• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Child Psychology in 1995

Mastery Motivation: Origins, Conceptualizations, and Applications by
Mastery Motivation: Origins, Conceptualizations, and Applications by
Child Development Within Culturally Structured Environments, Volume 3: Comparative-Cultural and Constructivist Perspectives by Valsiner, Jaan
Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development 1994 by Hertzig, Margaret E., Hertzig, M.
Conduct Disorder in Childhood and Adolescence by Kazdin, Alan E.
How Young Children Perceive Race by Holmes, Robyn M.
Software Goes to School: Teaching for Understanding with New Technology by
Children Talk about the Mind by Bartsch, Karen, Wellman, Henry M.
Perceived Control, Motivation, & Coping by Skinner, Ellen A.
Perceived Control, Motivation, & Coping by Skinner, Ellen A.
The Foundations of Child Development by
Adolescents and the Media: Medical and Psychological Impact by Strasburger, Victor C.
Coercion and Punishment in Long-Term Perspectives by
Conflict in Child and Adolescent Development by Shantz, C.
Cognitive and Language Development by Lloyd, Peter
Joint Attention: Its Origins and Role in Development by
The Courage to Raise Good Men: You Don't Have to Sever the Bond with Your Son to Help Him Become a Man by Silverstein, Olga, Rashbaum, Beth
Stress and Your Child: Helping Kids Cope with the Strains and Pressures of Life by Youngs, Bettie B.
A Toddler's Life: Becoming a Person by Shatz, Marilyn
Disclosure Processes in Children and Adolescents by
Exceptional Language Development in Down Syndrome: Implications for the Cognition-Language Relationship by Rondal, J. A., Jean a., Rondal, Rondal, Jean A.
The Geography of Childhood: Why Children Need Wild Places by Trimble, Stephen, Nabhan, Gary
The Family-School Connection: Theory, Research, and Practice by
Childhood: A Study of the Growing Child by Heydebrand, Caroline Von, Von Heydebrand, Caroline
Temperament in Clinical Practice by Thomas, Alexander, Chess, Stella
Emergent Forms: Origins and Early Development of Human Action and Perception by Goldfield, Eugene C.
The Family-School Connection: Theory, Research, and Practice by Ryan, Bruce a., Adams, Gerald R., Gullotta, Thomas P.
Exceptional Language Development in Down Syndrome by Rondal, J. A., Rondal, Jean A.
The History of Childhood by
Sibling Relationships Across the Life Span by Cicirelli, Victor
Child Play: Its Importance for Human Development by Slade, Peter
Touch in Early Development by
Rape Of The Innocent: Understanding And Preventing Child Sexual Abuse by Whetsell Mitchell, Juliann
Non-Compliance in Winnicotts Words: A Companion to the Writings and Work of D. W. Winnicott by Newman, Alexander
Stress, Coping, and Relationships in Adolescence by Seiffge-Krenke, Inge
Parents, Children, and Communication: Frontiers of Theory and Research by
Safe and Sound: Protecting Your Child in an Unpredictable World by Ochs, Vanessa L.
Coping with Children's Temperament: A Guide for Professionals by Carey, William B., McDevitt, Sean C.
The Limits of Family Influence: Genes, Experience, and Behavior by Rowe, David C.
Psychology for Teachers by Fontana, David
Psychology for Teachers by Fontana, David
The Future of Play Theory: A Multidisciplinary Inquiry into the Contributions of Brian Sutton-Smith by
Children and Their Temperaments by Anschütz, Marieke
How Children Fail by Holt, John
Helping Teenagers Into Adulthood: A Guide for the Next Generation by Holmes, George R.
The Child's Path to Spoken Language by Locke, John L.
Adolescent Dysfunctional Behavior: Causes, Interventions, and Prevention by Gullotta, Thomas P., Blau, Gary
Sociocultural Psychology: Theory and Practice of Doing and Knowing by
Morality in Everyday Life by
Managing Special Education by Fish, John, Fish
Life Values and Adolescent Mental Health by Cohen, Jacob, Cohen, Patricia
Pathways Through Adolescence: individual Development in Relation To Social Contexts by
Freud and the Child Woman: The Memoirs of Fritz Wittels by Wittels, Fritz
In the Beginning: Development from Conception to Age Two by Rosenblith, Judy F.
Normal Children Have Problems, Too: How Parents Can Understand and Help by Turecki, Stanley, Wernick, Sarah
Adolescent Dysfunctional Behavior: Causes, Interventions, and Prevention by Blau, Gary, Gullotta, Thomas P.
The Absorbent Mind: A Classic in Education and Child Development for Educators and Parents by Montessori, Maria
Prevent, Repent, Reform, Revenge: A Study in Adolescent Moral Development by Divers-Stamnes, Ann C.
Interpersonal Adaptation: Dyadic Interaction Patterns by Burgoon, Judee K.
Pre-Object Relatedness: Early Attachment and the Psychoanalytic Situation by Kumin, Ivri
The Suicidal Adolescent by Laufer, Moses