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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Child Psychology in 2004

Adolescent Boys: Exploring Diverse Cultures of Boyhood by
The Development of the Social Self by
Raising a Self-Starter: Over 100 Tips for Parents and Teachers by Hartley-Brewer, Elizabeth
Autism Spectrum Disorders from A to Z: Assessment, Diagnosis... & More! by Iland, Emily Doyle, Doyle, Barbara T.
Toilet Training-The Brazelton Way by Brazelton, T. Berry, Sparrow, Joshua D.
The Worried Child: Recognizing Anxiety in Children and Helping Them Heal by Foxman, Paul
The Worried Child: Recognizing Anxiety in Children and Helping Them Heal by Foxman, Paul
Odd Girl Speaks Out: Girls Write about Bullies, Cliques, Popularity, and Jealousy by Simmons, Rachel
Asperger Syndrome in Young Children: A Developmental Approach for Parents and Professionals by Coe, Cassandra, Leventhal-Belfer, Laurie
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Adolescents: Handbook by
Psycholinguistics: The Key Concepts by Field, John
Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents by Weisz, John R.
Coming of Age in U.S. High Schools: Economic, Kinship, Religious, and Political Crosscurrents by Hemmings, Annette B.
Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents: Evidence-Based Treatments and Case Examples by Weisz, John, Weisz, John R.
Psycholinguistics: The Key Concepts by Field, John
Helping Children Cope with the Death of a Parent: A Guide for the First Year by Lewis, Paddy Greenwall, Lippman, Jessica G.
Why We Misbehave by Schmalhausen, Samuel D.
Handbook of Preventive Interventions for Children and Adolescents by
School Neuropsychology: A Practitioner's Handbook by Fiorello, Catherine A., Hale, James B.
Handbook of Infant, Toddler, and Preschool Mental Health Assessment by
Girls on Track: A Parent's Guide to Inspiring Our Daughters to Achieve a Lifetime of Self-Esteem and Respect by Barker, Molly
The Professional Development of Teachers: Practice and Theory by Adey, Philip
The Professional Development of Teachers: Practice and Theory by Adey, Philip
Music Therapy: Another Path to Learning and Communication for Children in the Autism Spectrum by Brunk, Betsey King, Brunk, Bitsey King
The First Three Years & Beyond: Brain Development and Social Policy by Hall, Nancy W., Zigler, Edward F., Finn-Stevenson, Matia
Visual Thinking by Arnheim, Rudolf
Somatoform Disorders by Trimble, Michael
Atypical Antipsychotics: From Bench to Bedside by
The Child's Right to Play: A Global Approach by
Severe Emotional Disturbance in Children and Adolescents: Psychotherapy in Applied Contexts by Flynn, Denis
The Foundations of Mind: Origins of Conceptual Thought by Mandler, Jean Matter
Evidence-Based Educational Methods by
The Infant's World by Rochat, Philippe
The First Relationship: Infant and Mother, with a New Introduction by Stern, Daniel N.
Your Child's Growing Mind: Brain Development and Learning From Birth to Adolescence by Healy, Jane
Our Runaway and Homeless Youth: A Guide to Understanding by Slesnick, Natasha
Gifted IQ: Early Developmental Aspects - The Fullerton Longitudinal Study by Gottfried, Allen W., Gottfried, Adele Eskeles, Bathurst, K.
Sexuality in Mid-Life by Levine, Stephen B.
The Children by Meynell, Alice
The World of Deaf Infants: A Longitudinal Study by Koester, Lynne Sanford, Spencer, Patricia Elizabeth, Meadow-Orlans, Kathryn P.
Drawing Together to Build Character by Heegaard, Marge
Family Therapy: A Constructive Framework by Lowe, Roger
Stress, the Brain and Depression by Praag, H. M. Van, Kloet, E. R. de, Os, J. Van
A Blueprint for the Promotion of Pro-Social Behavior in Early Childhood by
The Burgess Animal Book for Children by Burgess, Thornton W.
Asperger's Syndrome: Intervening in Schools, Clinics, and Communities by
Quality-Of-Life Research on Children and Adolescents by
Asperger's Syndrome: Intervening in Schools, Clinics, and Communities by
Madeleine's World: A Biography of a Three-Year-Old by Hall, Brian
Preventing Eating Disorders Among Pre-Teen Girls: A Step-By-Step Guide by Menassa, Beverly
Caring for Children With Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Their Families: An Innovative Approach to Interdisciplinary Practice by
Beyond Labeling: The Role of Maternal Input in the Acquisition of Richly Structured Categories by Gelman, Susan
The Handbook of Clinical Intervention with Young People Who Sexually Abuse by
Caring for Children With Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Their Families: An Innovative Approach to Interdisciplinary Practice by
Nurturing Morality by Thorkildsen, Theresa A., Walberg, Herbert J.
The Essential Vygotsky by
The Justice Motive in Adolescence and Young Adulthood: Origins and Consequences by
Using Literature to Help Troubled Teenagers Cope with Abuse Issues by Kaywell, Joan F.
Between Their World and Ours: Breakthroughs with Autistic Children by Zelan, Karen
Worried All the Time: Rediscovering the Joy in Parenthood in an Age of Anxiety by Anderegg, David
Encyclopedia of School Psychology by
Regular Guys: 34 Years Beyond Adolescence by Offer, Marjorie Kaiz, Offer, Daniel, Ostrov, Eric
Community Planning to Foster Resilience in Children by
Movement and Action in Learning and Development: Clinical Implications for Pervasive Developmental Disorders by Stockman, Ida
Beyond Nature-Nurture: Essays in Honor of Elizabeth Bates by
The End of Adolescence by Graham, Philip
Gambling Problems in Youth: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives by
Out of Options by Sofronoff, Kate
Children's Play by Scarlett, W. George, Al-Solaim, Lamis, Naudeau, Sophie
Cognitive Development by Oakley, Lisa
The Journals of Arthur and Chloé: Sex and love explained with the teenagers / LE JOURNAL D'ARTHUR ET CHLOE L'AMOUR ET LA SEXUALITE EXPLIQUES AUX ADOS by Brenot, Philippe
How Kids Learn Math: New Discoveries and Ancient Wisdom by Meer, Kamran H.
The Primal Teen: What the New Discoveries about the Teenage Brain Tell Us about Our Kids by Strauch, Barbara
Brain Mind SAI Educare: A Transformational Program Integrating Experiential Neurodevelopment and Biosocial Behaviors with the Spiritual Health by Chintapalli, Meena
Autism and Blindness: Research and Reflections by Pring, Linda
Sickened: The True Story of a Lost Childhood by Gregory, Julie
A Guide to High School Success for Students with Disabilities by
The Acquisition of Complex Sentences by Diessel, Holger
The Secret Lives of Toddlers: A Parent's Guide to the Wonderful, Terrible, Fascinating Behavior of Children Ages 1-3 by Murphy, Jana
The Child's Own Story: Life Story Work with Traumatized Children by Philpot, Terry, Rose, Richard
Metapsychical Phenomena: Methods and Observations 1905 by Maxwell, J.
Clinical Applications of Drama Therapy in Child and Adolescent Treatment by
Knowing If It's the Real Thing: Discovering the Roots of Intimacy by Alper, Gerald
Object Relations in Severe Trauma: Psychotherapy of the Sexually Abused Child by Prior, Stephen
Practice of Child Therapy by Kratochwill, Thomas R., Ed.
Education, Arts, and Morality: Creative Journeys by
Wie Pippa Wieder Lachen Lernte: Ein Bilderbuch Für Kinder by Pal-Handl, K., Lackner, R.
Wie Pippa Wieder Lachen Lernte: Elternratgeber Für Traumatisierte Kinder by Lueger-Schuster, Brigitte, Pal-Handl, Katharina
Social Anxiety and Social Phobia in Youth: Characteristics, Assessment, and Psychological Treatment by Kearney, Christopher
Birth to Three Matters by Langston, Ann, Abbott, Lesley
A Young Girl's Diary by Freud, Sigmund
Understanding Children's Sandplay: Lowenfeld's World Technique by Lowenfeld, Margaret
The Teacch Approach to Autism Spectrum Disorders by Schopler, Eric, Shea, Victoria, Mesibov, Gary B.
Trajectories of Physical Aggression from Toddlerhood to Middle Childhood: Predictors, Correlates, and Outcomes by
Advances in Child Development and Behavior: Volume 32 by
Resilience in Children, Families, and Communities: Linking Context to Practice and Policy by
Children's Friendships by Dunn, Judy
Heinz Werner and Developmental Science by