• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chess in 2017

Sicilian Sveshnikov: Move by Move, The by Lakdawala, Cyrus
David Vs Goliath Chess: How to Beat a Stronger Player by Soltis, Andrew
Learning "Chess Tactics" & Arabic Language by Thomas, Mazin
Learning "Chess Tactics" & Arabic Language by Thomas, Mazin
Xiangqi for Absolute Beginners: Teach Yourself Xiangqi Step by Step by Wong, Ping Loong
Blackmar-Diemer Puzzles: 200 Easy Chess Positions for White by Sawyer, Tim
Chess Reflections: 64 Images for Imaginative Play by Field, Andrew J.
Sachez toutes les regles du jeu d'echecs et beaucoup plus encore: Avec plein de diagrammes pour les illustrer by Grenon, Jean-Claude
Opening Repertoire: The English by Cummings, David
Comment gagner 380 parties d'echecs en jouant avec les pièces noires: Plus toutes les règles du jeu d'échecs avec plein de diagrammes pour les illustr by Grenon, J. C.
Chess Checkmate: Chess Tactics & Strategy Revealed! by Lucky, Joe
How to win 380 chess against the chess game software of top top level: + All the chess game rules and much more with full of diagrams by Grenon, J. C.
Apprenez a gagner contre les logiciels d'echecs de top niveau: Gagner plus souvent; Plus toutes les regles du jeu d'echecs by Grenon, J. C.
Le grand livre du jeu d'echecs - Apprenez a maitriser le jeu d'echecs: Plus toutes les regles du jeu d'echecs avec plein de diagrammes pour les illust by Grenon, J. C.
Apprenez a gagner contre les logiciels d'echecs de top niveau by Grenon, J. C.
Opening Repertoire: ...c6: Playing the Caro-Kann and Slav as Black by Keaton, Kiewra, Lakdawala, Cyrus
Chess Checkmate & Craps: Chess Tactics & Strategy Revealed! & Show Me the Money! by Lucky, Joe
Chess Checkmate & Texas Hold'em: Chess Tactics & Strategy Revealed! & Increasing Your Odds in No Limit Tournaments by Lucky, Joe
Chess Checkmate & Craps & Texas Hold'em by Lucky, Joe
Chess Checkmate & Craps & Poker by Lucky, Joe
Play again 428 winning chess against the chess computers of top level: J.C. Grenon is the winner in playing with the white pieces by Grenon, J. C.
Chess Checkmate & Craps & Poker & Texas Holdem by Lucky, Joe
Masterworks: Rare and Beautiful Chess Sets of the World by Fuel
Triple Exclam!!! the Life and Games of Emory Tate, Chess Warrior by Seirawan, Yasser, Shabazz, Daaim, Ashley, Maurice
Combinaisons de Pat by Orazio, Puglisi
First Steps: The Queen's Gambit by Martin, Andrew
The Complete Manual of Positional Chess: The Russian Chess School 2.0 - Opening and Middlegame by Sakaev, Konstantin, Landa, Kostantin
Toutes les regles du jeu d'echecs et beaucoup plus encore: Avec plein de diagrammes pour les illustrer by Grenon, J. C.
Xiangqi for Absolute Beginners by Wong, Ping Loong
Become A Chess Champion: A New Guide To Learn & Teach Chess by Tillis, Bryan, Abrahams, Steve
Advance Chess - Quiet Reflection Of The Double Set Game: The Symbiosis of Full Spectrum Inferences by Neal, Siafa B.
Le grand livre du jeu d'echecs le plus complet: Plus toutes les regles du jeu d'echecs et beaucoup plus encore; avec plein de diagrammes pour les illu by Grenon, J. C.
Master Chess Secrets by Allen, Desmond
Réti: Move by Move by Engqvist, Thomas
Mind Maze by Kh'yuz, Mayk
Le cours d'échecs de Marie: Mieux réfléchir pour mieux jouer by Schwindling, Marie
Skak for nybegyndere: Lær skak lynhurtigt by Danielsen, Henrik
Skak for nybegyndere: Lær skak lynhurtigt by Danielsen, Henrik
Tp Chess Puzzle Book 2016 by Sebastian, Dirk, Souleidis, Georgios
The Polar Bear system 1: Dangerous & strong! by Danielsen, Henrik
Grandmaster Insides by Dlugy, Maxim
The Polar Bear System 2: Still Potent! by Danielsen, Gm Henrik
How to Play Chess for Children: A Beginner's Guide for Kids To Learn the Chess Pieces, Board, Rules, & Strategy by Ander, Tim
Reinfeld on the Endgame by Reinfeld, Fred
Chess Strategy for Club Players: The Road to Positional Advantage by Grooten, Herman
Nimzo-Indian Defence by Roiz, Michael
Improve Your Chess x 3 by Flear, Glenn, Ward, Chris, Kinsman, Andrew
Xiangqi Puzzles One Move Kill by Wong, Ping Loong
True Chess: The American Revolution by Taylor, Lemuel John
Chess Training for Candidate Masters: Accelerate Your Progress by Thinking for Yourself by Kalinin, Alexander
Chess Calculation Training: Middlegame by Edouard, Romain
Xiangqi Puzzles Two Moves Kill by Wong, Ping Loong
Xiangqi Grandmaster Hu Ronghua and His Elephant Openings by Wong, Ping Loong
The Modern Chess Instructor: Parts I & II by Steinitz, Wilhelm
Learn Chess the Right Way: Book 4: Sacrifice to Win! by Polgar, Susan
Understanding the Sicilian by Golubev, Mikhail
Keres: Move by Move by Franco, Zenón
Attacking with 1d4&1e4 by Emms, John, Dunnington, Angus
Gambiteer by Davies, Nigel
Capablanca x 3 by Capablanca, Jose
Starting Out: 1d4 & 1e4 by Cox, John, McDonald, Neil
Test Your Chess IQ: First Challenge, Master Challenge, Grandmaster Challenge by Livshitz, August
The Catalan: Move by Move by McDonald, Neil
Xiangqi Puzzles Four Moves Kill by Wong, Ping Loong
Let's learn Chess by Martchenko, Tatiana
A Newbie's Guide to Chess Tournaments by Neilley, Grant a.
My Secrets in the Ruy Lopez by Portisch, Lajos
King's Indian Defence: Move by Move, The by Collins, Sam
Fire on Board: Best Games from 1983-2004 by Shirov, Alexei
Bologan's King's Indian by Bologan, Victor
Chess: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners: A Comprehensive and Simplified Introduction to the Game of Chess (openings, tactics, by Klein, Cory
The Exploits and Triumphs, in Europe, of Paul Morphy, the Chess Champion by Edge, Frederick Milnes
Rosicrucian Chess: Being a manual of Enochian Chess by Nichols, Steve
Singapore Chess: A History, 1945-1990 by Urcan, Olimpiu G., Jayakumar, Shashi
Singapore Chess: A History, 1945-1990 by Jayakumar, Shashi, Urcan, Olimpiu G.
The Rise and Fall of David Bronstein by Sosonko, Genna
A Cultural History of Chess-Players: Minds, Machines, and Monsters by Sharples, John
The Scotch Gambit: An Energetic and Aggressive System for White by Fishbein, Alex
Team Tal: An Inside Story by Kirillov, Valentin
Extreme Chess Tactics by Afek, Yochanan
The Closed Sicilian: Move by Move by Hansen, Carsten
Meeting 1d4 and 1e4 by Lund, Esben, Raetsky, Alexander, Aagaard, Jacob
Chess Genius by Plaskett, James, Dunnington, Angus
How to play against 1 d4 and 1 e4 by Palliser, Richard, McDonald, Neil
It's Your Move x 3 by Ward, Chris
Mastering Complex Endgames by Stetsko, Oleg, Mikhalchishin, Adrian
Excelling at Chess Volume 2. Combinational and Calculation by Aagaard, Jacob
Excelling at Chess Volume 1. Technical and Positional by Aagaard, Jacob
Queens Gambit Playbook: 200 Opening Chess Positions for White by Sawyer, Tim
The History of Chess: From the Time of the Early Invention of the Game in India Till the Period of Its Establishment in Western and Central by Forbes, Duncan
Learn Chess the Right Way: Book 5: Finding Winning Moves! by Polgar, Susan
The Chess Attacker's Handbook by Song, Michael, Preotu, Razvan
365 Chess Master Lessons: Take One a Day to Be a Better Chess Player by Soltis, Andrew
Tableaux de Mat: 2502 diagrammes classés par thèmes by Orazio, Puglisi
Advance Chess: Relative Retroactive Retrospection Of The Double Set Game: Analysis of (D4.2.51) Book 2, Vol. 6 by Neal, Siafa B.
Human Versus Machine: How To Beat Stockfish and Komodo Part I by Tsvetkov, Lyudmil
Meus Grandes Predecessores - Volume 3: Petrosian e Spassky by Kasparov, Garry
Meus Grandes Predecessores - Volume 5: Kortchnoi e Karpov by Kasparov, Garry
One Pawn Saves the Day: A World Champion's Favorite Studies by Tkachenko, Sergei
Together with Morozevich by Kuzmin, Alexey
Bishop Endings: An Innovative Course by Grivas, Efstratios
A World of Chess: Its Development and Variations Through Centuries and Civilizations by Cazaux, Jean-Louis, Knowlton, Rick
Teach Your Child Chess in 10 easy Lessons by Colding, Stephen Paul
One Knight Saves the Day: A World Champion's Favorite Studies by Tkachenko, Sergei
My First Chess Opening Repertoire for Black: A Ready-To-Go Package for Ambitious Beginners by Moret, Vincent
Chess, Mental Strategy by Tummala, Crystal
Chess Calculation Training Volume 2: Endgames by Edouard, Romain
Fundamental Chess Tactics by Gude, Antonio
First Steps: Fundamental Endings by Lakdawala, Cyrus
Great Moves: Learning Chess Through History by McLellan, Robert, Weeramantry, Sunil, Abrams, Alan
Chess Openings for Beginners: A Comprehensive and Simplified Guide to Chess Openings by Klein, Cory
A to Z Chess Tactics: Every Chess Move Explained by Huczek, George
Queen's Gambit Declined: Move by Move, The by Davies, Nigel
Miniatures in the Sicilian Najdorf by Hansen, Carsten
Music and Chess: Apollo Meets Caissa by Zographos, Achilleas
Play 1...D6 Against Everything: A Compact and Ready-To-Use Black Repertoire for Club Players by Zude, Erik, Hickl, J.
EL Método Zugzwang 2: Planes de entrenamiento para el jugador de ajedrez by Hidalgo, Herminio Herráiz, Sanchez, Daniel Muñoz
125 Chess Opening Surprises by Burgess, Graham
Miniatures in the Queen's Indian: 4.g3 by Hansen, Carsten
303 Tricky Chess Tactics: Volume 1 by Wilson, Fred, Alberston, Bruce
Encyclopedia of Chess Wisdom: Volume 1 by Schiller, Eric
Opening Repertoire: The Modern Sämisch: Combating the King's Indian and Benoni with 6 Bg5! by Montany, Eric
The Hedgehog by Kasparov, Sergey
Miniatures in the Ruy Lopez: Main Lines by Hansen, Carsten
Chess International Titleholders, 1950-2016 by Di Felice, Gino
Invincible by Karolyi, Tibor
The Correct Exchange in the Endgame, Extented Edition 2018 by Rozentalis, Eduardas
The Magic of Chess Tactics 2: Intuition, Imagination & Precision by Meyer, Claus Dieter, Müller, Karsten
One Bishop Saves the Day: A World Champion's Favorite Studies by Tkachenko, Sergei
One Rook Saves the Day: A World Champion's Favorite Studies by Tkachenko, Sergei
Xiangqi: The Basic of Same Direction Cannon Openings: Every Move Explained by Wong, Ping Loong
Xiangqi Puzzles Three Moves Kill Part 2 by Wong, Ping Loong