• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chemistry in 2024

Handbook of Curatives and Crosslinkers by Wypych, George
The Aegean Sea Environment: The Geodiversity of the Natural System by
Properties and Applications of Superabsorbent Polymers: Smart Applications with Smart Polymers by
Environmental Chemistry: Principles and Practices by Benvenuto, Mark Anthony, Rihana-Abdallah, Alexa N., Roberts-Kirchhoff, Elizabeth S.
Atomically Precise Electrocatalysts for Electrochemical Energy Applications by
Catalysis for Green Chemistry by
Chemometrische Tools für die Authentifizierung von Lebensmitteln by Souhail, Badredine, Bikrani, Sanae, Nechar, Mounir
Chemometric tools for food authentication by Souhail, Badredine, Bikrani, Sanae, Nechar, Mounir
Strumenti chemiometrici per l'autenticazione degli alimenti by Bikrani, Sanae, Nechar, Mounir, Souhail, Badredine
Ferramentas quimiométricas para a autenticação de géneros alimentícios by Souhail, Badredine, Bikrani, Sanae, Nechar, Mounir
Хемометрические инстру&# by СУХАЙЛ, БА&#, БИКРАНИ, С&#, НЕЧАР, МУН&#
Biomedical Perspectives of Herbal Honey by Kanwar, Shamsher S., Kumar, Rajesh, Kumar, Suresh
Phänomene von Oberflächen und Grenzflächen by Elamri, Adel, Zdiri, Khmais
Surface and Interface Phenomena by Zdiri, Khmais, Elamri, Adel
Fenomeni di superficie e di interfaccia by Zdiri, Khmais, Elamri, Adel
Fenómenos de superfície e de interface by Zdiri, Khmais, Elamri, Adel
Поверхностные и межфазн& by ЭЛАМРИ, Ад&#, Здири, Хма&#
Flow-Chemie Für Die Synthese Von Heterocyclen by
Principles and Practices of Lyophilization in Product Development and Manufacturing by
Decentralized Sanitation and Water Treatment: Treatment in Cold Environments and Techno-Economic Aspects by
Processing of Biomass Waste: Technological Upgradation and Advancement by
Was, wenn Endometriose eine Sache der Proteasen ist by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
What if endometriosis was a matter of proteases by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
E se l'endometriosi fosse una questione di proteasi? by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
E se a endometriose fosse uma questão de proteases by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Что, если эндометриоз - де&#10 by Мимуни, Аб&#
Classical to Quantum by Zarshenas, Pourya
Immobilisierung von Lipase by Dallago, Rogério, Mignoni, Marcelo Luis, Battiston, Cátia Santin Zanchett
Immobilization of lipase by Mignoni, Marcelo Luis, Battiston, Cátia Santin Zanchett, Dallago, Rogério
Immobilisation de la lipase by Dallago, Rogério, Mignoni, Marcelo Luis, Battiston, Cátia Santin Zanchett
Immobilizzazione della lipasi by Battiston, Cátia Santin Zanchett, Dallago, Rogério, Mignoni, Marcelo Luis
Иммобилизация липазы by Даллаго, Р&#, Миньони, М&#, Баттисто&#10
Laboratory Exercises for General Inorganic Chemistry I by Panagiotopoulos, Athanasios A., Konstantinou, Evangelia K.
Entfernung von dreiwertigen Chromionen durch Adsorption an Hydrogelen by Kadiri, Lamya, Essaadaoui, Youness, Ouass, Abdelkarim
Removal of trivalent chromium ions by adsorption on hydrogels by Essaadaoui, Youness, Ouass, Abdelkarim, Kadiri, Lamya
Remoção de iões de crómio trivalente por adsorção em hidrogéis by Kadiri, Lamya, Essaadaoui, Youness, Ouass, Abdelkarim
Rimozione di ioni cromo trivalente mediante adsorbimento su idrogel by Kadiri, Lamya, Essaadaoui, Youness, Ouass, Abdelkarim
Удаление ионов трехвале& by УАСС, Абде&#, ЭССАДАУИ, &#, КАДИРИ, Ла&#
La présence des hétérocycles dans les colorants by Ababou, Sara Halima, Hadj Sahraoui, Asmaa, Hamza Reguig, Samira
Metal Organic Frameworks: Fundamentals to Advanced by
Sustainable Quality Improvements for Isotope Dilution in Molecular Ultratrace Analyses: Fitness for Purpose, Performance-Based Criteria, and Measureme by Tondeur, Yves
Databook of Green Solvents by Wypych, George
Quality Control of Chinese Medicines: Strategies and Methods by
Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp Refining by Manfredi, Vail
Electrospun Polymeric Nanofibers: Insight Into Fabrication Techniques and Biomedical Applications by
Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscopy in Biology by
Nano- And Microfabrication Techniques in Drug Delivery: Recent Developments and Future Prospects by
Biomass-Based Functional Carbon Nanostructures for Supercapacitors by
L-Aminosäure-Oxidasen aus Schlangengiften by Alves, Livia Maria, Tumang Frare, Bruno, Moreira Izidoro, Luiz Fernando
L-amino acid oxidases from snake venoms by Moreira Izidoro, Luiz Fernando, Alves, Livia Maria, Tumang Frare, Bruno
L-aminoacides oxydases de venins de serpents by Tumang Frare, Bruno, Moreira Izidoro, Luiz Fernando, Alves, Livia Maria
L-aminoacidi ossidasi da veleni di serpente by Moreira Izidoro, Luiz Fernando, Alves, Livia Maria, Tumang Frare, Bruno
Allgemeine Einführung von Carica Papaya L. und Mangifera Indica L. by Vaghela, Foram
Оксидазы L-аминокислот и&#1079 by Алвес, Лив&#, Туманг Фр&#1, Морейра И&#1
Présentation générale de Carica Papaya L. et Mangifera Indica L. by Vaghela, Foram
Introduzione generale di Carica Papaya L. e Mangifera Indica L. by Vaghela, Foram
Introdução geral de Carica Papaya L. e Mangifera Indica L. by Vaghela, Foram
Общее представление о Carica Papaya by Вагела, Фо&#
Fluorescein-Chemie by Rajasekar, M.
Chimie de la Fluorescéine by Rajasekar, M.
Chimica Della Fluoresceina by Rajasekar, M.
Química Da Fluoresceína by Rajasekar, M.
Plastics: The Environmental Issue by Türk, Oliver
Biochemistry in the Space of the Highest Dimension by Zhizhin, Gennadiy Vladimirovich
Biochemistry in the Space of the Highest Dimension by Zhizhin, Gennadiy Vladimirovich
Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Solvents: Greener Approaches for Sustainable Chemistry by
Rheology of Sugar by Stanciu, Ioana
Rheology of Eggs by Stanciu, Ioana
Poudres cordiérite/anorthite pour application en membranes filtrantes by Misrar, Wafa, Saadi, Latifa, Loutou, Mohamed
Modern Trends in Materials Science Research by Sur, Ujjal Kumar
Charakterisierung und Funktionalisierung von Zellulose-Mikrofaserabfällen by Lima, Mailon Aguimar de
Characterization and functionalization of cellulose microfiber waste by Lima, Mailon Aguimar de
Caractérisation et fonctionnalisation des déchets de microfibres de cellulose by Lima, Mailon Aguimar de
Caratterizzazione e funzionalizzazione dei rifiuti di microfibre di cellulosa by Lima, Mailon Aguimar de
Характеристика и функци& by Лима, Маил&#
Analysis of Anastrozole by estimation by UV-Visible Spectrophotometer by Choudhury, Tirthankar, Saxena, Divyanshi, Parashar, Avinash
Melanins: Functions, Biotechnological Production, and Applications by
Soil Cover of the Dried Aral Seabed in Kazakhstan by Tynybayeva, Kuralay, Issanova, Gulnura, Abuduwaili, Jilili
Copper(i)-Catalyzed Stereoselective Borylation Reactions: Multisubstituted Alkenyl and Allylic Boronates by Ozawa, Yu
Sustainable Development with Renewable Energy: The 10th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research--Iceer 2023 by
Natural Products and Medicinal Properties of Carpathian (Romanian) Plants by
Katalytische Anwendungen mit Ni-Trägerkatalysatoren by Varkolu, Mohan
Applications catalytiques sur les catalyseurs à base de Ni supporté by Varkolu, Mohan
Applicazioni catalitiche su catalizzatori di Ni supportati by Varkolu, Mohan
Aplicações catalíticas sobre catalisadores de Ni suportados by Varkolu, Mohan
Каталитические приложе&# by Варколу, М&#
Plasma-Carnitin bei Verdacht auf angeborene Stoffwechselstörung by de Souza Cruz, Wanise Maria
Plasma carnitine in suspected Inborn Errors of Metabolism by de Souza Cruz, Wanise Maria
Carnitine plasmatique en cas de suspicion d'erreur innée du métabolisme by de Souza Cruz, Wanise Maria
Carnitina plasmatica nel sospetto di Errori Congeniti del Metabolismo by de Souza Cruz, Wanise Maria
Карнитин плазмы крови пр by Де Соуза К&#
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Sustainable Agriculture: Inoculum Production and Application by
The Universe Explained with a Cookie: What Baking Cookies Can Teach Us about Quantum Mechanics, Cosmology, Evolution, Chaos, Complexity, and More by Engelstein, Geoff
Photo-Driven Seawater Splitting for Hydrogen Production by
Cryo-Electron Tomography: Structural Biology in Situ by
Carbon-Based Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Agricultural, Biomedical, and Environmental Interventions by
Tracing the Sources and Fate of Contaminants in Agroecosystems: Applications of Multi-Stable Isotopes by
Neurotransmitters and Toxicology by
Organic Solar Thermal Fuels: Mechanisms, Design, and Applications by Feng, Wei
Modern Medicine: Biomedical Devices, Medical Gases, Radiopharmaceuticals, New Drug Discovery, Volume 2 by Goyary, Danswrang, Chattopadhyay, Pronobesh
Deep Space Radiotrophs: Extraterrestrial Alien Life by Zahra, Michael F.
Some Known Natural Laws of Chemical Clusters by Kiremire, Prof Enos Masheija Rwantale
Гуминовая кислота by Хальбос, М&#
Huminsäure by Halbos, Mazin
Acide humique by Halbos, Mazin
Ácido húmico by Halbos, Mazin
Acido umico by Halbos, Mazin
An in-silico study of tacrine derivatives potency against Alzheimer by A. Abuelizz, Hatem, Elhallaoui, Menana, El Fadili, Mohamed
Hydrogel for Biomedical Applications: 3d/4D Printing, Self-Healing, Microrobots, and Nanogenerators by Choi, Andy H., Ben-Nissan, Besim
Advances and Prospects of 3-D Metal-Based Anticancer Drug Candidates by Khan, Huzaifa Yasir, Arjmand, Farukh, Tabassum, Sartaj
Contributions of Chemical Engineering to Sustainability by
Lithium-Sulfur Batteries: Key Parameters, Recent Advances, Challenges and Applications by
Optimization of Chemical Processes: A Sustainable Perspective by Ponce-Ortega, José María, Ochoa-Barragán, Rogelio, Ramírez-Márquez, César
Advances in Antiviral Research by
Field-Effect Transistor Biosensors for Rapid Pathogen Detection by
أسس الكيمياء الحركية by ناجمي, بوب&#, صويلح, رشي&#
Electron Localization-Delocalization Matrices by Cook, Ronald, Matta, Chérif F., Ayers, Paul W.
Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (3rd Edition): Proceedings of 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conf by
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete: Icaar 2024 - Volume I by
Transportation Systems Technology and Integrated Management by
High Temperature Electrolysis by
Digital Transformation in Healthcare 5.0: Volume 1: Iot, AI and Digital Twin by
Additive Manufacturing of Structural Electronics by Sloma, Marcin
Biomass Hydrolyzing Enzymes: Basics, Advancements, and Applications by
Biomaterials for Modern Cancer Imaging and Therapies: Methylene Blue for Fluorescence and Photoacoustic Imaging and Light-Induced Cancer Therapy by Chu, Maoquan
Bone-Grafting Biomaterials: Autografts, Hydroxyapatite, Calcium-Phosphates, and Biocomposites by Oshida, Yoshiki, Miyazaki, Takashi
Aktivierung der C-H-Bindung by Sen, Dinesh Kumar
Activation de la liaison C-H by Sen, Dinesh Kumar
Attivazione del legame C-H by Sen, Dinesh Kumar
Активация связей C-H by Сен, Динеш &
Ativação da ligação C-H by Sen, Dinesh Kumar
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete: Icaar 2024 - Volume II by
Von Den Molukken Zu Molekülen: Wie Naturstoffe Geschichte Schreiben by Kayser, Oliver
Henry Enfield Roscoe: The Campaigning Chemist by Reed, Peter, Morris, Peter J. T.
Lewis-Säure-katalysierte Synthese von Cinnolin-Derivaten by Gogoi, Prasanta
Synthèse de dérivés de la cinnoline catalysée par l'acide de Lewis by Gogoi, Prasanta
Sintesi catalizzata da acido di Lewis di derivati della cinnolina by Gogoi, Prasanta
Síntese Catalisada por Ácido de Lewis de Derivados da Cinolina by Gogoi, Prasanta
Синтез производных цинн& by Гогои, Пра&#
Une plongée dans le labyrinthe des défauts de Schottky by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Tackling the Obesity Crisis: Beyond Failed Approaches to Lasting Solutions by Benton, David
Renewable Fuels for Sustainable Mobility by
Photocatalysis for Environmental Remediation and Energy Production: Recent Advances and Applications by
Solvatochromic Probes and Their Applications in Molecular Interaction Studies-a Themed Issue to Honor Professor Dr. Christian Reichardt by
Advances of Ceramic and Alloy Coatings by
Hochleistungsfähige Metall-Polymer-Materialien by Abdullaev, Otabek
High-performance metal-polymer materials by Abdullaev, Otabek
Matériaux métal-polymère haute performance by Abdullaev, Otabek
Materiali metallo-polimero ad alte prestazioni by Abdullaev, Otabek
Materiais de polímero metálico de alto desempenho by Abdullaev, Otabek
Sol-Gel Synthesis of Nickel Oxide Thin Films by Belahssen, Okba, Lakel, Abdelghani, Benramache, Said
Macrophages & Monoxyde d'Azote: Décryptage Bioinorganique by Mimouni, Abdelhafid
Perspectives of Quorum Quenching in New Drug Development by
Recent Advances in Industrial Biochemistry by
Sulphur's Versatality: A journey through SO2, SO3, H2SO4, and Oleum by Sheth, Aditya, Sheth, Mahendra
Polymere: Synthese, Eigenschaften Und Anwendungen by Maskos, Michael, Koltzenburg, Sebastian
Deutschland Und Der Treibhauseffekt: Gesellschaftsphänomene Und Perspektiven Einer Energietransformation by Golze, Kay
Beyond the Obvious: Manipulating Ubiquitous C-H Bonds for Targeted Transformations by Emilia
Исследования различных & by Каккар, Ар&#, Джария, Су&#
Studien zu verschiedenen Extrakten aus Mucuna pruriens linn by Kakkar, Arun, Jhariya, Sushma
Études sur divers extraits de graines de mucuna pruriens linn by Kakkar, Arun, Jhariya, Sushma
Studi su vari estratti di semi di mucuna pruriens linn by Kakkar, Arun, Jhariya, Sushma
Estudos sobre vários extractos de sementes de mucuna pruriens linn by Jhariya, Sushma, Kakkar, Arun
Suivi des pollutions périodiques des ressources en eau du Burkina Faso by Bawar, Barthélemy
Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics: A Molecular Perspective by Elstner, Marcus, Cui, Qiang, Gruden, Maja
Cyberbiosecurity: A New Field to Deal with Emerging Threats by
Synthese von heterozyklischen Verbindungen (Azole) by Jagadhani, Sunil Gangadhar
Synthèse de composés hétérocycliques (azoles) by Jagadhani, Sunil Gangadhar
Sintesi di composti eterociclici (azoli) by Jagadhani, Sunil Gangadhar
Síntese de compostos heterocíclicos (azóis) by Jagadhani, Sunil Gangadhar
Синтез гетероциклическ&# by Ягадхани, &#
Biologische Aktivität von fuorierten Pyrazol-Derivaten by Jadhav, Shravan, Dama, Laxmikant B.
Activité biologique des dérivés fluorés du pyrazole by Jadhav, Shravan, Dama, Laxmikant B.
Attività biologica dei derivati fuorinati del pirazolo by Dama, Laxmikant B., Jadhav, Shravan
Atividade biológica dos derivados fuorados do pirazol by Jadhav, Shravan, Dama, Laxmikant B.
Биологическая активнос&# by Дама, Лакс&#, Джадхав, Ш&#
From Complexity to Systems by Vančik, Hrvoj
Diverse Hydrogen Sources for Biomass-Derivatives Conversion: Reaction and Mechanism by Huo, Zhibao
Korrosion von Ti-Metall, Ti-6Al-4V und Co-Cr-Mo-W-Legierungen in Serum by Mogoda, Awad
Corrosion du métal Ti, du Ti-6Al-4V et des alliages Co-Cr-Mo-W dans le sérum by Mogoda, Awad
Corrosione di metallo Ti, leghe Ti-6Al-4V e Co-Cr-Mo-W nel siero by Mogoda, Awad
Corrosão de Ti metálico, Ti-6Al-4V e ligas Co-Cr-Mo-W em soro by Mogoda, Awad
Коррозия металлическог&# by Могода, Ав&#
Automated Carbohydrate Synthesis: The Practitioner's Manual by Werz, Daniel B., Seeberger, Peter H.
Principles of Enhanced Oil Recovery by Dai, Caili, You, Qing, Zhao, Mingwei
Удаление ионов тяжелых м by аль-Баджи&#1, Джассим, С&#
Entfernung von Schwermetallionen aus wässrigen Lösungen mit Hilfe von Biosorbentien by Jassim, Salah Al- Dean, Al- Bajilani, Rawnaq
Élimination des ions de métaux lourds des solutions aqueuses à l'aide de biosorbants by Jassim, Salah Al- Dean, Al- Bajilani, Rawnaq
Rimozione di ioni di metalli pesanti da soluzioni acquose mediante biosorbenti by Al- Bajilani, Rawnaq, Jassim, Salah Al- Dean
Remoção de iões de metais pesados de soluções aquosas utilizando biossorventes by Jassim, Salah Al- Dean, Al- Bajilani, Rawnaq
Anwendung von Graphen-Nanoschichten gegen Metallkorrosion by M. Correa, Luciana, Gomes, Vagner Marcelo, de O. Lima, Cristiane
Application of graphene nanolayers against metal corrosion by M. Correa, Luciana, Gomes, Vagner Marcelo, de O. Lima, Cristiane
Application des nanocouches de graphène contre la corrosion des métaux by de O. Lima, Cristiane, M. Correa, Luciana, Gomes, Vagner Marcelo
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