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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2019

Chimie Des Végétaux by Sacc, Frédéric
Contribution À l'Étude de Quelques Hydrazones by Favrel, Georges
Elemens de Chymie-Pratique, Description Des Opérations Fondamentales de la Chymie: Explications Et Remarques Sur Chaque Opération. Tome 2 by Macquer, Pierre-Joseph
Elemens de Chymie-Pratique, Description Des Opérations Fondamentales de la Chymie: Explications Et Remarques Sur Chaque Opération. Tome 1 by Macquer, Pierre-Joseph
Introduction À l'Étude de la Chimie Par Le Système Unitaire by Gerhardt, Charles
Observations Sur l'Urine de Chameau Fraîche Et Putréfiée by Rouelle, Hilaire-Marin
Traité de Chimie Organique Appliquée. Hydrates de Carbone, Acides Monobasiques À Fonction Simple: Acides Polybasiques À Fonction Simple Et Acides À Fo by Joannis, Alexandre
Traité de Chimie Organique Appliquée. Généralités, Carbures, Alcools, Phénols, Éthers: Aldéhydes, Cétones, Quinones, Sucres by Joannis, Alexandre
Analyse de Diverses Eaux Minérales Du Japon by Filhol, Édouard
Manuel de Toxicologie by Ritter, Eugène
Propriétés Du Tabac . Analyse de la Poudrette. Théorie de la Vitrification. Par B.-G. Sage, ... by Sage, Balthasar-Georges
Kesselsysteme und Feuerungen by Barth, Friedrich
A Textbook of Organic Chemistry - Volume 1 by Dalal, Mandeep
Plant Analytical Techniques by Ramteke, S. D.
Recycling and Reuse Approaches for Better Sustainability by
Machine Learning: A Comprehensive, Step-by-Step Guide to Learning and Applying Advanced Concepts and Techniques in Machine Learning by Bradley, Peter
Indoor Air Pollution by
Legumes: Nutritional Quality, Processing and Potential Health Benefits by
Applied RNA Bioscience by
Advances in Membrane Proteins: Part I: Mass Processing and Transportation by
Oral Health and Herbal Medicine by Abdul, Waseem Mohammed, Hussain, Mohd Muzzammil, Hakeem, Khalid Rehman
Corrosion Science and Engineering by Pedeferri, Pietro
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 246 by
Metabolic Interaction in Infection by
Chemistry and Chemical Technologies in Waste Valorization by
Biomineralization Mechanism of the Pearl Oyster, Pinctada Fucata by Xie, Liping, Yan, Zhenguang, Zhang, Rongqing
In-Situ Characterization Techniques for Nanomaterials by
Nanoinformatics by
Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy: From Single Charge Detection to Device Characterization by
Rhodium Catalysis by
Ellipsometry of Functional Organic Surfaces and Films by
Experimental Approaches of NMR Spectroscopy: Methodology and Application to Life Science and Materials Science by
Gel Chemistry: Interactions, Structures and Properties by Li, Yongguang, Zhang, Jianyong, Hu, Ya
Chemistry: A Molecular Approach by Tro, Nivaldo
Shock Focusing Phenomena: High Energy Density Phenomena and Dynamics of Converging Shocks by Eliasson, Veronica, Apazidis, Nicholas
Searching for a Mechanism: A History of Cell Bioenergetics by Prebble, John N.
Autophagy: Methods and Protocols by
Stereoselective Heterocycle Synthesis Via Alkene Difunctionalization: Bulky Phosphine Ligands Enable Pd-Catalyzed Arylhalogenation, Arylcyanation and by Petrone, David A.
Food Packaging Based on Nanomaterials by
Chemistry of Pyrotechnics: Basic Principles and Theory, Third Edition by Conkling, John A., Mocella, Chris
Self-Assembly: From Surfactants to Nanoparticles by
Practice Makes Perfect Chemistry Review and Workbook, Second Edition by Hattori, Heather, DeWane, Marian
Gut Reactions: The Science of Weight Gain and Loss by Field, Simon Quellen
Heat Shock Proteins and Stress by
Nanobiotechnology Applications in Plant Protection by
Membrane Protein Complexes: Structure and Function by
Advances in Clinical Chemistry: Volume 88 by
Transition Metal Catalyzed Oxidative Cross-Coupling Reactions by
Advances in Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry: Fundamentals, Instrumentation and Applications: Volume 83 by
Leuchtstoffe, Lichtquellen, Laser, Lumineszenz by Jüstel, Thomas, Schwung, Sebastian
Calpain: Methods and Protocols by
Betalains: Biomolecular Aspects by Zia-Ul-Haq, Muhammad, Akbar Hussain, Erum, Sadiq, Zubi
Metallomics: The Science of Biometals by
Interactions Materials - Microorganisms: Concretes and Metals More Resistant to Biodeterioration by Feugeas, Françoise, Tribollet, Bernard, Lors, Christine
Boron Nitride Nanostructures by
Assembling Life: How Can Life Begin on Earth and Other Habitable Planets? by Deamer, David W.
Theories of Molecular Reaction Dynamics: The Microscopic Foundation of Chemical Kinetics by Hansen, Flemming Y., Henriksen, Niels E.
Quantum Systems in Physics, Chemistry and Biology - Theory, Interpretation and Results: Volume 78 by
Molecular Chaperones in Human Disorders: Volume 114 by
Progress, Pioneers and Process: Studies in Physiology and Genetic Medicine by Smith, Moyra
Tomato Chemistry, Industrial Processing and Product Development by
Qualitative Anorganische Analyse: Begleitbuch Für Das Arbeiten Mit Trennungsgang by Wagler, Jörg, Herbig, Marcus
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 & Derivatives: Energy, Aerospace, and Industrial Applications by
Current Trends in Bioinformatics: An Insight by
Self-Lubricating Composites by
Optical Spectroscopy: Fundamentals and Advanced Applications by Kruger, Tjaart, Forbes, Patricia, Roduner, Emil
Stretch Intensity and the Inflammatory Response: A Paradigm Shift by Apostolopoulos, Nikos C.
Optical Spectroscopy: Fundamentals and Advanced Applications by Forbes, Patricia, Roduner, Emil, Kruger, Tjaart
Biosensors Based on Sandwich Assays by
X-Ray Diffraction Imaging of Biological Cells by Nakasako, Masayoshi
Green Chemistry in Environmental Sustainability and Chemical Education: Proceedings of Icgc 2016, New Delhi by
Photo-Catalytic Control Technologies of Flue Gas Pollutants by Pan, Weiguo, Wu, Jiang, Ren, Jianxing
Chalcogenide Materials for Energy Conversion: Pathways to Oxygen and Hydrogen Reactions by Alonso-Vante, Nicolas
Ionic Liquids II by
Nanopackaging: Nanotechnologies and Electronics Packaging by
Challenges in Protein Product Development by
Investigation of Nanoscopic Dynamics and Potentials by Interferometric Scattering Microscopy by Ortega Arroyo, Jaime
Advanced Level and Senior High School Physical and Inorganic Chemistry by Busia, Kofi
Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law - Volume IV: Human Perspectives on the Development and Use of Nuclear Energy by
Advanced Level and Senior High School Physical and Inorganic Chemistry by Busia, Kofi
Introduction to Biologic and Biosimilar Product Development and Analysis by Nagel, Karen M.
Handbuch Der Gefährlichen Güter. Erläuterungen II: Gewässerverunreinigung by
Industrial Process Identification: Perturbation Signal Design and Applications by Tan, Ai Hui, Godfrey, Keith Richard
New Polymeric Materials Based on Element-Blocks by
Environmental Contaminants: Measurement, Modelling and Control by
Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science XIV by
Cadmium Interaction with Animal Cells by
Offshore Processing of Co2-Rich Natural Gas with Supersonic Separator: Multiphase Sound Speed, CO2 Freeze-Out and Hysys Implementation by de Medeiros, José Luiz, de Oliveira Arinelli, Lara, Teixeira, Alexandre Mendonça
Pulsed Electron-Electron Double Resonance: Nanoscale Distance Measurement in the Biological, Materials and Chemical Sciences by Grishin, Yuri A., Tsvetkov, Yuri D., Bowman, Michael K.
Soft Probes for Bio-Electrochemical Imaging by Lin, Tzu-En
Optimization of Process Flowsheets Through Metaheuristic Techniques by Ponce-Ortega, José María, Hernández-Pérez, Luis Germán
Many-Body Approaches at Different Scales: A Tribute to Norman H. March on the Occasion of His 90th Birthday by
Drug Interactions in Infectious Diseases: Antimicrobial Drug Interactions by
Membrane Biophysics: New Insights and Methods by
Komplexverbindungen von Kunststoffen: Über Polymerkomplexe und Polymere Komplexe by Witt, Michael
Essential Metals in Medicine: Therapeutic Use and Toxicity of Metal Ions in the Clinic by
Nanoscale Electrochemistry of Molecular Contacts by Bueno, Paulo Roberto
Computational Methods to Study the Structure and Dynamics of Biomolecules and Biomolecular Processes: From Bioinformatics to Molecular Quantum Mechani by
Liquid Separations with Membranes: An Introduction to Barrier Interference by Böddeker, Karl W.
Neuartige Carbenliganden Für Die Selektive Hydrierung Von Aromaten: Synthese Von Carben-Metall-Komplexen Für Die Katalytische Aromatenhydrierung by Wollenburg, Marco
Atomic Scale Dynamics at Surfaces: Theory and Experimental Studies with Helium Atom Scattering by Benedek, Giorgio, Toennies, Jan Peter
Hydrogen Storage: Based on Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation Reactions of Small Molecules by
Quantum Effects in Small Molecular Systems: Faraday Discussion 212 by
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Environmental Behavior and Toxicity in East Asia by
Protein-Protein and Domain-Domain Interactions by Kangueane, Pandjassarame, Nilofer, Christina
Physics of Biological Membranes by
Potassic Igneous Rocks and Associated Gold-Copper Mineralization by Groves, David I., Müller, Daniel
Nanobotany by
Colloid Chemistry by
Biological NMR Part B: Volume 615 by
Commemorative Issue in Honor of Professor Emeritus Calvin H. Bartholomew in Anticipation of His 75th Birthday by
Carbon Allotropes: Metal-Complex Chemistry, Properties and Applications by Kharisov, Boris Ildusovich, Kharissova, Oxana Vasilievna
Immobilized β-Galactosidase-Mediated Conversion of Lactose: Process, Kinetics and Modeling Studies by Gonawan, Fadzil Noor
Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry: Volume 127 by
Antioxidants and Second Messengers of Free Radicals by
Einführung in Die Enzymtechnologie by
Good Enough to Eat?: Next Generation GM Crops by Godwin, Ian D.
Endocytosis and Signaling by
Biomineralization: From Molecular and Nano-Structural Analyses to Environmental Science by
Bioinformatics: Sequences, Structures, Phylogeny by
Advances in Seed Priming by
Behavioral Neurobiology of Psychedelic Drugs by
Chiral and Topological Nature of Magnetic Skyrmions by Zhang, Shilei
New Frontiers in Organoselenium Compounds by Lenardão, Eder João, Santi, Claudio, Sancineto, Luca
An Integrated Approach for Added-Value Products from Lignocellulosic Biorefineries: Vanillin, Syringaldehyde, Polyphenols and Polyurethane by Rodrigues, Alírio Egídio, Pinto, Paula Cristina de Oliveira Rodrigues, Barreiro, Maria Filomena
Bioelectrosynthesis by
Molecular-Scale Electronics: Current Status and Perspectives by
Problems in Structural Inorganic Chemistry by Li, Wai-Kee, Lee, Hung Kay, Ng, Dennis Kee Pui
Multidimensional Time-Resolved Spectroscopy by
Advances in Anthocyanin Research 2018 by
Problems in Structural Inorganic Chemistry by Li, Wai-Kee, Lee, Hung Kay, Ng, Dennis Kee Pui
Hemoglobin: Insights Into Protein Structure, Function, and Evolution by Storz, Jay F.
Biorefineries by
Gentechnik: Gene Lesen, Schreiben Und Editieren by Wünschiers, Röbbe
Recent Advances in Analytical Techniques Volume 3 by Rahman, Atta Ur, Ozkan, Sibel A.
Hemoglobin: Insights Into Protein Structure, Function, and Evolution by Storz, Jay F.
Solving Chemistry: A Scientist's Journey by Bulkin, Bernie
Das Chemiewissen Für Die Feuerwehr by Schmiermund, Torsten
Calcium Signalling: Methods and Protocols by
Structural Bioinformatics: Applications in Preclinical Drug Discovery Process by
Lanthanides by
Fuel Ethanol Production from Sugarcane by
Cerium Oxide: Applications and Attributes by
Antibacterials: Volume I by
Aldosterone: Volume 109 by
Plant Structural Biology: Hormonal Regulations by
Atomic Particles and Atom Systems: Data for Properties of Atomic Objects and Processes by Smirnov, Boris M.
Nitrogen Capture: The Growth of an International Industry (1900-1940) by Travis, Anthony S.
Rietveld Refinement in the Characterization of Crystalline Materials by
Integrative Structural Biology with Hybrid Methods by
Carbon Nanotubes for Clean Water by
Drug Delivery for the Retina and Posterior Segment Disease by
Revival: Environmental Particles (1993): Volume 2 by Van Leeuwen, Herman P., Buffle, Jacques
Verallgemeinerte Newtonsche Fluide: Thermische Und Viskose Strömungseigenschaften by Rütten, Markus
Delivery Strategies for Antisense Oligonucleotide Therapeutics by
Wood Pellet as a Renewable Source of Energy: From Production to Consumption by Hosseini, Ashkan, Abdoli, Mohammad Ali, Golzary, Abooali
Advances in Dye Removal Technologies by Purkait, Mihir Kumar, de, Sirshendu, Mondal, Sourav
Endophytes of Forest Trees: Biology and Applications by
Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes (Aops) in Drinking Water Treatment by
Memory and Learning in Plants by
Mycoremediation and Environmental Sustainability: Volume 2 by
Advanced Electrocatalysts for Low-Temperature Fuel Cells by
Study of Bacteriorhodopsin in a Controlled Lipid Environment by Yeh, Vivien
New Organocatalytic Strategies for the Selective Synthesis of Centrally and Axially Chiral Molecules by Di Iorio, Nicola
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 245 by
Biotic and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants by
Simultaneous Catalytic Removal of Diesel Soot and Nox by Zou, Guchu, Jiang, Zhi, Shangguan, Wenfeng
Machine Learning: A Complete Exploration of Highly Advanced Machine Learning Concepts, Best Practices and Techniques by Bradley, Peter
Advancing Development of Synthetic Gene Regulators: With the Power of High-Throughput Sequencing in Chemical Biology by Chandran, Anandhakumar
Colloidal Nanoparticles for Heterogeneous Catalysis by Destro, Priscila
Chemical Technology and Informatics in Chemistry with Applications by
Handbook of Physical Properties of Rocks (1984): Volume III by
Studies on Anionic Redox in Li-Rich Cathode Materials of Li-Ion Batteries by Li, Biao
Energy Transfer Processes in Polynuclear Lanthanide Complexes by Omagari, Shun
Analysis of Trace Organics in the Aquatic Environment by Chau, Alfred S. y., Afghan, B. K.
Revival: CRC Handbook of Eicosanoids, Volume II (1989): Prostaglandins and Related Lipids by Willis, A. L.
Handbook of Chromatography Vol I (1982): Carbohydrates by
Handbook of Phosphorus-31 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data (1990) by Tebby, John C.
Handbook of Physical Properties of Rocks (1982): Volume II by
Computer Chemistry by Marsili, Mario
Revival: Handbook of Chromatography Volume II (1990): Carbohydrates by
Revival: Handbook of Eicosanoids (1987): Volume I, Part A by Willis, A. L.
Revival: Handbook of Eicosanoids (1987): Volume I, Part B by Willis, A. L.
Revival: Supercritical Fluid Technology (1991): Reviews in Modern Theory and Applications by Ely, James F., Bruno, Thomas J.
Superoxide Ion: Volume II (1991): Chemistry and Biological Implications by Afanas'ev, Igor B.
Revival: The Imidazolinone Herbicides (1991) by Shaner, Dale L., O'Connor, Susan L.
CRC Handbook of Chromatography: Volume I: Plant Pigments by Kost, Hans-Peter
Genomics and Clinical Diagnostics by
Survismeter: Fundamentals, Devices, and Applications by
Advances in Atmospheric Chemistry - Volume 2: Organic Oxidation and Multiphase Chemistry by
Oilfield Chemistry by Zhao, Fulin, Dai, Caili
Semiconductors: Synthesis, Properties and Applications by
CRC Handbook of Nucleobase Complexes by Lusty, James R.
Revival: CRC Handbook of Oligosaccharides (1990): Volume II by Szurmai, Zoltan, Harangi, Janos, Liptak, Andras
Handbook of Nucleobase Complexes by Moreno, V., Lusty, James R., Wearden, P.
Photochemistry: A Modern Theoretical Perspective by Granucci, Giovanni, Persico, Maurizio
Plant Biomechanics: From Structure to Function at Multiple Scales by
Anticancer Plants: Mechanisms and Molecular Interactions: Volume 4 by
Fungal Cellulolytic Enzymes: Microbial Production and Application by
Synthetic Biology of Cyanobacteria by
See More