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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2013

Pharmacology of Hormonal Polypeptides and Proteins: Proceedings of an International Symposium on the Pharmacology of Hormonal Polypeptides, Held in Mi by
Mass Spectrometry: Theory and Applications by Jayaram, R.
Biogeochemical Methods of Prospecting / Biogeokhimicheskii Metod Poiskov Rudnykh Mestorozhdenii / Биогеох&#1 by Malyuga, Dmitrii
Computational Approaches for the Prediction of Pka Values by Seybold, Paul G., Shields, George C.
Berichte Zur Lebensmittelsicherheit 2012: Monitoring by
One Health: The Human-Animal-Environment Interfaces in Emerging Infectious Diseases: The Concept and Examples of a One Health Approach by
Hazardous Area Classification in Petroleum and Chemical Plants: A Guide to Mitigating Risk by Bahadori, Alireza
Dielectric Properties of Isolated Clusters: Beam Deflection Studies by Heiles, Sven, Schäfer, Rolf
Environmental Process Analysis: Principles and Modeling by Mott, Henry V.
A Practical Guide to the Manufacture of Sulfuric Acid, Oleums, and Sulfonating Agents by Ashar, Navin G., Golwalkar, Kiran R.
Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths: Volume 44 by
Advanced Techniques in Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (Gc-Ms-MS and Gc-Tof-Ms) for Environmental Chemistry: Volume 61 by
Continuous and Distributed Systems: Theory and Applications by
One Health: The Human-Animal-Environment Interfaces in Emerging Infectious Diseases: Food Safety and Security, and International and National Plans fo by
Berichte Zur Lebensmittelsicherheit 2012: Bundesweiter Überwachungsplan 2012 by
Advances in Clinical Chemistry: Volume 62 by
Terricolous Lichens in India: Volume 2: Morphotaxonomic Studies by
Artemisia Annua - Pharmacology and Biotechnology by
/ Kremnii I Ego Binarnye Sistemy / Silicon and Its Binary Systems by Bereshnoi, A.
Polyelectrolyte Complexes in the Dispersed and Solid State I: Principles and Theory by
Limbic Mechanisms: The Continuing Evolution of the Limbic System Concept by
Solid State Transformations by Sirota, N. N.
Bibliography by Penzo, Marinella, Villars, Pierre, Cenzual, Karin
Advanced Polymer Concretes and Compounds by Figovsky, Oleg, Beilin, Dmitry
Polyolefins: 50 Years After Ziegler and Natta II: Polyolefins by Metallocenes and Other Single-Site Catalysts by
Computational Systems Biology: From Molecular Mechanisms to Disease by
Tissue-Printing: Ein Überblick by Mulisch, Maria
Evolution of Archean Crust and Early Life by
50 Years of Phytochemistry Research: Volume 43 by
Phosphoric Acid: Purification, Uses, Technology, and Economics by Gilmour, Rodney
Physical Chemistry: Quanta, Matter, and Change by de Paula, Julio, Friedman, Ronald, Atkins, Peter
Chemie Der Nichtmetalle: Synthesen - Strukturen - Bindung - Verwendung by Steudel, Ralf
Integrated Membrane Operations: In the Food Production by
Mathematical Chemistry and Chemoinformatics: Structure Generation, Elucidation and Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships by Laue, Reinhard, Meringer, Markus, Kerber, Adalbert
Chirality and Life by Prajapati, Naresh K., Patel, Sunil T., Patel, Asha D.
Handbuch Der Gefährlichen Güter. Erläuterungen Und Synonymliste: Allgemeine Erläuterungen, Anhänge 1-8, Synonymliste by
The Chemistry of Superheavy Elements by
Phase Transformation of Kaolinite Clay by Chakraborty, Akshoy Kumar
Allgemeine Und Anorganische Chemie: Eine Einführung by Kuhn, Norbert, Klapötke, Thomas M.
The Fractal Physical Chemistry of Polymer Solutions and Melts by
Free Nitroxyl Radicals by Rozantsev, E.
Stereochemistry: The Static Principles by Grundy, J.
La Chimie Macromoléculaire--4 / Macromolecular Chemistry--4 by Chemistry, International Symposium on Macromolecular
Progress in Infrared Spectroscopy: Based on Lectures from the Sixth and Seventh Annual Infrared Spectroscopy Institute Held at Canisius College, Buffa by Szymanski, Herman a.
Spectra and Analysis by Kharkevich, A. A.
Introduction to Electron Spin Resonance by Assenheim, Harry M.
Physics of Solids in Intense Magnetic Fields: Lectures Presented at the First Chania Conference Held at Chania, Crete, July 16-29, 1967 by
Elementary Excitations in Solids: The Cortina Lectures, July 1966, and Selected Lectures from the Conference on Localized Excitations, Milan, July 25- by Maradudin, A. a.
Research in Surface Forces: Volume 2 Three-Dimensional Aspects of Surface Forces / Issledovaniya V Oblasti Poverkhnostnykh Sil / Ис&#1 by Deryagin, Academician B. V.
Responsible Care: A Case Study by West, Joanne, Bélanger, Jean, Topalovic, Maria
Geschichte der Chemie by Gmelin, Johann Friedrich
Geschichte der Chemie by Gmelin, Johann Friedrich
Geschichte der Chemie by Gmelin, Johann Friedrich
Geschichte der Chemie by Gmelin, Johann Friedrich
Chemistry for Students and Parents: Key chemistry concepts, problems and solutions by Sawyer, Roy Richard
Atmospheric and Aerosol Chemistry by
Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells: Materials, Performance, Durability and Applications by
Realisierung einer organischen bzw. Farbstoffsolarzelle: Oder: MacGyvers Solarspiele by Wilden, Benjamin
Arrestins - Pharmacology and Therapeutic Potential by
Kinetics of Heterogeneous Solid State Processes by Deb, Pritam
Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometers by Wilmhurst, T. H.
Finite-Time Stability and Control by Ariola, Marco, Amato, Francesco, Ambrosino, Roberto
Verfahren Der Immunlokalisation: Ein Überblick by Mulisch, Maria
Chemical Diagnostics: From Bench to Bedside by
Mössbauer Effect Data Index: Covering the 1973 Literature by Stevens, John Gehret
Applications of Monolithic Column and Isotope Dimethylation Labeling in Shotgun Proteome Analysis by Wang, Fangjun
Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry: IUPAC Recommendations and Preferred Names 2013 by Powell, Warren H., Favre, Henri A.
Fluorescent Proteins by
Chemische Thermodynamik by Schreiter, Walter
Petroleum Economics and Engineering by
Maize: Nutrition Dynamics and Novel Uses by
Sensing Technology: Current Status and Future Trends I by
Salz - Weißes Gold oder Chemisches Prinzip?: Zur Entwicklung des Salzbegriffs in der Fruehen Neuzeit by Hollweg, Jürgen
An Introduction to Markov State Models and Their Application to Long Timescale Molecular Simulation by
Hormone Und Hormonsystem - Lehrbuch Der Endokrinologie by Kleine, Bernhard, Rossmanith, Winfried
Ökologische Biochemie: Eine Einführung by Harborne, Jeffrey B.
Microbial Phenazines: Biosynthesis, Agriculture and Health by
Electroanalysis at the Nanoscale: Faraday Discussion 164 by
Technical Handbook of Oils, Fats and Waxes: Volume 1, Chemical and General by Fryer, Percival J., Weston, Frank E.
Rhenium: DVI-Manganese, the Element of Atomic Number 75 by Druce, J. G. F.
Comptes Rendus of Observation and Reasoning by Buchanan, J. y.
Technical Handbook of Oils, Fats and Waxes: Volume 2, Practical and Analytical by Weston, Frank E., Fryer, Percival J.
Handbuch Lithium-Ionen-Batterien by
Transport and Reactivity of Solutions in Confined Hydrosystems by
Germanides / Germanidy / ГерmаhИДЫ by Samsonov, G. V.
Surface Properties of Semiconductors / Poverkhnostnye Svoistva Poluprovodnikov / Поверхнос&#1090 by Frumkin, A. N.
Advances in Nutritional Research: Volume 5 by
Advances in Polymer Friction and Wear by
Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry by Rayner-Canham, Geoff, Overton, Tina
Thermochromic and Thermotropic Materials by
Fundamentals and Application of New Bioproduction Systems by
Optical Spectroscopy and Computational Methods in Biology and Medicine by
Transmission Electron Microscopy Characterization of Nanomaterials by
Sensing Technology: Current Status and Future Trends II by
Food Quality, Safety and Technology by
Effects of Radiation on Semiconductors by Vavilov, Viktor S.
Paracetamol - Anilinderivat und Analgetikum: Eine ausführliche Charakterisierung der chemischen Eigenschaften, medizinischen Wirkungsweisen und prakti by Bozsak, Robert
Small Batteries: Volume 1 Secondary Cells by Crompton, T. R.
Hemoglobin and Oxygen Binding by
Lanthanides and Actinides by Cotton, Simon
Understanding Phase Diagrams by John, Vernon
Steady-State Enzyme Kinetics by Ainsworth, S.
Water and Biological Macromolecules by
Hydrogen Bonding by C-H Groups by Green, Robert David
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: An Introduction by Jakubke, H. D., Jeschkeit, J.
Mathematics for Chemists by Hirst, David Michael
Chemistry for Colleges and Schools by Woollard, John McK, Robinson, D. a., Woolard, M.
Electron Transport and Oxygen Utilization by
The World of Walther Nernst: The Rise and Fall of German Science by Mendlessohn, K.
Terricolous Lichens in India: Volume 2: Morphotaxonomic Studies by
Wood and Natural Fiber Composi by Wu, Qinglin, Han, Guangping, Stokke, Douglas D.
Progress in Heat Transfer by
Molten Salt Technology by Lovering, David G.
Love Sense: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic Relationships by Johnson, Sue