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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2003

Frontiers in Computational Genomics by
Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics by
Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy: A Practical Guide by Payling, Richard
Forschung Erfolgreich Vermarkten: Ein Ratgeber Für Die PRAXIS by Dortmund, Universität
Interfacial Phenomena and the Marangoni Effect by
Molecular Theory of Capillarity by Rowlinson, J. S., Widom, B., Chemistry
Uranium Resource Processing: Secondary Resources by Gupta, Chiranjib, Singh, Harvinderpal
Anatomy of Gene Regulation by Tsonis, Panagiotis A.
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: Volume 34 by
Variational Principles and Methods in Theoretical Physics and Chemistry by Nesbet, R. K., Nesbet, Robert K.
Anatomy of Gene Regulation by Tsonis, Panagiotis A.
The Chemical History of a Candle by Faraday, Michael
Separation of a highly nonideal mixture for solvent recovery by Raab, Andreas
Capillary Electrophoresis of Carbohydrates by
Logarithmische Rechentafeln Für Chemiker by Küster, F. W.
Auskunftsbuch Für Die Chemische Industrie by
Hyphenated Techniques in Speciation Analysis by
Introduction to Stereochemistry by Mislow, Kurt, Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry in Aqueous Solution by Barrett, Jack
Food Quality and Consumer Value: Delivering Food That Satisfies by Schröder, Monika J. a.
Measurement Uncertainty in Chemical Analysis by
Misuse of Drugs ACT: A Guide for Forensic Scientists by King, Leslie A.
Photochemistry: Volume 34 by
The Quantum Classical Theory by
Practical Laboratory Skills Training Guides: High Performance Liquid Chromatography by Stuart, Brian
Practical Laboratory Skills Training Guides: Measurement of Mass by Lawn, Richard
Practical Laboratory Skills Training Guides: Measurement of Volume by Lawn, Richard
Practical Laboratory Skills Training Guides (Complete Set) by Prichard, Elizabeth
Measurement of PH by Lawn, Richard
Practical Laboratory Skills Training Guides: Gas Chromatography by Stuart, Brian
High Throughput Bioanalytical Sample Preparation: Methods and Automation Strategies Volume 5 by Wells, David, Wells, David A.
UV Effects in Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems by
Noble Metals, Noble Metal Halides and Nonmagnetic Transition Metals by Goldmann, Albrecht
Photochemistry of Organic Molecules in Isotropic and Anisotropic Media by
Thermal Decomposition and Combustion of Explosives and Propellants by Manelis, G. B.
Praktische Oberflächentechnik: Vorbehandeln - Beschichten - Beschichtungsfehler - Umweltschutz by Müller, Klaus-Peter
Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 125 by
Protein NMR for the Millennium by
Industrial Applications of the Mössbauer Effect: Proceedings of Isiame 2000 Held in Virginia Beach, Usa, 13-18 August 2000 by
Neuropilin: From Nervous System to Vascular and Tumor Biology by
Nanostructured Catalysts by
Magnetic Resonance in Colloid and Interface Science by
Green Industrial Applications of Ionic Liquids by
Advanced Macromolecular and Supramolecular Materials and Processes by
Analytical Advances for Hydrocarbon Research by
Degradable Polymers: Principles and Applications by
Chemical Education: Towards Research-Based Practice by
Chemical Education: Towards Research-Based Practice by
Current Developments in Atomic, Molecular, and Chemical Physics with Applications by
Advances in Catalytic Activation of Dioxygen by Metal Complexes by
Magnetic Resonance in Colloid and Interface Science by
Who's Who in Fluorescence 2003 by
Current Developments in Solid State NMR Spectroscopy by
Caspases: Their Role in Cell Death and Cell Survival by
Nanoscale Materials by Kamat, Prashant V., Liz-Marzán, Luis M.
Introduction to Bioinformatics: A Theoretical and Practical Approach by
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXIII: Oxygen Measurements in the 21st Century: Basic Techniques and Clinical Relevance by
In Situ Spectroscopy of Monomer and Polymer Synthesis by
Quality Assessment of Textiles: Damage Detection by Microscopy by Phillips, Jack, Mahall, K., Mahall, Karl
Green Industrial Applications of Ionic Liquids by
Discovery of the Elements by Weeks, Mary Elvira
Isolation and Purification of Proteins by
Computational Methods in Systems Biology: First International Workshop, Cmsb 2003, Roverto, Italy, February 24-26, 2003 by
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 36 by
Chemistry in a Day of Student's Life by Kumbar, Mahadev M.
Phytoremediation by
Organic Reaction Mechanisms 1998: An Annual Survey Covering the Literature Dated December 1997 to November 1998 by
Icp Emission Spectrometry: A Practical Guide by Nölte, Joachim
Compounds with 8 to 12 Carbon Atoms (Supplement to Subvolume B) by Bauhofer, C., Weigner, P., VILL, V.
Experimental Methods in Kinetic Studies by Wojciechowski, Bohdan, Rice, Norman
Association Between Lignin and Carbohydrates in Wood and Other Plant Tissues by Koshijima, Tetsuo, Watanabe, Takashi
Maldi-Tof Mass Spectrometry of Synthetic Polymers by Pasch, Harald, Schrepp, Wolfgang
Hazardous Laboratory Chemicals Disposal Guide by Armour, Margaret-Ann
Cardiac Cell Biology by
Ceramide Signaling by
Advanced Research on Plant Lipids by
Advances in Pectin and Pectinase Research by
DNA Technology by Lakowicz, Joseph R.
Decades of Dioxin by Crummett, Warren B.
Sequence Analysis in a Nutshell: A Guide to Tools: A Guide to Common Tools and Databases by Leon, Darryl, Markel, Scott
Polymers for Photonics Applications II: Nonlinear Optical, Photorefractive and Two-Photon Absorption Polymers by
Protecting the Ozone Layer: Science and Strategy by Parson, Edward A.
Soft Computing Approaches in Chemistry by
Molecular Magnets Recent Highlights by
Thermomechanics of Drying Processes by Kowalski, Stefan Jan
Group 13 Chemistry III: Industrial Applications by
Functional Genomics: Methods and Protocols by
Methods for Environmental Trace Analysis by Dean, John R.
Systemanalyse: Einführung in Die Mathematische Modellierung Natürlicher Systeme by Imboden, Dieter, Koch, Sabine
Tables of Electric Dipole Moments by
Ökotoxikologie-Forschung: Bilanzierung Der Ergebnisse Des Bmbf-Förderschwerpunkts by Herrchen, Monika
Role of Calcium and Comparable Cations in Animal Behaviour by Wilkins, Ralph G., Wilkins, Patricia
Virial Coefficients of Pure Gases and Mixtures by Marsh, K. N., Dymond, J. D.
The Diffuse Interface Approach in Materials Science: Thermodynamic Concepts and Applications of Phase-Field Models by Emmerich, Heike
Physical Properties of Liquid Crystals by Pestov, Sergei
Magnetic Resonance in Food Science: Latest Developments by
100 Years of Physical Chemistry: A Collection of Landmark Papers by
Conservation Equations And Modeling Of Chemical And Biochemical Processes by
Graphite Intercalation Compounds and Applications by Endo, Morinobu, Enoki, Toshiaki, Suzuki, Masatsugu
Modern Styrenic Polymers: Polystyrenes and Styrenic Copolymers by
Low-Dimensional Systems: Theory, Preparation, and Some Applications by
Low-Dimensional Systems: Theory, Preparation, and Some Applications by
Molecular Electronics: Bio-Sensors and Bio-Computers by
Molecular Electronics: Bio-Sensors and Bio-Computers by
Comprehensive Enzyme Kinetics by Leskovac, Vladimir
Simple Theorems, Proofs, and Derivations in Quantum Chemistry by Mayer, Istvan
Biodiversity: Biomolecular Aspects of Biodiversity and Innovative Utilization by Iupac International Conference on Biodiversity, Sener, Bilge
Chemical Kinetics and Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms by Asperger, Smiljko
Hyperfine Interactions (C): Proceedings of the International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, (Icame 2001) September 2-7, 2 by
Fundamentals of Molecular Catalysis: Volume 3 by
Aqueous Polymer -- Cosolute Systems: Special Issue in Honor of Dr. Shuji Saito by
Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals: The Twenty-Fourth Symposium by
Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry: An Introduction by Ardrey, Robert E.
50 Years of DNA by
Distillation Principles and Practice - Small Laboratory Operations On Through Industrial Chemistry by Young, Sydney
Biomethanation II by Ahring, Birgitte K.
Biomethanation I by
Process Integration in Biochemical Engineering by
Plant Protease Inhibitors: Significance in Nutrition, Plant Protection, Cancer Prevention and Genetic Engineering by Birk, Yehudith
Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Principles and Applications by Hüfner, Stephan
Methods in Polyphenol Analysis: Rsc by
Kombinatorische Chemie: Konzepte Und Strategien by Eichler, Jutta
Bright Earth: Art and the Invention of Color by Ball, Philip
Vacuum Technology: Calculations in Chemistry by Hucknall, David J., Morris, Alan
Crystal Growth Technology by
Beyond the Molecular Frontier: Challenges for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology
Proteine - Nutritive Und Funktionelle Eigenschaften by Lipke, Bodo, Westphal, Günter, Gerber, Gerhard
Membrane Separations Technology: Single-Stage, Multistage, and Differential Permeation by Hoffman, E. J.
Colloid Chemistry I by
Directed Evolution Library Creation: Methods and Protocols by
Photoreceptors and Light Signalling by
Modern Phosphonate Chemistry by Iorga, Bogdan, Savignac, Philippe
Fortschritte Der Chemie Organischer Naturstoffe / Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 86 by
Rotational Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules by Brown, John M., Carrington, Alan
Monolithic Materials: Preparation, Properties and Applications Volume 67 by
Chemische Thermodynamik: Einführung Für Chemiker Und Chemieingenieure by Weingärtner, Hermann
Water in Confining Geometries by
Genome Evolution: Gene and Genome Duplications and the Origin of Novel Gene Functions by
Micropropagation of Woody Trees and Fruits by
Guanidino Compounds in Biology and Medicine by
Environmental Chemistry: Asian Lessons by Bashkin, V. N.
Dehalogenation: Microbial Processes and Environmental Applications by
Organic Nanophotonics by
Organolithiums in Enantioselective Synthesis by
Natural Production of Organohalogen Compounds by
Expectations and the Food Industry: The Impact of Color and Appearance by Hutchings, John B.
Expectations and the Food Industry: The Impact of Color and Appearance by Hutchings, John B.
Principles of Chemical Vapor Deposition by Dobkin, D. M., Zuraw, M. K.
Organic Nanophotonics by
A Guide to Protein Isolation by Dennison, C.
Environmental Chemistry: Asian Lessons by Bashkin, V. N.
Chemical Kinetics: Fundamentals and Recent Developments by Denisov, Evgeny, Sarkisov, Oleg, Likhtenshtein, G. I.
Synthetic Methods in Step-Growth Polymers by
Flavonoids in Health and Disease, Second Edition by Packer, Lester, Rice-Evans, Rice-Evans a., Rice-Evans, Catherine A.
Grundlagen der Chemie: für Studierende der Medizinischen Fachberufe by Lemm, Wilfried
Modeling for Preparative Chromatography by Lin, Bingchang, Guiochon, Georges
Polymer Crystallization: Obervations, Concepts and Interpretations by
Radioactive Releases in the Environment: Impact and Assessment by Sokhi, Ranjeet S., Cooper, John R., Randle, Keith
Radioactive Releases in the Environment: Impact and Assessment by Sokhi, Ranjeet S., Cooper, John R., Randle, Keith
Colloid Chemistry II by
Fluiddynamik Von Füllkörpern Und Packungen: Grundlagen Der Kolonnenauslegung by Mackowiak, Jerzy
Surface Science: An Introduction by Lifshits, V. G., Saranin, A. a., Oura, K.
Modelling Metabolism with Mathematica by Mulquiney, Peter, Kuchel, Philip W.
Environmental Chemistry by Wright, John
Environmental Chemistry by Wright, John
Reducing the Time from Basic Research to Innovation in the Chemical Sciences: A Workshop Report to the Chemical Sciences Roundtable by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology
Ordinall of Alchemy by Norton, Thomas
Einführung in Die Modellgestützte Bewertung Von Umweltchemikalien: Datenabschätzung, Ausbreitung, Verhalten, Wirkung Und Bewertung by Brüggemann, Rainer, Drescher-Kaden, Ute
Chemical Engineering: Visions of the World by
Physicochemical Hydrodynamics: An Introduction by Probstein, Ronald F.
Protein Kinase C Protocols by
Fundamentals of Food Reaction Technology by Earle, Mary, Earle, Richard L.
Membrane Protein Protocols: Expression, Purification, and Characterization by
Mechanics of Elastic Biomolecules by
Advanced Gas Sensing: The Electroadsorptive Effect and Related Techniques by
Low Temperature and Cryogenic Refrigeration by
Travels of Learning: A Geography of Science in Europe by
Low Temperature and Cryogenic Refrigeration by
Catalytic Synthesis of Alkene-Carbon Monoxide Copolymers and Cooligomers by
Natural and Laboratory Simulated Thermal Geochemical Processes by
Pyrolysis and Gasification of Biomass and Waste by
An Introduction to Chemoinformatics by Gillet, V. J., Leach, Andrew R.
Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths: Volume 33 by
Proteases and the Regulation of Biological Processes by Saklatvala J. Ed
The Basics of Chemistry by Myers, Richard
Organometallic Compounds in the Environment by
Chemicals in the Atmosphere: Solubility, Sources and Reactivity by
Chemical Structure, Spatial Arrangement: The Early History of Stereochemistry, 1874-1914 by Ramberg, Peter J.
Splendor Solis by Trismosin, Solomon
Why Chemical Reactions Happen by Wothers, Peter, Keeler, James
The Atomic Fingerprint: Neutron Activation Analysis by Keisch, Bernard
A Primer in Density Functional Theory by
Solid State Chemistry by Ropp, Richard C.
The Geometric Phase in Quantum Systems: Foundations, Mathematical Concepts, and Applications in Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics by Mostafazadeh, Ali, Koizumi, Hiroyasu, Bohm, Arno
Environmental Radiochemical Analysis II by
Molecules Containing Five or More Carbon Atoms by
Materials Science and Technology: Challenges for the Chemical Sciences in the 21st Century by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology
Computational Intelligence: The Experts Speak by
Class 3.2 Hydrolases VIII: EC - by
Class 3.2 Hydrolases VII: EC - by
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