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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2020

Emerging Sample Treatments in Proteomics by
Primed for Success: The Story of Scientific Design Company: How Chemical Engineers Created the Petrochemical Industry by Spitz, Peter H.
Application of Ionic Liquids in Biotechnology by
Evaluation of Shale Source Rocks and Reservoirs by Wood, David a., Mani, Devleena, Hazra, Bodhisatwa
Direct Mechanisms in Cholesterol Modulation of Protein Function by
Thermal Analysis Kinetics for Understanding Materials Behavior by
Frontiers in Spray Drying by Woo, Meng Wai, Fu, Nan, Xiao, Jie
Catalytic Asymmetric Reactions of Conjugated Nitroalkenes by Ganesh, Madhu, Namboothiri, Irishi N. N., Bhati, Meeta
Multicomponent Reactions: Synthesis of Bioactive Heterocycles by
Advanced Materials: Proceedings of the International Conference on "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications", Phenma 2018 by
Porous Silicon: From Formation to Applications: Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Energy Technology Applications, Volume Three by
Bioactive Factors and Processing Technology for Cereal Foods by
Testing Novel Water Oxidation Catalysts for Solar Fuels Production by Hernández, Simelys, Ottone, Carminna, Armandi, Marco
Extracellular Sugar-Based Biopolymers Matrices by
Nutritional Support After Gastrointestinal Surgery by
Cutting-Edge Organic Synthesis and Chemical Biology of Bioactive Molecules: The Shape of Organic Synthesis to Come by
Nanophotocatalysis and Environmental Applications: Detoxification and Disinfection by
Advances in Plant & Microbial Biotechnology by
Endolichenic Fungi: Present and Future Trends by Tripathi, Manish, Joshi, Yogesh
Protein Structure and Modeling by Kurochkina, Natalya
Phytochemistry: An In-Silico and In-Vitro Update: Advances in Phytochemical Research by
Mpc-Based Reference Governors: Theory and Case Studies by Klaučo, Martin, Kvasnica, Michal
E-Waste Recycling and Management: Present Scenarios and Environmental Issues by
Green Biopolymers and Their Nanocomposites by
Targeting Chitin-Containing Organisms by
Advances in Food Processing Technology by
Effect of Emerging Processing Methods on the Food Quality: Advantages and Challenges by
An Economy Based on Carbon Dioxide and Water: Potential of Large Scale Carbon Dioxide Utilization by
Plant-Metal Interactions by
Endotoxin Detection and Control in Pharma, Limulus, and Mammalian Systems by
Green Methods for Wastewater Treatment by
RNA Abundance Analysis: Methods and Protocols by
Development of Novel Stability Indicating Methods Using Liquid Chromatography by Maithani, Mukesh, Bansal, Parveen
Aldehyde Dehydrogenases: From Alcohol Metabolism to Human Health and Precision Medicine by
Polymers for Agri-Food Applications by
Chemometrics in Electroanalysis by Ariño, Cristina, Díaz-Cruz, José Manuel, Esteban, Miquel
Nucleation of Gas Hydrates by Maeda, Nobuo
The Rheology Handbook: For users of rotational and oscillatory rheometers by Mezger, Thomas G.
State Estimation in Chemometrics: The Kalman Filter and Beyond by Hadjiloucas, Sillas, Thijssen, Pierre C.
Covid-19: Suche Nach Einem Impfstoff by Vogel, Patric U. B.
Green Materials and Environmental Chemistry: New Production Technologies, Unique Properties, and Applications by
Dokumentation Verfahrenstechnischer Anlagen: Praxishandbuch Mit Checklisten Und Beispielen by Schüßler, Manfred, Weber, Klaus H., Mattukat, Frank
Immunometabolism: Methods and Protocols by
Green Analytical Chemistry: Past, Present and Perspectives by
Physical Chemistry of Cold Gas-Phase Functional Molecules and Clusters by
The Plant Family Brassicaceae: Biology and Physiological Responses to Environmental Stresses by
Nanomaterials for Environmental Application: Fuel Additives for Diesel Engines by Kegl, Marko, Kegl, Tina, Kovač Kralj, Anita
Dancing Protein Clouds: Intrinsically Disordered Proteins in Health and Disease, Part B: Volume 174 by
Metal-Organic Framework Membranes for Molecular Gas Separations by Venna, Surendar R., Carreon, Moises A.
Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy by
Nuclei in the Cosmos XV by
Dynamic and Stimuli-Responsive Multi-Phase Emulsion Droplets for Optical Components by Nagelberg, Sara
Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths: Including Actinides Volume 57 by
Periodic Table, The: Past, Present, and Future by Rayner-Canham, Geoff
Odorant Binding and Chemosensory Proteins: Volume 642 by
Periodic Table, The: Past, Present, and Future by Rayner-Canham, Geoff
Biomaterials for 3D Tumor Modeling by
Cerebrospinal Fluid (Csf) Proteomics: Methods and Protocols by
Spectroscopic Techniques & Artificial Intelligence for Food and Beverage Analysis by
Lactic Acid Bacteria: Omics and Functional Evaluation by
Chemometrics with R: Multivariate Data Analysis in the Natural and Life Sciences by Wehrens, Ron
Hydroponic Gardening Secrets: The Complete Beginners Guide to Learn How to Start Hydroponics from Scratch. Perfect Hydroponic System to Grow Your Fr by Baras, Viktor
Natural Products from Marine Fungi by
Characterization and Modification of Graphene-Based Interfacial Mechanical Behavior by Wang, Guorui
Water Resources Management in Central Asia by
Handbook of Macrocyclic Supramolecular Assembly by
Recent Approaches in Omics for Plant Resilience to Climate Change by
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 251 by
Traceability, Validation and Measurement Uncertainty in Chemistry: Vol. 3: Practical Examples by
Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technology: Biological, Pharmaceutical, and Macromolecular Systems by
Materials for Medical Application by
Mathematical Models of Convection by Gaponenko, Yuri A., Goncharova, Olga N., Andreev, Victor K.
Essential Techniques for Medical and Life Scientists: A guide to contemporary methods and current applications with the protocols: Part 2 by Tutar, Yusuf
G-Quadruplex Nucleic Acids: Methods and Protocols by
Solar Energy Harvesting with Photosynthetic Pigment-Protein Complexes by Tan, Swee Ching, Ravi, Sai Kishore
Renal Fibrosis: Mechanisms and Therapies by
Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons: Environmental Fate, Toxicity, and Remediation by Maddela, Naga Raju, Megharaj, Mallavarapu, Kuppusamy, Saranya
Chemical Equilibria in Analytical Chemistry: The Theory of Acid-Base, Complex, Precipitation and Redox Equilibria by Scholz, Fritz, Kahlert, Heike
The Role of Microstructure in Topical Drug Product Development by
Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals: Bioactive Components, Formulations and Innovations by
Functional Coatings for Food Packaging Applications by
Mesoporous Metal Oxide Films by
PhysChemBasics: Das Basiswissen der Thermodynamik, Kinetik und Elektrochemie für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler by Scifox
Advances in Chemical Analysis Procedures (Part II): Statistical and Chemometric Approaches by
Quadruplex Nucleic Acids as Targets for Medicinal Chemistry: Volume 54 by
Five Years of Separations: Feature Paper 2018 by
Reactive and Functional Polymers Volume One: Biopolymers, Polyesters, Polyurethanes, Resins and Silicones by
Pharmacoeconomics: From Theory to Practice by
Fluid-Solid Reactions by Sohn, H. Y.
The Effect of Radiation on Properties of Polymers by McKeen, Laurence W.
Docking Screens for Drug Discovery by
Microbore Column Chromatography: A Unified Approach to Chromatography by Yang, F. J.
Ozone Evolution in the Past and Future by
Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Porous Media Manufactured by a Space Holder Method by Lu, Xianke
Polypeptide Materials: Methods and Protocols by
Sunscreens in Coastal Ecosystems: Occurrence, Behavior, Effect and Risk by
Curious2018: Future Insights in Science and Technology by
Gut Microbiome and Its Impact on Health and Diseases by
Alternative Methods in Organic Synthesis by Aljamali, Nagham Mahmood
Adamts Proteases: Methods and Protocols by
Superalloys 2020: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Superalloys by
Reactive Oxygen Species: Methods and Protocols by
Plant Phenolics in Sustainable Agriculture: Volume 1 by
Theoretical Chemistry for Experimental Chemists: Pragmatics and Fundamentals by Tanaka, Kazuyoshi
Road from Geochemistry to Geochemometrics by Verma, Surendra P.
Super-Food für Wissenshungrige!: Warum wir essen, was wir essen by
Atomic-Scale Insights Into Emergent Photovoltaic Absorbers by Ganose, Alex
Taurine 11 by
Starch Structure, Functionality and Application in Foods by
Laccases in Bioremediation and Waste Valorisation by
RNA Control and Regulation: (Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology LXXXIV) by Stewart, David, Stillman, Bruce, Grodzicker, Terri
Functional Polymers in Sensors and Actuators: Fabrication and Analysis by
Active Organic and Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Coatings and Thin Films: Challenges, Developments, Perspectives by
Application of Advanced Oxidation Processes by
Surface Engineering of Biomaterials by
Modern Flow Analysis by
Nouveau Système de Chimie Organique, Fondé Sur Des Méthodes Nouvelles d'Observation. Atlas by Raspail, François-Vincent
L'Eau. 2e Édition by Tissandier, Gaston
Chimie Des Animaux by Sacc, Frédéric
Catalogue de la Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique by Sacc, Frédéric
Green Adsorbents to Remove Metals, Dyes and Boron from Polluted Water by
Textbook of Bioinformatics, A: Information-Theoretic Perspectives of Bioengineering and Biological Complexes by Neelakanta, Perambur S.
Textbook of Bioinformatics, A: Information-Theoretic Perspectives of Bioengineering and Biological Complexes by Neelakanta, Perambur S.
Carl Wilhelm Scheele and Torbern Bergman: The Science, Lives and Friendship of Two Pioneers in Chemistry by Lennartson, Anders
Chemische Gleichgewichte in Der Analytischen Chemie: Die Theorie Der Säure-Base-, Komplexbildungs-, Fällungs-, Redox- Und Verteilungsgleichgewichte by Scholz, Fritz, Kahlert, Heike
111 Rechenübungen Zum Gebiet Chemische Technologie by Jüptner, Günter
Channelrhodopsin: Methods and Protocols by
Study of Second Generation High Temperature Superconductors: Electromagnetic Characteristics and AC Loss Analysis by Shen, Boyang
Analytical Techniques in the Oil and Gas Industry for Environmental Monitoring by
Das Beste Diät-Buch Aller Zeiten: ... Wenn Sie Eigentlich Gar Keine Diät Machen Wollen by Parent, Joseph, Frormann, Lars
Nanoparticles in Analytical and Medical Devices by
Palladium and Nickel Catalyzed Transformations Forming Functionalized Heterocycles by Yoon, Hyung
Studies in Natural Products Chemistry: Volume 67 by
Enzyme Engineering and Evolution: General Methods: Volume 643 by
The Chemical Age: How Chemists Fought Famine and Disease, Killed Millions, and Changed Our Relationship with the Earth by Von Hippel, Frank A.
Nanotechnology-Based Industrial Applications of Ionic Liquids by
Imaging Light with Photoelectrons on the Nano-Femto Scale by Dai, Yanan
Accelerated Plant Breeding, Volume 2: Vegetable Crops by
Nutritional Signaling Pathway Activities in Obesity and Diabetes by
Functional Polymer Solutions and Gels: Physics and Novel Applications by
Synthesis and Characterization of New Superconductors Materials by
Solution Synthesis, Processing, and Applications of Semiconducting Nanomaterials by
Pressure-Induced Phase Transformations by
Improved Analytical Technologies for the Detection of Natural Toxins and Their Metabolites in Food by
Sicilian Street Foods and Chemistry: The Palermo Case Study by Barone, Michele, Pellerito, Alessandra
Modern Problems of the Physics of Liquid Systems: Selected Reviews from the 8th International Conference "Physics of Liquid Matter: Modern Problems", by
Sulfur Chemistry by
Chemistry for a Clean and Healthy Planet by
Heterocycles Via Cross Dehydrogenative Coupling: Synthesis and Functionalization by
Photosynergetic Responses in Molecules and Molecular Aggregates by
Genetics and Genomics of Linum by
Polyphosphazenes for Medical Applications by Brüggemann, Oliver, Henke, Helena, Teasdale, Ian
Electrophoresis: Theory and Practice by Michov, Budin
Development of simple and inexpensive methods for analyzing different materials by Khoshmaram, Leila
Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry Volume 6 by Ur Rahman, Atta
Inertgastechnik: Arbeiten Unter Schutzgas in Der Chemie by Böhme, Uwe
Das Gas ALS Brennstoff Im Dienste Der Hauswirtschaft: Unter Ausschließlicher Bedachtnahme Auf Die Neuesten Und Vorzüglichsten Gas-Koch- Und Heiz-Vorri by
Electron-Based Bioscience and Biotechnology by
DNA Nanotechnology: From Structure to Functionality by
Lipids: Biochemistry and Health by
Photocatalysis: Principles and Applications by
Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry by
Chromatography: Principles and Instrumentations by
Essentials of Enzymology by
Methods in Statistical Mechanics: A Modern View by Civitarese, Osvaldo, Gadella, Manuel
Multimedia Environmental Models: The Fugacity Approach by Parnis, J. Mark, MacKay, Donald
Fluorination by
Soft Actuators: Materials, Modeling, Applications, and Future Perspectives by
Essential Oils: Bioactive Compounds, New Perspectives and Applications by
Celebrating Nature by Faith: Studies in Reformation Theology in an Era of Global Emergency by Santmire, H. Paul
Celebrating Nature by Faith: Studies in Reformation Theology in an Era of Global Emergency by Santmire, H. Paul
Accelerated Plant Breeding, Volume 3: Food Legumes by
Peptide Nucleic Acids: Applications in Biomedical Sciences by
Symmetry and Asymmetry in Quasicrystals or Amorphous Materials by
Noi, Meteore Nell'universo: Scene Di Vita Di Un Ricercatore Eretico by Cevolani, Giordano
Intra- And Intermolecular Interactions Between Non-Covalently Bonded Species by
Heterogeneous Catalysis for Energy Applications by
The Potato Crop: Its Agricultural, Nutritional and Social Contribution to Humankind by
Flowing Matter by
The Dna, Rna, and Histone Methylomes by
Chemistry in Action: Making Molecular Movies with Ultrafast Electron Diffraction and Data Science by Liu, Lai Chung
Catalytic Technology for Selective Hydrogenation of Benzene to Cyclohexene by Liu, Zhongyi, Liu, Shouchang, Li, Zhongjun
Frontiers in Computational Chemistry Volume 5 by Qasmi, Zaheer Ul-Haq
Handbook of Dangerous Properties of Inorganic and Organic Substances in Industrial Wastes by Grushko, Ya M.
Microbial Strategies for Techno-Economic Biofuel Production by
Nanopore Technology: Methods and Protocols by
Membrane Desalination: From Nanoscale to Real World Applications by
Physical Chemistry and Its Applications by
Advances in Enzymology by
Soft, Biological and Composite Nanomaterials by
Principles of Environmental Chemistry by
Chemistry: An Analytical Approach by
Modern Quantum Chemistry by
Analytical Chemistry by
Every Life Is on Fire: How Thermodynamics Explains the Origins of Living Things by England, Jeremy
Recueil de procédés chimiques pour les liquides en général. 4e édition by Dumont-J S
Élemens de Chymie-Pratique. Tome 2 by Macquer-P J
Élemens de Chymie-Pratique. Tome 1 by Macquer-P J
Thermodynamics by Lewis, Gilbert Newton, Randall, Merle, Pitzer, Kenneth S.
Co2-Switchable Materials: Solvents, Surfactants, Solutes and Solids by Jessop, Philip G., Cunningham, Michael F.
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