• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chess in 2004

An Opening Repertoire for the Attacking Player by Gufeld, Eduard
Learn Chess in 40 Hours!: A Self-Tutor for Beginners and Advanced Players by Teschner, Rudolf
Survival Guide for Chess Parents by Jones, Tanya
Behind Deep Blue: Building the Computer That Defeated the World Chess Champion by Hsu, Feng-Hsiung
Petrosian v Spassky: The World Championships 1966 and 1969 by Clarke, Peter, Golombek, Harry
Mikhail Tal: the shooting star of chess by Golombek, Harry
Understanding the Caro-Kann Defense by
Karpov - Korchnoi 1978 by Keene, Raymond
Karpov - Korchnoi 1981 by Keene, Raymond
The Grunfeld by Aagaard, Jacob
The Two Knights Defence by Pinski, Jan
Modern Opening Chess Strategy by Golombek, Harry
Capablanca's Hundred Best Games of Chess: Masterpieces by the Mozart of the chessboard by Golombek, Harry
Emanuel Lasker: Chess Colossus by Hannak, Jacques
Blunders and How to Avoid Them: Eliminate Mistakes from Your Play by Dunnington, Angus
Excelling at Combinational Play: Learn to Identify and Exploit Tactical Chances by Aagaard, Jacob
The Ruy Lopez Main Line by Flear, Glenn
The Dynamic Reti by Davies, Nigel
Paul Morphy and the Evolution of Chess Theory by Shibut, Macon
Games For Halloween by Blain, Mary E.
Chess History And Reminiscences by Bird, H. E.
Spanish Exchange Variation: A Fischer Favourite by Kindermann, Stefan
Botvinnik - Tal, Moscow 1961: Return Match for the World Chess Championship by Botvinnik, Mikhail
The Tao of Chess: 200 Principles to Transform Your Game and Your Life by Kurzdorfer, Peter
Chess: The Art of Logical Thinking: From the First Move to the Last by McDonald, Neil
Excelling at Technical Chess by Aagaard, Jacob
Magnificence in Bled - The 35th. Chess Olympiad by Wilkinson, Ian
Carlsbad International Chess Tournament 1929 by Nimzovich, Aron
Garry Kasparov on My Great Predecessors, Part Three by Kasparov, Garry
Starting Out: The Queen's Indian by Emms, John
Brotvinnik - Bronstein Moscow 1951: Match for the World Chess Championship by Botvinnik, Igor
Mikhail Tal: Tactical Genius by Der Raetsky, Alexander, Chetverik, Maxim
Checkmate!: My First Chess Book by Kasparov, Garry
A First Book of Morphy by del Rosario, Frisco
The Cyclopaedia of Card and Table Games (1891) by
The Sunday Times Book of Chess by Keene, Raymond
Teaching Chess in the 21st Century: Strategies and Connections to a Standards-Based World by Bardwick, Todd
World Chess Championship: Kramnik vs. Leko 2004 by Keene, Raymond
Starting Out: Pawn Endgames by Flear, Glenn
The Chess Artist: Genius, Obsession, and the World's Oldest Game by Hallman, J. C.
How To Play Better Chess by Reinfield, Fred
The Victor Book of Musical Fun: A Brand New Collection of Musical Quiz Games, Anecdotes and Cartoons by Cott, Ted
How to Play Better Chess by Reinfield, Fred, Reinfeld, Fred
Alexander Alekhine Master of Attack by Chetverik, Maxim, Der Raetsky, Alexander
Scandinavian by Emms, John