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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Child Psychology in 2003

How to Help a Clumsy Child: Strategies for Young Children with Developmental Motor Concerns by Kurtz, Lisa A.
Children's Unspoken Language by Doherty-Sneddon, Gwyneth, Cross, Melanie
The Cradle of Culture and What Children Know About Writing and Numbers Before Being by Tolchinsky, Liliana
Contemporary Perspectives on Play in Early Childhood Education (PB) by
Contemporary Perspectives on Play in Early Childhood Education (Hc) by
International Perspectives on Adolescence (PB) by
International Perspectives on Adolescence (Hc) by
Paper Dolls and Paper Airplanes: Therapeutic Exercises for Sexually Traumatized Children by Crisci, Geraldine, Lowenstein, Liana
Between Culture and Biology: Perspectives on Ontogenetic Development by
Between Culture and Biology by
Raising a Daughter: Parents and the Awakening of a Healthy Woman by Elium, Don, Elium, Jeanne
Child Emotional Security and Interparental Conflict by
A Child Is Being Beaten by Perinpanayagam, K. Sounthy
Understanding Human Development: Dialogues with Lifespan Psychology by
Understanding Human Development: Dialogues with Lifespan Psychology by
Handbook of Adult Development by
Transgenderism and Intersexuality in Childhood and Adolescence: Making Choices by Pfäfflin, Friedemann, Cohen-Kettenis, Peggy T.
Asperger Syndrome in Adolescence: Living with the Ups, the Downs and Things in Between by
Beyond the Century of the Child: Cultural History and Developmental Psychology by
Transgenderism and Intersexuality in Childhood and Adolescence: Making Choices by Pfäfflin, Friedemann, Cohen-Kettenis, Peggy T.
Young Children Learning by Hughes, Martin, Tizard, Barbara
Not All Twins Are Alike: Psychological Profiles of Twinship by Klein, Barbara
Snapshots of Autism: A Family Album by Overton, Jennifer
Childhood Psychosis: A Lacanian Perspective by Tendlarz, Silvia Elena
Nature, Nurture, and the Transition to Early Adolescence by
The Essential Child: Origins of Essentialism in Everyday Thought by Gelman, Susan A.
Antisocial and Violent Youth: Volume II by
Temperament: Infancy Through Adolescence the Fullerton Longitudinal Study by Gottfried, Allen W., Guerin, Diana Wright, Oliver, Pamella H.
Painting and Our Inner World: The Psychology of Image Making by Machotka, Pavel
Entwicklungspsychologie Des Jugendalters: Ein Lehrbuch Für Pädagogische Und Psychologische Berufe by Fend, Helmut
Reading Complex Words: Cross-Language Studies by
The Resilience of Language: What Gesture Creation in Deaf Children Can Tell Us about How All Children Learn Language by Goldin-Meadow, Susan
Reducing Adolescent Risk: Toward an Integrated Approach by Romer, Daniel
Introduction to Play Therapy by Cattanach, Ann
Changing Clothes and Hanging on Trees: The Pain and Anger of Our Young People by Sylvester, Lanston M.
Children's Communication Skills: From Birth to Five Years by Buckley, Belinda
Children's Communication Skills: From Birth to Five Years by Buckley, Belinda
Children of Color: Psychological Interventions with Culturally Diverse Youth by
Moral Development and Reality by Gibbs, John C.
Disorders of Brain and Mind: Volume 2 by
Child Lore by Herbert, S.
Conduct and Oppositional Defiant Disorders: Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Treatment by
Resilience and Vulnerability by
Resilience and Vulnerability: Adaptation in the Context of Childhood Adversities by Cicchetti, Dante
An Ecological Approach to Perceptual Learning and Development by Pick, Anne D., Gibson, Eleanor J.
Neuropsychopharmacology by
Neuropsychopharmacology by
Development of Movement Coordination in Children: Applications in the Field of Ergonomics, Health Sciences and Sport by
Development of Movement Coordination in Children: Applications in the Field of Ergonomics, Health Sciences and Sport by
Culture and Children's Intelligence: Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Wisc-III by
The Relationship Code: Deciphering Genetic and Social Influences on Adolescent Development by Reiss, David, Neiderhiser, Jenae M., Hetherington, E. Mavis
Attachment Therapy on Trial: The Torture and Death of Candace Newmaker by Mercer, Jean, Sarner, Larry, Rosa, Linda
Preventing Youth Problems by
Adolescent Romantic Relations and Sexual Behavior: Theory, Research, and Practical Implications by
The Mind's Eye: Cognitive and Applied Aspects of Eye Movement Research by
Bwell Hnbk Adolescence by
Therapeutic Communities for Children and Young People by
The Organization of Attachment Relationships: Maturation, Culture, and Context by
Techniques of Child Therapy: Psychodynamic Strategies by Chethik, Morton
Other People's Kids: Social Expectations and American Adults? Involvement with Children and Adolescents by Scales, Peter C.
Humor in Children's Lives: A Guidebook for Practitioners by Hogan, Eve Eschner
Play and Educational Theory and Practice by Lytle, Don
Personality Development in Childhood by Hart
Autism Treatment Guide by Gerlach, Elizabeth K.
For Parents and Teenagers: Dissolving the Barrier Between You and Your Teen by Glasser, William
In Sickness and in Play: Children Coping with Chronic Illness by Clark, Cindy Dell
Counseling Is Like...the Use of Analogies in Counseling by Ross, Margaret
Encyclopedia of Clinical Child and Pediatric Psychology by
Practitioner's Guide to Behavioral Problems in Children by Aylward, Glen P.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse: The Authoritative Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Counselors by Milhorn, H. Thomas
Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms in Psychopathology by
Therapist's Guide to Learning and Attention Disorders by
Gender Differences at Puberty by
Gender Differences at Puberty by
The Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness: Five Steps to Help Kids Create and Sustain Lifelong Joy by Hallowell, Edward M.
Play in Child Development and Psychotherapy: Toward Empirically Supported Practice by Russ, Sandra Walker
Creativity and Development by Sawyer, R. Keith, John-Steiner, Vera, Moran, Seana
Theories Infant Development by
Theories Infant Development by
Between Femininities: Ambivalence, Identity, and the Education of Girls by Gonick, Marnina
Handbook of Psychotherapy Integration by Norcross, John C., Goldried, Marvin R.
Revealing the Inner Worlds of Young Children: The MacArthur Story Stem Battery and Parent-Child Narratives by
Why Does Schizophrenia Develop at Late Adolescence?: A Cognitive-Developmental Approach to Psychosis by Trower, Peter, Harrop, Chris
Grundschulpädagogik Meets Kindheitsforschung: Zum Wechselverhältnis Von Schulischem Lernen Und Außerschulischen Erfahrungen Im Grundschulalter by
Pre-Parenting: Nurturing Your Child from Conception by Weintraub, Pamela, Verny, Thomas R.
The Youth Development Handbook: Coming of Age in American Communities by
The Youth Development Handbook: Coming of Age in American Communities by
Wisdom, Intelligence, and Creativity Synthesized by Sternberg, Robert J.
Drawing Together to Learn about Feelings by Heegaard, Marge Eaton
Drawing Together to Manage Anger by Heegaard, Marge Eaton
Drawing Together to Accept and Respect Differences by Heegaard, Marge Eaton
Active Vision: The Psychology of Looking and Seeing by Gilchrist, Iain D., Findlay, John M.
Neurology of Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders by Devinsky, Orrin, D'Esposito, Mark
Introducing Child Psychology by Schaffer, H. Rudolph
Emotional Development in Psychoanalysis, Attachment Theory and Neuroscience: Creating Connections by
Practitioner's Guide to Symptom Base Rates in Clinical Neuropsychology by
Teenagers' Dilemmas and Opportunities: A Social Psychologist Writes to His Grandchildren by Becker, Selwyn W.
Foundations of Language: Brain, Meaning, Grammar, Evolution by Jackendoff, Ray
Child and Adolescent Development: A Behavioral Systems Approach by Pelaez, Martha, Novak, Gary D.
The Onset of Language by Masataka, Nobuo
Playing with Anger: Teaching Coping Skills to African American Boys Through Athletics and Culture by Stevenson, Howard C.
Girlfighting: Betrayal and Rejection Among Girls by Brown, Lyn Mikel
Communication Disorders and Personality by Glozman, Zhanna Markovna, Glozman, Janna M., Tupper, David E.
Emotional Development in Psychoanalysis, Attachment Theory and Neuroscience: Creating Connections by
The Reality of Research with Children and Young People by
Handbook of Interventions That Work with Children and Adolescents: Prevention and Treatment by
Das Jugendalter: Perspektiven paedagogisch-psychologischer Forschung by
The Presence of the Therapist: Treating Childhood Trauma by Lanyado, Monica
Key Papers from the Journal of Child Psychotherapy by
Counselling Children, Adolescents and Families: A Strengths-Based Approach by Sharry, John
Sexual Development in Childhood by
Fantasies of Flight by Ogilvie, Daniel M.
Early Intervention: The Essential Readings by
Counselling Young People: Person-Centered Dialogues by Bryant-Jefferies, Richard
Making Babies: Infants in Canadian Fiction by Sabatini, Sandra
Anger in the Bosom of our Children: The effects of fatherlessness on anger in middle school children by Evans, Cornelius
Differential Diagnosis in Adult Neuropsychological Assessment by
Siblings: Sex and Violence by Mitchell, Juliet
Siblings: Sex and Violence by Mitchell, Juliet
Social and Emotional Prevention and Intervention Programming for Preschoolers by Denham, Susanne A., Burton, Rosemary
Bullying and Teasing: Social Power in Children's Groups by Macklem, Gayle L.
School-Based Interventions for Students with Behavior Problems by Bowen, Julie, Jenson, William R., Clark, Elaine
Successful Prevention and Youth Development Programs: Across Borders by Ferrer-Wreder, Laura, Stattin, Håkan, Lorente, Carolyn Cass