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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 1990

New Trends in Physics and Physical Chemistry of Polymers by Lee, Lieng-Huang
Einführung in Die Theorie Der Quantitativen Analyse by Fluck, E.
Differenzierung Und Musterbildung Bei Einfachen Organismen. Kurzlebige Isotope in Der Pflanzenphysiologie Am Beispiel Des 11c-Radiokohlenstoffs: 362. by Jaenicke, Lothar
Chemie: Grundlagen, Anwendungen, Versuche by Biese, Volkher
Detection-Oriented Derivatization Techniques in Liquid Chromatography by Lingeman, H.
Special Issue on Ionic Channels II by Blaustein, M. P.
Organometallic Chemistry: Volume 19 by
Amino Acids and Peptides: Volume 21 by
Photochemistry: Volume 21 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 21 by
Electron Spin Resonance: Volume 12a by
General and Synthetic Methods: Volume 12 by
Lebensmitteltoxikologie by
Elektrochemische Kinetik by Forker, Wolfgang
Dem Wirken Peter A. Thiessen' Gewidmet by
High Pressure Investigations in Geosciences: Capg Project 3: Physical Properties of Mineral Systems Under Thermodynamic Conditions of the Earth's Inte by
Dynamische Biochemie, Teil 2: Enzyme Und Bioenergetik by Hofmann, Eberhard
Polymer Characterization by Schröder, Elisabeth, Müller, Gert, Arndt, Karl-Friedrich
Dynamische Biochemie, Teil 1: Die Stofflichen Grundlagen Des Lebens by Hofmann, Eberhard
Lebensmittelwissenschaften Und Chemie - Ausgewählte Aspekte Der Erschließung Der Ackerbohne ALS Lebensmittelrohstoff by Schmandke, Horst
Speciality Polymers / Polymer Physics by
Dynamische Biochemie, Teil 1: Die Stofflichen Grundlagen Des Lebens by Hofmann, Eberhard
Spektroskopische Methoden (Ir, Uv/ Vis) in Der Organischen Chemie by Scholz, Manfred, Borsdorf, Rolf
Dynamische Biochemie, Teil II: Enzyme Und Bioenergetik by Hofmann, Eberhard
Biological Radiation Effects by Kiefer, Jürgen
Inorganic Substances: A Prelude to the Study of Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry by Smith, Derek W.
Methods in Computational Chemistry: Volume 3: Concurrent Computation in Chemical Calculations by
Particles on Surfaces 2: Detection, Adhesion, and Removal by
Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences: Accepted by Colleges and Universities of the United States and Canada Volume 32 by
Crosslinking and Scission in Polymers by
Nuclear Methods of Dating by
Plasma-Surface Interactions and Processing of Materials by
Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry: Techniques and Applications by Edmonds, Charles G., Lewis, Ivor A. S., Yergey, Alfred L.
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Formula Index A-Z Formula Index Supplement S2 Gmelin Formula Index 2.Suppl (fo by
Conditioners, Emollients and Lubricants by
Klinische Chemie Und Mikroskopie by Rick, Wirnt
Polymers and Plastics by
Bioinorganic Chemistry by
Freunde in Der Zeit Des Aufbruchs Der Chemie: Der Briefwechsel Zwischen Theodor Curtius Und Carl Duisberg by Becke-Göhring, Margot
Surfactants in Solution: Volume 7 by
Surfactants in Solution: Volume 8 by
Surfactants in Solution: Volume 9 by
Chemistry at Interfaces by Macritchie, Finlay
Molecular Evolution: Computer Analysis of Protein and Nucleic Acid Sequences: Volume 183 by
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry 21 by
Cathodoluminescence Microscopy of Inorganic Solids by Yacobi, B. G., Holt, D. B.
Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure Data for Organic Chemicals, Volume II by Howard, Philip H.
Energy Density Functional Theory of Many-Electron Systems by Kryachko, Eugene S., Ludeña, Eduardo V.
Industrial Electrochemistry by Walsh, F. C., Pletcher, D.
Computer-Enhanced Analytical Spectroscopy by
The Chemical Formulary, Volume 29 by
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Formula Index A-Z Formula Index Supplement S2 Gmelin Formula Index 2.Suppl (fo by
The Myth of the Negro Past by Herskovits, Melville J.
Resins by
Enzyme Chemistry: Impact and Applications by Suckling, Colin
Praktikum Der Analytischen Geochemie by Heinrichs, Hartmut, Herrmann, Albert G.
Solid State Chemistry by
New Vistas in Measurement of Photosynthesis by
Thermodynamics of Chemical Systems by Battino, Rubin, Wood, Scott E., Wood, Scott Emerson
Impact Models to Assess Regional Acidification by
Surfactants in Solution: Volume 10 by
Chemistry with Ultrasound by
Diffusion in Materials by
Kinetics and Spectroscopy of Carbenes and Biradicals by
Langmuir-Blodgett Films by
Multiphase Macromolecular Systems by Culbertson, Bill M.
Biochemistry of Peptide Antibiotics: Recent Advances in the Biotechnology of ß-Lactams and Microbial Bioactive Peptides by
Alchemy by Holmyard, E. J.
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 22 by
Lithium and Cell Physiology by
Lasers and Mass Spectrometry by
Sol-Gel Science: The Physics and Chemistry of Sol-Gel Processing by Brinker, C. Jeffrey, Scherer, George W.
The Chemistry of Antitumour Agents by Wilman, D. E.
Polymers in Information Storage Technology by
Crystal Growth in Science and Technology by
Side Chain Liquid Crystal Polymers by McArdle, C. B.
Magnetic Properties of Layered Transition Metal Compounds by
Theoretical Foundations of Radiation Chemistry by Bednár, Jaroslav
Cellular and Molecular Biology of Intermediate Filaments by
Modern Microscopies: Techniques and Applications by
Handbook of Poylmer-Liquid Interaction Parameters and Solubility Parameters by Barton, Allan F. M., Barton, Barton, Barton F. M.
Grundlagen der Physikalischen Chemie by Moore, Walter J.
Constitutive Equations of Nonlinear Electromagnetic-Elastic Crystals by Kiral, E., Eringen, A. Cemal
Pvp: A Critical Review of the Kinetics and Toxicology of Polyvinylpyrrolidone (Povidone) by Schwarz, Wolfgang
Fluctuational Superconductivity of Magnetic Systems by Savchenko, Maxim A., Stefanovich, Alexei V.
Sensors in Bioprocess Control by
Polymermechanik: Struktur Und Mechanisches Verhalten Von Polymeren by Schwarzl, Friedrich R.
Physics and Materials Science of High Temperature Superconductors by
Autotrophic Microbiology and One-Carbon Metabolism: Volume I by
Practical Applications of Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (Qsar) in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology by
Chemistry and Physics of Energetic Materials by
Conjugated Polymeric Materials: Opportunities in Electronics, Optoelectronics, and Molecular Electronics by
Isozymes in Plant Biology by
Physical Networks: Polymers and Gels by
Glycolipids, Phosphoglycolipids, and Sulfoglycolipids by
Micellar Solutions and Microemulsions: Structure, Dynamics, and Statistical Thermodynamics by
Advances in X-Ray Analysis: Volume 33 by
Metal Ions in Biological Systems: Volume 26: Compendium on Magnesium and Its Role in Biology: Nutrition and Physiology by
Statistische Methoden 2: Planung Und Auswertung by Sachs, Lothar
Perspectives in Modern Chemical Spectroscopy by
Carbohydrate Chemistry by
Wärmeleitung by Sandner, Heinrich, Grigull, Ulrich
Yeast Strain Selection by Panchal, Chandra J.
Chromatographic Analysis of Alkaloids by Popl
Introduction to Polymer Physics by Eisele, Ulrich
Riechstoffe Und Geruchssinn: Die Molekulare Welt Der Düfte by Ohloff, Günther
Surface Engineering by
Recent Developments in Ion Exchange: 2 by
Cell Surface and Differentiation by Muramatsu, T.
Progress in Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology: Proceedings of the Viith International Congress on Plant Tissue and Cell Culture, Amsterdam, the Net by
A History of Lactic Acid Making: A Chapter in the History of Biotechnology by Benninga, H.
Evolution of the First Nervous Systems by
Geological History of the Polar Oceans: Arctic Versus Antarctic by
Cook-Chill Catering: Technology and Management by Walker, A., Light, N.
Zurich, Switzerland, September 3-8, 1989 by
The Dynamic State of Muscle Fibers: Proceedings of the International Symposium. October 1-6, 1989, Konstanz, Federal Republic of Germany by
Software Development in Chemistry 4: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop "Computers in Chemistry" Hochfilzen, Tyrol, November 22-24, 1989 by
Chemie -- Datensammlung: Laborhilfen Für Studium Und PRAXIS by Schilling, Gerhard, Klein, Helmut A., Latscha, Hans P.
Regression Analysis: Theory, Methods, and Applications by Srivastava, Muni, Sen, Ashish
Energieeinsparung Bei Der Magnetisch-Induktiven Durchflußmessung by Himmel, Jörg
Transduction in Biological Systems by
Clinical Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy by Cady, E. B.
The Rains Model of Acidification: Science and Strategies in Europe by
Modern Concepts in Penicillium and Aspergillus Classification by
Subcellular Biochemistry: Intracellular Transfer of Lipid Molecules by
Pumps for Chemical Processing by McGuire, J. T.
Cyclophan-Chemie: Synthesen, Strukturen, Reaktionen. Einführung Und Überblick by
Cationic Surfactants: Organic Chemistry by
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 23 by
Chemie für Mediziner by Krieg, Benno
Allgemenine und anorganische Chemie by Riedel, Erwin
Fundamentals of Protein Biotechnology by Stein, Stein, Stanley
Computational Tensor Analysis of Shell Structures by Lau, Paul C. M., Naomis, Steve
Large Order Perturbation Theory and Summation Methods in Quantum Mechanics by Fernandez, Francisco M., Castro, Eduardo A., Arteca, Gustavo A.
Microbial Bioproducts by
Small Ring Compounds in Organic Synthesis IV by
Hydrometallurgy in Extraction Processes, Volume I by Mukherjee, T. K.
Introduction to Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy by Colthup, Norman B., Daly, Lawrence H., Wiberley, Stephen E.
Chemical Kinetics: The Study of Reaction Rates in Solution by Connors, Kenneth A.
Third European Rheology Conference and Golden Jubilee Meeting of the British Society of Rheology by
Enzymatic and Model Carboxylation and Reduction Reactions for Carbon Dioxide Utilization by
Modern Techniques in Computational Chemistry: Motecc(tm)-90 by
Electrochemical Science and Technology of Polymers by
Functionalized Polymers and Their Applications by Moet, A., Akelah, Ahmed
Analytical Microbiology Methods: Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry by
Second International Symposium on Polymer Electrolytes by
Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology by Lilley, D., Eckstein, F.
Cation Binding by Macrocycles: Complexation of Cationic Species by Crown Ethers by Inoue, Yoshihisa, Gokel, George W.
Alkylene Oxides and Their Polymers by Bailey, F. E., Koleske, Joseph V.
Tierische Zellkulturen by Freshney, R. Ian
Bioprocessing and Biotreatment of Coal by Wise, Donald L.
Chemical Applications of Nuclear Probes by
Les Ondelettes En 1989: Seminaire d'Analyse Harmonique, Universite de Paris-Sud, Orsay by
Anorganische Synthesechemie: Ein Integriertes Praktikum by Kreisel, Günter, Heyn, Bodo, Hipler, Bernd
A Collection of Test Problems for Constrained Global Optimization Algorithms by Floudas, Christodoulos A., Pardalos, Panos M.
Photoinduced Electron Transfer I by
Analysis 1: Anwendungsorientierte Mathematik. Funktionen, Differentialrechnung by Böhme, Gert
Simulation in Der Regelungstechnik by
Materials Chemistry at High Temperatures: Characterization by Hastie, John W.
Supercomputer and Chemistry: Iabg Workshop 1989 by
Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in One and Two Dimensions by Bodenhausen, Geoffrey, Ernst, Richard R., Wokaun, Alexander
Introduction to Polymer Dynamics by Gennes, Pierre-Gilles de, de Gennes, de Gennes, Pierre-Gilles
Molecular Approaches to Supracellular Phenomena by
Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods by
Applications of Synchrotron Radiation by Greaves, G. N., Catlow, Richard
Metal-Metal Bonds and Clusters in Chemistry and Catalysis by
Vanadium in Biological Systems: Physiology and Biochemistry by
Photon Migration in Tissues by
Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Elements by Pruchnik, Florian P.
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - 8th Edition Element F-E Fe. Eisen. Iron (System-NR. 59) Ergdnzungsband A-C Fe-Organische V by Weber, Cornelia, Faust, J]rgen, Schumann, Hans
The Biologic Role of Dehydroepiandrosterone (Dhea) by
Quality Control of Packaging Materials in the Pharmaceutical Industry by Harburn, Kenneth
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Volume 19 by
Modern Methods in Protein- and Nucleic Acid Research by
Pihkal: A Chemical Love Story by Shulgin, Alexander, Shulgin, Ann
Cycloaddition Reactions in Organic Synthesis: Volume 8 by Carruthers, W.
Biofluid Mechanics: Blood Flow in Large Vessels by
Chemometrics Tutorials: Collected from Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems - An International Journal, Volumes 1-5 by
Prähistorische Anthropologie: Leitfaden Der Feld- Und Labormethoden by Herrmann, Bernd, Grupe, Gisela, Hummel, Susanne
Liquid Metals: Concepts and Theory by March, Norman H., Norman Henry, March
Enzyme Handbook: Volume 2: Class 5: Isomerases; Class 6: Ligases by
Spectroscopic and Kinetic Data. Physical Data I / Spektroskopische Und Kinetische Daten. Physikalische Daten I by Butzow, J. J., Eichhorn, G. L., Altona, C.
Medizinische Bakteriologie Und Infektiologie: Basiswissen Und Diagnostik by Werk, Roland
Photoinduced Electron Transfer II by
Aspects of Homogeneous Catalysis: A Series of Advances by
Cellular Fatty Acid-Binding Proteins by
The Structure, Dynamics and Equilibrium Properties of Colloidal Systems by
Correlations and Connectivity: Geometric Aspects of Physics, Chemistry and Biology by
Polymer Rheology and Processing by
Molecular Basis and Thermodynamics of Bioelectrogenesis by Schoffeniels, E., Margineanu, D. G.
Correlations and Connectivity: Geometric Aspects of Physics, Chemistry and Biology by
Recent Developments in the Technology of Surfactants by
Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance in Liquids and Solids -- Chemical Applications by
Transfer of Radionuclides in Natural and Semi-Natural Environments by Desmet, G.
Studies of Narcosis by Overton, Charles E., Wood Library-Museum of Anesthesiology (Park Ridge Ill )
Molecular Basis of Specificity in Nucleic Acid-Drug Interactions by Pullman Bernard Ed, Pullman, Bernard, Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry
Spectroscopic and Diffraction Techniques in Interfacial Electrochemistry by NATO Advanced Study Institute on Spectroscopic and Diffracti
The Terminology of Biotechnology: A Multidisciplinary Problem: Proceedings of the 1989 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies Paci by
Materials Chemistry at High Temperatures: Volume 2: Processing and Performance by Hastie, John W.
Bioprocesses and Applied Enzymology by
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