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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2000

Molecular and Supramolecular Chemistry of Natural Products and Their Model Compounds by Endisch, Claus, Fuhrhop, Jurgen-Hinrich
A Primer on Quality in the Analytical Laboratory by Kenkel, John
Sodium Carbonate: A Versatile Material by
That's Chemistry!: A Resource for Primary School Teachers about Materials and Their Properties by
Seeding the Universe with Life Securing Our Cosmological Future by Mautner, Michael Noah
The Bases of Chemical Thermodynamics by Gratzel, Michael, Graetzel, Michael
The Bases of Chemical Thermodynamics by Gratzel, Michael, Graetzel, Michael
Chemistry of Art by Berry, Martyn, Osborne, Colin
Dinitro-ortho-cresol: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 220 by Who, Ipcs
Atlas of High Resolution Spectra of Rare Earth Elements for Icp-AES [With CDROM] by Ying, Hai, Yang, Pengyuan, Huang, Benli
Interpreting Organic Spectra by Whittaker, David
Origins of Life: On Earth and in the Cosmos by Zubay, Geoffrey
Dancing Naked in the Mind Field by Mullis, Kary
Zoonotische Erkrankungen durch Parasiten der Hunde und Katzen by Pagel, Christine
Methods of X-Ray and Neutron Scattering in Polymer Science by Roe, R. J., Roe, Ryong-Joon
Densities of Alcohols by Frenkel, M.
Viewegs Geschichte Der Chemie by Brock, William H.
Justus Von Liebig: Eine Biographie Des Groaen Naturwissenschaftlers Und Europaers by Brock, William H.
Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry by Jacob, Daniel J.
Flüssigchromatographie: HPLC - Theorie Und PRAXIS by Eppert, Günter J.
Die Headspace-Gaschromatographie ALS Analysen- Und Meßmethode by Beringer, Konrad, Hachenberg, Horst
Dehydroepiandrosterone (Dhea): Biochemical, Physiological and Clinical Aspects by
Bioreaktoren Und Periphere Einrichtungen: Ein Leitfaden Für Die Hochschulausbildung, Für Hersteller Und Anwender by Storhas, Winfried
Giant Vesicles by
Molekulare Biophysik by Daune, Michel
Moderne Methoden in Der Spektroskopie by Hollas, J. Michael
Quantitative Anorganische Analyse: Ein Begleiter Für Theorie Und PRAXIS by Beyer, Christian
Destillation, Absorption, Extraktion by Schlünder, Ernst-Ulrich, Thurner, Franz
Selective Reactions of Metal-Activated Molecules: Proceedings of the Third Symposium Held in Würzburg, September 17-19, 1997 by
Organic Synthesis Via Organometallics Osm 5: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium in Heidelberg, September 26 to 28, 1996 by
Klinische Biochemie: 100 Fall-Orientierte Fragen Mit Antworten by Luduena, Richard F.
Bioanalytische Und Biochemische Labormethoden by
Applied Biocatalysis by
From Simplicity to Complexity in Chemistry -- And Beyond: Part I by
Chaperonin Protocols by
Röntgenfluoreszenzanalytische Methoden: Grundlagen Und Praktische Anwendung in Den Geo-, Material- Und Umweltwissenschaften by Hahn-Weinheimer, Paula, Hirner, Alfred, Weber-Diefenbach, Klaus
Atomkerne Und Elektronen: Eine Kurze Methodische Einführung by Preuß, Heinzwerner
Einführung in Die Festkörperchemie by Smart, Lesley
Statistische Thermodynamik by Göpel, Wolfgang, Wiemhöfer, Hans-Dieter
The Chemical Analysis of Electroplating Solutions by Irvine, Terrance H.
Advances in Cycloaddition: Volume 6 by
Mikrobieller Schadstoffabbau: Ein Interdisziplinärer Ansatz by
Quantitative Analytische Chemie: Grundlagen -- Methoden -- Experimente by Schenk, George H., Fritz, James S.
The Physical Basis of Chemistry by Warren
Analytische Methoden in Der Biotechnologie by
Grundlagen Der Elektrochemie by Schmickler, Wolfgang
Elements of Molecular Symmetry by Öhrn, Yngve
Redox: Fundamentals, Processes and Applications by
Kapillarelektrophorese: Methoden Und Maglichkeiten by Schmitt, Thomas, Engelhardt, Heinz, Beck, Wolfgang
Didaktik Der Organischen Chemie Nach Dem Pin-Konzept: Vom Ordnen Der Phänomene Zum Vernetzten Denken by Harsch, Günther, Heimann, Rebekka
Einführung in Die Organische Stereochemie by Buxton, Sheila R.
Entwicklung eines Prüfkonzeptes zur Bestimmung der Langzeitwirkung von Hydrophobierungsmitteln by Bruchertseifer, Christian
Candid Science: Conversations with Famous Chemists by Hargittai, Istvan
Candid Science: Conversations with Famous Chemists by Hargittai, Istvan
Genetic Aberrancies and Neurodegenerative Disorders: Volume 3 by
Advances in Free Radical Chemistry: Volume 2 by
Photosynthesis: Physiology and Metabolism by
Metal-Ligand Interactions in Chemistry, Physics and Biology by
Metal-Ligand Interactions in Chemistry, Physics and Biology by
Pollutants from Combustion: Formation and Impact on Atmospheric Chemistry by
Pollutants from Combustion: Formation and Impact on Atmospheric Chemistry by
Plant Polyphenols 2: Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacology, Ecology by
Cleaning Validation: A Practical Approach by Bismuth, Gil, Neumann, Shosh
Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements in Coal and Coal Combustion Byproducts by
Bacterial Invasion Into Eukaryotic Cells: Subcellular Biochemistry by
Animal Cell Technology: Products from Cells, Cells as Products: Proceedings of the 16th Esact Meeting April 25-29, 1999, Lugano, Switzerland by
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXI by
Organic Matter and Mineralisation: Thermal Alteration, Hydrocarbon Generation and Role in Metallogenesis by
The CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering by
The Chemistry and Technology of Furfural and Its Many By-Products: Volume 13 by Zeitsch, K. J.
Proteases as Targets for Therapy: by Korant, B. D., Cheronis, J. C., Von Der Helm, K.
Thermodynamic Optimization of Finite-Time Processes by Kazakov, V., Berry, R. S., Sieniutycz, S.
Infrared Vibration-Rotation Spectroscopy: From Free Radicals to the Infrared Sky by Duxbury, Geoffrey
A Guide to Organophosphorus Chemistry by Quin, Louis D.
Principles and Methods in Supramolecular Chemistry by Yatsimirsky, Anatoly, Schneider, Hans-Jörg
The Chemistry of Pollution by Fellenberg, Günter
Im Reich Der Elemente: Ein Reiseführer Zu Den Bausteinen Der Natur by Atkins, P. W.
Lumineszenzverhalten von Retinsäure und analogen Verbindungen by Nabet, Sherif
Basic Mathematics for Biochemists by Cornish-Bowden, Athel
Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 111 by
Alkaloids: Chemical and Biological Perspectives: Volume 14 by
Antioxidants in Muscle Foods: Nutritional Strategies to Improve Quality by Lopez-Bote, Clemente J., Decker, Eric A., Faustman, Cameron
Drug Discovery from Nature by
Biotransformations by
Biosynthesis: Polyketides and Vitamins by
Bioorganic Chemistry by
Bioorganic Chemistry: Models and Applications by
Biocatalysis: From Discovery to Application by
Prüfverfahren in Der Textil- Und Bekleidungstechnik by
Philosophy of Chemistry: Between the Manifest and the Scientific Image by van Brakel, Jaap
Practical Capillary Electrophoresis by Weinberger, Robert
Fundamentals of Enzymology: The Cell and Molecular Biology of Catalytic Proteins by Price, Nicholas C., Stevens, Lewis
NMR and Chemistry: An introduction to modern NMR spectroscopy, Fourth Edition by Mann, B. E., Akitt, J. W.
Organic Synthesis with Carbohydrates by Hale, Karl J., Boons, Geert-Jan
Aqueous Two-Phase Systems: Methods and Protocols by
Sonochemistry by Mason, Timothy J.
Bounded Dynamic Stochastic Systems: Modelling and Control by Wang, Hong
Organoselenium Chemistry: Modern Developments in Organic Synthesis by
Piezoelectric Materials: Advances in Science, Technology and Applications by
In Our Own Image: Personal Symmetry in Discovery by Hargittai, Istvan, Hargittai, Magdolna
Optimization in Computational Chemistry and Molecular Biology: Local and Global Approaches by
Mixing of Solids by Weinekötter, Ralf, Gericke, H.
Current Views of Fatty Acid Oxidation and Ketogenesis: From Organelles to Point Mutations by
Job$ in the Drug Indu$try: A Career Guide for Chemists by Friary, Richard J.
Proteomics in Functional Genomics: Protein Structure Analysis by
Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols: The Mucins by
Chemical Synthesis of Natural Products by Hale
Magnetism and Superconductivity by Levy, Laurent-Patrick
Principles of Geochemistry by Ottonello, Giulio
A Chemical History Tour: Picturing Chemistry from Alchemy to Modern Molecular Science by Greenberg, Arthur
Liquid and Vapour Flows in Porous Bodies: Surface Phenomena by Churaev, N. V.
Magmatism and Geodynamics: Terrestrail Magmatism Throughout the Earth's History by
Membrane Technology in Water and Wastewater Treatment by
Nonradioactive Analysis of Biomolecules by
Optical Control of Molecular Dynamics by Rice, Stuart a., Zhao, Meishan
The Effects of UV Radiation in the Marine Environment by de Mora, S. J., Vernet, Maria, de Mora, Stephen J.
Organofluorine Compounds: Chemistry and Applications by Hiyama, Tamejiro
Mass Spectrometry of Natural Substances in Food by Mellon, Fred, Startin, Jim R., Self, Ron
Defect and Microstructure Analysis by Diffraction by Fiala, Jaroslav, Bunge, Hans J., Snyder, Robert L.
Festkörper -- Fehler Und Funktion: Prinzipien Der Physikalischen Festkörperchemie by Maier, Joachim
Bioseparation Engineering: Volume 16 by
Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Protocols by
Practical Process Research and Development by Anderson, Neal G.
Vinyl Acetate Emulsion Polymerization and Copolymerization with Acrylic Monomers by Erbil, Yildirim H.
Ribosomes by Spirin, Alexander
Selection in Natural Populations by Mitton, Jeffry B.
Fortschritte Der Chemie Organischer Naturstoffe / Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products by
The Nucleic Acid Protocols Handbook by
Handbook of Commercial Catalysts by Rase, Howard F.
Chemistry and Biology: Volume 54 by
Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions: Conventional and Emerging Technologies by Hunter, Paige, Oyama, S. Ted
Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 112 by
Biosynthesis: Aromatic Polyketides, Isoprenoids, Alkaloids by
Issues of Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic Systems by
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Antimicrobial Drug Action by Franklin, T.
Wheat Gluten by
Chemistry of Atmospheres: An Introduction to the Chemistry of the Atmospheres of Earth, the Planets, and Their Satellites by Wayne, Richard P.
Organic Conformational Analysis and Stereochemistry from Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy by Lightner, David A., Gurst, Jerome E.
Nitrogen Fixation: From Molecules to Crop Productivity: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, Foz Do Iguaçu, Paraná, Br by
Companion to Chemical Thermodynamics by Klotz, Irving M., Rosenberg, Robert M.
Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics: Volume 1: Basic Problems and Model Systems Volume 2: Advanced Problems and Complex Systems Granada, Spain (1 by
Sustained-Release Injectable Products by
Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics: Volume 1: Basic Problems and Model Systems Volume 2: Advanced Problems and Complex Systems Granada, Spain (1 by
Activation and Catalytic Reactions of Saturated Hydrocarbons in the Presence of Metal Complexes by Shilov, A. E., Shul'pin, Georgiy B.
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 31 by
Methods in Non-Aqueous Enzymology by
Influence of Stress on Cell Growth and Product Formation by
Viscoelasticity Atomistic Models Statistical Chemistry by Abe, Akihiro, Albertsson, Ann-Christine, Dusek, Karel
Metal Clusters at Surfaces: Structure, Quantum Properties, Physical Chemistry by
Structure and Dynamics of Biomolecules: Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for Condensed Matter Studies by Hodeau, Jean-Louis, Geissler, Erik, Fanchon, Eric
Main Chemistry Group: Volume 50 by
Metabolism of Agrochemicals in Plants by
Advances in Eicosanoid Research by
Statistical Methods in Analytical Chemistry by Zünd, Richard E., Meier, Peter C.
Surfactants: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry by Schramm, Laurier L.
Reduced Density Matrices: Coulson's Challenge by Coleman, A. J., Yukalov, V. I.
Kombinatorische Chemie by Terrett, N. K.
Erziehung Zum Deutschen Lebensstil: Ursprung Und Entwicklung Des Jungkonservativen Ring-Kreises 1918-1933 by Petzinna, Berthold
Chemistry, Society and Environment: A New History of the British Chemical Industry by Campbell, V., Russell, Colin A., Wilmot, S. A. H.
Fluorine Chemistry for Organic Chemists: Problems and Solutions by Hudlicky, Milos
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 30 by
The Nuclear Overhauser Effect in Structural and Conformational Analysis by Neuhaus, David, Williamson, Michael P.
Immobilisierung von Quecksilber in kontaminierten Böden mittels schwefelhaltiger Reagenzien: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen by Zimmer, Holger
Molecular Self-Assembly: Organic Versus Inorganic Approaches by
Bacterial Protein Toxins by
Untersuchungen zur Antoxidanswirkung von kondensierten Pyrimidindionen und strukturanalogen Mercaptanen by Richter, Wito
Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology by Surzycki, Stefan
Multiparameter Equations of State: An Accurate Source of Thermodynamic Property Data by Span, Roland
Electron, Spin and Momentum Densities and Chemical Reactivity by
Pharmaceutical Quality Systems by
Vortex Dynamics in the High-Temperature Superconductors YBa2Cu307 and Bi2Sr2CaCu208+d in Low- and High-Dissipative Transport Measurements. by Voss-de Haan, Patrick
Study of AC-Side Soft Commutated PWM Three-Phase Converters. by Radan, Ahmad
Turbulente wandgebundene Strömungen bei kleinen Reynoldszahlen. by Fischer, Martin
Analytical Chemistry in a GMP Environment: A Practical Guide by
Chemical Measurements in Biological Systems by Stewart, Kent K., Ebel, Richard E.
Metal-Oxo and Metal-Peroxo Species in Catalytic Oxidations by
Reactions and Characterization of Solids by Dann, Sandra E.
Chemistry in the Marine Environment by
Clean Synthesis Using Porous Inorganic Solid Catalysts and Supported Reagents by Rhodes, Chris N., Clark, James H.
Introduction to Organic Chemistry II by Elsheimer, Seth
Physical Chemistry of Non-Aqueous Solutions of Cellulose and Its Derivatives by Myasoedova, Vera V.
Environmental Analytical Chemistry by
Nitric Oxide by Mayer, B.
Silicon Surfaces & Formation Of... by Jarek Dabrowski & Han Joachim Mussig
Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice by Warner, John C., Anastas, Paul
Contemporary Boron Chemistry by
Dialogorientiertes Umweltmanagement Und Umweltqualifizierung: Eine Praxishilfe Für Mittelständische Unternehmen by Becke, Guido, Meschkutat, Bärbel
The Concept of the Gene in Development and Evolution: Historical and Epistemological Perspectives by
Micro Total Analysis Systems 2000: Proceedings of the µTas 2000 Symposium, Held in Enschede, the Netherlands, 14-18 May 2000 by
Supercritical Fluids: Fundamentals and Applications by
Cellular Peptidases in Immune Functions and Diseases 2 by
Instant Notes in Inorganic Chemistry by Cox, P. A.
Taschenwörterbuch Der Biochemie / Pocket Dictionary of Biochemistry: Deutsch -- Englisch Englisch -- Deutsch / English -- German German -- English by Reuter, Peter
Hemoglobin Function in Vertebrates: Molecular Adaptation in Extreme and Temperate Environments by
Use of Biomarkers for Environmental Quality Assessment by Amiard, Jean-Claude, Caquet, Thierry, Lagadic, Laurent
The Chemical Tree: A History of Chemistry by Brock, W. H., Brock, William H.
Mechanical Response of Polymers by Rajagopal, K. R., Wineman, Alan S.
Mechanical Response of Polymers: An Introduction by Wineman, Alan S., Wineman, A. S.
Matrix Metalloproteinases and Timps by Nagase, Hideaki, Woessner, J. Frederick
Molekulare Medizin by Hagemeier, Christian, Kulozik, Andreas E., Hentze, Matthias W.
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