical Science and Technology by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems
Explosivverdichtung Pulvriger Substanzen: Grundlagen, Verfahren, Ergebnisse by Prümmer, Rolf
Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy, Part 1: Methodology, Instrumentation and Performance by
Dispersants, Solvents and Solubilizers by
Chemistry & Physics of Carbon: Volume 20 by
Hypervirial Theorems by Fernandez, Francisco M., Castro, Eduardo Alberto
Mechanisms of Inorganic and Organometallic Reactions Volume 4 by
Advances in Biomedical Polymers by Gebelein, C. G.
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Element F F. Fluor. Fluorine (System-NR. 5) Hauptwerk 0 Gmelin F.Fluor.Fluorin by
Radiothermoluminescence and Transitions in Polymers by Zlatkevich, Lev
Biosurfactants and Biotechnology by Kosaric, Naim
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Properties of Steam: Moscow, USSR 3-7 September 1984 Volume 1 by Aleksandrov, A. a., Sytchev, V. V.
Electrochemical Science and Technology of Polymers--1 by
Developments in Oriented Polymers--2 by
Plant Pathogenic Bacteria: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, Maryland, June 2-7, 1985 by
Cell Fusion by
High Pressure Chemistry and Biochemistry by
Peptide Hormone Receptors by
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 19 by
Proceedings of the 4. International Workshop, Neuherberg, F. R. G., April 1986 by
Chemie für Mediziner by Krieg, Benno
Konvektive Wärmeübertragung by Merker, Günter Peter
Oberflächen- Und Dünnschicht-Technologie: Teil I: Beschichtungen Von Oberflächen by Haefer, Rene A.
Monoamine Oxidase Enzymes: Review and Overview by
Inorganc Organc Rdls by Royal Society
Energy Transfer Dynamics: Studies and Essays in Honor of Herbert Fröhlich on His Eightieth Birthday by
Stochasticity and Intramolecular Redistribution of Energy by
Density Matrices and Density Functionals: Proceedings of the A. John Coleman Symposium by
Molecular Nephrology: Biochemical Aspects of Kidney Function. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, October by
Porto Carras, Chalkidiki, Greece, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 1986 by
Binding Constants: The Measurement of Molecular Complex Stability by Connors, Kenneth A.
Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids, Volume 2: Kinetic Theory by Armstrong, Robert C., Bird, R. Byron, Curtiss, Charles F.
Aquatic Surface Chemistry: Chemical Processes at the Particle-Water Interface by
Umpoled Synthons: A Survey of Sources and Uses in Synthesis by
Mega Molecules: Tales of Adhesives, Bread, Diamonds, Eggs, Fibers, Foams, Gelatin, Leather, Meat, Plastics, Resists, Rubber, ... and C by Elias, Hans-Georg
Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids, Volume 1: Fluid Mechanics by Armstrong, Robert C., Hassager, OLE, Bird, R. Byron
Silicon and Silicones: About Stone-Age Tools, Antique Pottery, Modern Ceramics, Computers, Space Materials and How They All Got That Way by Rochow, Eugene G.
Complex Carbohydrates, Part E: Volume 138 by
Metabolism of Aromatic Amino Acids and Amines: Volume 142 by
Surfactants in Emerging Technology by Rosen
Structure and Properties of Ionomers by
Insects - Plants by
Surfactants in Solution: Volume 6 by
Surfactants in Solution: Volume 5 by
Synthetic Polymeric Membranes: Proceedings of the 29th Microsymposium on Macromolecules, Prague, Czechoslovakia, July 7-10, 1986 by
Crosslinked Epoxies: Proceedings of the 9th Discussion Conference Prague, Czechoslovakia, July 14-17, 1986 by
Secondary Metabolism by Mann, J.
Bioscience at the Physical Science Frontier: Proceedings of a Foundation Symposium on the 150th Anniversary of Alfred Nobel's Birth by Nicolini, Claudio
Advances in Chromatography, Volume 26 by
Vertrebrate Cell Culture I by
Endoscopic Laser Surgery Handbook by Shapshay, S. M.
Methods in Protein Sequence Analysis - 1986 by Walsh, Kenneth a.
Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy, Part 2: Applications and Fundamentals by
One-Dimensional Organometallic Materials: An Analysis of Electronic Structure Effects by Böhm, Michael C.
Molecular Biology of the Arterial Wall by
Thin-Layer Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detection by Ranny, M.
Electroanalytical Methods in Chemical and Environmental Analysis by Kalvoda, R.
Structure and Dynamics of Biopolymers by
Molten Salt Chemistry: An Introduction and Selected Applications by
Surface Crystallographic Information Service: Database and Graphing Programs Version 1.1, January 1987 User's Manual by Pendry, J. B.
Statistical Mechanics: Principles and Selected Applications by Hill, Terrell L.
Amorphous Polymers and Non-Newtonian Fluids by
Formulas, Facts and Constants for Students and Professionals in Engineering, Chemistry, and Physics by Fischbeck, Kurt H., Fischbeck, Helmut J.
Statistical Thermodynamics of Nonequilibrium Processes by Keizer, Joel
Surface and Colloid Science in Computer Technology by Mittal, Kashmiri Lal
Polymer Electrolyte Reviews by
Carbon Dioxide as a Source of Carbon: Biochemical and Chemical Uses by
Mössbauer Spectroscopy Applied to Inorganic Chemistry Volume 2 by
Conducting Polymers: Special Applications Proceedings of the Workshop Held at Sintra, Portugal, July 28-31, 1986 by
Comprehensive B12: Chemistry, Biochemistry, Nutrition, Ecology, Medicine by Schneider, Zenon, Stroinski, Andrzej
Quality Assurance of Chemical Measurements by Taylor, Taylor K., Taylor, John K., Taylor, J. K.
High Solids Alkyd Resins by Holmberg, K.
Reagents in Mineral Technology by Somasundaran, P.
Polymer Mixing and Extrusion Technology by Cheremisinoff, Nicholasp
Human Tumor Markers: Biology and Clinical Applications. Proceedings of the Third International Conference Lacco Ameno d'Ischia, Napoli, Ita by
Physical Methods of Chemistry, Determination of Chemical Composition and Molecular Structure by
Electron Transfer Reactions in Organic Chemistry by Eberson, Lennart
Naturally Occurring Quinones by Thomson, R. H.
Food and Beverage Mycology by Beuchat, Larry R.
Penicillium and Acremonium by
Electrochemical Sensors in Immunological Analysis by
Einführung in Die Nomenklatur Organisch-Chemischer Verbindungen Für Studium Und Berufsausbildung by Böhm, Peter, Melber, Willi
Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics by Chandler, David
System Development and ADA: Crai Workshop on Software Factories and Ada, Capri, Italy, May 26-30, 1986, Proceedings by
Immobilized Enzymes and Cells, Part C: Volume 136 by
Middle Atmosphere Dynamics: Volume 40 by Andrews, David G., Leovy, Conway B., Holton, James R.
Surface and Colloid Science by
Reactions of Coordinated Ligands: Volume 1 by
Recent Developments in Ion Exchange by
Structure and Dynamics of Weakly Bound Molecular Complexes by
Comb-Shaped Polymers and Liquid Crystals by Shibaev, V. P., Platé, N. a.
Monitoring of Gaseous Pollutants by Tunable Diode Lasers: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held in Freiburg, F.R.G., 13-14 November 1986 by
Acid Rain: The Relationship Between Sources and Receptors by
Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds by
Einführung in Die Chromatographie by Gritter, Roy J., Bobbitt, James M.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 17 by
Progress in Tryptophan and Serotonin Research 1986: Proceedings, Fifth Meeting of the International Study Group for Tryptophan Research Istry, Cardiff by
Immunologie by
Atom- Und Quantenphysik: Eine Einführung in Die Experimentellen Und Theoretischen Grundlagen by Wolf, Hans C., Haken, Hermann
Interactions of Water in Ionic and Nonionic Hydrates: Proceedings of a Symposium in Honour of the 65th Birthday of W.A.P. Luck Marburg/Frg, 2.-3.4. 19 by
Einführung in Die Physikalische Chemie: Teil IV: Molekülbau by Labhart, Heinrich
Hetero Diels-Alder Methodology in Organic Synthesis: Volume 47 by
Ribulose Bisphosphate by Royal Society
Recent Advances in Mechanistic and Synthetic Aspects of Polymerization by
Large Finite Systems: Proceedings of the Twentieth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry Held in Jerusalem, Israel, May by
Supramolecular Photochemistry by
Chaos in Biological Systems by
Photon Activation Analysis by Segebade, Christian, Weise, Hans-Peter, Lutz, George John
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Element B-E Be. Beryllium (System-NR. 26) Ergdnzungsband 1 Be-Organische Verbi by Kubny, Alfons, Mirbach, Marlis, Schmidbaur, Hubert
Hydrogen Effects in Catalysis: Fundamentals and Practical Applications by Paal
Wassertechnologie: Fällung - Flockung - Separation by Hahn, Hermann H.
Software-Entwicklung in Der Chemie 1: Proceedings Des Workshops "Computer in Der Chemie" Hochfilzen/Tirol 19.-21. November 1986 by
Enamines: Synthesis: Structure, and Reactions, Second Edition, by Cook, Gilbert, Cook, A. G., Cook, Cook
Future Directions in Polymer Colloids by
Molecular Design of Tautomeric Compounds by Minkin, V. I., Olekhnovich, L. P., Zhdanov, Yu a.
Chemical Transport in Metasomatic Processes by
The Practice of Royal Icing by Holding, A.
Bioreactors and Biotransformations by
Methods in Computational Chemistry: Volume 1 Electron Correlation in Atoms and Molecules by
Handbook of Fillers for Plastics by Katz, H. S., Mileski, J. V.
Wärmeübergang Beim Kondensieren Und Beim Sieden by Stephan, Karl
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Element S-C... SC, Y, La - Lu. Seltenerdelemente. Rare Earth Elements (System- by Sarbas, Bdrbel, Tvpper, Wolfgang
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Element T-H Th. Thorium (System-NR. 44) Supplement A-E Supplement Part D Chemi by
Receptor Mediated Antisteroid Action by
Recent Advances in Steroid Hormone Action by
Cereals and Cereal Products by Unwin, Ian, Buss, David
Nuclei CL ... RB by Nakamura, N., Chihara, H.
Inorganic Reactions and Methods, the Formation of the Bond to Hydrogen (Part 2) by
Gasdynamik by Ganzer, Uwe
Organometallics in Organic Synthesis: Aspects of a Modern Interdisciplinary Field by
Skriptum Fehlerrechnung: Eine Einführung in Die Analyse Experimenteller Daten Für Studenten Der Naturwissenschaften -- Mit Programmen Für Alle by Lichten, William
Recombinant Dna, Part E: Volume 154 by
Inorganic Reactions and Methods, the Formation of Bonds to C, Si, Ge, Sn, PB (Part 3) by
Aquatic Oligochaeta: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaeta Held in Hamburg, Germany September 29-October by
Chemical Triggering: Reactions of Potential Utility in Industrial Processes by Sabongi, Gebran J.
Aspects of Homogeneous Catalysis: A Series of Advances by
Handbook of Evaporation Technology by Minton, Paul E.
The Chemical Laboratory: It's Design and Operation by Rosenlund, Sigurd
Chemical Resistance of Polymers in Aggressive Media by Moiseev, Yu V., Zaikov, Gennadifi Efremovich
Applied Quantum Chemistry by Angyan, J., Náray-Szabó, Gábor, Surjan, P. R.
Industrial Applications of Homogeneous Catalysis by
Methanol - Chemie- Und Energierohstoff: Die Mobilisation Der Kohle by Asinger, Friedrich