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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2017

Tribology: Friction and Wear of Engineering Materials by Shipway, Philip, Hutchings, Ian
Protein-Carbohydrate Interactions: Methods and Protocols by
Design and Control of Highly Conductive Single-Molecule Junctions: A Focus on the Metal-Molecule Interface by Kaneko, Satoshi
Astrochemistry: From the Big Bang to the Present Day by Vallance, Claire
Advances in Clinical Chemistry: Volume 80 by
Photochemical Processes in Continuous-Flow Reactors: From Engineering Principles to Chemical Applications by
Informatorium Voor Voeding En Diëtetiek: Dieetleer En Voedingsleer - Supplement 95 - April 2017 by
Advances in the Computational Sciences - Proceedings of the Symposium in Honor of Dr Berni Alder's 90th Birthday by
Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients, and Related Methodology: Volume 42 by
Atmospheric Chemistry: From the Surface to the Stratosphere by Ritchie, Grant
Miktoarm Star Polymers: From Basics of Branched Architecture to Synthesis, Self-Assembly and Applications by
Studies in Natural Products Chemistry: Volume 53 by
Blends and Graft Copolymers of Cellulosics: Toward the Design and Development of Advanced Films and Fibers by Nishio, Yoshiyuki, Teramoto, Yoshikuni, Kusumi, Ryosuke
Guanidines as Reagents and Catalysts II by
Stoffe durch Flüssige Extraktion abtrennen (Unterweisung Chemikant / -in) by Steffen, Daniel
Light Stabilizers for Coatings by Valet, Andreas, Braig, Adalbert
Fillers for Paints by Gysau, Detlef
Pesticide Residue in Foods: Sources, Management, and Control by
Green Chemistry by
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy by Tribollet, Bernard, Orazem, Mark E.
Corrosion Control Through Organic Coatings by Forsgren, Amy, Knudsen, Ole ØYstein
From Protein Structure to Function with Bioinformatics by
A Sustainable Bioeconomy: The Green Industrial Revolution by Sillanpää, Mika, Ncibi, Chaker
Allgemeine Chemie - Ein Leselehrbuch by Schwedt, Georg
Design of Hybrid Molecules for Drug Development by
Inorganic Nanosheets and Nanosheet-Based Materials: Fundamentals and Applications of Two-Dimensional Systems by
Die Pharmaindustrie: Einblick - Durchblick - Perspektiven by
Toxins and Drug Discovery by
Advances in Environmental Biotechnology by
Metagenomics: Current Advances and Emerging Concepts by
A Critical Evaluation of Vitamin D: Clinical Overview by
Toxins and Drug Discovery by
Astrochemistry: From the Big Bang to the Present Day by Vallance, Claire
Grundlagen Der Thermodynamik Für Studierende Der Chemie: Die Wichtigsten Themen Der Physikalischen Chemie by Jablonka, Kevin Maik
Introductory Chemistry by
Atmospheric Chemistry: From the Surface to the Stratosphere by Ritchie, Grant
Natural Product Biosynthesis: Chemical Logic and Enzymatic Machinery by Tang, Yi, Walsh, Christopher T.
Euglena: Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology by
Protein Function Prediction: Methods and Protocols by
Chemistry of Plants and Insects: Plants, Bugs, and Molecules by Séquin, Margareta
The Elementary Nature of Chlorine: Papers by Davy, Humphry
Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy by Lakowicz, Joseph R.
Shotgun Proteomics: Methods and Protocols by
Structural Genomics and Drug Discovery: Methods and Protocols by
Molecular Modeling of Proteins by
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Its Applications by Lasia, Andrzej
Chlorophyll Biosynthesis and Technological Applications by Rebeiz, Constantin A.
Short Studies in Physical Science: Mineralogy, chemistry, and physics by Cornish, Vaughan
Microbial Biomass: A Paradigm Shift in Terrestrial Biogeochemistry by
Relaxation of the Chemical Bond: Skin Chemisorption Size Matter Ztp Mechanics H2O Myths by Sun, Chang Q.
Environmental Modeling: Using MATLAB by Holzbecher, Ekkehard
Tissue Engineering I: Scaffold Systems for Tissue Engineering by
Handbook of Theoretical Atomic Physics: Data for Photon Absorption, Electron Scattering, and Vacancies Decay by Amusia, Miron, Chernysheva, Larissa, Yarzhemsky, Victor
Science for the School and Family by Hooker, Worthington
Ion Channels: A Laboratory Manual by Brenowitz, Stephan, Kammermeier, Paul J., Duguid, Ian
Groundwater Geochemistry: A Practical Guide to Modeling of Natural and Contaminated Aquatic Systems by Merkel, Broder J., Planer-Friedrich, Britta
Note Sur La Source Ferrugineuse de Préfailles... [Signé A. Guépin.] by Guépin, Ange
Exposition de Vienne, 1873. Arts Chimiques. 3e Groupe. Bardy Et Dusart by Dusart
Sur Les Effets Du Gaz Acide Carbonique À Royat Au Point de Vue Physiologique Et Thérapeutique by Fredet, Gilbert Edmond
Travaux Pratiques de Chimie Générale, Analyse Qualitative, Dosages Volumétriques by Lepercq, Gaston
Élémens de Chimie. Traduit Du Latin. Tome 6 by Boerhaave, Herman
Élémens de Chimie. Traduit Du Latin. Tome 2 by Boerhaave, Herman
Élémens de Chimie. Traduit Du Latin. Tome 5 by Boerhaave, Herman
Élémens de Chimie. Traduit Du Latin. Tome 3 by Boerhaave, Herman
Élémens de Chimie. Traduit Du Latin. Tome 1 by Boerhaave, Herman
Organic Chemistry: A Very Short Introduction by Patrick, Graham
Guidelines for Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis by Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS)
Molecular Materials: Preparation, Characterization, and Applications by
Quantitative Infrared Spectroscopy for Understanding of a Condensed Matter by Hasegawa, Takeshi
Translating Molecules Into Medicines: Cross-Functional Integration at the Drug Discovery-Development Interface by
Nanomedicine: Principles and Perspectives by
Advances of Basic Science for Second Generation Bioethanol from Sugarcane by
Chemical Electrostatics: New Ideas on Electrostatic Charging: Mechanisms and Consequences by Galembeck, Fernando, A. L. Burgo, Thiago
Chemical Reactor Modeling: Multiphase Reactive Flows by Jakobsen, Hugo A.
Magnetic Characterization Techniques for Nanomaterials by
Zinkgruppe: Elemente Der Zweiten Nebengruppe: Eine Reise Durch Das Periodensystem by Sicius, Hermann
Regulated Bioanalysis: Fundamentals and Practice by
Glucosinolates by
Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering with Maple by White, Ralph E., Subramanian, Venkat R.
Glucosinolates by
Global Food Security and Wellness by
Concrete Durability: Cementitious Materials and Reinforced Concrete Properties, Behavior and Corrosion Resistance by
Non-Canonical Cyclic Nucleotides by
Chromatography: Concepts, Methods and Applications by
The Coal-Tar Colors: With Especial Reference to their Injurious Qualities and the Restriction... by Weyl, Theodor, Leffmann, Henry
Understanding Basic Chemistry Through Problem Solving: The Learner's Approach (Revised Edition) by Tan, Jeanne, Chan, Kim Seng
Polymeric Surfactants: Dispersion Stability and Industrial Applications by Tadros, Tharwat F.
Dielectrophoresis: Theory, Methodology and Biological Applications by Pethig, Ronald R.
Functional Supramolecular Materials: From Surfaces to Mofs by
Plant Epigenetics by
Smart Materials for Tissue Engineering: Applications by
Smart Materials for Tissue Engineering: Two-Volume Set by
A Class Book of Elementary Chemistry by Fisher, W. W.
Current Topics in Lactation by
The Manufacture of Photogenic or Hydro-Carbon Oils: From Coal and Other Bituminous Substances, Capable of Supplying Burning Fluids by Antisell, Thomas
Heterologous Protein Production in Cho Cells: Methods and Protocols by
Aminosäuren und ihre Aufgaben im menschlichen Organismus by Ettlinger, Roman
A New Basis for Chemistry: A chemical philosophy. Third Edition by Hunt, Thomas Sterry
Phosphoric Acid: Purification, Uses, Technology, and Economics by Gilmour, Rodney
Contemporary Catalysis: Science, Technology, and Applications by
Sustainable Solvents: Perspectives from Research, Business and International Policy by Hunt, Andrew, Topi, Corrado, Clark, James H.
Refractories for Aluminum: Electrolysis and the Cast House by Yurkov, Andrey
Network Biology by
Principles of Photochemistry by
Minimally Processed Refrigerated Fruits and Vegetables by
The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System: Methods and Protocols by
Introducton to the Study of Chemical Philosophy: The Principles of Theoretical and Systematic Chemistry by Tilden, William a.
Metals and their chief industrial Applications: Being, with some considerable Additions by Wright, Charled Romley Alder
First Principles of Chemical Philosophy by Cooke, Josiah Parsons
Medicinal Chemistry: An Introduction by
Enhancing Cleanup of Environmental Pollutants: Volume 2: Non-Biological Approaches by
Tutorium Reaktivität Und Synthese: Mechanismen Synthetisch Wichtiger Reaktionen Der Organischen Chemie by Leisering, Stefan, Schalley, Christoph a.
Concepts and Applications of Organic Chemistry by
Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering by
Changing the Surface: Erosion and Landscapes by Scott, Peter T.
Transgenesis and Secondary Metabolism by
Transgenesis and Secondary Metabolism by
NMR in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology by
Chemical Biology: Methodology and Applications by
Essentials of Physical Chemistry by
The Chemical History of a Candle by Faraday, Michael
Nitric Oxide Synthase: Simple Enzyme-Complex Roles by
Graphene Materials: Structure, Properties and Modifications by
Graphene Materials: Advanced Applications by
Nutritional and Analytical Approaches of Gluten-Free Diet in Celiac Disease by Larretxi, Idoia, Churruca, Itziar, Simón, Edurne
Anti-Diabetes and Anti-Obesity Medicinal Plants and Phytochemicals: Safety, Efficacy, and Action Mechanisms by Saad, Bashar, Zaid, Hilal, Shanak, Siba
Fast Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy: As a Statistical Condition Monitoring Tool by Boskoski, Pavle, Debenjak, Andrej, Mileva Boshkoska, Biljana
Enhancing Cleanup of Environmental Pollutants: Volume 1: Biological Approaches by
Selenium in Plants: Molecular, Physiological, Ecological and Evolutionary Aspects by
The Chemical Works of Carl Wilhelm Scheele by Lennartson, Anders
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 243 by
Physical Chemistry: A Comprehensive Approach by
Leaching Gold and Silver Ores: The Plattner and Kiss Processes by Aaron, Charles Howard
Nanotechnologies in Food by
2017 Southeastern U.S. Pest Control Guide for Nursery Crops and Landscape Plantings by
Making Sense of Genes by Kampourakis, Kostas
Making Sense of Genes by Kampourakis, Kostas
Laboratory Scientific Glassblowing: A Practical Training Method by Le Pinnet, Paul
Laboratory Scientific Glassblowing: A Practical Training Method by Le Pinnet, Paul
Bioresources and Bioprocess in Biotechnology: Volume 1: Status and Strategies for Exploration by
Macromolecular Protein Complexes: Structure and Function by
Fundamentals and Applications in Aerosol Spectroscopy by
A Little Book about Big Chemistry: The Story of Man-Made Polymers by Massy, Jim
Liquid Crystal Colloids by Musevič, Igor
Polysaccharides as a Green and Sustainable Resources for Water and Wastewater Treatment by Oladoja, Nurudeen A., Unuabonah, Emmanuel I., Amuda, Omotayo S.
Alzheimer's Disease II by
Organic-Inorganic Composite Polymer Electrolyte Membranes: Preparation, Properties, and Fuel Cell Applications by
Computational Protein-Protein Interactions by
Thermostable Proteins: Structural Stability and Design by
Analytical Chemistry: Concepts and Applied Principles by
Elementary Chemical Mathematics: Chemistry in a Broader Setting by Johansson, Stig R.
Microporous and Other Framework Materials with Zeolite-Type Structures: Zeolite-Type Crystal Structures and Their Chemistry. 25 New Framework Type Cod by
Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (Hilic) and Advanced Applications by
Advances in Food Biochemistry by
Applied Surface Thermodynamics by
Metallic Systems: A Quantum Chemist's Perspective by
Fast NMR Data Acquisition: Beyond the Fourier Transform by
Transient Receptor Potential Canonical Channels and Brain Diseases by
Cage Metal Complexes: Clathrochelates Revisited by Voloshin, Yan, Belaya, Irina, Krämer, Roland
The Manufacture of Vinegar: Its theory and practice, with especial reference to the quick process by Wetherill, Charles Mayer
Protein Reviews: Volume 17 by
Engineering of Halogenases Towards Synthetic Applications: Increasing the Thermostability and Investigations on a Marine Brominase Bmp5 by Minges, Hannah
Wie kann E-Learning das Lehren und Lernen verbessern? Praktische Umsetzung für das Thema Harnstoffzyklus aus dem Bereich Biochemie III/3 by Sonne, Julia
Genesis of Diamonds and Associated Phases by Litvin, Yuriy A.
Beta-Lactams: Novel Synthetic Pathways and Applications by
Multiscale Modeling of Complex Molecular Structure and Dynamics with Mbn Explorer by Solov'yov, Ilia A., Korol, Andrey V., Solov'yov, Andrey V.
In Vitro Environmental Toxicology - Concepts, Application and Assessment by
Die Eignung von "Egg Races" als experimentelle Methode der Erkenntnisgewinnung in der Sekundarstufe I by Sonne, Julia
The Physical Chemistry of Materials: Energy and Environmental Applications by Roque-Malherbe, Rolando
Properties and Uses of Microemulsions by
Catalysis for Fuels: Faraday Discussion 197 by
Die Herleitung Biologischer Hauptsätze by Hopp, Vollrath
An Introduction to Spectroscopy, Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding by Meek, Terry L.
Electrochemical Immunosensors and Aptasensors by
An Account of the Nature and medicinal Virtues of the principal Mineral Waters: Of Great Britain and Ireland by Elliot, John
Laboratory Manual of Elementary Chemical Physiology: And Urine Analysis by Long, John Harper
Pharmacopoeia of India by Waring, Edward John
Sugar Analysis: For Refineries, Sugar-Houses, Experimental Stations by Wiechmann, Ferdinand Gerhard
Multiparticulate Drug Delivery: Formulation, Processing and Manufacturing by
Air-Analysis: A Practical Treatise on the Examination of Air - With an Appendix on Illuminating Gas by Wanklyn, James Alfred, Cooper, W. J.
The Scientific Foundations of Analytical Chemistry Treated in an Elementary Manner by McGowan, George, Ostwald, Wilhelm
Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Electrolysis by Classen, Alexander
Water-Analysis: A Practical Treatise on the Examination of Potable Water. Seventh Edition by Chapman, Ernest Theophron, Wanklyn, James Alfred
Gas and Fuel Analysis for Engineers: A Compend for Those Interested in the Economical Application of Fuel. First Edition by Gill, Augustus H.
Analysis of Milk and Milk Products by Beam, William, Leffmann, Henry
Practical Hints on the Analysis of Water and Sewage: For the use of medical Officers of Health, medical Practitioners, sanitary Engineers, etc by Barwise, Sidney
Bioprobes: Biochemical Tools for Investigating Cell Function by
Biophotoelectrochemistry: From Bioelectrochemistry to Biophotovoltaics by
Ion Exchange Resins in Uranium Hydrometallurgy: Second Edition by Zaganiaris, Emmanuel J.
Natural Products: A Practical Manual by Kumar, P. Praveen
Prokaryotic Cytoskeletons: Filamentous Protein Polymers Active in the Cytoplasm of Bacterial and Archaeal Cells by
Problems of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry: A Hands-On Guide by Gomez-Carracedo, Maria Paz, Andrade-Garda, Jose Manuel, Carlosena-Zubieta, Alatzne
Handbook of Surface Plasmon Resonance by
Antimicrobial Drug Resistance by
Nachwachsende Rohstoffe bei der Energiegewinnung und ihre Bedeutung für die chemische Industrie by Haustein, Lukas
Charged Aerosol Detection for Liquid Chromatography and Related Separation Techniques by
Problems of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry: A Hands-On Guide by Carlosena-Zubieta, Alatzne, Gomez-Carracedo, Maria Paz, Andrade-Garda, Jose Manuel
Quantum Systems in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology: Advances in Concepts and Applications by
Oceanic Acidification: A Comprehensive Overview by Eisler, Ronald
Neuroepigenomics in Aging and Disease by
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