• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chess in 2013

Great American Chess Players 1. Frank J. Marshall - One Hundred Annotated Games Illustrated with 150 Diagrams by Wenman, P.
Marshall's Best Games of Chess by Marshall, Frank J.
Kramnik: Move by Move by Lakdawala, Cyrus
Thomas Frere and the Brotherhood of Chess: A History of 19th Century Chess in New York City by Hillyer, Martin Frère
The Dark Knight System by Schuyler, James
Model III: The Longitudinal Star Gate 14 Model: An In-Depth Perspective of Sequential Conglomerates Informatics. Edition 1 - Adva by Neal, Siafa B.
Model III: The Longitudinal Star Gate 14 Model: An In-Depth Perspective of Sequential Conglomerates Informatics. Edition 1 - Adva by Neal, Siafa B.
Dangerous Weapons: The Ruy Lopez by Emms, John
Blindfold Chess: History, Psychology, Techniques, Champions, World Records, and Important Games by Hearst, Eliot
Break the Rules! by McDonald, Neil
Albert Beauregard Hodges: The Man Chess Made by Hilbert, John S., Lahde, Peter P.
Tune Your Chess Tactics Antenna: Know When (and Where!) to Look for Winning Combinations by Neiman, Emmanuel
French Winawer: Move by Move by Giddins, Steve
Fighting Chess: Move by Move by Crouch, Colin
Queen Mastery In Chess: A Puzzle Book by Hay, Justin John
Origine Astronomique Du Jeu Des Échecs, Expliquée Par Le Calendrier Égyptien: , Ou Mémoire Relatif À La Méthode de Formation Et À l'Exposition d'Une T by Villot, Frédéric
Il fascino degli scacchi: Psicologia - Bellezza - Arte - Metafora by Pollini, Ivano E.
Test, Evaluate and Improve Your Chess: A Knowledge-based Approach by Kopec Im, Danny, Terrie Nm, Hal
Il fascino degli scacchi: Psicologia - Bellezza - Arte - Metafora by Pollini, Ivano E.
My Best Games of Chess: 1908-1937 by Alekhine, Alexander
Colle: Move by Move by Lakdawala, Cyrus
Chess Strategy: Move by Move by Hunt, Adam
Chess & Criminal Trials by Bodede, Bob
The Greatest Moves in Chess History by Hay, Justin John
Knights and Bishops by White, Alain C.
How to Play Chess Like a Champion by Reinfeld, Fred
Soviet Middlegame Technique by Romanovsky, Peter
Grandmaster Repertoire 12 by Petrov, Marian
Grandmaster Preparation: Strategic Play by Aagaard, Jacob
Grandmaster Preparation: Positional Play by Aagaard, Jacob
Peeling Open the Short Castle: Tactical Strategies for White by Hay, Justin John
Chess Results, 1964-1967: A Comprehensive Record with 1,204 Tournament Crosstables and 158 Match Scores, with Sources by Di Felice, Gino
Chess Devotionals by Styers Ph. D., Norman
Zurich International Chess Tournament, 1953 by Bronstein, David
Zurich International Chess Tournament, 1953 by Bronstein, David
Emil Kemeny: A Life in Chess by Hilbert, John S.
Death by Pawns: A Comprehensive Overview of Pawn Usage in Chess by Hay, Justin John
Scandinavian: Move by Move by Lakdawala, Cyrus
Chess Psychology by Stewart, William
Mastering Chess: A Course in 25 lessons (Third Printing) by Morrison, Chris, Chandler, Geoff, Harris, Ian
Chess: 5334 Problems, Combinations and Games by Polgár, László
Winning with the Najdorf Sicilian: An Uncompromising Repertoire for Black by Andriasyan, Zaven
Chess Developments by Vigorito, David
Openings by Computer Vol1. The Kangaroo Defense: The Kangaroo Defense by Twombly, Roy, Elliott, Charles B.
King's Gambit by Shaw, John
Princely Chess: A chess variant manual by Tolosa, Ben
Playing the Trompowsky by Pert, Richard
Kotronias on the King's Indian by Kotronias, Vassilios
The Ruy Lopez: Winning Chess with 1 P-K4 by Barden, Leonard William
Learn Chess, a New Way for All, V2: Winning Methods by Alexander, Conel Hugh O., Beach, Thomas John
Chess From Morphy To Botwinnik: A Century Of Chess Evolution by Konig, Imre
Chess Fundamentals by Capablanca, Jose Raul
Modern Ideas in Chess by Reti, Richard
Modern Ideas in Chess by Reti, Richard
The Hague-Moscow 1948: Match/Tournament for the World Chess Championship by Euwe, Max
Bobby Fischer 60 More Memorable Games by Powell, Paul
A Cunning Chess Opening Repertoire for White by Burgess, Graham
The Queen of Katwe: One Girl's Triumphant Path to Becoming a Chess Champion by Crothers, Tim
Botvinnik: Move by Move by Lakdawala, Cyrus
Mastering Endgame Strategy by Hellsten, Johan
Techniques of Positional Play: 45 Practical Methods to Gain the Upper Hand in Chess by Bronznik, Valeri
The Theory and Practice of Gamesmanship or the Art of Winning Games Without Actually Cheating by Potter, Stephen, Wilson, Frank
Chess Sacrifices and Traps by Emery, Alfred
255 Party Games to Play by Graeffe, Clare A., Kearney, Paul W.
First Book of Chess by Horowitz, I. a., Reinfeld, Fred
Modern Chess: An Introduction to the Art of Chess as Played by the Modern Chess Master by Winkelman, Barnie F.
Chess for Amateurs: How to Improve Your Game by Reinfeld, Fred
Challenge to Chess Players: A Chess Manual by Reinfeld, Fred
Chess by Grover, Kenneth, Wiswell, Thomas
Chess for Amateurs: How to Improve Your Game by Reinfeld, Fred
Two Knights A Chess Killing Machine with an Emphasis on 4 Ng5 by Bussom, Andrew
Winning Chess: How to Perfect Your Attacking Play by Chernev, Irving, Reinfeld, Fred
Alexander Alekhine: The Great Combination Master by Hay, Justin John
Magnus Force by Crouch, Colin
Chess Tactics: Weapons for the Chess Warrior by Freeman, Jeremy
Simplemente Ajedrez by Calvo Buides, Nibaldo
Possibility Dynamics in Chess: A philosophical enquiry into finding the best move by Friend, William S. S.
The 3...Qd8 Scandinavian: Simple and Strong by Lowinger, Daniel
Dvoretsky's Analytical Manual by Dvoretsky, Mark
Underhanded Chess: A Hilarious Handbook of Devious Diversions and Stratagems for Winning at Chess by Sohl, Jerry
Tactics Time: 1001 Chess Tactics from the Games of Everyday Chess Players by Brennan, Tim, Carson, Anthea
Ajedrez: A life experience: Chess: una experiencia de vida by Molina, Edgar Miguel
Combinations: The Heart of Chess by Chernev, Irving
Ajedrecista Cubano by Calvo Buides, Arnaldo
Chess by Riechel, James Alan
Pump Up Your Rating by Smith, Axel
Nimzo-Larsen Attack: Move by Move by Lakdawala, Cyrus
J'apprends à jouer aux échecs by Grenon, J. C.
I giocatori di scacchi in Sicilia 1500-1978 by Spina, Santo Daniele