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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2020

Block by Block: The Historical and Theoretical Foundations of Thermodynamics by Hanlon, Robert
Biochemistry: : The Molecules of Life by Bowater, Laura, Husband, Tom, Bowater, Richard
Aggregation of Luminophores in Supramolecular Systems: From Mechanisms to Applications by Goshisht, Manoj Kumar, Tripathi, Neetu
Sustainable Development Indicators: An Exergy-Based Approach by Nielsen, Søren Nors
Supramolecular Catalysts: Design, Fabrication, and Applications by
A Dictionary of Chemistry by
Spectra of Atoms and Molecules by Bernath, Peter F.
Chemistry of Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications by Awan, Tahir Iqbal, Bashir, Almas, Tehseen, Aqsa
Rotational Structure in Molecular Infrared Spectra by Di Lauro, Carlo
Wheat and Barley Grain Biofortification by
Environmental Metabolomics: Applications in Field and Laboratory Studies to Understand from Exposome to Metabolome by
Behavior of Radionuclides in the Environment II: Chernobyl by
Sustainable Seaweed Technologies: Cultivation, Biorefinery, and Applications by
Von Der Protease Zur Peptidsynthase: Der Einfluss Des Oxyanion-Lochs Auf Die Reverse Proteolyse Am Beispiel Von Trypsin by Franke, Lars
Bio-Based Polymers for Engineered Green Materials by
Novel Approaches for the Delivery of Anti-HIV Drugs by
Zmodyfikowane lignocelulozowe wlókna kokosowe by Rout, Sanjay Kumar
Biological Physics Student Edition: Energy, Information, Life by Nelson, Philip
Novel Devices Based on Relaxor Ferroelectric Pmn-PT Single Crystals by Fang, Huajing
Handbook of Eating and Drinking: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Advances in Clinical Chemistry: Volume 97 by
Handbook of Eating and Drinking: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Epigenetics in Allergy and Autoimmunity by
Whole-Wheat Bread for Human Health by Dror, Yosef, Rimon, Ephraim, Vaida, Reuben
Nutrigenomics: How Science Works by Carlberg, Carsten, Ulven, Stine Marie, Molnár, Ferdinand
Synthesis and Characterization of Metal Complexes by Berhe, Goitom Gebeyohannes, Chebude, Yonas, V. J. T., Raju
Accelerated Plant Breeding, Volume 1: Cereal Crops by
Bioethanol production from waste office paper by A. Abdulkareem, Rafid
What Is a Chemical Element?: A Collection of Essays by Chemists, Philosophers, Historians, and Educators by Scerri, Eric
Fullerenes by Kumar, Ajay
Organisk-kemisk nomenklatur: En introduktion till det kemiska språket by Svensson, Uno
Schistosoma Mansoni: Methods and Protocols by
Myosins: A Superfamily of Molecular Motors by
Physikalisch-Chemische Mineralogie Kompakt by Götze, Jens, Lieber, Werner, Göbbels, Matthias
Analyzing High-Dimensional Gene Expression and DNA Methylation Data with R by Zhang, Hongmei
Organic Synthesis: A Nascent Relook by
Chemical/Instrumental Approaches to the Evaluation of Wine Chemistry by
Marine Glycoconjugates: Trends and Perspectives by
Química Orgánica: La Supervivencia de los Estudiantes Universitarios Guía de Química Orgánica Ace by Donelly, Brian
The Microbiome in Health and Disease: Volume 171 by
Recent Advancement in Prodrugs by
Plant Proteomics: Methods and Protocols by
Advances in Materials Engineering and Manufacturing Processes: Select Proceedings of Icftmm 2019 by
Dendrimer Chemistry: Synthetic Approaches Towards Complex Architectures by
Fluorescent Imaging in Medicinal Chemistry by
Metal-Organic Framework: From Design to Applications by
Functional Oxide Based Thin-Film Materials by
Landfill Gas by Johari, Anwar, Ahmed, Saeed Isa, Ahmed, Murtala Musa
Electrospun Nanofibers for Biomedical Applications by
A Themed Issue of Functional Molecule-based Magnets: Dedicated to Professor Masahiro Yamashita on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday by
Eco-Friendly and Smart Polymer Systems by
Advances in Bionanomaterials II: Selected Papers from the 3rd International Conference on Bio and Nanomaterials, Bionam 2019, September 29 - October 3 by
Dairy Fat Products and Functionality: Fundamental Science and Technology by
Physical Methods in Chemistry and Nano Science. Volume 2: Physical and Thermal Methods by Algozeeb, Wala, Barron, Andrew
Physical Methods in Chemistry and Nano Science. Volume 3: Chromatography by Garcia Piantanida, Alejandra, Barron, Andrew
Physical Methods in Chemistry and Nano Science. Volume 4: Chemical Speciation by Algozeeb, Wala, Barron, Andrew
Inleiding Tot de Fysische Chemie by Woldeamanuel, Melaku Masresha
Portland Cement in the Energy Industry by Barron, Andrew
Physical Methods in Chemistry and Nano Science. Volume 5: Molecular and Solid State Structure by Agrawal, Aditya, Barron, Andrew
Chemical Tools for Imaging, Manipulating, and Tracking Biological Systems: Diverse Methods for Optical Imaging and Conjugation: Volume 639 by
Cell Survival and Cell Death, Second Edition by
Physical Methods in Chemistry and Nano Science. Volume 8: Applications of Analytical Methods by Anand, Adrish, Barron, Andrew
La Vapeur Et Les Gaz by Campagne, Émile-Mathieu
Traité de la Couleur Au Point de Vue Physique, Physiologique Et Esthétique: Comprenant l'Exposé de l'État Actuel de la Question de l'Harmonie Des Coul by Rosenstiehl, Auguste
Recherches Chimiques Sur Les Corps Gras d'Origine Animale by Chevreul, Eugène
Ive Congrès International de Chimie, Compte Rendu. Paris, 23-28 Juillet 1900. Tome 2 by Moissan, Henri
Ive Congrès International de Chimie, Compte Rendu. Paris, 23-28 Juillet 1900. Tome 3 by Moissan, Henri
Ive Congrès International de Chimie, Compte Rendu. Paris, 23-28 Juillet 1900. Tome 1 by Moissan, Henri
L'Art d'Extraire La Fécule Des Pommes de Terre by Dubief, L. F.
Nouvelles Expériences Sur Les Amandes Amères Et Sur l'Huile Volatile Qu'elles Fournissent by Robiquet, Pierre Jean
L'Art d'Essayer l'Or Et l'Argent, Tableau Comparé de la Coupellation Des Substances Métalliques: Par Le Moyen Du Plomb Ou Du Bismuth. Procédés Pour Ob by Sage, Balthasar-Georges
Études Chimiques Sur Le Phosphate de Chaux Et Son Emploi En Agriculture, Leçons. 2e Édition: École Préparatoire Des Sciences Et Des Lettres de Nantes by Bobierre, Adolphe
Études Chimiques Sur Les Cours d'Eau Du Département de la Loire-Inférieure: Considérés Au Point de Vue de l'Agriculture, de l'Hygiène Et de l'Industri by Bobierre, Adolphe
Traité Élémentaire de Chimie. Tome 2 by de Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent
Recent Advances in Applications of Name Reactions in Multicomponent Reactions by Heravi, Majid M., Zadsirjan, Vahideh
Advances in Organometallic Chemistry: Volume 74 by
Antimalarial Agents: Design and Mechanism of Action by
The Alchemy of Disease: How Chemicals and Toxins Cause Cancer and Other Illnesses by Whysner, John
Química Orgánica: La Supervivencia de los Estudiantes Universitarios Guía de Química Orgánica Ace by Donelly, Brian
Gamma-Ray Densitometry: Temperature and Energy Dependent Gamma-Ray Attenuation by Rao a. S., Mashusudhan
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy by
DNA Demystified: Unravelling the Double Helix by McHughen, Alan
Green Adhesives: Preparation, Properties, and Applications by
Acoustic Levitation: From Physics to Applications by
Emerging Technologies in Food Science: Focus on the Developing World by
Laboratory Control System Operations in a GMP Environment by Bliesner, David M.
Manhattan Project: The Story of the Century by Reed, Bruce Cameron
Natural Iron Chelator. Chemistry, Biology, and Therapeutic Applications: Developing New Natural Iron Chelator by Badria, Farid
Processing and Development of Polysaccharide-Based Biopolymers for Packaging Applications by
Photosynthesis in Algae: Biochemical and Physiological Mechanisms by
Quantitative Genetics by Caballero, Armando
Cellulose Containing Metals by Ahmed, Hanan, Emam, Hossam
Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing III: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innova by
Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing III: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innova by
Biotechnological and biochemical investigations in Cassia tora L. by Nandani, Durgesh
The First Cell: The Mystery Surrounding the Beginning of Life by Mayer, Christian, Schreiber, Ulrich C.
Diameter-Transformed Fluidized Bed: Fundamentals and Practice by Xu, Youhao, Lu, Bona, He, Mingyuan
The Chemical History Of A Candle: A Course Of Lectures Delivered Before A Juvenile Audience At The Royal Institution Edited By William Crookes by Faraday, Michael
Multidimensional Analytical Techniques in Environmental Research by
Nanostructured Photocatalysts: From Materials to Applications in Solar Fuels and Environmental Remediation by
Breathborne Biomarkers and the Human Volatilome by
Chemical Analysis of Antioxidant Capacity: Mechanisms and Techniques by Niu, Li, Han, Dongxue
Nanomaterials for Water Remediation by
Bioorganometallic Chemistry by
Novel cathodic materials for Aluminum-air battery by Rabia, Mohamed, Ali, Eman
Organic Structures from Spectra by Li, H. L., Magill, A. M., Field, L. D.
The World of Materials by Wesolowski, Anthony P., Petrova, Roumiana S., Wesolowski, Robert A.
The Elements We Live by: How Iron Helps Us Breathe, Potassium Lets Us See, and Other Surprising Superpowers of the Periodic Table by Royne, Anja
Experimental Methods in Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics by Wright, Lesley, Han, Je-Chin
The Chemistry of Powder and Explosives by Davis, Tenney L.
Process Control Fundamentals: Analysis, Design, Assessment, and Diagnosis by Srinivasan, Babji, Bhatt, Nirav Pravinbhai, Rengaswamy, Raghunathan
Photocatalysts in Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment by
Applications of Metal-Organic Frameworks and Their Derived Materials by
Supercritical Fluid Biorefining: Fundamentals, Applications and Perspectives by Santos, Diego T., Santana, Ádina L., Meireles, M. Angela a.
Die modernen Theorien der Chemie: und ihre Bedeutung für die chemische Mechanik by Meyer, Lothar
Thermochemical Heat Storage Materials and their Solar Space Heating Application: Thermochemical heat storage study of inorganic hydrous salt and their by Rehman, Ata Ur
Paper Based Sensors: Volume 89 by
Experimentelle Einführung in Die Elektrochemie: Grundlagen - Konzepte - Theorie by Dohmann, Joachim
Continuous Pharmaceutical Processing by
Theoretical Modeling of Inorganic Nanostructures: Symmetry and AB Initio Calculations of Nanolayers, Nanotubes and Nanowires by Evarestov, R. a.
Química Experimental by Villegas Silva, Elvito Fabián, Bracho Pérez, Julio César, Tacza Valverde, Ignacio Rubén
Materials Handbook: A Concise Desktop Reference by Cardarelli, François
Dynamin Superfamily Gtpases: Methods and Protocols by
Thermally-Driven Mesoscale Flows and Their Interaction with Atmospheric Boundary Layer Turbulence by Arrillaga Mitxelena, Jon Ander
Micro-Optics and Energy: Sensors for Energy Devices by
Application of Polarization Modulation Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy in Electrochemistry by Brand, Izabella
Carbon-Based Polymer Nanocomposites for High-Performance Applications by
Commercial Biosensors and Their Applications: Clinical, Food, and Beyond by
Functional Nanomaterials: Advances in Gas Sensing Technologies by
How does temperature and Benzalkonium Chloride affect the efficiency of cleaning products? by Jain, Sanidhya
Die Entwicklung der Chemie in der neueren Zeit by Kopp, Hermann
Phytochemistry of Plants of Genus Phyllanthus by Kumar, Brijesh, Kumar, Sunil, Madhusudanan, K. P.
Antimicrobials and Antimicrobial Resistance in the Environment by
Recent Advances in Corrosion Science by
Hark, Hark! Hear the Story of a Science Educator by Ebenezer, Jazlin
Polymer Science and Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications by
Chemical Tools for Imaging, Manipulating, and Tracking Biological Systems: Diverse Methods Based on Optical Imaging and Fluorescence: Volume 640 by
Chemical Analysis of Food: Techniques and Applications by
Experimental Protocols in Biotechnology by
Essential and Toxic Trace Elements and Vitamins in Human Health by
Arabidopsis Bups-Anx Receptor Complex Coordinates with Ralf Peptides to Regulate Pollen Tube Integrity and Sperm Release by Ge, Zengxiang
Role of Potassium in Plants by Pandey, Girdhar K., Mahiwal, Swati
Biosíntesis de Nanopartículas by Páez, Paulina Laura, de Los Ángeles Quinteros, Melisa, Paraje, María Gabriela
Effect van gsm-straling op de gezondheid en de speekselfunctie by Radwan, Eqbal, Alattar, Etimad, Elwasife, Khitam
Las 12 Sales Bioquímicas Constitucionales del Dr. Wilhem Schüssler. Los 38 Remedios Florales del Dr. Edward Bach, y los 8 Temperamentos asociados de l by Bañón Zaragoza, Txema
Occult chemistry; clairvoyant observations on the chemical elements by Besant, Annie, W. Leadbeater, Charles
Bioinorganic Chemistry of Nickel by
Chemical Bonding in Crystals and Their Properties by
Chimica Pratica by Dodeja, Khushbu K., Socha, Bhavesh N., Bhola, Yogesh O.
Mémoire Sur La Matière Sucrée de la Pomme Et Sur Ses Appropriations Aux Divers Besoins de l'Économie by Cadet de Vaux-A a
Caveolae: Methods and Protocols by
Elementare Statistische Bewertung Von Messdaten Der Analytischen Chemie Mit Excel by Hecht, Thomas
Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment in Industrial Biotechnology by
Tribocorrosion by Igual Munoz, Anna, Espallargas, Nuria, Mischler, Stefano
Chemical Biology of Sulfur by Walsh, Christopher T.
Apolipoproteins, Triglycerides and Cholesterol by
Selected Papers from PRES 2018: The 21st Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction by
Ti-Based Biomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications by
Antimicrobial Polymer-Based Materials for Food Packaging Applications by
Marine Microbial Diversity as a Source of Bioactive Natural Products by
Application of LC-MS/MS in the Mycotoxins Studies by
Opportunities for Fluoropolymers: Synthesis, Characterization, Processing, Simulation and Recycling by
Fascinating Fluoropolymers and Their Applications by
Biopolymer Membranes and Films: Health, Food, Environment, and Energy Applications by
Rice By-Products: Phytochemicals and Food Products Application by Tan, Bee Ling, Norhaizan, Mohd Esa
Computer Meets Theoretical Physics: The New Frontier of Molecular Simulation by Ciccotti, Giovanni, Greco, Pietro, Battimelli, Giovanni
Anodization of Aluminium by Raj, R. Mohan
Enzymes, Biocatalysis and Chemical Biology by
Advanced Catalysis in Hydrogen Production from Formic Acid and Methanol by
Separation Methods in Drug Synthesis and Purification: Volume 8 by
Autophagy in Health and Disease: Volume 172 by
Advances in Clinical Chemistry: Volume 98 by
Handbook of Chitin and Chitosan: Volume 2: Composites and Nanocomposites from Chitin and Chitosan, Manufacturing and Characterisations by
Handbook of Chitin and Chitosan: Volume 1: Preparation and Properties by
Nanoscale Coordination Chemistry: Volume 76 by
Analysis of Membrane Lipids by
Studies in Natural Products Chemistry: Bioactive Natural Products Volume 65 by
Fungal Biotechnology and Bioengineering by
Heat and Mass Transfer by Karwa, Rajendra
Violin varnish and how to make it by Foucher, Georges
Dynamic Flowsheet Simulation of Solids Processes by
Sustainable Polymers for Food Packaging: An Introduction by Katiyar, Vimal
Applied Electrochemistry by Krysiński, Pawel, Jackowska, Krystyna
Basic Process Engineering Control by Makhura, Emmanuel Pax, Agachi, Paul Serban, Cristea, Mircea Vasile
Fluid Machinery: Life Extension of Pumps, Gas Compressors and Drivers by Bloch, Heinz
Surface Physics: Fundamentals and Methods by Heinz, Klaus, Fauster, Thomas, Hammer, Lutz
Bonding of Elastomers: A Practical Guide by Halladay, James R., del Vecchio, R. J.
Balancing Chemical Equations: Practice Equations and Word Problems to Improve Chemistry by Publishing, Learning Hub
L'Aluminium, Le Manganèse, Le Baryum, Le Strontium, Le Calcium Et Le Magnésium by Lejeal-A
Principes de chimie. Volume 1 by Mendeleev-D I
Principes de Chimie. Volume 2 by Mendeleev-D I
Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science XV by
Genetic Analysis: Genes, Genomes, and Networks in Eukaryotes by Meneely, Philip
Medicinal Chemistry for Practitioners by Li, Jie Jack
Supramolecular Gold Chemistry: From Atomically Precise Thiolate-Protected Gold Nanoclusters to Gold-Thiolate Nanostructures by
A Química: o primeiro século na Universidade de Coimbra e o progresso desta ciência by Redinha, J. Simões
Nanomaterials to Enhance Food Quality, Safety, and Health Impact by
Catalytical and electrical performance of nanocomposites by Hussain, Manwar, Tran, Xuan Tin, Kim, Hee Taik
Modelling, Simulation and Data Analysis in Acoustical Problems by
Photocatalysts for Organics Degradation by
See More