• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Child Psychology in 1992

The House of Make-Believe: Children's Play and the Developing Imagination by Singer, Jerome L., Singer, Dorothy G.
The Development of Personality by Jung, C. G.
Parent-Child Socialization in Diverse Cultures by
The Psychological Development of Low Birthweight Children by
To Be Young and Gifted by Klein, Pnina S., Tannenbaum, Abraham J.
The MMPI: A Contemporary Normative Study of Adolescents by Colligan, Robert C., Offord, Kenneth P.
Der Aufbau Des Selbst Beim Kind: Zur Entstehung Des Selbstbewußtseins in Den Ersten Lebensjahren by Rachstein, Beate
Storymaking in Bereavement: Dragons Fight in the Meadow by Gersie, Alida
On the Threshold of Adolescence by Koepke, Hermann
The Man in the Yellow Hat: Theology and Psychoanalysis in Child Therapy by Martyn, Dorothy
Concepts, Kinds, and Cognitive Development by Keil, Frank C.
Morphisms and Categories: Comparing and Transforming by Henriques, Gil, Ascher, Edgar, Piaget, Jean
Improving Parent-Adolescent Relationships: Learning Activities For Parents and adolescents by Burnett, Darrell J.
The Caring Child by Eisenberg, Nancy
Family Issues in Pediatric Psychology by
Improving Parent-Adolescent Relationships: Learning Activities For Parents and adolescents by Burnett, Darrell J.
Minority Children and Adolescents in Therapy by
Child Behavior Ri by Ilg, Francis L.
Special-Needs Adoption: A Study of Intact Families by Rosenthal, James, Groza, Victor
Children in Poverty: Child Development and Public Policy by
Magical Child by Pearce, Joseph Chilton
Spare the Child: The Religious Roots of Punishment and the Psychological Impact of Physical Abuse by Greven, Philip J.
Diary of a Baby: What Your Child Sees, Feels, and Experiences by Stern, Daniel N.
Overcoming the Odds by Smith, Ruth S., Werner, Emmy E.
Overcoming the Odds by Werner, Emmy E., Smith, Ruth S.
First Verbs: A Case Study of Early Grammatical Development by Tomasello, Michael
Intellectual Development by
Intellectual Development by
Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Alcohol and Cocaine Similarities and Differences Clinical Pathology Psychosocial Factors and Treatment Pharmacology by
Assessing Child and Adolescent Disorders: A Practice Manual by Hoghughi, Masud S.
From Fetus to Child: An Observational and Psychoanalytic Study by Piontelli, Alessandra
Beeldcommunicatie: Een Vorm Van Kinderpsychotherapie by Hellendoorn, J.
Handbook of Clinical Assessment of Children and Adolescents (2 Volume Set) by
Handbook of Clinical Assessment of Children and Adolescents (Vol. 1) by
Handbook of Clinical Assessment of Children and Adolescents (Vol. 2) by
Six Theories of Child Development: Revised Formulations and Current Issues by
Too Scared to Cry: Psychic Trauma in Childhood by Terr, Lenore
Cognitive and Social Factors in Early Deception by
Live Company: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Autistic, Borderline, Deprived and Abused Children by Alvarez, Anne
Methodology for Genetic Studies of Twins and Families by Cardon, L. R., Neale, M.
Adolescent Sexuality by
Internalizing Disorders in Children and Adolescents by
Adolescent Sexuality by
Modularity and Constraints in Language and Cognition: The Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology, Volume 25 by
Child and Adult Development: A Psychoanalytic Introduction for Clinicians by Colarusso, Calvin a.
Separation/Individuation: Theory And Application: Theory & Application by Turrini, Patsy, Ruskin, Nathene, Edward, Joyce
To Listen to a Child & Understanding the Normal Problems of Growing Up by Brazelton, T. Berry
Working and Caring by Brazelton, T. Berry
The Psychology of Adolescent Satanism: A Guide for Parents, Counselors, Clergy, and Teachers by Moriarty, Anthony
Social Bonds and Teen Pregnancy by Cherry, Andrew L., Ravoira, Lawanda
Conflict in Child and Adolescent Development by
What Children Can Tell Us: Eliciting, Interpreting, and Evaluating Critical Information from Children by Faculty of the Erikson Institute, Garbarino, James, Stott, Frances M.
Communities that Care Drug Abuse by Catalano, Richard F., Hawkins, J. David
The Role of Values in Psychology and Human Development by
Advances in Learning and Behavioural Disabilities, Volume 7 by
The Voice of the Other: Language as Illusion in the Formation of the Self by Rothstein, Stanley William
Experimental Slips and Human Error: Exploring the Architecture of Volition by
Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development 1992 by
Social Withdrawal, inhibition, and Shyness in Childhood by
Listening to Children by Lewis, Carol