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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2009

Chiral Sulfur Ligands: Asymmetric Catalysis by Pellissier, Hélène
The Protein Protocols Handbook by
Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 98 by
From Enzyme Models to Model Enzymes by Kirby, Anthony J., Hollfelder, Florian
Water Softening by McEachern, Rod, Wist, William, Lehr, Jay H.
Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe, Book 1 of 3 by Gray, Theodore
Biofuels: Methods and Protocols by
The Physiochemical Basis of Pharmaceuticals by Crean, Abina, Moynihan, Humphrey
Compendium of the Microbiological Spoilage of Foods and Beverages by
Scientific Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Principles and Foundations by
Death Receptors and Cognate Ligands in Cancer by
Materials, Matter and Particles: A Brief History by Woolfson, Michael Mark
Materials, Matter and Particles: A Brief History by Woolfson, Michael Mark
Advances in Chromatographic Techniques for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring by
The Protein Protocols Handbook by
Biotechnology in China I: From Bioreaction to Bioseparation and Bioremediation by
Adsorption and Phase Behaviour in Nanochannels and Nanotubes by
Advances in Transport Phenomena 2009 by
Photochemistry, Volume 37 by
Hydrogel Sensors and Actuators: Engineering and Technology by
Advances in the Theory of Atomic and Molecular Systems: Conceptual and Computational Advances in Quantum Chemistry by
Advances in the Theory of Atomic and Molecular Systems: Conceptual and Computational Advances in Quantum Chemistry by
Concepts in Transition Metal Chemistry by
Hydroxyl-Radikale in Lebensmitteln by Mikulas, Peter
Biorefineries: For Biomass Upgrading Facilities by Demirbas, Ayhan
The Science of Construction Materials by Freiesleben Hansen, Per
Hygiene Of The Brain And Nerves And The Cure Of Nervousness (1878) by Holbrook, Martin Luther
How To Eat: A Cure For The Nerves (1921) by Hinkle, Thomas Clark
Geschichte der Chemie by Gmelin, Johann Friedrich
Molecular Light Scattering and Optical Activity by Barron, Laurence D.
The Relation Of Lime And Magnesia To Plant Growth (1901) by May, David William, Loew, Oscar
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry V7 (1903) by American Chemical Society
Grundriss Der Experimentalchemie (1790) by Hagen, Karl Gottfried
D. Joh. Joachim Bechers Mineralisches A B C: Oder Vier Und Zwantzig Chymische Theses (1723) by Roth-Scholtz, Friedrich, Becher, Johann Joachim
Les Secrets Et Les Fraudes De La Chymie: Et De La Pharmacie Modernes Devoiles (1759) by Dossie, Robert
Etwas Fur Den Chimiker Und Apotheker (1796) by Becker, Johann Philipp
Organic Analysis: A Manual Of The Descriptive And Analytical Chemistry Of Certain Carbon Compounds In Common Use (1887) by Prescott, Albert Benjamin
Metabolism Of Organic And Inorganic Phosphorus: A Feeding Experiment Using Phytin And Sodium Phosphates (1909) by Cook, Frank Cummings
Journal Of The Chemical Society V58, Part 2 (1890) by Great Britain Chemical Society
Hygiene Of The Brain And Nerves And The Cure Of Nervousness (1878) by Holbrook, Martin Luther
Introduction To Chemical-Technical Analysis (1898) by Ulzer, F., Fraenkel, Alexander
Quantum Theory of Magnetism by Ramakanth, Anupuru, Nolting, Wolfgang
Computational Methods for Sensor Material Selection by
Wood Chemistry and Wood Biotechnology by
Progress in Corrosion Science and Engineering I by
Pulping Chemistry and Technology by
Paper Chemistry and Technology by
Paper Products Physics and Technology by
Eine methodisch binnendifferenzierende Unterrichtssequenz in der Realschule zur Einführung naturwissenschaftlicher Denk- und Arbeitsweisen: Beispiel V by Harten, Diana Von
Natural Product Chemistry for Drug Discovery by
Smart Hydrogel Modelling by Li, Hua
Potentiometrische Untersuchung von Kupfer(II) und Zink(II)-Komplexen eines ditopen Polyaza-Makrocyclus in wässriger Lösung by Wendelstorf, Carsten
Geschichte der Chemie (Band 3.2) by Gmelin, Johann Friedrich
Pharmaceutical Process Engineering by
Dictionary of Weighing Terms: A Guide to the Terminology of Weighing by Reichmuth, Arthur, Schwartz, Roman, Nater, Roland
Lexikon Der Arzneipflanzen Und Drogen by Melzig, Matthias F., Hiller, Karl
New Smart Materials Via Metal Mediated Macromolecular Engineering by
Green Metathesis Chemistry: Great Challenges in Synthesis, Catalysis and Nanotechnology by
Chemistry Versus Physics: Chemical Reactions Near Critical Points by Gitterman, Moshe
Berufs- Und Karriere-Planer Mint: Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik. Der Analytische Weg Zum Erfolg by
Advanced Nanoscale ULSI Interconnects: Fundamentals and Applications by
Lead-Seeking Approaches by
Electrochemistry for the Environment by
Crystallization Modalities in Polymer Melt Processing: Fundamental Aspects of Structure Formation by Janeschitz-Kriegl, Hermann
Metallic and Molecular Interactions in Nanometer Layers, Pores and Particles: New Findings at the Yoctolitre Level by Wang, Tianyu, Fuhrhop, Jurgen-Hinrich
Lipidomics: Volume 2: Methods and Protocols by
Organic Structure Analysis by Rodriguez, Jaime, Crews, Phillip, Jaspars, Marcel
Green Metathesis Chemistry: Great Challenges in Synthesis, Catalysis and Nanotechnology by
Food Chemistry by Ramani, Alex V.
Handbook of Research on Computational Methodologies in Gene Regulatory Networks by
Symmetrical Analysis Techniques for Genetic Systems and Bioinformatics: Advanced Patterns and Applications by Petoukhov, Sergey, He, Matthew
Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes: Volume 10 by
Structure and Functional Properties of Colloidal Systems by
Leung's Ency of Natural Ingred by Khan, Ikhlas A., Abourashed, Ehab A.
Introduction to Nanosensors by Thundat, Thomas, Nagahara, Larry, Tao, Nongjian
The Physical Chemistry of Materials: Energy and Environmental Applications by Roque-Malherbe, Rolando
The Chemistry of Inkjet Inks by
Advances in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Catalysts, and Catalysis by
Pyrolysis of Organic Molecules: Applications to Health and Environmental Issues Volume 28 by Moldoveanu, Serban C.
Annual Reports in Computational Chemistry: Volume 5 by
New Developments in Liquid Crystals by
Cell Biology Assays: Proteins by
Nitric Oxide: Biology and Pathobiology by
Introduction to Interfaces and Colloids, An: The Bridge to Nanoscience by Berg, John C.
Quantum Electrodynamics by Salam, Akbar
Introduction to Quantum Statistical Mechanics (2nd Edition) by Bogolubov Jr, Nickolai N., Bogolubov, N. N.
Plant Phenolics and Human Health: Biochemistry, Nutrition and Pharmacology by Iubmb
The Way of the Crucible by Bartlett, Robert Allen
Handbook of Drug-Nutrient Interactions by
Quantal Density Functional Theory II: Approximation Methods and Applications by Sahni, Viraht
Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry: Methods, Concepts and Applications by
Karrierechancen In der Biotechnologie Und Pharmaindustrie: Ein Cold Spring Harbor-Ratgeber by Freedman, Toby
Vitamin Receptors: Vitamins as Ligands in Cell Communication - Metabolic Indicators by
Synthese zweikerniger, makrocyclischer Anionen-Rezeptoren mit schaltbaren Koordinationsgeometrien by Wendelstorf, Carsten
Lo Cientifico En La Historia (1906) by Ribera, Julian
Das Biologische Verfahren Zur Erkennung Und Unterscheidung Von Menschen Und Tierblut (1905) by Uhlenhuth, Paul Theodor
Theses Presentees A La Faculte Des Sciences De Paris (1908) by Freydenberg, H.
Contribution A L'Etude Physiologique Et Therapeutique: Des Anemones (1904) by Ballon, Louis
Lecons Sur Les Fermentations (1907) by De Coninck, Francois William Oechsner
Die Katalyse In Der Organischen Chemie (1914) by Sabatier, Paul, Finkelstein, Hans
Etude Monographique Sur Le Groupe Des Infusoires Tentaculiferes (1901) by Sand, Rene
Lecons Sur Le Carbone La Combustion Les Lois Chimiques (1908) by Le Chatelier, Henri
Lehrbuch Der Chemischen Technologie Und Metallurgie V1 (1912) by
Theses Presentees A La Faculte Des Sciences De Paris (1904) by Dumas, Gustave
Aggregatzustande (1922) by Tammann, Gustav
Die Quantitativen Untersuchungsmethoden Des Molybdans, Vanadiums Und Wolframs (1913) by Mennicke, Hans
Die Geologischen Studien Goethes (1914) by Semper, Max
Die Schwefelfarbstoffe Ihre Herstellung Und Verwendung (1912) by Lange, Otto
Die Rotatorien Und Gastrotrichen Der Umgebung Von Plon (1904) by Voigt, Max
Die Praxis Des Nahrungsmittel Chemikers (1885) by Elsner, Fritz
Aggregatzustande (1922) by Tammann, Gustav
Die Riechstoffe: Und Uhre Verwendung Zur Herstellung (1888) by Mierzinski, Stanislaus
Evolution Du Carbone Et De L'Azote Dans Le Monde Vivant (1899) by Maze, Pierre Marie
Die Metallurgischen Rostprozesse (1856) by Plattner, Carl Friedrich
Creuznach: Etudes Medicales Sur Ses Eaux Chlorurees, Iodo Bromurees (1884) by Deneffe, Victor
Histoire Des Doctrines Chimiques: Depuis Lavoisier Jusqu'a Nos Jours (1873) by Wurtz, Charles Adolphe
Icones Histiologicae Oder Atlas Der Vergleichenden Gewebelehre (1864) by Kolliker, Albert
Conversations Sur La Chimie V3 (1809) by Chez Manget Et Cherbuliez Publisher
Lehrbuch Der Chemie Und Mineralogie (1872) by Loth, J.
Beitrage Zur Theorie Der Naturlichen Zuchtwahl: Eine Reiche Von Essais (1870) by Wallace, Alfred Russel, Meyer, Adolf Bernhard
Lehrbuch Der Anorganischen Chemie, Und Organisation, Technik Und Apparat Des Unterrichts In Der Chemie (1868) by Arendt, Rudolf
Allgemeine Chemische Bibliothek Des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts V4-5 (1804) by Trommsdorff, Johann Bartholoma
Etude Sur Les Alcalins: De Leur Action Physiologique Sur Les Phenomenes De Nutrition Et De Leur Application Therapeutique (1878) by Souligoux, Leonce
Cours De Chimie Elementaire Et Industrielle: Destine Aux Gens Du Monde (1833) by Payen, Anselme
Die Praxis Des Chemikers (1889) by Elsner, Franz Friedrich Bernhard
Essai Sur La Theorie Des Proportions Chimiques Et Sur L'Influence Chimique de L'Electricite (1819) by Berzelius, Jans Jakob
Histoire Des Progres Des Sciences Naturelles V1 (1864) by Cuvier, Georges Baron
Indications Theoriques Et Pratiques Sur Le Travail Des Vins: Et En Particulier Sur Celui Des Vins Mousseux (1858) by Maumene, Edme Jules
Grundzuge Der Meteorologie (1898) by Mohn, Henrik
Instruction Sur L'Essai Des Matieres D'Argent Par La Voie Humide (1832) by Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis
Etudes Sur Le Vinaigre: Sa Fabrication, Ses Maladies, Moyens De Les Prevenir (1868) by Pasteur, Louis
Contribution A L'Etude Des Bacteriacees: Le Bacille Mesentericus Vulgatus (1889) by Vignal, William
Studien Zur Chemischen Dynamik (1896) by Van 't Hoff's, Jacobus Henricus
Die Lehre Von Den Fermentativen Gerinnungserscheinungen In Den Eiweissartigen Thierischen Korperflussigkeiten (1876) by Schmidt, Alexander
Etude Sur Le Mouvement Des Marees: Dans La Partie Maritime Des Fleuves (1861) by Partiot, Henri Leon
Sur La Generation Des Ferments (1875) by Fremy, Edmund
Etude Sur Le Baume Gurjun: Gurjum Balsam Ou Wood Oil Et Quelques Unes De Ses Applications Therapeutiques (1877) by Deval, Luc
Memoire Sur L'Evolution De La Notocorde Des Cavites Des Disques Intervertebraux Et De Leur Contenu Gelatineux (1868) by Robin, Charles
Lecons Sur Les Sporozoaires (1884) by Balbiani, Edouard Gerard
Die Lehre Von Den Elementen Bei Den Alten (1842) by Eichler Publisher
Etudes Micrographiques Sur Quelques Fecules: These (1853) by Soubeiran, Jean Leon
Essai Sur Les Attractions Moleculaires (1803) by Michel, Claude Louis Samson
Etude Sur Les Bacteries Des Eaux Minerales De Boheme: Carlsbad, Franzensbad, Marienbad Et Toeplitz (1888) by Dumont, M.
Histoire Des Legislateurs Chimistes: Lavoisier, Berthollet, Humphry Davy (1845) by Kireevsky, M.
Memoire Sur La Composition Des Fluides Animaux (1814) by Berzelius, Jans Jakob
Etude Sur Le Developpement Du Peritoine Dans Ses Rapports Avec L'Evolution Du Tube Digesif Et De Ses Annexes (1892) by Perignon, Louis
Etude Sur Un Cinchona Succirubra Des Indes Anglaises (1873) by Heulot, Emile
De Caoutchouk Ejusque Destillationis Siccae Productis Et Ex His De Caoutchino (1835) by Himly, Fridericus Carolus
Die Mineralogie In Ihren Neuesten Entdeckungen U. Fortschritten Im Jahre 1851 (1852) by Besnard, Anton Franz
Sur Les Peridiniens Du Golfe De Marseille (1883) by Gourret, Paul Gabriel Marie
Memoire Sur L'Amidon (1839) by Payen, Anselme
Electrokinetically Driven Microfluidics and Nanofluidics by Chang, Hsueh-Chia, Yeo, Leslie
Forkhead Transcription Factors: Vital Elements in Biology and Medicine by
Organic Synthesis Using Samarium Diiodide: A Practical Guide by Flowers, Robert A., Skrydstrup, Troels, Procter, David J.
Radical Reactions in Aqueous Media by Perchyonok, Tamara
Aquatic Macrophyte Risk Assessment for Pesticides by Arnold, Dave, Arts, Gertie, Maltby, Lorraine
Chemistry by Editors of Rea
Solid-State Physics: An Introduction to Principles of Materials Science by Lüth, Hans, Ibach, Harald
Model Systems in Catalysis: Single Crystals to Supported Enzyme Mimics by
Nanomaterials and Supramolecular Structures: Physics, Chemistry, and Applications by
Lipids in Photosynthesis: Essential and Regulatory Functions by
Sex Hormones and Immunity to Infection by
Praxiswissen Der Chemischen Verfahrenstechnik: Handbuch Für Chemiker Und Verfahrensingenieure by Christen, Daniel S.
Encapsulation Technologies for Active Food Ingredients and Food Processing by
Functional Glycomics: Methods and Protocols by
The PCR Revolution by
Non-Covalent Interactions: Theory and Experiment by Muller-Dethlefs, Klaus, Hobza, Pavel
Iron Deficiency and Overload: From Basic Biology to Clinical Medicine by
Treatment of Cooling Water by
Organic Electronics by
Aestivation: Molecular and Physiological Aspects by
Class 4-6 Lyases, Isomerases, Ligases EC 4-6 by
miRNA Regulation of the Translational Machinery by
Introduction to Peptides and Proteins by Graslund, Astrid, Langel, Ulo, Cravatt, Benjamin F.
EasyTerms Terminology Guidebook for Biochemistry by Creager, Ed
Introduction to Interfaces and Colloids, An: The Bridge to Nanoscience by Berg, John C.
Welchen Stellenwert räumen Lehrer und Schüler dem Experiment im Chemieunterricht ein? by Spieß, Stefanie
Sustainable Solutions for Modern Economies by
Chemical Reactions and Processes Under Flow Conditions by
Introduction to Ionic Liquids by Freemantle, Michael
Kolloidchemie: Ein Lehrbuch (1920) by Zsigmondy, Richard, Scherrer, P.
The Determination Of Sulfur In Iron And Steel: With A Bibliography, 1797-1921 (1922) by Pulsifer, Harry Bridgman
The Chemical Nature Of A Colloidal Clay (1922) by Bradfield, Richard
Modern Research In Organic Chemistry (1913) by Pope, Francis George
Revision Of The American Flying Squirrels (1918) by Howell, Arthur Holmes
The Cranial Nerves And Cutaneous Sense Organs Of The North American Siluroid Fishes (1901) by Herrick, Charles Judson
The Chemist V6: Or Reporter Of Chemical Discoveries And Improvements (1840) by
Chemical Recreations: A Popular Manual Of Experimental Chemistry (1860) by Griffin, John Joseph
L'Abrege Des Secrets Chymiques (1636) by Fabre, Pierre Jean
Naturae Et Artis Instrumenta Pugilica Alcali Et Acidum (1677) by Swalve, Bernhardus
Recueil De Dissertations Physico-Chimiques, Presentees A Differentes Academies (1781) by Demachy, Jacques-Francois
Researches In The Quinazoline Group: Dissertation (1911) by Geiger, George Augustus
Nouveau Cours De Chymie, Part 1: Suivant Les Principes De Newton Et De Sthall (1723) by De Senac, M.
Lehrsatze Der Chemie (1785) by Wiegleb, Johann Christian, Vogel, Rudolf Augustin
Methode Nomenclature Chimique (1787) by De Morveau, Louis Bernard Guyton
Reflexiones Sobre La Nueva Nomenclatura Quimica (1788) by De Arejula, Juan Manuel
Regeneration Of Medullated Nerves In The Absence Of Embryonic Nerve Fibers, Following Experimental Non-Traumatic Degeneration (1914) by Clark, Elbert Howard
Microscopium Basilii Valentini: Sive Commentariolum Et Cribrellum Uber Den Grossen Kreuzapfel Der Welt (1790) by Kirchweger, Anton Joseph
Lux Naturae, Nerve System Of The Universe: A New Demonstration Of An Old Law (1894) by Sinclair, David
The Development Of The Ventral Nerves In Selachii: Spinal Ventral Nerves (1903) by Neal, H. V.
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