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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2013

Topological Polymer Chemistry: Progress of Cyclic Polymer in Syntheses, Properties and Functions by
Biomechanics of the Human Urinary Bladder by Miftahof, Roustem N., Nam, Hong Gil
Engineering of Chemical Complexity by
Proteins, Peptides and Amino Acids Sourcebook by White, Dorothy Chong, White, John Stephen
Capillary Electrophoresis of Biomolecules: Methods and Protocols by
Electrochemical Supercapacitors: Scientific Fundamentals and Technological Applications by Conway, B. E.
Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 8: Microstructure, Methods, Design, and Fatigue by Evans, A. G., Bradt, R. C., Hasselman, D. P. H.
Protein Acetylation: Methods and Protocols by
Vibrational Spectroscopy of Molecules on Surfaces by
Water in Crystalline Hydrates Aqueous Solutions of Simple Nonelectrolytes by
Biological Magnetic Resonance by
Biochemistry of Collagen by
Virus-Induced Gene Silencing: Methods and Protocols by
Die Resultate Der Atzmethode in Der Kristallographischen Forschung by Baumhauer, H. A.
Die Energie by Ostwald, Wilhelm
Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel and Future: 15th International Conference on Photosynthesis by
Antimicrobial Peptides and Innate Immunity by
Investigation of Reactions Involving Pentacoordinate Intermediates: The Mechanism of the Wittig Reaction by Byrne, Peter A.
Taurine 8: Volume 1: The Nervous System, Immune System, Diabetes and the Cardiovascular System by
Global Approach in Safety Testing: Ich Guidelines Explained by
Taurine 8: Volume 2: Nutrition and Metabolism, Protective Role, and Role in Reproduction, Development, and Differentiation by
The Chemical Formulary, V11 by
Synonym Index 2010 by
Modern Organoaluminum Reagents: Preparation, Structure, Reactivity and Use by
Biophysics of Photoreceptors and Photomovements in Microorganisms by
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry by
Introduction To Ophthalmology by Kronfeld, Peter Clemens
Chemiluminescence and Bioluminescence by
The Enzymes of Biological Membranes: Volume 4 Bioenergetics of Electron and Proton Transport by
Lipids and Membrane Biophysics: Faraday Discussion 161 by
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology: Volume 302 by
From Quantum Mechanics to Force Fields: A Topical Collection from Theoretical Chemistry Accounts by
Forensic Analytical Techniques by Stuart, Barbara H.
Nanochemistry by Sergeev, Gleb B., Klabunde, Kenneth J.
Taurine 8 by
Surface and Colloid Science by
Critical Stability Constants: First Supplement by
Klosterleben Im Mittelalter by Jaeger, Johannes
Glassy Semiconductors by Borisova, Z.
Handbook of Flame Spectroscopy by Smith, B.
Methods of Electronic Structure Theory by Schaefer, Henry F.
Applications of Pharmacokinetic Principles in Drug Development by
Energy Metabolism in Insects by Downer, Roger G. H.
Lipid-Protein Interactions: Methods and Protocols by
Energieeintrag, Energiespeicherung, Energieaustrag: Ein Überblick über chemisch-technische Aspekte rund um das Haus by Kasten, Felix
Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization: Protocols and Applications by
The Electrochemistry of Gases and Other Dielectrics by Glockler, George, Lind, Samuel Colville
Androgens: Biochemistry, Physiology, And Clinical Significance by Dorfman, Ralph Isadore
Chemisorption by Trapnell, Barry Maurice Waller
Biological Effect of Freezing and Supercooling: Monographs of the Physiological Society, No. 9 by Smith, Audrey U.
Polymer Alloys III: Blends, Blocks, Grafts, and Interpenetrating Networks by
Cardiac Remodeling: Molecular Mechanisms by
Advances in X-Ray Analysis by
Dynamics of Molecular Collisions: Part B by
Surface Chemistry of Froth Flotation: Volume 1: Fundamentals by Rao, S. Ramachandra
Adsorption and the Gibbs Surface Excess by Chattoraj, D.
Anti-Idiotypes, Receptors, and Molecular Mimicry by
Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900 by Cross, C. F.
An Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis With Explanatory Notes by Talbot, Henry P.
Drug Delivery Strategies by Douroumis, Dionysios, Fahr, Alfred
Chemistry of Marine Water and Sediments by
Battery Systems Engineering by Wang, Chao-Yang, Rahn, Christopher D.
Molecular Electronic-Structure Theory by Olsen, Jeppe, Jorgensen, Poul, Helgaker, Trygve
Kinetische Stereochemie Der Kohlenstoffverbindungen by Von Weinberg, Arthur
Advanced Process Control and Simulation for Chemical Engineers by Samper, Katia Ghanadzadeh, Haghi, Reza Khodaparast, Gilani, Hossein Ghanadzadeh
Stress Corrosion Cracking of Pipelines by Cheng, Y. Frank
Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants 6 by
Abhandlungen zur Thermodynamik chemischer Vorgänge by Horstmann, August
Über die Zersetzung des Jodwasserstoffgases in der Hitze by Bodenstein, Max
An Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis With Explanatory Notes by Talbot, Henry P.
Chemistry and Pharmacology of Naturally Occurring Bioactive Compounds by
Developments in Soil Classification, Land Use Planning and Policy Implications: Innovative Thinking of Soil Inventory for Land Use Planning and Manage by
Molecular Stress Physiology of Plants by
Enzyme Engineering: Methods and Protocols by
Soybean: Bio-Active Compounds by
Electrochemistry by
Introduction to Gc-MS Coupling by Bouchonnet
Metallurgie extractive du cobalt by Rumbu, Roger
Anleitung Zur Darstellung Organischer Praparate by Fischer, Emil
Anleitung Zur Darstellung Anorganischer Praparate by Rust, C.
Metallurgie extractive des non-ferreux - Pratiques industrielles by Rumbu, Roger
Metallographie in Elementarer Darstellung by Ruer, Rudolf
Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900 by Cross, C. F.
Essential Guide to Food Additives by
Biomembranes: Molecular Structure and Function by Gennis, Robert B.
Transition States of Biochemical Processes by
Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 12 by
Petroleum Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties by Dandekar, Abhijit Y.
Informing Chemical Engineering Decisions with Data, Research, and Government Resources by Elaine Kirkwood, Patricia, Parker-Gibson, Necia T.
Separation and Purification of Materials: Physical Processes in the Chemical Industry, V1 by Hammond, Rolt
The Drying Of Porous Solids: Diffusion Calculations, And Diffusion And Surface Emission Equations by Newman, Albert Broadus
The Chemistry And Manufacture Of Cosmetics, V1: Background by Denavarre, Maison G.
Free Radicals in Solution by Walling, Cheves
Chemistry and Textiles for the Laundry Industry by Cohen, Harry, Linton, George Edward
Target Identification and Validation in Drug Discovery: Methods and Protocols by
Biophysics for Therapeutic Protein Development by
Fundamentals of Environmental and Toxicological Chemistry: Sustainable Science, Fourth Edition by Manahan, Stanley E.
Global Risk-Based Management of Chemical Additives II: Risk-Based Assessment and Management Strategies by
Purine Metabolism in Man: Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways by
Iron Catalysis: Fundamentals and Applications by
Multicomponent Interfacial Transport: Described by the Square Gradient Model During Evaporation and Condensation by Glavatskiy, Kirill
Copper-Catalyzed Multi-Component Reactions: Synthesis of Nitrogen-Containing Polycyclic Compounds by Ohta, Yusuke
Comprehensive Treatise of Electrochemistry: Volume 3: Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage by
Long Non-Coding Rnas by
Iridium Catalysis by
Concepts and Methods in Modern Theoretical Chemistry: Statistical Mechanics by
Spider Ecophysiology by
Liquid Crystals and Ordered Fluids: Volume 2 by Johnson, Julian F., Porter, Roger S.
Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 2 Microstructure, Materials, and Applications by Lange, F. F., Bradt, R. C., Hasselman, D. P. H.
Bquest: 1000 preguntas tipo test de bioquimica para universitarios by Blas Pastor, Jose Ramon
Waste Water Treatment and Reuse in the Mediterranean Region by
Biological Functions for Information and Communication Technologies: Theory and Inspiration by
Entropies of Condensed Phases and Complex Systems: A First Principles Approach by Spickermann, Christian
Chemistry of Opioids by
Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Chiral Molecules and Supramolecular Architectures by
The Ebro River Basin by
Applications of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes by
Cytochrome P450 2e1: Its Role in Disease and Drug Metabolism by
Die Toiletten-Chemie by Hirzel, Heinrich
Der Formaldehyd by Vanino, Ludwig
Mikroskopie Und Chemie Am Krankenbett by Lenhartz, Hermann
Grundriss Der Qualitativen Chemischen Analyse Unorganischer Und Organischer Substanzen by Classen, Alexander
Die Angewandte Chemie in Der Luftfahrt by Austerweil, Geza
Die Haupttatsachen Der Organischen Chemie by Vanino, Ludwig
Encyclopedia of Biophysics by
The Chemistry of Mycotoxins by Kramer, Carsten, Bräse, Stefan, Gläser, Franziska
The Endoplasmic Reticulum by Schekman, Randy, Ferro-Novick, Susan, Rapoport, Tom A.
Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science: Volume IX by
Introduction to Protein-DNA Interactions: Structure, Thermodynamics, and Bioinformatics by Stormo, Gary D.
Die Diastasen Und Ihre Rolle in Der Praxis by Effront, Jean
Progress in Organic and Physical Chemistry: Structures and Mechanisms by
Chemical Modification, Properties, and Usage of Lignin by
Interference-Corrected Explicitly-Correlated Second-Order Perturbation Theory. by Vogiatzis, Konstantinos D.
Fundamentals of High Polymers by Battista, Orlando Aloysius
Experiments On Sunflower Seed Oil: The University Of Missouri Bulletin, V27, No. 7 by Humphrey, H. O., French, Herbert Ephraim
Applications of Electrochemistry in Medicine by
Tissue-Protective Cytokines: Methods and Protocols by
The Elements; Ingredients of the Universe by McHenry, Ellen Johnston
The Molecular Immunology of Complex Carbohydrates --2 by
Reversible Protein Phosphorylation in Cell Regulation by
Phospholipids: Biochemical, Pharmaceutical, and Analytical Considerations by
Urea Cycle Diseases by
Organic Semiconductors and Biopolymers by Boguslavskii, Leonid I.
Mössbauer Effect Methodology: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Mössbauer Effect Methodology New York City, February 2, 1969 by Gruverman, Irwin J.
Analytical Calorimetry: Proceedings of the Symposium on Analytical Calorimetry at the Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Held in Chicag by Porter, Roger S., Johnson, Julian F.
Introduction to Mathematical Systems Theory: A Behavioral Approach by Willems, J. C., Polderman, J. W.
Nachtrag Zu Dem Handbuche Der Analytischen Chemie Von Heinrich Rose by Weber, R.
Chemie Der Organischen Farbstoffe by Nietzki, Rudolf
Titanium Science and Technology by Burte, H.
Pulverized-Coal Combustion and Gasification: Theory and Applications for Continuous Flow Processes by
Bioluminescence: Living Lights, Lights for Living by Wilson, Thérèse, Hastings, J. Woodland
Process Intensification Green Chemistry by
Handbook Polymer by Vivaldo-Lima, Eduardo, Saldivar-Guerra, Enrique
Chemische Abhandlung von der Luft und dem Feuer by Scheele, Carl Wilhelm
Applications of Maldi-Tof Spectroscopy by
Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers Using Excel, Vba, and MATLAB by Law, Victor J.
Die Chemischen Wirkungen Des Lichts Und Die Fotografie by Vogel, Hermann
The Protein Folding Problem & Its Solutions by Ben-Naim, Arieh
The Protein Folding Problem and Its Solutions by Ben-Naim, Arieh
Advances in Cryptology: Proceedings of Crypto 82 by
Methods in Membrane Biology: Volume 6 by Korn, Edward D.
Anti-malaria Drugs and Plasmodium falciparum Gametocytes Prevalence by Ali, Eltayeb
Radiation induced expression of signaling molecules in mouse splenocytes by Kumari, Seema
Extraction of Pure Ketamine Powder and Study their Analgesic Effect as a Gel on Mice Using a Hot - Plate Test by Taqa, Ghada a., Taqa, Amer, Alhussary, Banan N.
The Alkaloids: Volume 72 by
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Scientific Basis for Its Use by
Progress in Medicinal Chemistry: Volume 52 by
Basic Sciences in Ophthalmology: Physics and Chemistry by Mozaffarieh, Maneli, Bebie, Hans, Flammer, Josef
Rickettsial Infection and Immunity by
Microbial Diversity in Time and Space by
Cadmium: From Toxicity to Essentiality by
Chemistry: The Atom and Elements by Terrazas, April Chloe
The Utilization of Sugar Cane Bagasse for Paper, Board, Plastics, and Chemicals: Scientific Report Series, Supplement to No. 3 by
Vibrational Spectra and Structure of Polyatomic Molecules by Wu, Ta You
Proteins of the Nucleolus: Regulation, Translocation, & Biomedical Functions by
Autonomous Sensor Networks: Collective Sensing Strategies for Analytical Purposes by
Cytochrome P450 Protocols by
Glycosylation Engineering of Biopharmaceuticals: Methods and Protocols by
Chemical Research on Plant Growth: A Translation of Théodore de Saussure's Recherches Chimiques Sur La Végétation by Jane F. Hill by de Saussure, Théodore
Introduction a la Metallurgie Extractive des Terres Rares by Rumbu, Roger
Stress-Induced Mutagenesis by
Pem Fuel Cell Testing and Diagnosis by Zhang, Huamin, Zhang, Jiujun, Wu, Jifeng
Magnetic Resonance in Food Science: Food for Thought by
Advances in Kinetics and Mechanism of Chemical Reactions by
Application of ISO IEC 17025 Technical Requirements in Industrial Laboratories: Method Validation by Johnson, M. L. Jane Weitzel and Wesley M.
Der energetische Imperativ by Ostwald, Wilhelm
Green synthesis and biodiversity by Piste, Pravina, Didwagh, Sayaji, Waghamale, Shubhangi
Hormonally Active Brain Peptides: Structure and Function by McKerns, Kenneth W., Panti?, Vladimir
Taurine 4: Taurine and Excitable Tissues by
Chromogranins: Functional and Clinical Aspects by
Nutrition, Functional and Sensory Properties of Foods by
Asymmetric Domino Reactions by Pellissier, Hélène
Nutrition and Diet Therapy in Gastrointestinal Disease by Floch, Martin H.
Macromolecules: Volume 1 - Structure and Properties / Volume 2 - Synthesis and Materials by
Acids and Bases: Solvent Effects on Acid-Base Strength by Cox, Brian G.
Electrochemistry in Industry: New Directions by
Neurobiology of Glycoconjugates by
Beneficial Effects of Endotoxins by Nowotny, Alois
Many-Electron Electrochemical Processes: Reactions in Molten Salts, Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids and Ionic Solutions by Andriiko, Aleksandr A., Andriyko, Yuriy O., Nauer, Gerhard E.
Characterization of Solid Surfaces by Kane, Philip F., Larrabee, Graydon B.
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