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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2009

Cell-Based Assays for High-Throughput Screening: Methods and Protocols by
Guide to Signal Pathways in Immune Cells by Wardle, E. Nigel
Bioactive Heterocycles VII: Flavonoids and Anthocyanins in Plants, and Latest Bioactive Heterocycles II by
The History, Use, Disposition and Environmental Fate of Agent Orange by Young, Alvin Lee
Atmospheric Particulate Matter by Shah, Munir H.
A study of Chinese alchemy by Johnson, Obed Simon
Magnetism and Ligand-Field Analysis by Gerloch, M.
Surface Analysis: The Principal Techniques by
Prozessoptimierung in Der Chemischen Und Pharmazeutischen Industrie by Li, Pu
Surface Analysis: The Principal Techniques by
Tyler's Herbs of Choice: The Therapeutic Use of Phytomedicinals, Third Edition by Awang, Dennis V. C.
Fundamental Laboratory Approaches for Biochemistry and Biotechnology by Ballou, David P., Ninfa, Alexander J., Benore, Marilee
Preparation of Compounds Labeled with Tritium and Carbon-14 by Voges, Rolf, Heys, J. Richard, Moenius, Thomas
Real Alchemy: A Primer of Practical Alchemy by Bartlett, Robert Allen
Advanced Potentiometry: Potentiometric Titrations and Their Systematic Errors by Néher-Neumann, Erzsébet
Vibrationally Mediated Photodissociation by Rosenwaks, Salman
Molecules: Nucleation, Aggregation and Crystallization: Beyond Medical and Other Implications by
Molecules: Nucleation, Aggregation and Crystallization: Beyond Medical and Other Implications by
Dna-Protein Interactions: Principles and Protocols, Third Edition by
Inorganic Rings and Polymers of the p-Block Elements: From Fundamentals to Applications by Manners, Ian, Chivers, Tristram
Heinemann Igcse Chemistry Student Book with Exam Café CD by Clegg, Andrew
Ion-Selective Electrodes by Koryta, Jirm, Stulik, Karel, Koryta, Jiri
Exposure and Risk Assessment of Chemical Pollution - Contemporary Methodology by
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds: Volume 40 by
Physikalische Trennverfahren als experimentelles Gruppenpuzzle im Chemie-Unterricht: Chromatographie, Destillation und Extraktion by Stange, Bernd
Versuch Einer Neuen Bakterienlehre (1902) by Fokker, Abraham Peter
The Proceedings And Transactions Of The Nova Scotian Institute Of Science V8: 1890-94 (1895) by Nova Scotian Institute of Science
The Constants Of Nature, Part 5: A Recalculation Of The Atomic Weights (1910) by Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth
Studies In Physiological Chemistry (1901) by
The Life Of Sir Humphry Davy (1831) by Paris, John Ayrton
The Feeding Of Crops And Stock: An Introduction To The Science Of The Nutrition Of Plants And Animals (1911) by Hall, Alfred Daniel
Recherches Mechaniques Et Astronomiques (1750) by Bernoulli, Daniel
The Chemical Works Of Caspar Neumann V1: Abridged And Methodized, With Large Additions, Containing The Later Discoveries And Improvements Made In Chem by Neumann, Caspar
The Industrial Training Of The Girl (1914) by McKeever, William Arch
Biologically Inspired Signal Processing for Chemical Sensing by
Biosensors for the Environmental Monitoring of Aquatic Systems: Bioanalytical and Chemical Methods for Endocrine Disruptors by
John Dalton and the Rise of Modern Chemistry by Roscoe, Henry Enfield
Zebrafish: Methods and Protocols by
Protein Blotting and Detection: Methods and Protocols by
Lipids in Aquatic Ecosystems by
Heterogeneous Detonation by
Polygons, Polyominoes and Polycubes by
Parkinson's Disease Dopamine Metabolism, Applied Biochemistry and Nutrition by Leader, Lucille, Leader, Geoffrey
Epitope Mapping Protocols by
Theoretische Grundlagen der zerstörungsfreien Materialprüfung mit Ultraschall by Mayer, Klaus, Langenberg, Karl-Jörg, Marklein, René
Aldol Reactions by Mahrwald, Rainer
Seaweed Biofuels by Horn, Svein Jarle
Sai Cosa Mangi?: La Scienza del Cibo by Hartel, Richard W., Hartel, Annakate
Predictive Functional Control: Principles and Industrial Applications by Richalet, Jacques, O'Donovan, Donal
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics: Basic Theory and Advanced Methods by Marx, Dominik, Hutter, Jurg
Basic Chemometric Techniques in Atomic Spectroscopy by
Class 3 Hydrolases: EC 3.4.22-3.13 by
Stöchiometrie: Eine Einführung in Die Grundlagen Mit Beispielen Und Übungsaufgaben by Hillebrand, Uwe
Multi-Scale Quantum Models for Biocatalysis: Modern Techniques and Applications by
Protocols for in Vitro Cultures and Secondary Metabolite Analysis of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants by
Chemosensory Systems in Mammals, Fishes, and Insects by
Centromere: Structure and Evolution by
Mercury Fate and Transport in the Global Atmosphere: Emissions, Measurements and Models by
Biological Data Mining in Protein Interaction Networks by
Biochemistry: Quickstudy Laminated Reference Guide by Jackson, Mark
Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis: Methods for Problem-Solving by
A Text Book of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (For 1st Year D.Pharm. Students) [As Per PCI New Regulation, 2020] by Bhagat, M. P.
Polymer Membranes in Biotechnology: Preparation, Functionalization and Application by Ramakrishna, Seeram, Matsuura, Takeshi, Ma, Zuwei
Design and Construction of Coordination Polymers by
Environmental Surfaces and Interfaces from the Nanoscale to the Global Scale by Maurice, Patricia
Carbohydrate-Based Vaccines and Immunotherapies by
Chemistry in Motion by Grzybowski, Bartosz A.
Bionanodesign: Following Nature's Touch by Ryadnov, Maxim
Self-Organization of Molecular Systems: From Molecules and Clusters to Nanotubes and Proteins by
Self-Organization of Molecular Systems: From Molecules and Clusters to Nanotubes and Proteins by
Twenty Years of Ozone Decline by
Perovskite Thin Films by Herger, Roger
Essentials of Apoptosis: A Guide for Basic and Clinical Research by
Educational Media and Technology Yearbook: Volume 34, 2009 by
Transporters as Targets for Drugs by
Estimation Organic Compounds by Wild, Mike, Wild, F.
The Quantum Theory of Unimolecular Reactions by Pritchard, H. O., H. O., Pritchard
Tao of Chemistry and Life: A Scientific Journey by Cordes, Eugene H.
Biophysics and the Challenges of Emerging Threats by
Biophysics and the Challenges of Emerging Threats by
Structure/Ligand-based Drug Design and Structure Bioinformatics by Zhang, Shuxing
Modular synthesis of well-defined macromolecular architectures by Opsteen, Joost
Silicon Versus Carbon: Fundamental Nanoprocesses, Nanobiotechnology and Risks Assessment by
Interface Controlled Organic Thin Films by
Electrospinning and Nanofibers by Han, Tao
Advances in Quantum Chemistry: Theory of Confined Quantum Systems - Part One Volume 57 by
Advances in Quantum Chemistry: Theory of Confined Quantum Systems - Part Two Volume 58 by
Charge Injection Systems: Physical Principles, Experimental and Theoretical Work by Shrimpton, John
Anatomy Of The Indian Elephant (1878) by Greenwood, F., Miall, Louis Compton
Chimie Metallurgique V2: Dans Laquelle On Trouvera La Theorie Et La Pratique De Cet Art (1758) by Gellert, Christlieb Ehregott
Sir William Ramsay: Memorials Of His Life And Work (1918) by Tilden, William Augustus
Sketch Of The Life Of James Keir: With A Selection From His Correspondence (1868) by Moilliet, James Keir, Keir, James, Moilliet, Amellia Keir
Chronologische Geschichte Der Naturlehre V1-2 (1798) by De Loys, Charles
Studies On Fermentation: The Diseases Of Beer, Their Causes, And The Means Of Preventing Them (1879) by Louis Pasteur
Chymie Du Gout Et De L'Odorat, Ou Principes (1766) by Poncelet, Polycarpe
Chymie Experimentale Et Raisonne V3 (1773) by Baume, Antoine
Chymie Hydraulique, Pour Extraire Les Sels Essentiels Des Vegetaux, Animaux, Et Mineraux, Avec L'Eau Pure (1746) by Garaye, Claude Toussaint Marot La
Memoires Physico-Chymiques V3 (1782) by Senebier, Jean
Memoires Physico-Chymiques V1 (1782) by Senebier, Jean
Bibliotheque Des Philosophes Chimiques V1 (1741) by Richebourg, Jean Maugin De
Chymie Du Gout Et De L'Odorat, Ou Principes (1766) by Poncelet, Polycarpe
De Auri Tinctura, Sive Auro Potabili Vero: Quid Sit Et Quommodo Differat Ab Auro Potabili Falso Et Sophistico (1651) by Glauber, Johann Rudolf
The Origin Of Fingerprinting (1916) by Herschel, William James
Chemische Philosophie Oder Grundwahrheiten Der Neuern Chemie Auf Eine Neue (1796) by Gehler, Johann Samuel Traugott, de Fourcroy, Antoine Francois
De Bagni Di Lucca: Trattato Chimico, Medico, Anatomico (1711) by Duccini, Giuseppe
Chemische Untersuchung Einiger Der Bekanntern Und Besuchtern Gesundbrunnen Und Bader Der Schweiz (1788) by Morell, C. F.
Chemistry In Old Philadelphia (1919) by Smith, Edgar Fahs
Beytrag Zur Geschichte Der Hohern Chemie Oder Goldmacherkunde In Ihrem Ganzen Umfange (1785) by Carbonarius, L.
Chemistry: As Exemplifying The Wisdom And Beneficence Of God (1844) by Fownes, George
Uber Die Reine Luft Und Verwandte Luftarten Und Stoffe V2 (1791) by Hahnemann, Samuel
Elemens De Chymie V2 (1796) by Chaptal, Jean Antoine Claude
Elemens D'Histoire Naturelle Et de Chimie V4 (1786) by de Fourcroy, Antoine Francois
Zeolite-Type Crystal Structures and Their Chemistry. Framework Type Codes Ron to Sti by
Synthese und Charakterisierung von Calciumcarbonat-Phasen und Calciumphosphat-basierter Knochenersatzmaterialien by Neumann, Markus
Applications of Synchrotron Light to Scattering and Diffraction in Materials and Life Sciences by
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 201 by
Edible Films and Coatings for Food Applications by
Phosphorous Heterocycles I by
Controlled Assembly and Modification of Inorganic Systems by
Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders: Clinical Lab Testing Manual by Wians Jr, Frank H., Dons, Robert F.
Chemistry in the Garden by Hanson, James R.
MicroRNA Interference Technologies by Wang, Zhiguo
Oxidative Neural Injury by
Cellular Signaling in Health and Disease by Beckerman, Martin
Inclusion Polymers by
The K P Method: Electronic Properties of Semiconductors by Lew Yan Voon, Lok C., Willatzen, Morten
Several new developments in quantum reaction dynamics by Wang, Dunyou
Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 97 by
Electrochemistry of Flotation of Sulphide Minerals by Wang, Dianzuo, Hu, Yuehua, Sun, Wei
Ultramarine Pigments from Fly Ash by Landman, Andreas
Weak Links: The Universal Key to the Stability of Networks and Complex Systems by Csermely, Peter
Case Studies in Food Engineering: Learning from Experience by Clark, J. Peter
Computer Simulation and Data Analysis in Molecular Biology and Biophysics: An Introduction Using R by Bloomfield, Victor
Glycoscience and Microbial Adhesion by
Tubulin-Binding Agents: Synthetic, Structural and Mechanistic Insights by
Grapevine Molecular Physiology & Biotechnology by
Computational Protein-Protein Interactions by
Proteomics: Methods and Protocols by
Molecular Networks by
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry 45 by
High Resolution EPR: Applications to Metalloenzymes and Metals in Medicine by
Reviews in Fluorescence 2007, Volume 4 by
Molecular Realizations of Quantum.. (V2) by
Silicon Versus Carbon: Fundamental Nanoprocesses, Nanobiotechnology and Risks Assessment by
Quantum Dynamics: Applications in Biological and Materials Systems by Bittner, Eric R.
A Comprehensive Guide to Factorial Two-Level Experimentation by Mee, Robert
Qumica Para La Ingenieria 1 by Herranz Agustn, Concepcin
Qumica Per A L'Enginyeria by Flaqu Lajara, Concepci
Polysulfones as X-Ray Resists by Calderon Wilkinson, Gina
Triplet State Dynamic Nuclear Polarization by Takeda, Kazuyuki
Schaum's Outline of General, Organic, and Biochemistry for Nursing and Allied Health by Blei, Ira, Odian, George
Properties and Applications of Thermoelectric Materials: The Search for New Materials for Thermoelectric Devices by
Properties and Applications of Thermoelectric Materials: The Search for New Materials for Thermoelectric Devices by
Principles of Chemical Sensors by Janata, Jiri
Photosynthesis in Silico: Understanding Complexity from Molecules to Ecosystems by
Biomembrane Frontiers, Volume 2: Nanostructures, Models, and the Design of Life by
Reactive Oxygen Species in Plant Signaling by
Amino Acid Prodrugs of Acyclovir: Ocular Herpes Infections by Katragadda, Suresh
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Volume 35 by
Thermodynamics of Solutions: From Gases to Pharmaceutics to Proteins by Shulgin, Ivan L., Ruckenstein, Eli
Physical Properties and Their Relations I (Thermodynamic Properties: Phase Equilibria) by Wohlfarth, Christian
Electrostatic Precipitation: 11th International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation, Hangzhou, 2008 by
Cellular Lipid Metabolism by
Chemical Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security by Spellman, Frank R., Bieber, Revonna M.
Red Glass Coloration by Bring, Torun
Experiments Upon Vegetables: Discovering Their Great Power Of Purifying The Common Air In The Sunshine (1779) by Ingen-Housz, John
Le Microscope Moderne, Pour Debrouiller La Nature (1781) by Rabiqueau, Charles
Institutiones Et Experimenta Chemiae V2 (1724) by Boerhaave, Herman
Transposons and the Dynamic Genome by
De Motu Animalium, Part 1 (1710) by Borelli, Giovanni-Alfonso
Chemische Grundsatze Der Gewerbkunde (1795) by Gmelin, Johann Friedrich
Dissertationes Physico-Mathematic (1732) by Jurin, James
Dissertations Chymiques V4 (1759) by Demachy, Jacques Francois, Pott, Johann Heinrich
Descriptions Et Usages De Plusiers Nouveaux Microscopes, Tant Simples Que Composez (1718) by Joblot, Louis
Institutiones Chemiae (1762) by Vogel, Rudolph Augustin
Institutiones Et Experimenta Chemiae V2 (1724) by Boerhaave, Herman
Des Elemens V1: Ou Essai Sur La Nature, Les Proprietes, Les Effets Et L'Utilite De L'Air, De L'Eau, Du Feu Et De La Terre (1782) by Pott, Jules Henri
Handbuch Der Allgemeinen Chemie V1 (1786) by Wiegleb, Johann Christian
Disputatio Medica Inauguralis, De Luce, Quam Ex Chymia Accepit Medicina (1797) by Coull, Thomas
Elemens De Chimie Pratique V1 (1756) by Macquer, Pierre-Joseph
Instituts De Chymie V1 (1770) by Spielmann, Jacob Reinbold
Experiences Physiques Et Chymiques V3: Sur Plusieurs Matieres Relatives Au Commerce Et Aux Arts (1769) by Puisieux, Philippe-Flor de, Lewis, William
Vollstandiges Chemisches Probir-Cabinet, Part 1 (1790) by Goettling, Johann Friedrich Augustin
Grundlehren Der Allgemeinen Chemischen Und Physischen Eigenschaften Der Korper (1793) by Dazel, Georg Anton
Essai Sur Le Goudron Du Charbon De Terre (1790) by Faujas, B.
Dissertatio Inauguralis Medico-Chemica De Genuinis Viribus Tabaci: Ex Principiis Eius Constitutiuis, Demonstratis (1746) by Buchner, Andreas Elias, Frauenknecht, Johann Jakob
Elemens De Chymie-Pratique V1 (1751) by Macquer, Pierre-Joseph
Grundriss Der Chemie V1 (1796) by Gren, Friedrich Albrecht Carl
Examen Chymique Des Pommes De Terre (1773) by Parmentier, Antoine Augustin
Franz Carl Achards Chymisch-Physische Schriften (1780) by Achard, Franz Carl
Dictionnaire De Chymie V1: Contenant La Theorie Et La Pratique De Cette Science (1789) by Macquer, Pierre-Joseph
Elementa Chemiae V1 (1733) by Boerhaave, Herman
Escrutinio Physico-Medico-Mechanico-Chimico Sobre Las Especiales Virtudes Medicinales De Las Aguas De Alaraz (1753) by Lecha, Francisco Antonio Esteban y.
Essais De Chymie V2: Sur La Chaux Vive, La Matiere Elastique Et Electrique, Le Feu, Et L'Acide Universel Primitif (1766) by Meyer, Johann Friedrich, Dreux, P. F.
De Mathesis In Rebus Physicis Utilitate Praelectio (1720) by Poleni, Giovanni
Chemistry, Biology and Cancer: the Bond: The Bond by Elsersawi, Amin
Id Est Constantini Rodocanacidis Genere Graeci Et Serenissimi Magnae Britanniae Regis, Chymici, Etc. (1721) by De Richebourg, Jacques
Examen Chymique Des Pommes De Terre (1773) by Parmentier, Antoine Augustin
Concise Summary of Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry: Set of 10 by Quack, Martin, Stohner, Juergen
Kann durch den Einsatz von experimentellen Hausaufgaben die Motivation im Anfangsunterricht Chemie gefördert werden? by Pluta, Eveline
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