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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2013

Chromatin Structure and Function: Levels of Organization and Cell Function Part B by
Physics of Structurally Disordered Solids by
Point and Extended Defects in Semiconductors by
Bioelectrochemistry I: Biological Redox Reactions by
Contemporary Topics in Analytical and Clinical Chemistry by
Nutrition and Behavior by Galler, J. R.
Structure--Activity Relationships in Environmental Sciences by Nendza, M.
Electron Spectroscopy of Crystals by Nemoshkalenko, V.
Molecular Enzymology by Wharton, Christopher W.
Epigenetics, Environment, and Genes by
Residue Reviews / Rückstands-Berichte: Residues of Pesticides and Other Foreign Chemicals in Foods and Feeds / Rückstände Von Pesticiden Und Anderen F by Gunther, Francis a.
Reactive Oxygen Species in Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine by
Surface Engineering for Enhanced Performance Against Wear by
Chemical Alternatives Assessments by
Sphingolipids in Disease by
Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man VI: Part A: Clinical and Molecular Biology by
Using Game Theory to Improve Safety Within Chemical Industrial Parks by Reniers, Genserik, Pavlova, Yulia
Handbook of Clinical Nutrition and Stroke by
Electrocatalysis in Fuel Cells: A Non- And Low- Platinum Approach by
Motor Coordination: Volume 5 by Towe, Arnold L., Luschei, Erich S.
Polar Auxin Transport by
Chemical Photocatalysis by
Smart Materials for Drug Delivery 2 Volume Set by
Stardust: The Cosmic Seeds of Life by Kwok, Sun
Advances in Elastomers II: Composites and Nanocomposites by
Machen chemische Experimente die Naturwissenschaft für Mädchen interessanter? by Schubert, Julia
High-Throughput Analysis: A Tool for Combinatorial Materials Science by
Nanotechnology Standards by
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors: Discovery and Recent Advances by Youssef, Jihan A., Badr, Mostafa Z.
Is There a Temperature?: Conceptual Challenges at High Energy, Acceleration and Complexity by Biró, Tamás Sándor
Chemical Periodicity: Reinhold Physical and Inorganic Chemistry Textbook Series by Sanderson, Robert Thomas
Crude Oils, Chemical and Physical Properties: The Science of Petroleum, V5, Part 1 by
Prostacyclin and Its Receptors by Wise, Helen, Jones, Robert L.
Topics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Nonlinear and Two-Photon-Induced Fluorescence by
Polyimides: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications. Volume 1 by
Heart Proteomics: Methods and Protocols by
The Science and Technology of Coal and Coal Utilization by
Advances in Elastomers I: Blends and Interpenetrating Networks by
Higher Oxidation State Organopalladium and Platinum Chemistry by
Advanced Rubber Composites by
Computational Studies of Transition Metal Nanoalloys by Borbón, Lauro Oliver Paz
Physical Properties of Ceramic and Carbon Nanoscale Structures: The Infn Lectures, Vol. II by
Linear-Scaling Techniques in Computational Chemistry and Physics: Methods and Applications by
Targeting Functional Centers of the Ribosome by Davidovich, Chen
Catalytic Microreactors for Portable Power Generation by Karagiannidis, Symeon
Coulombic Fluids: Bulk and Interfaces by Freyland, Werner
The Extracellular Matrix: An Overview by
Density Functional Theory: An Advanced Course by Dreizler, Reiner M., Engel, Eberhard
Lehrbuch Der Anorganischen Chemie by Lehmann, F.
An analysis on the dendral expert system by Boban, Bijoy
Functional Polymers for Nanomedicine by
Palladium-katalysierte Kreuzkupplungs-Reaktionen zum Aufbau von C-Disacchariden und Studien zur intramolekularen Oxycyanierungs-Reaktion ungesättigter by Köster, Dennis Christofer
Introduction to the Physical Chemistry of Foods by Ritzoulis, Christos
The Cardiac Lymphatic System: An Overview by
Biochemistry of Copper by Linder, Maria C.
Light-Induced Processes in Optically-Tweezed Aerosol Droplets by Knox, Kerry J.
Cryogenic Regenerative Heat Exchangers by Ackermann, Robert a.
Ultraviolet Spectra of Elastomers and Rubber Chemicals by Fikhtegol Ts, V. S.
Raising Elijah: Protecting Our Children in an Age of Environmental Crisis by Steingraber, Sandra
Compendium Der Metallurgischen Chemie by Balling, Carl A. M.
Die Angewandte Chemie in Der Luftfahrt by Austerweil, Geza
Chemie Der Organischen Farbstoffe by Nietzki, Rudolf
Die Haupttatsachen Der Organischen Chemie by Vanino, Ludwig
Die Toiletten-Chemie by Hirzel, Heinrich
Nachtrag Zu Dem Handbuche Der Analytischen Chemie Von Heinrich Rose by Weber, R.
Der Formaldehyd by Vanino, Ludwig
Grundriss Der Qualitativen Chemischen Analyse Unorganischer Und Organischer Substanzen by Classen, Alexander
Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry: Rsc by Alonso, Jose, Gonzalez, Pablo
The Science of Paintings by Mayer, James W., Taft, W. Stanley Jr.
The Vitreous State: Thermodynamics, Structure, Rheology, and Crystallization by Gutzow, Ivan S., Schmelzer, Jürn W. P.
Nutrition and Osteoporosis by
Calcium and Cellular Metabolism: Transport and Regulation by
DNA Technology by Lakowicz, Joseph R.
Cathodoluminescence Microscopy of Inorganic Solids by Holt, D. B., Yacobi, B. G.
Chemical Applications of Atomic and Molecular Electrostatic Potentials: Reactivity, Structure, Scattering, and Energetics of Organic, Inorganic, and B by
Emulsification and Polymerization of Alkyd Resins by Gooch, Jan W.
Applications of Cryogenic Technology by
Asphaltenes: Fundamentals and Applications by
Autoxidation in Food and Biological Systems by
Clinical Applications of Continuous Infusion Chemotherapy and Concomitant Radiation Therapy by Rotman, Marvin, Rosenthal, C. Julian
Jasmonate Signaling: Methods and Protocols by
Applications of Circularly Polarized Radiation Using Synchrotron and Ordinary Sources by Bustamante, Carlos, Allen, Fritz
Die Beziehungen Zwischen Farbe Und Konstitution Bei Organischen Verbindungen by Ley, H.
The Chaperonopathies: Diseases with Defective Molecular Chaperones by Macario, Alberto J. L., Conway De Macario, Everly, Cappello, Francesco
Cellular Peptidases in Immune Functions and Diseases by
Specimen Handling, Preparation, and Treatments in Surface Characterization by
Advances in Crystal Growth Inhibition Technologies by
Stability of Drugs and Dosage Forms by Yoshioka, Sumie, Stella, Valentino J.
Biological Magnetic Resonance: In Vivo Carbon-13 NMR by
Electrochemical Activation of Catalysis: Promotion, Electrochemical Promotion, and Metal-Support Interactions by Vayenas, Costas G., Bebelis, Symeon, Pliangos, Costas
Current Views of Fatty Acid Oxidation and Ketogenesis: From Organelles to Point Mutations by
Nitric Oxide Research from Chemistry to Biology: EPR Spectroscopy of Nitrosylated Compounds by Guissani, Annie, Ducastel, Beatrice, Henry, Yann a.
Biochemistry of Silicon and Related Problems by
Self-Assembled Nanostructures by Jun Liu, Jin Zhang, Zhong-Lin Wang
Interpretation of NMR Spectra: An Empirical Approach by Bible, Roy H.
Biotechnology and Bioactive Polymers by
Water Soluble Polymers: Solution Properties and Applications by
Atlas of Carbon-13 NMR Data by
Modern High Temperature Science: A Collection of Research Papers from Scientists, Post-Doctoral Associates, and Colleagues of Professor Leo Brewer in by Margrave, John L.
Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences: Accepted by Colleges and Universities of the United States and Canada Volume 23 by Shafer, Wade H.
Advances in X-Ray Analysis: Volume 7 Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference on Applications of X-Ray Analysis Held August 7-9, 1963 by Mueller, William M., Mallett, Gavin R., Fay, Marie
Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences: Volume 20: Accepted by Colleges and Universities of the United States and Canada by Shafer, Wade H.
Elements of Quantum Chemistry by Polák, Rudolf, Zahradník, Rudolf
Boron: Synthesis, Structure, and Properties by
Chloroform: A Study After 100 Years by
Chemokines: Methods and Protocols by
Cell Membrane Transport: Experimental Approaches and Methodologies by
Measurement, Monitoring, Modelling and Control of Bioprocesses by
Methods for Protein Analysis: A Practical Guide for Laboratory Protocols by
Proteomics for Biomarker Discovery by
Diffusion in Gases and Porous Media by Cunningham, Roberto
Magnetochemie by Wedekind, E.
Catalyst Characterization: Physical Techniques for Solid Materials by
Chaos in Biological Systems by
Statistical Thermodynamics for Chemists and Biochemists by Ben-Naim, Arieh Y.
Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Biochemistry and Biology by
Amorphous Solids and the Liquid State by
Applications of Advanced Technology to Ash-Related Problems in Boilers by
Biological Control of Plant Diseases: Progress and Challenges for the Future by
Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds, Volume 44: Techniques, Materials and Applications by
Electrochemical Materials Science by
Enzymes of Lipid Metabolism II by Dreyfus, Henri, Massarelli, Raphaël, Freysz, Louis
Applications of Analytical Techniques to the Characterization of Materials by
Biology of the Sialic Acids by
Surface Forces by Muller, V. M., Churaev, Nikolai V., Derjaguin, B. V.
Chemical Physics of Free Molecules by March, Norman H., Mucci, J. F.
Materials by
The Jahn-Teller Effect and Vibronic Interactions in Modern Chemistry by Bersuker, Isaac
Biomembranes by Manson, Lionel A.
Enzymology and Molecular Biology of Carbonyl Metabolism 6 by
Organophosphorus Chemistry, Volume 42 by
Applied Metallography by Vander, Georgee F.
Cytochrome P-450: Structure, Mechanism, and Biochemistry by Ortiz De Monetllano, Paul
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases: Recent Developments by
Water-Soluble Polymers: Proceedings of a Symposium Held by the American Chemical Society, Division of Organic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry, by
The Fundamentals of Atomic and Molecular Physics by Brooks, Robert L.
Homogeneous Catalysis with Metal Phosphine Complexes by
Fractal Symmetry of Protein Exterior by Banerji, Anirban
Advances in Nutritional Research by Draper, H.
Human Apolipoprotein Mutants 2: From Gene Structure to Phenotypic Expression by Sirtori, Cesare
Handbook of Reference Electrodes by
Computational Methods in Chemistry by Bargon, Joachim
Symmetries in Nuclear Structure by Allaart, K., Dieperink, A. E. L., Abrahams, K.
Percolation, Localization, and Superconductivity by
Trends in Veterinary Sciences: Current Aspects in Veterinary Morphophysiology, Biochemistry, Animal Production, Food Hygiene and Clinical Sciences by
Metallomics and the Cell by
Cholesterol Autoxidation by Smith, Leland L.
Carbohydrates and Nucleic Acids by
DNA Replication by Bell, Stephen D., Depamphilis, Melvin L., Mechali, Marcel
General Chemistry 102 - The Easy Way by Khan, David R.
Frustrated Lewis Pairs I: Uncovering and Understanding by
Epigenetic Memory and Control in Plants by
Comparative Hemostasis in Vertebrates by Lewis, James H.
Emerging Organic Contaminants in Sludges: Analysis, Fate and Biological Treatment by
Structure Determination by X-Ray Crystallography: Analysis by X-Rays and Neutrons by Palmer, Rex, Ladd, Mark
Classical Mechanics by Chow, Tai L.
Natural Product Extraction: Principles and Applications by
Chimie Appliquée À La Physiologie Animale, À La Pathologie Et Au Diagnostic Médical by Schutzenberger, Paul
Encyclopedia of Metalloproteins by
The Science and Applications of Microbial Genomics: Workshop Summary by Forum on Microbial Threats, Institute of Medicine, Board on Global Health
Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry by
Crystal Chemistry of Condensed Phosphates by Durif, A.
Flavonoids in the Living System by
Biochemistry of Halogenated Organic Compounds by Kirk, Kenneth L.
Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines and Folates by
Adhesive Bonding by
Cryocoolers 10 by
Biochemistry of the Eye by Berman, Elaine R.
Adsorption on and Surface Chemistry of Hydroxyapatite by Misra, Dwarika N.
Advances in X-Ray Analysis: Volume 4 Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference on Application of X-Ray Analysis Held August 10-12 1960 by Mueller, William M.
Structure-Function Relationships of Human Pathogenic Viruses by
Biochemistry by Stenesh, J.
Light Hydrocarbon Analysis: Analytical Methods Compiled and Tested for the Office of Rubber Reserve, Reconstruction Finance Corporation by
Solid Surfaces and the Gas-Solid Interface: Advances in Chemistry Series, No. 33 by
Cobalt: Its Chemistry, Metallurgy, and Uses by
Functional and Smart Materials: Structural Evolution and Structure Analysis by Zhong-Lin Wang, Kang, Z. C.
Transition Metal Organometallic Chemistry by Mathey, Francois
Fluoropolymers 2: Properties by
Carbonylation: Direct Synthesis of Carbonyl Compounds by Thompson, D. J., Twigg, M. V., Colquhoun, H. M.
Cellular and Molecular Biology of Intermediate Filaments by
Bee Products: Properties, Applications, and Apitherapy by
Catalytic Ammonia Synthesis: Fundamentals and Practice by
Biodegradation of Nitroaromatic Compounds by
Chemistry and Technology of Water-Soluble Polymers by
Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis by Niemantsverdriet, Hans (J )W, Van Santen, R. a.
Biophysical and Biochemical Aspects of Fluorescence Spectroscopy by
Industrial Process Scale-Up: A Practical Innovation Guide from Idea to Commercial Implementation by Harmsen, Jan
Recent Progress in Orbital-Free Density Functional Theory by
Thermodynamics by Jacobs, Patrick
Mineral Absorption in the Monogastric GI Tract by
Characterization of Protein Therapeutics Using Mass Spectrometry by
Advances in Bacterial Paracrystalline Surface Layers by
Thermodynamics by Jacobs, Patrick
Advanced Distillation Technologies: Design, Control and Applications by Kiss, Anton A.
The Material Gene: Gender, Race, and Heredity After the Human Genome Project by Happe, Kelly E.
Neutrophils, The: New Outlook for Old Cells (3rd Edition) by
Coulomb Interactions in Nuclear and Atomic Few-Body Collisions by
Advanced Bioactive Compounds Countering the Effects of Radiological, Chemical and Biological Agents: Strategies to Counter Biological Damage by
Iron Metabolism by
Physical Properties of Biological Membranes and Their Functional Implications by
See More