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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Child Psychology in 2005

Child and Adolescent Life Stories: Perspectives from Youth, Parents, and Teachers by Voegtle, Katherine H., Lodico, Marguerite G.
Researching Children's Experience: Approaches and Methods by
Applied Developmental Psychology: Theory, Practice, and Research from Japan (Hc) by
In Sync with Adolescence: The Role of Morningness-Eveningness in Development by Andershed, Anna-Karin
Handbook of Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Girls by
Handbook of Mental Health Services for Children, Adolescents, and Families by
The Children's Hour by Hellman, Lillian
Child and Adolescent Life Stories: Perspectives from Youth, Parents, and Teachers by Lodico, Marguerite G., Voegtle, Katherine H.
Researching Children's Experience: Approaches and Methods by
Understanding Developmental Disorders: A Causal Modelling Approach by Morton, John
Understanding Developmental Disorders: A Causal Modelling Approach by Morton, John
Mental Health Aspects of Autism and Asperger Syndrome by Ghaziuddin, Mohammad
Counselling and Psychotherapy with Refugees by Blackwell, Dick
Essentials of Kabc-II Assessment by Kaufman, Alan S., Lichtenberger, Elizabeth O., Fletcher-Janzen, Elaine
Wie Pippa Wieder Lachen Lernte: Fachliche Hilfe Für Traumatisierte Kinder by Lackner, Regina
The Handbook of Training and Practice in Infant and Preschool Mental Health by
Alcohol Problems in Adolescents and Young Adults: Epidemiology. Neurobiology. Prevention. and Treatment by
Geographies of Girlhood: Identities In-between by
Working and Growing Up in America by Mortimer, Jeylan T.
Geographies of Girlhood: Identities In-between by
Inspelen Op Baby's En Peuters.: Ontwikkelingsspelletjes by Riksen-Walraven, J. M. a.
Applied Developmental Psychology: Theory, Practice, and Research from Japan (PB) by
A Practical Handbook for Building the Play Therapy Relationship by Landreth, Garry L., Giordano, Maria A., Jones, Leslie D.
Understanding Child Maltreatment: An Ecological and Developmental Perspective by Scannapieco, Maria, Connell-Carrick, Kelli
Developmental Problems of Childhood and Adolescence: Prevention, Treatment and Training by Herbert, Martin
Culture and Human Development: The Importance of Cross-Cultural Research for the Social Sciences by
Girlfighting: Betrayal and Rejection Among Girls by Brown, Lyn Mikel
Cognitive Developmental Change by
Children & Animals: Exploring the Roots of Kindness & Cruelty by Ascione, Frank R.
Why the Wild Things Are: Animals in the Lives of Children by Melson, Gail F.
Juvenile Delinquency: Prevention, Assessment, and Intervention by
Working with Parents Makes Therapy Work by Novick, Jack, Novick, Kerry Kelly
Exploring Probability in School: Challenges for Teaching and Learning by
Why Language Matters for Theory of Mind by
Religion and Spirituality in the Life Cycle by Gollnick, James
Childhood Lost: How American Culture Is Failing Our Kids by
Naughty Boys: Anti-Social Behaviour, ADHD and the Role of Culture by Timimi, Sami
School-Based Crisis Intervention: Preparing All Personnel to Assist by Heath, Melissa Allen, Sheen, Dawn
Rethinking Attachment for Early Childhood Practice: Promoting security, autonomy and resilience in young children by Rolfe, Sharne A.
Child Care and Child Development: Results from the Nichd Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development by
Dynamic Cognitive Processes by
The Capute Scales Scoring Sheets by Capute, The Late Arnold, Bennett, Anna, Accardo, Pasquale
Play Therapy with Adolescents by
Understanding Sibling Rivalry: The Brazelton Way by Brazelton, T. Berry, Sparrow, Joshua D.
Mastering Anger and Aggression by Sparrow, Joshua D.
The Essential Child: Origins of Essentialism in Everyday Thought by Gelman, Susan A.
Action As An Organizer of Learning and Development: Volume 33 in the Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology Series by
Baby Prodigy: A Guide to Raising a Smarter, Happier Baby by Candiano-Marcus, Barbara
Reality Therapy--A Workable Approach for Adolescents by Watson, Shirley McCoy
Descartes' Baby: How the Science of Child Development Explains What Makes Us Human by Bloom, Paul
The Resilience of Language: What Gesture Creation in Deaf Children Can Tell Us About How All Children Learn Language by Goldin-Meadow, Susan
The Sensory-Sensitive Child: Practical Solutions for Out-Of-Bounds Behavior by Smith, Karen A., Gouze, Karen R.
An Adopted Child Looks at Adoption by Prentice, Carol S.
Joint Attention: Communication and Other Minds: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology by
Joint Attention: Communication and Other Minds: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology by
What Do Children Need to Flourish?: Conceptualizing and Measuring Indicators of Positive Development by
The Ten Basic Principles of Good Parenting by Steinberg, Laurence
Infant Research and Adult Treatment: Co-constructing Interactions by Lachmann, Frank M., Beebe, Beatrice
Handbook for Working with Children and Youth: Pathways to Resilience Across Cultures and Contexts by Ungar, Michael
A Safe Place for Caleb: An Interactive Book for Kids, Teens and Adults with Issues of Attachment, Grief, Loss or Early Trauma by Chara, Paul J., Chara, Kathleen a.
A Young Mind in a Growing Brain by Herschkowitz, Norbert, Kagan, Jerome
A Young Mind in a Growing Brain by Herschkowitz, Norbert, Kagan, Jerome
Making Sense of Children's Drawings by Willats, John
Making Sense of Children's Drawings by Willats, John
A Child's Work: The Importance of Fantasy Play by Paley, Vivian Gussin
Prenatal Development of Postnatal Functions by
Psychological Issues in Adoption: Research and Practice by Palacios, Jes's, Palacios, Jes S.
Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology Vol 1 by
Advances in Child Development and Behavior: Volume 33 by
The Psychopath: Emotion and the Brain by Mitchell, Derek, Blair, Karina, Blair, James
The Sensory Connection: An OT and SLP Team Approach - Sensory and Communication Strategies That Work! by Mora, Janet, Kashman, Nancy
Worried No More: Help and Hope for Anxious Children by Wagner, Aureen Pinto
International Handbook of Play Therapy: Advances in Assessment, Theory, Research and Practice by
Recess: Its Role in Education and Development by Pellegrini, Anthony D.
Recess: Its Role in Education and Development by Pellegrini, Anthony D.
What We Know about Childcare by Clarke-Stewart, Alison, Allhusen, Virginia D.
The Neo-Vygotskian Approach to Child Development by Karpov, Yuriy V.
Play Therapy Interventions with Children's Problems: Case Studies with Dsm-IV-Tr Diagnoses by
Rationality and Intelligence by Baron, Jonathan
Neurobehavioral Toxicology: Neurological and Neuropsychological Perspectives, Volume I: Foundations and Methods by Berent, Stanley, Albers, James W.
Neurobehavioral Toxicology: Neurological and Neuropsychological Perspectives, Volume II: Peripheral Nervous System by Albers, James W., Berent, Stanley
De'ja Vu: Generational Victims by Johnson, Delrick J., Britton, Lisa D.
Cognitive and Behavioural Disorders of Epileptic Origin in Children by
Violence in Schools: Cross-National and Cross-Cultural Perspectives by
Children's Peer Relations and Social Competence: A Century of Progress by Ladd, Gary W.
Adolescents and Risk: Behaviors, Functions and Protective Factors by Cattelino, Elena, Ciairano, Silvia, Bonino, Silvia
Intimate Transformations: Babies with Their Families by
Becoming a Tiger by McCarthy, Susan
Promoting Community Resilience in Disasters: The Role for Schools, Youth, and Families by Ronan, Kevin, Johnston, David
Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Intelligence by Kamphaus, Randy W.
Social Influences on Vocal Development by
Children in Therapy: Using the Family as a Resource by
Social Cognition in Adolescence: Its Developmental Significance: A Special Issue of the European Journal of Developmental Psychology by
Advances in the Sign Language Development of Deaf Children by
Being Hurt and Hurting Others: Children's Narrative Accounts and Moral Judgments of Their Own Interpersonal Conflicts by
Rebels with a Cause: Working with Adolescents Using Action Techniques by Cossa, Mario
Concepts and Controversies in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by
Malik Goes to School: Examining the Language Skills of African American Students From Preschool-5th Grade by Craig, Holly K., Washington, Julie A.
Malik Goes to School: Examining the Language Skills of African American Students From Preschool-5th Grade by Washington, Julie A., Craig, Holly K.
Human Development: An Introduction to the Psychodynamics of Growth, Maturity and Ageing by Rose, James, Rayner, Eric, Joyce, Angela
Playing It Straight: Uncovering Gender Discourse in the Early Childhood Classroom by Blaise, Mindy
Playing It Straight: Uncovering Gender Discourse in the Early Childhood Classroom by Blaise, Mindy
The Bluebell Children: Multiple Personalities: The Art of Self-Deception by Hannah, Cordelia, Discart, Godefrida
The Psychopath: Emotion and the Brain by Mitchell, Derek, Blair, Karina, Blair, James
Measurement of Executive Function in Early Childhood: A Special Issue of Developmental Neuropsychology by
Dilemmas of Desire: Teenage Girls Talk about Sexuality by Tolman, Deborah L.
Adlerian Lifestyle Counseling: Practice and Research by Rule, Warren R., Bishop, Malachy
Teens in Therapy: Making It Their Own: Engaging Adolescents in Successful Therapy for Responsible Lives by Bromfield, Richard
Real Kids: Creating Meaning in Everyday Life by Engel, Susan
Introducing Cognitive Development by Taylor, Laura
Introducing Cognitive Development by Taylor, Laura
Social Representations and the Development of Knowledge by
School of Tomorrow: Teaching and Technology in Local and Global Communities by
Romance and Sex in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: Risks and Opportunities by
Developmental Neuropsychology by Edgell, Dorothy, Spreen, Otfried, Risser, Anthony H.
Children's Voices: Talk, Knowledge and Identity by Maybin, J.
Blackwell Handbook of Adolescence by
The Jumbled Jigsaw: An Insider's Approach to the Treatment of Autistic Spectrum `Fruit Salads' by Williams, Donna
Children's Understanding of Biology and Health by
Is Your Child Depressed?: Answers to Your Toughest Questions by Naparstek, Nathan
Emotionen - Entwicklung Und Regulation by Holodynski, Manfred
Nld-Schalen Handleiding by Serlier-Van Den Bergh, A.
Interaction and the Development of Mind by Wootton, Anthony J., Wootton, A. J.
Alcohol Problems in Adolescents and Young Adults: Epidemiology. Neurobiology. Prevention. and Treatment by
Inviting Reflexivity into the Therapy Room: How Therapists Think in Action by Kuenzli, Fabienne
Cooperation in Primates and Humans: Mechanisms and Evolution by
Cooperation in Primates and Humans: Mechanisms and Evolution by
Attachment and Sexual Offending: Understanding and Applying Attachment Theory to the Treatment of Juvenile Sexual Offenders by Rich, Phil
Diagnosing 'Disorderly' Children: A critique of behaviour disorder discourses by Harwood, Valerie
Parenting Beliefs, Behaviors, and Parent-Child Relations: A Cross-Cultural Perspective by
Child Care and Child Development: Results from the Nichd Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development by
Applied Behaviour Analysis and Autism: Building a Future Together by
The Paradise Of Children by Hawthorne, Nathaniel
How The Thoughts Of Children Shape Their Future Lives by Tuttle, Amber M.
Sexuality In Childhood by Northcote, Hugh
The Child: The Meaning Of Youth And Play by Chamberlain, Alexander Francis
Will-Development by Leland, Charles G.
Adolescence In Relation To Religious Education by Buck, J. D.
The Periods And Language Of Childhood by Chamberlain, Alexander Francis
Parental Support, Psychological Control and Behavioral Control: Assessing Relevance Across Time, Culture and Method by
The Pictorial World of the Child by Cox, Maureen
Child Language: A Resource Book for Students by Peccei, Jean Stilwell
The Adventures of the Little Tin Tortoise: A Self-Esteem Story with Activities for Teachers, Parents and Carers by Plummer, Deborah
The Burning Child: Essays on Mental Health and Illness by Simmons, Thomas
Diagnosing 'Disorderly' Children: A critique of behaviour disorder discourses by Harwood, Valerie
Infants' Sense of People: Precursors to a Theory of Mind by Legerstee, Maria