• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Child Psychology in 1991

Divergent Thinking by Runco, Mark a.
Newborn Attention: Biological Constraints and Influence of Experience by Zelazo, Philip R., Weiss, Michael J. Salomon
Child Behavior and Development: Training for Diversity by Cantor, Joan, Spiker, Charles, Lipsitt, Lewis
The Development and Treatment of Childhood Aggression by
Making Peace with Your Adult Children by Smith, Shauna L.
Freundschaften Und Freundschaftsverständnis Bei Drei- Bis Zwölfjährigen Kindern: Sozial- Und Entwicklungspsychologische Aspekte by Wagner, W. L. Jürgen
Kindesmißbrauch: Gewalt Ver-Rückt Die Seele: Zur Rekonstruktion Der Lebensgeschichte Von Psychisch Kranken by Köhler, Klaus
Divergent Thinking by Runco, Mark
Cultural Context of Infancy: Volume 2: Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Parent-Infant Relations by Nugent, J. Kevin, Lester, Barry M., Brazelton, T. Berry
Freud's Vienna and Other Essays by Bettelheim, Bruno
Growing Up in a Changing Society by
Children and Emotion: The Development of Psychological Understanding by Harris, Paul L.
The Beginnings of Social Understanding by Dunn, Judy
Form and Content in Children's Human Figure Drawings: Development, Sex Differences, and Body Experience by Mortensen, Karen Vibeke
The Untouched Key: Tracing Childhood Trauma in Creativity and Destructiveness by Miller, Alice
Becoming a Reader: The Experience of Fiction from Childhood to Adulthood by J. a., Appleyard, Appleyard, J. A.
Adolescents, Family, and Friends: Social Support After Parents' Divorce or Remarriage by Stinson, Kandi M.
Children's Theories of Mind: Mental States and Social Understanding by
Essential Papers on Hasidism by Hundert, Gershon David
Your Nine Year Old: Thoughtful and Mysterious by Ames, Louise Bates, Haber, Carol Chase
The Healing Power of Play: Working with Abused Children by Gil, Eliana
Children's Drawings: Iconic Coding of the Environment by Krampen, Martin
Day Treatment for Children with Emotional Disorders by
Adolescent Self: Strategies for Self-Management, Self-Soothing, and Self-Esteem in Adolescents by Wexler, Wexler, David B.
Prism Workbook: A Program for Innovative Self-Management by Wexler, David B.
The Development of Emotion Regulation and Dysregulation by
What Do You Do with a Child Like This?: Inside the Lives of Troubled Children by Tobin, L.
Sense and Nonsense about IQ: The Case for Uniqueness by Locurto, Charles, Locurto, C. M.
Abused Boys: The Neglected Victims of Sexual Abuse by Hunter, MIC
Day Treatment for Children with Emotional Disorders: Volume 2 Models Across the Country by
Sense and Nonsense about IQ: The Case for Uniqueness by Locurto, C. M., Locurto, Charles
Altruism and Aggression: Social and Biological Origins by
Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Volume 9: Children of Alcoholics by
Discipline That Works: Promoting Self-Discipline in Children by Gordon, Thomas
Understanding Children by
Adolescents at Risk: Prevalence and Prevention by Dryfoos, Joy G.
Infant Development: Perspectives From German-speaking Countries by
Banished Knowledge: Facing Childhood Injuries by Miller, Alice
Interventions for Children of Divorce: Custody, Access, and Psychotherapy by Hodges, William F.
Altered Loves: Mothers and Daughters During Adolescence by Apter, Terri
From First Words to Grammar: Individual Differences and Dissociable Mechanisms by Snyder, Lynn, Bates, Elizabeth, Bretherton, Inge
Children and Youth in Limbo: A Search for Connections by Finkelstein, Nadia Ehrlich
Adolescent Group Therapy: A Social Competency Model by Heckel, Robert V., Holmes, George R., Gordon, Lucille
The Spiritual Life of Children by Coles, Robert
The Spiritual Life of Children by Coles, Robert
Self-Understanding in Childhood and Adolescence by Damon, William
The Persistence of Youth: Oral Testimonies of the Holocaust by
The Psychology of Emotions by Izard, Carroll E.
Social Research on Children and Adolescents: Ethical Issues by
Social Research on Children and Adolescents: Ethical Issues by
Developmental Behavioral Neuroscience: The Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology, Volume 24 by
Future Directions in Infant Development Research by
Adolescents and Their Families: An Introduction to Assessment and Intervention by Worden, Mark, Trepper, Terry S.
Children the Challenge by Stolz, Vicki, Dreikurs, Rudolf
Brain Maturation and Cognitive Development: Comparative and Cross-Cultural Perspectives by Petersen, Anne
Boundary and Space: An Introduction to the Work of D.W. Winnicott by Davis, Madeleine, Wallbridge, David