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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2022

Improving Potassium Recommendations for Agricultural Crops by
Environmentally Friendly Polymeric Blends from Renewable Sources by
Ionic Conductive Membranes for Fuel Cells by
Gashydrate - Eine Einführung in Grundlagenforschung Und Anwendung by Schicks, Judith M.
Self-Lubricating Composites by
Hemicellulose Biorefinery: A Sustainable Solution for Value Addition to Bio-Based Products and Bioenergy by
Anthocyanins: Chemistry, Processing & Bioactivity by Wang, Li, Bai, Weibin, Li, Bin
Stories from the Deep Earth: How Scientists Figured Out What Drives Tectonic Plates and Mountain Building by Davies, Geoffrey F.
Sequence-Specific DNA Binders for the Therapy of Mitochondrial Diseases by Hidaka, Takuya
Antimalarial Natural Products by
Crime Scene Management Within Forensic Science by
Fachwörterbuch Feuerwehr Und Brandschutz: Deutsch-Englisch/Englisch-Deutsch by Schmiermund, Torsten
Prebiotic Chemistry and the Origin of Life by
The Physics of the Manhattan Project by Reed, Bruce Cameron
Nutrition Guide for Physicians and Related Healthcare Professions by
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Biogeosciences: Modeling Natural Environments by
Water in Lithium-Ion Batteries by Matsumoto, Futoshi, Gunji, Takao
Recent Developments in Analytical Techniques for Corrosion Research by
Lebenszyklusrendite Von Immobilien: Ermittlung Im Frühen Projektstadium Auf Basis Von Building Information Modeling by Mösl, Martin
Molecular Basics of Liquids and Liquid-Based Materials by
Natural Products and Human Diseases: Pharmacology, Molecular Targets, and Therapeutic Benefits by
Ftir Microspectroscopy: Selected Emerging Applications by Abidi, Noureddine
Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds by Ahluwalia, V. K.
Statistical Mechanics of Neural Networks by Huang, Haiping
Basic Laboratory Methods for Biotechnology: Textbook and Laboratory Reference by Moore, Cynthia J., Mowery, Jeanette, Seidman, Lisa A.
Graphene-Based Nanomaterial Catalysis by Singh, Manorama, Rai, Ankita
Innovations in Everyday Engineering Materials by Debroy, T., Bhadeshia, H. K. D. H.
Alternative Energy Resources: The Way to a Sustainable Modern Society by
Chemometrics and Cheminformatics in Aquatic Toxicology by Roy, Kunal
The Carbon Dioxide Revolution: Challenges and Perspectives for a Global Society by Aresta, Michele, Dibenedetto, Angela
Essentials of Radiation Heat Transfer by Balaji, C.
Recent Advances of the Fragment Molecular Orbital Method: Enhanced Performance and Applicability by
New Developments in Adsorption/Separation of Small Molecules by Zeolites by
Degradation Theory of Long Term Operated Materials and Structures by Lesiuk, Grzegorz, Correia, José a. F. O., Krechkovska, Halyna V.
The Unfolded Protein Response: Methods and Protocols by
Structure and Health Effects of Natural Products on Diabetes Mellitus by
Dynamics in Microwave Chemistry by Yang, Xiaoqing, Zhu, Huacheng, Huang, Kama
Thermal Performance of Nanofluids in Miniature Heat Sinks with Conduits by Harikrishnan, S., Dhass, A. D., Ali, Hafiz Muhammad
Thermal Characteristics and Convection in Nanofluids by Kumar, Aditya, Subudhi, Sudhakar
Statistics for Chemical and Process Engineers: A Modern Approach by Shardt, Yuri a. W.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Sciences: Icfas 2020 by
Food Safety and Quality-Based Shelf Life of Perishable Foods by
Transactions on Engineering Technologies: World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2019 by
Minerals in Africa: Opportunities for the Continent's Industrialisation by Gudyanga, Francis P.
Integrative Human Biochemistry: A Textbook for Medical Biochemistry by Castanho, Miguel A. R. B., Da Poian, Andrea T.
Advanced Micro-Level Experimental Techniques for Food Drying and Processing Applications by Karim, Azharul, Fawzia, Sabrina, Rahman, Mohammad Mahbubur
Practical Guide to Life Science Databases by
Statistical Thermodynamics for Pure and Applied Sciences: Statistical Thermodynamics by McCourt, Frederick Richard Wayne
Design Thinking for Food Well-Being: The Art of Designing Innovative Food Experiences by
Microextraction Techniques in Analytical Toxicology by
Agents of Change: Enzymes in Milk and Dairy Products by
Near Infrared Detectors Based on Silicon Supersaturated with Transition Metals by Montero Álvarez, Daniel
Peroxisome Biology: Experimental Models, Peroxisomal Disorders and Neurological Diseases by
Proteomic Profiling: Methods and Protocols by
Nanotechnology in Membrane Processes by Khulbe, Kailash Chandra, Matsuura, Takeshi
Characterization of Bioactive Compounds in Foods and Plants Using Advanced Analytical Techniques by
Understanding Life: Tap Into An Ancient Cellular Survival Program to Optimize Health and Longevity by Brown, Don
Psyche Unbound: Essays in Honor of Stanislav Grof by
Single- And Two-Phase Flow Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer in Tubes by Ghajar, Afshin J.
Ultrathin Oxide Layers for Solar and Electrocatalytic Systems by
Bisphenol a: A Multi-Modal Endocrine Disruptor by
Alzheimer's Disease: Recent Findings in Pathophysiology, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities by
Chemistry in Quantitative Language: Fundamentals of General Chemistry Calculations by Oriakhi, Christopher O.
Nanoporous Carbons for Soft and Flexible Energy Devices by
Water Footprint: Assessment and Case Studies by
Design of Experiments for Pharmaceutical Product Development: Volume I: Basics and Fundamental Principles by
Understanding Genes by Kampourakis, Kostas
Understanding Genes by Kampourakis, Kostas
Aflatoxins in Food: A Recent Perspective by
Lactic acid fermentation for the production of pyranoanthocyanins as food colorants by Aguirre Santos, Elsa Anaheim
Perspectives on Deep-Sea Mining: Sustainability, Technology, Environmental Policy and Management by
Edible Plants in Health and Diseases: Volume 1: Cultural, Practical and Economic Value by
Phenolic Based Foams: Preparation, Characterization, and Applications by
Die Hilfsmittel Und Grundlagen Des Präparativ-Chemischen Und Analytisch-Chemischen Arbeitens by Klein, Joseph
Chemische Versuche Aus Dem Gebiete Der Anorganischen Chemie by
Cambridge Lower Secondary Complete Chemistry Student Book 2nd Edition Set by Gardom Hulme
Environmental Assessment of Patagonia's Water Resources by
Lca Based Carbon Footprint Assessment by
Bioanalytik by
Recent Trends in Traditional and Technical Textiles: Select Proceedings of Icett 2019 by
Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction: Fundamental and Applications by
Electrochemistry of Technetium by Czerwiński, Andrzej, Chotkowski, Maciej
Water Content Estimation and Control of Pem Fuel Cell Stack and the Individual Cell in Vehicle by Hong, Po
Functionalized Nanomaterial-Based Electrochemical Sensors: Principles, Fabrication Methods, and Applications by
Pharmaceutical Dissolution Testing, Bioavailability, and Bioequivalence: Science, Applications, and Beyond by Banakar, Umesh V.
Green Composites by
Basic Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences by Vančik, Hrvoj
Wasserstoff Auf Dem Weg Zur Elektromobilität: Hautnah Erlebt: Die Basisinnovation Brennstoffzelle by Tillmetz, Werner, Martin, André
Introduction to Electronic Materials and Devices by Rezende, Sergio M.
Synthese und NMR-spektroskopische Charakterisierung von Oxim- und Oximether-Verbindungen by Cakir, Nargiza
Advances in Clinical Chemistry: Volume 106 by
Membrane Proteins: Volume 128 by
Handbuch Der Gefährlichen Güter. Band 9: Merkblätter 3332-3734 by
Evidence Based Validation of Traditional Medicines: A Comprehensive Approach by
Bioaccessibility and Digestibility of Lipids from Food by
Handbuch Der Gefährlichen Güter. Erläuterungen II: Gewässerverunreinigung by
Nanostructured Catalysts for Environmental Applications by
21st Century Challenges in Chemical Crystallography I: History and Technical Developments by
ЖИЗНЬ В РАЮ: Новосибирск&#1080 by ЯБЛОНСКИ&#10
Greenhouse Gases: Sources, Sinks and Mitigation by
Medicinal Herbs and Fungi: Neurotoxicity vs. Neuroprotection by
Zircon, Zirconium, Zirconia - Similar Names, Different Materials by Arnold, Bożena
21st Century Challenges in Chemical Crystallography II: Structural Correlations and Data Interpretation by
Synthetic Biology of Yeasts: Tools and Applications by
Clean Energy Opportunities in Tropical Countries by
Bacterial Cellulose: Sustainable Material for Textiles by Muthu, Subramanian Senthilkannan, Rathinamoorthy, R.
Surface Processing of Light Alloys Subject to Concentrated Energy Flows by Chen, Xizhang, Konovalov, Sergey, Gromov, Victor
Design of Experiments for Pharmaceutical Product Development: Volume II: Applications and Practical Case Studies by
From Zero Waste to Material Closed Loop: The Way Towards Circular Economy by Yang, Jianming
Phosphoinositides: Methods and Protocols by
Heteropolyacids as Highly Efficient and Green Catalysts Applied in Organic Transformations by Bamoharram, Fatemeh F., Heravi, Majid M.
Smelter Grade Alumina from Bauxite: History, Best Practices, and Future Challenges by
Abbau von chlorierten Kohlenwasserstoffen durch den Einsatz naturverwandter Tenside im Bodenmodell by Cakir, Nargiza
Microbial Biosurfactants: Preparation, Properties and Applications by
Cohesive Zone Modelling for Fatigue Life Analysis of Adhesive Joints by Marques, Eduardo A. S., Carbas, Ricardo J. C., Akhavan-Safar, Alireza
Plant Extracts: Chemical Composition, Bioactivity and Potential Applications by
Baby Loves Photosynthesis on St. Patrick's Day! by Spiro, Ruth
Fundamentals of Glycosylation by
Applying the Scientific Method to Learn from Mistakes and Approach Truth by Macritchie, Finlay
Organic Reactions, Volume 108 by
Sterile Processing of Pharmaceutical Products: Engineering Practice, Validation, and Compliance in Regulated Environments by Hout, Sam A.
Textbook on Cloning, Expression and Purification of Recombinant Proteins by
Photothermal Nanomaterials by
Applying the Scientific Method to Learn from Mistakes and Approach Truth by Macritchie, Finlay
The Fundamentals of Clinical Research: A Universal Guide for Implementing Good Clinical Practice by Dubinsky, P. Michael, Henry, Karen A.
Chemistry in the World by Hendrickson, Kjir
Organic Chemistry I Workbook for Dummies by Winter, Arthur
Development of In-Tether Carbon Chiral Center-Induced Helical Peptide: Methodology and Applications by Hu, Kuan
Electrochemical Sensors: From Working Electrodes to Functionalization and Miniaturized Devices by
Fixed Bed Hybrid Bioreactor: Theory and Practice by Mazumder, Debabrata, Sarkar, Sushovan
Chemistry in the World by Hendrickson, Kjir
Handbook of Microplastics in the Environment by
Insoluble Proteins: Methods and Protocols by
Insoluble Proteins: Methods and Protocols by
Defects in Self-Catalysed III-V Nanowires by Gott, James A.
Interaction and Fate of Pharmaceuticals in Soil-Crop Systems: The Impact of Reclaimed Wastewater by
Handbook of Microplastics in the Environment by
Name Reactions: A Collection of Detailed Mechanisms and Synthetic Applications by Li, Jie Jack
Thermal System Design and Optimization by Balaji, C.
Chiral Environmental Pollutants: Analytical Methods, Environmental Implications and Toxicology by Hühnerfuss, Heinrich, Kallenborn, Roland, Aboul-Enein, Hassan Y.
Microwave Analysis of Unconventional Superconductors with Coplanar-Resonator Techniques by Torsello, Daniele, Ghigo, Gianluca
On Generalised Statistical Equilibrium and Discrete Quantum Gravity by Kotecha, Isha
Femtosecond Laser-Matter Interactions: Solid-Plasma-Solid Transformations at the Extreme Energy Density by Gamaly, Eugene G.
RNA Delivery Function for Anticancer Therapeutics by Madkour, Loutfy H.
[Set Encyclopedia of Color, Dyes, Pigments] by
Canines: The Original Biosensors by
CRISPR-/Cas9 Based Genome Editing for Treating Genetic Disorders and Diseases by
Chemistry and Energy: From Conventional to Renewable by Benvenuto, Mark Anthony
Polymer Surface Characterization by
Polymeric Coating Systems for Artificial Leather: Standard and Latest Technologies by Defonseka, Chris
Smart Polymers: Principles and Applications by García, José Miguel, García, Félix Clemente, Reglero Ruiz, José Antonio
Medicinal and Biological Inorganic Chemistry by Kostova, Irena, Goswami, Ajay Kumar
Antraquinonoid Pigments - Color Fundamentals by
Color Measurement - Metal Effect Pigments by
Mixed Metal Oxide Pigments - Zinc Sulfide Pigments by
College Chemistry: Complete General Chemistry Review by Test Prep, Sterling
Pure and Functionalized Carbon Based Nanomaterials: Analytical, Biomedical, Civil and Environmental Engineering Applications by
Multimedia Environmental Models: The Fugacity Approach by Parnis, J. Mark, MacKay, Donald
Frontiers in Spray Drying by Woo, Meng Wai, Fu, Nan, Xiao, Jie
A Q&A Approach to Organic Chemistry by Smith, Michael B.
Phytochemistry of Plants of Genus Phyllanthus by Kumar, Sunil, Madhusudanan, K. P., Kumar, Brijesh
Phytochemistry of Tinospora cordifolia by Kumar, Nikhil, Kumar, Brijesh, Bajpai, Vikas
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Green Environmental Engineering and Technology: Icongeet 2021, Penang, Malaysia by
Advances in Bioremediation and Phytoremediation for Sustainable Soil Management: Principles, Monitoring and Remediation by
The Fruits of the Philosophers Mountain by Rhoend, Roark
Charakterisierung Von Nanomaterialien in Flüssigen Dispersen Systemen by Retamal Marín, Rodrigo Renato
Phytochemistry of Piper betle Landraces by Kumar, Brijesh, Kumar, Nikhil, Bajpai, Vikas
Phytochemistry of Plants of Genus Ocimum by Tiwari, Surabhi, Kumar, Brijesh, Bajpai, Vikas
Phytochemistry of Plants of Genus Piper by Bajpai, Vikas, Kumar, Brijesh, Tiwari, Surabhi
A Taste for Poison: Eleven Deadly Molecules and the Killers Who Used Them by Bradbury, Neil
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry by Pfennig, Brian W.
Chemical Biology: And Drug Discovery by Schmidt, Marco F.
Chromatin: Methods and Protocols by
Advances in Rechargeable Lithium-Sulfur Batteries by
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 253 by
Nuclear Chemistry by Sharon, Maheshwar, Sharon, Madhuri
Mechanism of Fires: Chemistry and Physical Aspects by Rangwala, Ali S., Raghavan, Vasudevan
Oral Processing and Consumer Perception: Biophysics, Food Microstructures and Health by
Peptide-Membrane Interactions: Faraday Discussion 232 by
Human Microbiome: Clinical Implications and Therapeutic Interventions by
Rare Metal Technology 2022 by
Sustainable Strategies in Organic Electronics by
Scaling Up of Microbial Electrochemical Systems: From Reality to Scalability by
Indole Alkaloids: Spirooxindole by Uroos, Maliha, Hameed, Abdul, Naz, Sadia
Micro/Nanofluidics and Lab-On-Chip Based Emerging Technologies for Biomedical and Translational Research Applications - Part B: Volume 187 by
Selenoprotein Structure and Function: Volume 662 by
Promising Antimicrobials from Natural Products by
The Gastro-Archeologist: Revealing the Mysteries of the Intestine and Its Diseases by Woodward, Jeremy
Innovations and Implementations of Computer Aided Drug Discovery Strategies in Rational Drug Design by
Vaccine Technologies for Veterinary Viral Diseases: Methods and Protocols by
Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2022 by
Analytical Methods in the Determination of Bioactive Compounds and Elements in Food by
12th International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing by
Novel Plant Imaging and Analysis: Water, Elements and Gas, Utilizing Radiation and Radioisotopes by Nakanishi, Tomoko M.
Magnesium Technology 2022 by
High-Energy Chemistry and Processing in Liquids by
Thermal Engineering Volume 2 by Kumar, Shiv
Thermal Engineering Volume 1 by Kumar, Shiv
Catalyseurs à base de zéolithes échangées au fer et au cuivre. Application pour le procédé SCR des NOx en présence de NH3 pour les moteurs Diesel by Jouini, Houda
Light Metals 2022 by
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