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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2017

Entretiens Sur La Chimie, d'Après Les Méthodes de MM. Thenard Et Davy by Bryan, Marguerite
Cours de Physique Et de Chimie, Nouveaux Programmes 31 Mai 1902 Physique: Philosophie A, B by Drincourt-C
Leçons de Chimie Chimie Générale, Chimie Organique, Analyse Chimique by Basin, Jules
Leçons Élémentaires de Chimie: À l'Usage Des Écoles Primaires Supérieures 11E Édition by Haraucourt, Célestin
Mémoires Sur Les Pouvoirs de Guerre Des Différents Procédés de Fabrication by Piobert, Guillaume
Vray Et Méthodique Cours de la Physique Résolutive Vulgairement Dicte Chymie by
Petit Memento de Chimie À l'Usage Des Candidats Au Baccalauréat Ès-Lettres by Banet-Rivet, P.
Guide Élémentaire Pour Les Premières Recherches d'Analyse Qualitative Des Matières Minérales by Parmentier
Cours de Physique Et de Chimie, Nouveaux Programmes 31 Mai 1902 Physique: Première A. B by Drincourt-C
Cours de Chimie Générale. Métaux 2e Éd. by Paillot, René
Mémoires de Physique Et de Chimie, de la Société d'Arcueil. Tome 3 by Bernard, J. J.
Mémoires de Physique Et de Chimie, de la Société d'Arcueil. Tome 1 by Bernard, J. J.
Mémoires de Physique Et de Chimie, de la Société d'Arcueil. Tome 2 by Bernard, J. J.
Biological Radiation Protection: A Protocol Manual by Kumar, Raj
Inquiry-Based Learning Guide for Zumdahl/Zumdahl/Decoste's Chemistry, 10th Edition by Zumdahl, Steven, Zumdahl, Susan, DeCoste, Donald J.
A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry - Volume 1 by Dalal, Mandeep
Lab Manual for Zumdahl/Zumdahl/Decoste's Chemistry, 10th Edition by Zumdahl, Steven, Zumdahl, Susan, DeCoste, Donald J.
A Microscale Approach to Organic Laboratory Techniques by Kriz, George, Lampman, Gary, Pavia, Donald
Biochemistry by McDougal, Owen, Farrell, Shawn, Campbell, Mary
Study Guide for Zumdahl/Zumdahl/Decoste's Chemistry, 10th Edition by Zumdahl, Steven, Zumdahl, Susan, DeCoste, Donald J.
Chemistry by Zumdahl, Steven, Zumdahl, Susan, DeCoste, Donald J.
Operando Research in Heterogeneous Catalysis by
Transport of Ammonium across Prokaryotic Membranes by Cebo, Daniel
Quantum Chemical Approach for Organic Ferromagnetic Material Design by Imamura, Akira, Aoki, Yuriko, Orimoto, Yuuichi
Theoretical Modeling of Vibrational Spectra in the Liquid Phase by Thomas, Martin
Computational Transport Phenomena of Fluid-Particle Systems by Arastoopour, Hamid, Gidaspow, Dimitri, Abbasi, Emad
New Perspectives on Food Blanching by
The Practical Methods of Organic Chemistry by Gattermann, Ludwig
Single Entity Electrochemistry: Faraday Discussion 193 by
The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer by Blackburn, Elizabeth, Epel, Elissa
New Perspectives on Mineral Nucleation and Growth: From Solution Precursors to Solid Materials by
Informatorium Voor Voeding En Diëtetiek: Dieetleer En Voedingsleer - Supplement 94 - December 2016 by
Introduction to Market Access for Pharmaceuticals by
Introductory Chemistry by Tro, Nivaldo
Introductory Chemistry Essentials by Tro, Nivaldo
Chemistry: The Central Science by Brown, Theodore, Lemay, H., Bursten, Bruce
Introductory Chemistry by Tro, Nivaldo
Heterocyclic Chemistry in the 21st Century: A Tribute to Alan Katritzky: Volume 121 by
DNA Modifications in the Brain: Neuroepigenetic Regulation of Gene Expression by
Quecksilber mit dem Schwerpunkt Toxikologie by Kuck, Laura
The Pillars of Creation: Giant Molecular Clouds, Star Formation, and Cosmic Recycling by Beech, Martin
Cytokinesis: Volume 137 by
Advances in Clinical Chemistry: Volume 78 by
Inorganic and Organometallic Transition Metal Complexes with Biological Molecules and Living Cells by
Chromatin Remodelling and Immunity: Volume 106 by
Physicochemical Properties of Ionic Liquid Mixtures by
Principles of Instrumental Analysis by Skoog, Douglas, Holler, F., Crouch, Stanley
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 242 by
Einführung in Die Technische Chemie by Behr, Arno, Agar, David W., Jörissen, Jakob
Die Ernährungsverhältnisse in der Pflanzenwelt: Mit Rücksicht auf die Landwirtschaft populär dargestellt by Filly, Carl
Scrunched Cube Electron Shell and Bonding Periodic Chart of Elements by Vigen, Arno
Technologies and Applications for Smart Charging of Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles by
Luminescence in Electrochemistry: Applications in Analytical Chemistry, Physics and Biology by
Beiträge zur gerichtlichen Chemie einzelner organischer Gifte: Untersuchungen aus dem pharmaceutischen Institute in Dorpat by Dragendorff, Georg
Modeling the Lattice Parameters of Solid Solution Alloys by Abdullah, Omed
Die Prüfung chemischer Gifte, ihre Erkennung im reinen Zustande: und Ermittelung in Gemengen by Duflos, Adolf
Biological Activities and Application of Marine Polysaccharides by
Essential Chemistry for Cambridge Lower Secondary Stage 9 Student Book by Norris, Roger
A Practical Guide to Using Glycomics Databases by
Catalytic and Process Study of the Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene and 1,3-Butadiene by Hou, Ruijun
Modeling of Microscale Transport in Biological Processes by
Anwendung Der Hochtemperaturgasphasenwaage Zur Untersuchung Der Phasenbildung by Heinemann, Robert
Modellierungen Zur Kristallzüchtung Von Crsb2 Und Upte: Ein Beitrag Zur Rationalen Syntheseplanung by Wolf, Adrian
Modern Developments in Catalysis by
Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology by
Principles of Nuclear Chemistry by McPherson, Peter A. C.
Cyclische Verbindungen. Naturstoffe, Teil 3: Heterocyclische Verbindungen, Abt. 2 by Meyer, Victor
Systems Biotechnology by Heinzle, Elmar, Peifer-Gorges, Susanne
Modern Developments in Catalysis by
Sh2 Domains: Methods and Protocols by
Ultrafast Imaging of Photochemical Dynamics: Faraday Discussion 194 by
Reaction Rate Theory: Faraday Discussion 195 by
Chemistry of Polymers by Nicholson, John W.
Proceedings of the IV Advanced Ceramics and Applications Conference by
Chemische Theorie auf der rotierenden Bewegung der Atome basiert, kritisch entwickelt by Czyrnianski, Emilian
The Pauli Exclusion Principle: Origin, Verifications, and Applications by Kaplan, Ilya G.
Polymer Nanoparticles for Nanomedicines: A Guide for Their Design, Preparation and Development by
Cd95: Methods and Protocols by
Multi-Color Laser Emission for the Generation of Ultrashort Optical Pulse by
Electro-Osmosis of Polymer Solutions: Linear and Nonlinear Behavior by Uematsu, Yuki
Nanoparticle- And Microparticle-Based Delivery Systems: Encapsulation, Protection and Release of Active Compounds by McClements, David Julian
Introductory Chemistry Essentials by Tro, Nivaldo
Thermodynamics from Micro to Macro. Nucleation at the Surface: Textbook with Exercises and Examples by Levine, Kirill
Fundamentals of Enzyme Engineering by Kim, Yong-Hwan, Feng, Yan, Yoo, Young Je
Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Volume 66 by
Taste and Smell by
Fibrous Proteins: Structures and Mechanisms by
Molecular Physical Chemistry: A Computer-Based Approach Using Mathematica(r) and Gaussian by Teixeira-Dias, José J. C.
New Advances in Hydrogenation Processes: Fundamentals and Applications by
Materie: Erde, Wasser, Luft Und Feuer by Liebmann, Claus, Schwab, Jürgen, Welsch, Norbert
Die österreichische Militär-Pharmakopöe by Bernatzik, Wenzel
Stress Signaling in Plants: Genomics and Proteomics Perspective, Volume 2 by
Illustriertes Rezepthandbuch der praktischen Destillation: für Industrie, Land- und Hauswirtschaft by Hamm, Wilhelm
Die chemische und mikroskopische Untersuchung des Harnes: Ein Handbuch zum Gebrauch für Ärzte, Apotheker, Chemiker und Studierende by Spaeth, Eduard
Early Stage Protein Misfolding and Amyloid Aggregation: Volume 329 by
Handbook of Cyanobacterial C by
Interpretation of Ms-MS Mass Spectra of Drugs and Pesticides by Niessen, Wilfried M. a., Correa C., Ricardo A.
Determining the Interaction of Cresyl Violet Acetate using Computer Modeling and Spectroscopy by Vallejo, Megan
Materials, Energy and Environment Engineering: Select Proceedings of Icace 2015 by
Anti-Aging Drugs: From Basic Research to Clinical Practice by
Photoactive Semiconductor Nanocrystal Quantum Dots: Fundamentals and Applications by
Advanced and Emerging Polybenzoxazine Science and Technology by
Espoir Et Salut by Guillemin, Edouard
Les Procédés Biologiques d'Épuration Des Eaux Résiduaires by Calmette, Albert
Précis de Géodésie Agraire, de Levé Des Plans Et de Nivellement Par J. Decousu, by Decousu-J
Wilhelm Ostwald: The Autobiography by
Effects of Nanoconfinement on Catalysis by
Biochemical Adaptation: Response to Environmental Challenges from Life's Origins to the Anthropocene by Lockwood, Brent L., Somero, George N., Tomanek, Lars
Toxic Cocktail: How Chemical Pollution Is Poisoning Our Brains by Demeneix, Barbara
Die künstlichen organischen Farbstoffe: Unter Zugrundelegung von sechs Vorlesungen by Julius, Paul
Chemistry: The Molecules of Life by Jordan, Trace, Kallenbach, Neville
Crystal Chemistry: From Basics to Tools for Materials Creation by Ferey, Gerard
Chemistry Department at Imperial College London, The: A History, 1845-2000 by Gay, Hannah, Griffith, William
Analytical Chemistry for Cultural Heritage by
Die in der Atmosphäre vorhandenen organisirten Körperchen,: Prüfung der Lehre von der Urzeugung by Pasteur, Louis
Introducing Epigenetics: A Graphic Guide by Ennis, Cath
Der Einsatz von chemischen Kampfstoffen von den Anfängen der Geschichte bis ins Zeitalter der Weltkriege by Schnedlitz, Markus
The Beginning of a New Dawn for Humanity (Introduction into the World of Micro- and Macro- Molecular Chemistry) by Omorodion, Sunny N. E.
Histochemistry of Single Molecules: Methods and Protocols by
Formen und Wirkung von verlustbringenden chemischen Kampfstoffen by Schnedlitz, Markus
The Chemistry and Technology of Solid Rocket Propellants: (A Treatise on Solid Propellants) by Varghese, T. L., Krishnamurthy, V. N.
Black Tio2 Nanomaterials for Energy Applications by
Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry by Timberlake, Karen
Tafeln zur Bestimmung der Mineralien: Mittelst einfacher chemischer Versuche auf trockenem und nassem Wege by Kobell, Franz Von
Berzelius und Liebig - Ihre Briefe von 1831-1845: Mit erläuterenden Einschaltungen aus gleichzeitigen Briefen von Liebig und Wöhler sowie wissenschaft by Berzelius, Jöns
An Introduction to Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes by Proctor, John E., Melendrez Armada, Daniel, Vijayaraghavan, Aravind
Quality Living Through Chemurgy and Green Chemistry by
Materials Under Extreme Conditions: Recent Trends and Future Prospects by
Grundlagen Der Naturwissenschaftsdidaktik: Kompetenzorientiert Und Aufgabenbasiert Für Schule Und Hochschule by Nerdel, Claudia
Katalytische Metathese Von Alkinen: Entwicklung Neuer Katalysatoren by Ehrhorn, Henrike
Snake Venoms by
Introduction to Computational Chemistry by Jensen, Frank
Molecular Data Analysis Using R by Ortutay, Csaba, Ortutay, Zsuzsanna
Snake Venoms by
Crystal Chemistry: From Basics to Tools for Materials Creation by Ferey, Gerard
Examination of Water for Sanitary and Technic Purposes by Leffmann, Henry
Transition Metal-Catalyzed Benzofuran Synthesis: Transition Metal-Catalyzed Heterocycle Synthesis Series by Wu, Xiao-Feng, Li, Yahui
Account of Thermodynamic Entropy by Gianinetti, Alberto
Lehrbuch der gerichtlichen Chemie by Baumert, Georg
Über den Einfluss der Alkalien auf den menschlichen Stoffwechsel: Experimentell-klinische Untersuchungen by Stadelmann, Ernst
Kupfergruppe: Elemente Der Ersten Nebengruppe: Eine Reise Durch Das Periodensystem by Sicius, Hermann
Algebra Is for Children by Martínez Romero, Julio César
Algebra Is for Children by Martínez Romero, Julio César
Clusters: Structure, Bonding and Reactivity by
The Apothecary (Ancient and Modern) of the Society, London, Blackfriars by Corfe, George
Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 104 by
Lehrbuch der physiologischen Chemie: mit Berücksichtigung der pathologischen Verhältnisse - 2. Band by Neumeister, Richard
Handbook of Computational Chemistry by
Shades--Of Painting at the Limit by Sallis, John
Handbook of Computational Chemistry by
Proteomics: Methods and Protocols by
Bacilli and Agrobiotechnology by
Nuclear Power Plant Emergencies in the USA: Managing Risks, Demographics and Response by Kyne, Dean
Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics: Revised Selected Papers of the 10th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of Siam December 21-22, 2015 by
Hydrides: Fundamentals and Applications by
Potential Neuromodulatory Profile of Phytocompounds in Brain Disorders by
Rare Earth and Actinide Complexes by
Solar Energy Desalination Technology by Zheng, Hongfei
Dynamic Chemical Processes on Solid Surfaces: Chemical Reactions and Catalysis by Tanaka, Ken-Ichi
Mechanismusbasiertes Entdecken in Der Photoredoxkatalyse: Lumineszenzlöschung ALS Hilfsmittel Zur Entwicklung Von Photoredoxreaktionen by Teders, Michael
The Disambiguation of Chemistry by Clark, Roy W.
The Disambiguation of Chemistry by Clark, Roy W.
Advances in Clinical Chemistry: Volume 79 by
Animal Genetics for Chemists by Wilkins, Ralph G.
New Aspects of Quantum Electrodynamics by Tachibana, Akitomo
Plant Aquaporins: From Transport to Signaling by
Population Epigenetics: Methods and Protocols by
Design, Fabrication and Electrochemical Performance of Nanostructured Carbon Based Materials for High-Energy Lithium-Sulfur Batteries: Next-Generation by Zhou, Guangmin
The NO-Neutron Atom by Sinclair Phd, Dean Leroy
Animal and Plant Stem Cells: Concepts, Propagation and Engineering by Radotic, Ksenija, Pavlovic, Mirjana
Practical Guide to Vegetable Oil Processing by Gupta, Monoj
Introduction to Astrochemistry: Chemical Evolution from Interstellar Clouds to Star and Planet Formation by Yamamoto, Satoshi
Databook of Blowing and Auxiliary Agents by Wypych, George
Reviews in Fluorescence 2016 by
Supercritical Fluid Chromatography by
Studies in Natural Products Chemistry: Volume 52 by
Polyoxometalate Chemistry: Volume 69 by
The Alkaloids: Volume 77 by
Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 105 by
Suspension Concentrates: Preparation, Stability and Industrial Applications by Tadros, Tharwat F.
Fungal Metabolites by
Computational and Experimental Analysis of Functional Materials by
Fungal Metabolites by
Atlas of Material Damage by Wypych, George
Signal Transduction Immunohistochemistry: Methods and Protocols by
Effects of temporary examination stress on biochemical parameters in academic students by Badrie, Mahdi
Chemical Story of Olive Oil: From Grove to Table by Delen, Zeynep, O'Hara, Patricia, Blatchly, Richard
Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals: From Viscoelastic Properties to Living Liquid Crystals by Zhou, Shuang
Advances in NMR Spectroscopy for Lipid Oxidation Assessment by Hwang, Hong-Sik
Molecular Biology of Aging: Volume 146 by
The Hdl Handbook: Biological Functions and Clinical Implications by
Chemische Abhandlung von der Luft und dem Feuer by Scheele, Carl Wilhelm
Elements of Physical Chemistry by Atkins, Peter, de Paula, Julio
Ionic Liquids: Progress and Developments in by
Superfood and Functional Food: The Development of Superfoods and Their Roles as Medicine by
Directed Enzyme Evolution: Advances and Applications by
Sonochemistry: New Opportunities for Green Chemistry by Chatel, Gregory
How Aspirin Entered Our Medicine Cabinet by Campbell, J. N., Rooney, Steven M.
Handbuch der analytischen Chemie by Rose, Heinrich
Recent Discoveries In Inorganic Chemistry by Hart-Smith, J.
See More