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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2008

Analytical Instrumentation: A Guide to Laboratory, Portable and Miniaturized Instruments by McMahon, Gillian
Microbial Biodegradation: Genomics and Molecular Biology by
Medicinal Chemistry 2e by Thomas, Gareth
Heat Conduction: Mathematical Models and Analytical Solutions by Wei, Xiaohao, Wang, Liqiu, Zhou, Xuesheng
Genome Informatics 2007: Genome Informatics Series Vol. 18 - Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biolog by
Inorganic Reactions in Water by Rich, Ronald
Principles and Practices of Plant Genomics, Vol. 1: Genome Mapping by
Renormalization Methods: A Guide for Beginners by McComb, William David
Molecular Targeting in Oncology by
An Inquiry Into The Comparative Forces Of The Extensor And Flexor Muscles Connected With The Joints Of The Human Body (1822) by Jeffreys, Julius
Colloid Chemistry: An Introduction With Some Practical Applications (1919) by Alexander, Jerome
The Organic Analysis Of Potable Waters (1890) by Blair, J. a.
On Specimens Of Eozoon Canadense And Their Geological And Other Relations (1888) by Dawson, John William
Water Analysis: A Practical Treatise on the Examination of Potable Water (1889) by Wanklyn, James Alfred, Chapman, Ernest Theophron, Wanklyn, J. Alfred
The Proteins Of The Wheat Kernel (1907) by Osborne, Thomas Burr
The Rise And Development Of Organic Chemistry (1894) by Schorlemmer, Carl
Chemical Manipulation: Being Instructions To Students In Chemistry On The Methods Of Performing Experiments Of Demonstration (1830) by Faraday, Michael
Stress-Activated Protein Kinases by
Applied Scanning Probe Methods VIII: Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques by
Essential Quantum Mechanics by Bowman, Gary
Applied Scanning Probe Methods X: Biomimetics and Industrial Applications by
Applied Scanning Probe Methods IX: Characterization by
Integrated Biochips for DNA Analysis by
Magnetism and Transition Metal Complexes by Mabbs, F. E., Machin, D. J.
Probleme Katalytischen Forschung: Antrittsvorlesung Gehalten Am 27. April 1907 by Woker, Gertrud
Logarithmische Rechentafeln Für Chemiker, Pharmazeuten, Mediziner Und Physiker by Küster, F. W.
Zur Stereochemie Des Fünfwertigen Stickstoffes by Wedekind, Edgar
Bioactive Molecules and Medicinal Plants by
Die wunderbare Welt der Chemie in interessanten Versuchen by Westerhold, Sebastian
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXIX by
Clinical Proteomics: Methods and Protocols by
Alzheimer's Disease by
Calixarenes: An Introduction by Gutsche, C. David
Rheology for Chemists: An Introduction by Goodwin, J. W., Hughes, R. W.
Compounds with 1 to 7 Carbon Atoms (Supplement to Subvolume A, D and G) by Peters, G., Bauhofer, C.
Nanomaterials and Nanochemistry by
Selected Systems from Al-B-Fe to C-Co-Fe by Effenberg, Günter
Selected Systems from C-Cr-Fe to Co-Fe-S by Materials Science and International Team Msit(r)
Avoid Boring People by Watson, James D.
Journal of Cosmic Archeology by Beardsley, Ian
Carbon Nanotubes: Advanced Topics in the Synthesis, Structure, Properties and Applications by
The Inorganic Radiochemistry of Heavy Elements: Methods for Studying Gaseous Compounds by Zvára, Ivo
Voltage-Sensitive Ion Channels: Biophysics of Molecular Excitability by Leuchtag, H. Richard
Galactose Regulon of Yeast: From Genetics to Systems Biology by Bhat, Paike Jayadeva
Sulfur Assimilation and Abiotic Stress in Plants by
Genomic Imprinting by
Tissue Proteomics: Pathways, Biomarkers, and Drug Discovery by
One Hundred Years After the Discovery of Radioactivity by
Past and Present in Denox Catalysis: From Molecular Modelling to Chemical Engineering: Volume 171 by
Advances in Clinical Chemistry: Volume 45 by
Organic and Physical Chemistry of Polymers by Fontanille, Michel, Gnanou, Yves
Bioinformatics Algorithms: Techniques and Applications by
GC / MS: A Practical User's Guide [With CDROM] by McMaster, Marvin C.
Electroporation Protocols: Preclinical and Clinical Gene Medicine by
Particle Image Velocimetry: New Developments and Recent Applications by
Renewing Dialogues in Marxism and Education: Openings by
Farewell to Entropy, A: Statistical Thermodynamics Based on Information by Ben-Naim, Arieh
Farewell to Entropy, A: Statistical Thermodynamics Based on Information by Ben-Naim, Arieh
Renewing Dialogues in Marxism and Education: Openings by
Chemistry for Engineers by Yen, Teh Fu
Organometallic Chemistry: Volume 34 by
Biological Microfluidics by
Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 37 by
The Concept of the Gene in Development and Evolution: Historical and Epistemological Perspectives by
Current Developments in Solid-State Fermentation by
Analysis of NMR Chemical Shifts in Peptide and Protein Structure Determination by Wang, Liya
Refractive Indices of Pure Liquids and Binary Liquid Mixtures (Supplement to III/38) by Wohlfarth, Christian
Biophysical Techniques in Photosynthesis, Volume II by
Evolutionary Ecology and the Transition to Multicellularity by Solari, Cristian Alejandro
Quantum Gases in Quasi-One-Dimensional Arrays by Bakhtiari, Mohammad Reza
Molecular Modeling of Proteins by
Organelle Proteomics by
The Benefits of Behavioral Research to the Fire Service: Human Behavior in Fires and Emergencies by Blaich, Peter W.
The Benefits of Behavioral Research to the Fire Service: Human Behavior in Fires and Emergencies by Blaich, Peter W.
Das Prinzip der Verbrennung by Pichert, Benjamin
A Manual Of Determinative Mineralogy (1922) by Warren, Charles Hyde
The Catalytic Preparation Of Mercaptans (1921) by Kramer, Richard Lee
Treatise On Chemistry (1847) by Donovan, Michael
Conductivities And Viscosities In Pure And In Mixed Solvents: Radiometric Measurements Of The Ionization Constants Of Indicators, Etc. (1915) by Jones, Harry Clary
Thermochemistry (1920) by Thomsen, Julius
A System Of Chemistry V2 (1810) by Thomson, Thomas
A System Of Chemistry V1 (1810) by Thomson, Thomas
A System Of Chemistry V3 (1810) by Thomson, Thomas
The Problems Of Physiological And Pathological Chemistry Of Metabolism: For Students, Physicians, Biologists And Chemists (1916) by Von Furth, Otto
Hydrogenosomes and Mitosomes: Mitochondria of Anaerobic Eukaryotes by
Theory and Mathematical Methods in Bioinformatics by Shen, Shiyi
Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces: Characterization, Modification and Applications by
Essentials of Nucleic Acid Analysis: A Robust Approach by
Progress in Physical Chemistry Vol.2: Materials Dominated by Their Interfaces by
Capillary Electrophoresis: Methods and Protocols by
Avidin-Biotin Interactions: Methods and Applications by
Soil Chemical Pollution, Risk Assessment, Remediation and Security by
Soil Chemical Pollution, Risk Assessment, Remediation and Security by
Solar Hydrogen Generation: Toward a Renewable Energy Future by
Food Engineering: Integrated Approaches by
Wörterbuch Biotechnologie/Dictionary of Biotechnology: Deutsch - Englisch/English - German by Cole, Theodor C. H.
Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths: Volume 38 by
Alkene Polymerization Reactions with Transition Metal Catalysts: Volume 173 by Kissin, Yury
Automotive Coatings Formulation by Poth, Ulrich
Plastic Packaging 2e by
Characterization of Lignocellu by
Even Electron Mass Spec by Ham, Bryan M.
Textbook of Structural Biology [With CDROM] by Liljas, Anders, Liljas, Lars, Piskur, Jure
Affinity, That Elusive Dream: A Genealogy of the Chemical Revolution by Kim, Mi Gyung
Special Effect Pigments by Pfaff, Gerhard
Core Level Spectroscopy of Solids by Kotani, Akio, de Groot, Frank
Drug Testing in Alternate Biological Specimens by
Structural Proteomics: High-Throughput Methods by
Thermodynamics and Fluctuations Far from Equilibrium by Ross, John
Handbook of Surface Plasmon Resonance by
Powder Diffraction: Theory and Practice by
Natural Compounds as Drugs, Volume II by
Natural Compounds as Drugs by
Oxford Bookworms Library: The Ransom of Red Chief: Starter: 250-Word Vocabulary by Shipton, Paul
Lipoic Acid: Energy Production, Antioxidant Activity and Health Effects by
2D Page: Sample Preparation and Fractionation: Volume 2 by
2D Page: Sample Preparation and Fractionation: Volume 1 by Posch, Anton
Pharmacogenomics in Drug Discovery and Development by
Nanoalloys: From Theory to Applications: Faraday Discussions No 138 by
Food Emulsifiers and Their Applications by
Lernen durch Lehren im Fachbereich Chemie am Beispiel der Thematik "Rund um den Wein" by Schäffner, Nils
Macromolecules, Volume 3: Physical Structures and Properties by Elias, Hans-Georg
Unterrichtsstunde: Fußball in der Halle - Kopfballspiel (13. Klasse) by Nöhrbaß, Steffen
Unterrichtseinheit: Beeinflussung der HCl-Addition an Alkene durch elektronische Effekte by Nöhrbaß, Steffen
Sulfur Metabolism in Phototrophic Organisms by
Organometallchemie by Elschenbroich, Christoph
Unterrichtsstunde: Leichtathletik - Einführung des Dreisprungs (13. Klasse, Leistungskurs) by Nöhrbaß, Steffen
Imaging del Rachide: Il Vecchio E Il Nuovo by Leone, Antonio, Martino, Fabio
Model-Based Process Supervision: A Bond Graph Approach by Samantaray, Arun Kumar, Ould Bouamama, Belkacem
Induced Plant Resistance to Herbivory by
Principles and Technical Aspects of PCR Amplification by Belkum, Alex Van, Hays, John P., Van Pelt-Verkuil, Elizabeth
Bontemps on Glass Making: The Guide Du Verrier of Georges Bontemps by
Liquid Crystalline Functional Assemblies and Their Supramolecular Structures by
New Fluorescent Optical pH Sensors with Minimal Effects of Ionic Strength by Weidgans, Bernhard
The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Biology Volume 65 by
Automotive Paints and Coatings by
Biomineralization: From Nature to Application, Volume 4 by
Physicochemical Characterization of Pharmaceuticals: Applications of Thermal Analysis and Other Techniques for Pharmaceuticals and Other Substances by
Analog Circuit Design: Sensors, Actuators and Power Drivers; Integrated Power Amplifiers from Wireline to Rf; Very High Frequency Front Ends by
Hydrogen-Bonded Interpolymer Complexes: Formation, Structure and Applications by
Phytochemicals: Aging and Health by
Post-Translational Modifications of Proteins: Tools for Functional Proteomics by
Instability and Segregation in bounded Gas-Particle and Granular Flows by Liu, Xue
Mini-Micro Fuel Cells: Fundamentals and Applications by
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry 42 by
Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold Substrates - Structure and Characterization by Badin, Mihaela Georgeta
NMR in Biological Systems: From Molecules to Human by Chary, K. V. R., Govil, Girjesh
Nuclear Risk in Central Asia by
Mini-Micro Fuel Cells: Fundamentals and Applications by
Nuclear Risk in Central Asia by
Part 2 by
Creating Networks in Chemistry: The Founding and Early History of Chemical Societies in Europe by
Aktivierung von Cyclophosphamid in Extrakten aus embryonalen Hühnerlebern: Entwicklung einer Methode zur quantitativen Bestimmung eines Aktivierungspr by Wipprecht, Aline
Dynamic Modeling, Predictive Control and Performance Monitoring: A Data-Driven Subspace Approach by Huang, Biao, Kadali, Ramesh
Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass: A Handbook Volume 2 by
Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass: A Handbook by
Dissociative Recombination of Molecular Ions by Larsson, Mats, Orel, Ann E.
Impact of Pollution on Animal Products by
Freeze-Drying of Pharmaceuticals and Biopharmaceuticals: Principles and Practice by Auffret, Tony, Franks, Felix
Monte Carlo Simulations of Nanoparticle Filled Polymer Nanocomposites - A Novel Approach to Investigate the Effect of Nanofillers on the Conformationa by Erguney, Fatih Mehmet
Komplexchemie - Diagnose und Prävention von Fehlvorstellungen by Lisowski, Christoph
Vegf in Development by
Impact of Pollution on Animal Products by
Experimentelle Erarbeitung der Spannungsreihe - Eine Überprüfung bekannter Experimentieranleitungen und Verbesserungsvorschläge by Wichmann, Stefan
Therapeutic Oligonucleotides by
Is Arsenic an Aphrodisiac?: The Sociochemistry of an Element by Cullen, William R.
Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions: Structural Biology by
Archaeological Chemistry by Pollard, A. Mark, Heron, Carl
Autophagosome and Phagosome by
Reactive Sputter Deposition by
Mathematics - Key Technology for the Future: Joint Projects Between Universities and Industry 2004 -2007 by
Static Dielectric Constants of Pure Liquids and Binary Liquid Mixtures: Supplement to IV/6 by Wohlfarth, Christian
Surface Tension of Pure Liquids and Binary Liquid Mixtures: (Supplement to IV/16) by Wohlfarth, Christian
Structure Reactivity Organic Chemistry by
New Methodologies and Techniques for a Sustainable Organic Chemistry by
The Chemistry of Soils by Sposito, Garrison
Biopolymere. Polymere aus der Natur by Dorner, Michael
Interfacial and Confined Water by Brovchenko, Ivan, Oleinikova, Alla
West-E Chemistry 0245 Teacher Certification Test Prep Study Guide by Wynne, Sharon A.
Radiation Chemistry: From Basics to Applications in Material and Life Sciences by Spotheim-Maurizot, Mélanie, Mostafavi, Mehran, Douki, Thierry
Advances in Quantum Chemistry: Applications of Theoretical Methods to Atmospheric Science Volume 55 by
Microstructure of Metals and Alloys: An Atlas of Transmission Electron Microscopy Images by Zlateva, Ganka, Martinova, Zlatanka
Coordination Chemistry: Master by Ribas Gispert, Joan
The Science and Engineering of Thermal Spray Coatings by Pawlowski, Lech
Biomedical Epr, Part A: Free Radicals, Metals, Medicine, and Physiology. Part B: Methodology, Instrumentation, and Dynamics by
Chemistry: An Everyday Approach to Chemical Investigation by Solomon, Sally, Rutkowsky, Susan, Boritz, Charles
Plasmids: Current Research and Future Trends by
Introduction to Modern Thermodynamics by Kondepudi, Dilip
Praxis Chemistry 20241, 20242, 20245 Teacher Certification Test Prep Study Guide by Wynne, Sharon A.
Acidity and Basicity by Brunner, Eike, Pfeifer, Harry, Auroux, Aline
Antibiotics, Steroid Hormones, and Hormone Conjugates in the Environment by Schlüsener, Michael
Plasma Chemistry by Fridman, Alexander
Laser-based Temperature Diagnostics in Practical Combustion Systems by Kronemayer, Helmut
A Passion for Organic Synthesis by Liang, Guangxin
Glycoscience: Chemistry and Chemical Biology by
Nuclear Pre-mRNA Processing in Plants by
New Methodologies and Techniques for a Sustainable Organic Chemistry by
p53: "El guardián del genoma" by Rodríguez Peña, Mario
Macromolecules with Phosphorus Functionalities by Leute, Maria
Autoignition in Turbulent Flows by Markides, Christos
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