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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2013

Rezeptbuch Für Faserstoff-Laboratorien: Mikroskopische Und Chemische Textiluntersuchungen by Koch, P. -A
Epoxy Resins and Composites III by
Viewegs Geschichte Der Umweltwissenschaften: Ein Bild Der Naturgeschichte Unserer Erde by Bowler, Peter J.
Biomimetic and Bioorganic Chemistry II by
Structural Chemistry of Boron and Silicon by
Systematik Und Qualitative Untersuchung Capillaraktiver Substanzen by Wurzschmitt, Bernhard
Teeanalyse: Eine Anleitung Zur Erkennung Von Drogen in Teemischungen Mit 556 Abbildungen Nach Photographischen Original-Aufnahmen by Hörhammer, Ludwig
Analytical Problems by
Analysis/Reactions/Morphology by
Organic Chemistry by
Polymerization Reactions by
Polymers in Medicine by
Table of Laser Lines in Gases and Vapors by Englisch, W., Gürs, K., Beck, R.
Cyclophanes II by
Lasers and Applications: Proceedings of the Sergio Porto Memorial Symposium Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, June 29 - July 3, 1980 by
Inorganic Chemistry by
Analytical Chemistry Progress by
Analysis/Networks/Peptides by
Contemporary Problems in Carbonium Ion Chemistry I/II by
Solar Energy-Phase Transfer Catalysis-Transport Processes by
Preparative Organic Chemistry by
Pentoses and Lignin by Chan, Y. K., Gong, Ch -Sh, Fiechter, A.
Arachidonic Acid in Cell Signaling by Piomelli, Daniele
Host Guest Complex Chemistry II by
Calreticulin by
Microscopic Quantum Many-Body Theories and Their Applications: Proceedings of a European Summer School, Held at Valencia, Spain, 8-19 September 1997 by
Preparative Organic Photochemistry by Margaretha, P.
Organotin Compounds by
Polymer Networks by
Polymerizations and Polymer Properties by Abe, Akihiro, Albertsson, Ann-Christine, Dusek, Karel
Cosmo- And Geochemistry by
Biochemistry by Duan, Xue, Gade, Lutz H., Parkin, Gerard
Polymerization Processes by Berlin, Al Al, Delvaux, J. M., Eniklopian, N. S.
Molecular Self-Assembly: Organic Versus Inorganic Approaches by
Host Guest Complex Chemistry I by
Organic Chemistry by Adam, W., Bloodworth, A. J., Maas, G.
Micelles by Hunter, Christopher A., Krische, Michael J., Houk, Kendall N.
Transition Metal Arene π-Complexes in Organic Synthesis and Catalysis by
Inorganic Chemistry and Spectroscopy by Gade, Lutz H., Parkin, Gerard, Duan, Xue
Novel Methods in Soft Matter Simulations by
Structural Problems by Duan, Xue, Gade, Lutz H., Parkin, Gerard
Biochemistry by DeLuca, Hector F., Paaren, Herbert E., Schnoes, Heinrich K.
Bioactive Organo-Silicon Compounds by Houk, Kendall N., Hunter, Christopher A., Krische, Michael J.
Structure and Properties of Polymers by Dusek, Karel, Abe, Akihiro, Albertsson, Ann-Christine
Polymer Chemistry by Abe, Akihiro, Albertsson, Ann-Christine, Dusek, Karel
Prüfung Und Verarbeitung Von Arzneidrogen: Zweiter Band Verarbeitung by Gstirner, Fritz
Zunderfeste Legierungen by Pfeiffer, Harald, Thomas, Hans
Contributions of Physiology to the Understanding of Diabetes: Ten Essays in Memory of Albert E. Renold by
Die Thermodynamik Des Wärme- Und Stoffaustausches in Der Verfahrenstechnik: Band 1: Allgemeine Grundlagen Wärme- Und Stoffaustausch Im Gegenstrom Zwis by Matz, G., Matz, W.
Theoretical Treatment of Large Molecules and Their Interactions: Part 4 Theoretical Models of Chemical Bonding by
Molecular Mechanisms of Membrane Traffic by
Index: 1st Supplement Volume 1 by
B Boron Compounds: Boron and Noble Gases, Hydrogen by Barton, Lawrence
Boron and Oxygen by Heller, Gert
Index: Formula Index by Bohrer, Rainer
Sb Organoantimony Compounds Part 4: Compounds of Pentavalent Antimony with Three Sb-C Bonds by Wieber, Markus
Th Thorium: Compounds with Carbon: Carbonates, Thiocyanates, Alkoxides, Carboxylates by Bagnall, Kenneth W.
GE Organogermanium Compounds: Part 4: Compounds with Germanium-Hydrogen Bonds by Drake, John E.
S Sulfur-Nitrogen Compounds: Part 10a: Compounds with Sulfur of Oxidation Number II by Baumann, Norbert, Fachmann, Hans-Jürgen
S Sulfur-Nitrogen Compounds: Compounds with Sulfur of Oxidation Number IV by Baumann, Norbert
Cu Organocopper Compounds by
Fe Organoiron Compounds: Mononuclear Compounds 11 by
Fe Organoiron Compounds: Ferrocene 10 by Drößmar-Wolf, Marianne
Index: Formula Index by Bohrer, Rainer, Hartwig, Helga, Jonuschat, Renate
W Tungsten: Supplement Volume a 5 B Metal, Chemical Reactions with Nonmetals Nitrogen to Arsenic by Jehn, Hermann
P Phosphorus: Mononuclear Compounds with Hydrogen by Behrendt, Werner
Th Thorium: Natural Occurrence. Minerals (Excluding Silicates) by Sarbas, Bärbel, Ditz, Reiner
Thorium by Keller, Cornelius
Phosphor: Teil C. Die Verbindungen Des Phosphors by Meyer, R. J.
Cu Organocopper Compounds: Index Empirical Formula Index and Ligand Formula Index for Parts 1 to 4 by
Nickel: Teil a I. Geschichtliches - Vorkommen - Darstellung by Meyer, R. J.
Lithium: Ergänzungsband by Meyer, R. J.
Nickel: Teil B -- Lieferung 2. Verbindungen Bis Nickel-Polonium by Meyer, R. J.
Sauerstoff: Anhangband Water Desalting Wasser-Entsalzung by Delyannis, Anthony A., Delyannis, Eurydike A.
Organic Geochemistry of Natural Waters by Thurman, E. M.
Structure Reports: Organic Indexes by
Das Licht Im Grundsystem Des Kohlenhydratstoffwechsels: Ein Beitrag Zur Chemie Des Angeregten Wasserstoffs by Schenck, Rudolf
Chrom: Teil a -- Lieferung 1. Geschichtliches - Vorkommen - Technologie - Element Bis Physikalische Eigenschaften by Meyer, R. J.
Chemilumineszenz Organischer Verbindungen: Ergebnisse Und Probleme by Gundermann, Karl-D
Heterogene Katalyse I by
Structure and Dynamics of Weakly Bound Molecular Complexes by
Molecular Structures and Dimensions: Bibliography 1981-82 Organic and Organometallic Crystal Structures by
Bibliography 1974-75 Organic and Organometallic Crystal Structures by
Electrochemical and Optical Techniques for the Study and Monitoring of Metallic Corrosion by
Atoms and Molecules in Intense Fields by
Density Functional Theory III: Interpretation, Atoms, Molecules and Clusters by
Density Functional Theory IV: Theory of Chemical Reactivity by
Downstream Processing Biosurfactants Carotenoids by
Physical Properties of Polymers by
Polysoaps/Stabilizers/Nitrogen-15 NMR by
Iron-Sulfur Proteins Perovskites by
Molecular Similarity II by
Electronic and Vibronic Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes I by
Polymer Synthesis by
Theories and Mechanism of Phase Transitions, Heterophase Polymerizations, Homopolymerization, Addition Polymerization by
Polymer Characteristics by
N Nitrogen: Compounds with Noble Gases and Hydrogen by Hack, Walter
Advances in the Theory of Benzenoid Hydrocarbons II by
Sn Organotin Compounds: Dibutyltin-Oxygen Compounds by Schumann, Herbert
Macrocycles by
Sn Organotin Compounds: Part 14: Dimethyltin-, Diethyltin-, and Dipropyltin-Oxygen Compounds by Schumann, Herbert
Transition Metal Coordination Chemistry by
Index: Formula Index Ga-I by
Epoxy Resins and Composites II by
Critical Phenomena at Surfaces and Interfaces: Evanescent X-Ray and Neutron Scattering by Dosch, Helmut
OS Organoosmium Compounds: Part B 6 by Behrends, Kerstin
Photoinduced Electron Transfer IV by
Light Scattering from Polymers by
Inorganic Elements in Biochemistry by
Bioseparation by
New Trends in Chemistry by
Synthesis and Degradation Rheology and Extrusion by Abe, Akihiro, Albertsson, Ann-Christine, Dusek, Karel
Electrochemistry IV by
Metal Complexes by Duan, Xue, Gade, Lutz H., Parkin, Gerard
Bonding Problems by Duan, Xuan, Gade, Lutz H., Parkin, Gerard
Syntheses of Natural Products by Warren, S. G., Tsuji, J., Schuda, P. F.
Sunscreen Photobiology: Molecular, Cellular and Physiological Aspects by
Relationships and Mechanisms in the Periodic Table by
Bioprocesses and Engineering by
Cationic Ring-Opening Polymerization of Heterocyclic Monomers: I. Mechanisms by Penczek, Stanislaw, Kubisa, Przemyslaw, Matyjaszewski, Krzysztof
Synchrotron Radiation in Chemistry and Biology II by
Synchrotron Radiation in Chemistry and Biology I by
Molecular Inclusion and Molecular Recognition -- Clathrates II by
Small Ring Compounds in Organic Synthesis III by
Conformational Motion and Disorder in Low and High Molecular Mass Crystals by Wunderlich, Bernhard, Möller, Martin, Grebowicz, Janusz
Inorganic Chemistry Metal Carbonyl Chemistry by Hunter, Christopher A., Krische, Michael J., Houk, Kendall N.
Polysiloxane Copolymers / Anionic Polymerization by
Electrochemistry III by
Molecular Inclusion and Molecular Recognition -- Clathrates I by
Spectra and Chemical Interactions by Duan, Xue, Gade, Lutz H., Poeppelmeier, Kenneth R.
Enzyme Studies by
Bioprocesses Including Animal Cell Culture by
New Theoretical Aspects by Houk, Kendall N., Hunter, Christopher A., Krische, Michael J.
Chemometrics and Species Identification by
Structure of Liquids by Houk, Kendall N., Hunter, Christopher A., Krische, Michael J.
Laser Spectroscopy VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference, Åre, Sweden, June 22-26, 1987 by
Biomimetic and Bioorganic Chemistry III by
Photochemistry by Michl, Josef, Gundermann, Karl-Dietrich, Herndon, William C.
Organic Geo- And Cosmochemistry by
Polymer Physics by
Organic Synthesis, Reactions and Mechanisms by
Chromatography/Foams/Copolymers by
Synthetic Organic Chemistry by
Compounds of Germanium, Tin, and Lead, Including Biological Activity and Commercial Application: Covering the Literature from 1937 to 1964 by
NMR Basic Principles and Progress. Grundlagen Und Fortschritte by Khetrapal, C. L., Jones, R. G., Diehl, P.
Induced Circular Dichroism in Biopolymer-Dye Systems by Hatano, Masahiro
Electrochemistry I by
The Entanglement Concept in Polymer Rheology by Graessley, William W.
Key Polymers: Properties and Performance by
Cation Ordering and Electron Transfer by
Silicon Chemistry I by Fritz, G., Bürger, H., Eujen, R.
Photochemistry and Organic Synthesis by
Initiators -- Poly-Reactions -- Optical Activity by
Reactions and Processes by
Polydiacetylenes by
Epoxy Resins and Composites I by
Immobilized Biocatalysts Saccharomyces Yeasts Wastewater Treatment by
Anionic Polymerization by
Characterization of Polymers in the Solid State II: Synchrotron Radiation, X-Ray Scattering and Electron Microscopy by
Characterization of Polymers in the Solid State I: Part A: NMR and Other Spectroscopic Methods Part B: Mechanical Methods by
Agricultural Feedstock and Waste Treatment and Engineering by
Liquid Crystal Polymers II/III by
Structural Chemistry by
Steric Effects in Drug Design by
Plasma Chemistry III by
Triplet States I by Houk, Kendall N., Hunter, Christopher A., Krische, Michael J.
Industrial Developments by Henrici-Olivé, G., Bukatov, G. D., Cecchin, G.
New Concepts II by
Modern Syntheses of Cobalt (III) Complexes by Shibata, M.
Wittig Chemistry: Dedicated to Professor Dr. G. Wittig by Houk, Kendall N., Hunter, Christopher A., Krische, Michael J.
Liquid Crystal Polymers I by
Physical and Inorganic Chemistry by Gores, H. J., Hess, P., Barthel, J.
Strukturen Von Polymer-Systemen: (Special Edition from Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, Vol. 57) by
Unusual Properties of New Polymers by Abe, Akihiro, Albertsson, Ann-Christine, Dusek, Karel
Radicals in Biochemistry by Houk, Kendall N., Hunter, Christopher A., Krische, Michael J.
Inorganic Ring Systems by Chivers, T., Keat, R., Labarre, J. -F
Organic Chemistry by
Cell Cycle Control by
Inorganic Chemistry by Houk, Kendall N., Hunter, Christopher A., Krische, Michael J.
Polymer Products by Albertsson, Ann-Christine, Dusek, Karel, Abe, Akihiro
Drying '85 by
Organic Chemistry by Hunter, Christopher A., Krische, Michael J., Houk, Kendall N.
Microbial Metabolism by Arnaud, Alain, Galzy, Pierre, Jallageas, Jean-Claude
Organic Chemistry: Syntheses and Reactivity by Effects, Steric, Birkofer, L., Rüchardt, C.
Electric Phenomena in Polymer Science by Albertsson, Ann-Christine, Dusek, Karel, Abe, Akihiro
Immobilized Enzymes II by Schügerl, Karl, Scheper, T., Belkin, Shimshon
Ac-Au by
Chemistry by Yuki, H., Hatada, K., Biswas, M.
Polymers: Syntheses/Reactivities/Properties by Abe, Akihiro, Albertsson, Ann-Christine, Dusek, Karel
History of Modern Biotechnology II by
Mass Transfer and Process Control by Schügerl, Karl, Scheper, T., Belkin, Shimshon
Lipid and Polymer-Lipid Systems by
Progress in Polyimide Chemistry II by
Biochemistry by Krische, Michael J., Houk, Kendall N., Hunter, Christopher A.
Conformation and Morphology by Rempp, P., Holzmüller, W., Lipatov, Y. S.
Grafting/Characterization Techniques/Kinetic Modeling by
Polymerization Reactions by Dusek, Karel, Abe, Akihiro, Albertsson, Ann-Christine
Stereoselective Heterocyclic Synthesis I by
Novel Aspects by Parkin, Gerard, Duan, Xue, Gade, Lutz H.
Failure in Polymers: Molecular and Phenomenological Aspects by Dusek, Karel, Abe, Akihiro, Albertsson, Ann-Christine
See More