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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Child Psychology in 2010

Psychodynamic Counselling with Children and Young People: An Introduction by Kegerreis, Sue
Healing Our Autistic Children by Buckley, Julie a.
Children's Problems in Text Comprehension: An Experimental Investigation by Nicola, Yuill, Yuill, Nicola, Oakhill, Jane
Tactual Perception: A Sourcebook by
Knowing and Remembering in Young Children by
Zeiten Des Übergangs: Sozialer Wandel Des Übergangs in Das Erwachsenenalter by Konietzka, Dirk
The Effect Of The Physical Makeup Of A Book Upon Children's Selection (1922) by Bamberger, Florence Eilau
The Parent And The Child: Case Studies In The Problems Of Parenthood (1921) by Cope, Henry Frederick
The Physical Training Of Children: With A Preliminary Dissertation (1871) by Chavasse, Pye Henry, Getchell, Francis Horace
Thoughts On Instinctive Impulses (1810) by Law, Thomas
The Rectory Children (1889) by Molesworth
Conservation Of School Children (1912) by American Academy of Medicine
Talks To Children (1887) by Eaton, Thomas Treadwell
The World Without And The World Within: Sunday Talks With My Children (1905) by Geddes, Patrick
What The Dragon Fly Told The Children (1896) by Coursen, Frances Bell
Topsy-Turvy Land: Arabia Pictured For Children (1902) by Zwemer, Samuel Marinus, Zwemer, Amy E. Wilkes
The Adolescent Girl Among Primitive Peoples (1913) by Waters, Miriam Van
The Journal Of Childhood And Adolescence V2, 1902: A Quarterly Magazine Devoted To The Scientific Study Of Children (1902) by
Werk Vom Menschen V1: Von Dessen Geisteskraften, Und Von Der Erziehung Desselben (1774) by Helvetius, Johann Claude Adrien
The Law Relating To Children: A Short Treatise On The Personal Status Of Children (1905) by Hall, William Clarke
Peer Groups Childrens Development by Howe, Christine
The Child as Social Person by Meadows, Sara
Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology, 2-Volume Set by
Theory of mind - Was Kinder über das Denken denken by Stahl, Michaela
The Mission of Detective Mike: Moving Abroad a Story to Help Expat Children Understand the Relocation Process by Costa Eriksson, Simone T., Serra, Ana
A Practical Guide to Caring for Children and Teenagers with Attachment Difficulties by Taylor, Chris
Dyskalkulie. Eine Entwicklungsstörung im Kindes und Jugendalter by Ehlscheid, Nico
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy by McNeil, Cheryl Bodiford, Hembree-Kigin, Toni L.
Ferenczi's Language of Tenderness: Working with Disturbances from the Earliest Years by Rentoul, Robert W.
Topsy-Turvy Land: Arabia Pictured For Children (1902) by Zwemer, Samuel Marinus, Zwemer, Amy E. Wilkes
Resilienz. Wie beeinflussen Schutz- und Risikofaktoren die kindliche Entwicklung? by Reckstadt, Theresa
Psychanalysis In The Classroom (1922) by Green, George Henry
Le Corps Et L'Ame De L'Enfant (1906) by De Fleury, Maurice
Uber Das Seelenleben Des Kindes (1904) by Dyroff, Adolf
Zur Psychologie Des Lesens Bei Kindern Und Erwachsenen (1904) by Messmer, Oskar
Psychologie Des Kindes (1910) by Gaupp, Robert
Observations Sur Le Developpement De L'Enfant (1902) by Giroud, Gabriel
Ausgewahlte Beitrage Zur Kinderpsychologie Und Padagogik (1902) by Hall, Granville Stanley
Psychologie Der Fruhen Kindheit Bis Zum Sechsten Lebensjahre (1914) by Stern, William, Stern, Clara
Etat Actuel De L'Infantilisme (1907) by Halmagrand, Pierre
De La Precocite Intellectuelle: Etude Sur Le Genie (1901) by Duche, Emile
De La Precocite Physique Et Intellectuelle Chez L'Homme (1901) by Carriere, Pierre
Der Selbstmord Im Kindlichen Lebensalter (1901) by Baer, Abraham Adolf
Les Idees Modernes Sur Les Enfants (1911) by Binet, Alfred
Uber Den Moralischen Schwachsinn: Mit Besonderer Berucksichtigung Der Kindlichen Altersstufe (1905) by Binswanger, O.
Die Entwickelung Des Sozialen Bewsstseins Der Kinder (1899) by Monroe, Will Seymour
Zur Frage Der Psychischen Entwickelung Der Kindersprache (1899) by Rzesnitzek, Emil
Psychologie Der Kindheit (1899) by Tracy, Frederick, Stimpfl, Joseph
Du Discernement Et De Son Influence Sur La Culpabilite De L'Enfant (1898) by Koch, Lucien
Untersuchungen Uber Das Seelenleben Des Neugeborenen Menschen (1884) by Kussmaul, Adolf
Enfants Revoltes Et Parents Coupables (1895) by Bonjean, Georges
Untersuchungen Uber Die Kindheit (1897) by Sully, James, Stimpfl, Joseph
Beobachtungen Uber Die Entwickelung Der Seelenfahigkeiten Bei Kindern (1897) by Tiedemann, Dietrich
Observations Et Reflexions Sur Le Developpement De L'Intelligence Et Du Langage Chez Les Enfants (1879) by Egger, Emile
Die Entwickelung Des Sozialen Bewusstseins Der Kinder (1899) by Monroe, Will S.
Uber Das Sinnesleben Des Neugeborenen: Nach Physiologischen Experimenten (1913) by Canestrini, Silvio
Teen 2.0: Saving Our Children and Families from the Torment of Adolescence by Epstein, Robert
Going Toward Your Truth: Deepening your relationship with God by Boulle, Robert
Parenting Outside the Box: A Different Way of Being For Parents of Teenagers by Shapiro, Frank
Primitive Mental States: A Psychoanalytic Exploration of the Origins of Meaning by
Safeguarding Children from Emotional Maltreatment: What Works by Barlow, Jane, McMillan, Anita Schrader
Die "Traumleinwand": Bertram D. Lewins psychoanalytische Traumtheorie im Vergleich zum Kinoerlebnis by Roeder, Franziska
Relational Child Psychotherapy by
How Infants Know Minds by Reddy, Vasudevi
Learning to Talk by John, McShane, McShane, John
The Ecology of Preschool Behaviour by Peter K., Smith, Smith, Peter K., Connolly, Kevin J.
Counselling and Supporting Children and Young People: A Person-centred Approach by Prever, Mark
Dementia Praecox Studies V2, 1919: A Journal Of Psychiatry Of Adolescence (1919) by
Der Zusammenhang Des Infantilismus Des Thorax Und Des Beckens (1908) by Mendelsohn, Ludwig, Freund, Wilhelm Alexander
Esquisse D'Un Enseignement Base Sur La Psychologie De L'Enfant (1905) by Lacombe, Paul
Esquisse D'Un Enseignement Base Sur La Psychologie De L'Enfant (1899) by Lacombe, Paul
Beeinflusst die Persönlichkeit eine Partnerbeziehung oder die Partnerbeziehung unsere Persönlichkeit?: Auswertung zweier Entwicklungspsychologischer S by Lieder, Julia
In the Beginning There Were No Words: The Universe of Babies by Gattegno, Caleb
Zur Rollenübernahme von Kindern im Spiel: Welche Rollen werden von Kindern übernommen? by Krause, Arno
Children of Incarcerated Parents: Theoretical, Developmental, and Clinical Issues by
Life After Trauma: A Workbook for Healing by Rosenbloom, Dena, Williams, Mary Beth
Entre Filles: Un Programme de Lutte Contre Les Prejuges Et de Sensibilisation a la Depression A L'Intention Des Jeunes Femmes: Guide by Gillett, Pam, Thompson, Cathy, Martella, Angela
International Perspectives on Early Childhood Research: A Day in the Life by
International Perspectives on Early Childhood Research: A Day in the Life by
Bringing ABA Into Your Inclusive Classroom: A Guide to Improving Outcomes for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders by Leach, Debra
Metaphorical Stories for Child Therapy: Of Magic and Miracles by Pernicano, Patricia
Formative Experiences by
Know Your Children as They Are: A Book for Parents by Gattegno, Caleb
The Adolescent and His Will by Gattegno, Caleb
Of Boys and Girls by Gattegno, Caleb
Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: Wounded Spirits and Healing Paths by
Verwandtschaft und Großelternschaft - Familienpsychologie by Lüdeke, Sören
Unterrichtsstoerungen aus der Sicht von Lehrenden und Lernenden: Ursachenzuschreibungen, emotionales Erleben und Konzepte zur Vermeidung by Große Siestrup, Carmen
Substance Abuse Recovery in College: Community Supported Abstinence by
Jahrbuch Jugendforschung: 8. Ausgabe 2008/2009 by
Identitätsbildung, soziale Netzwerke und professionelle psychosoziale Versorgung: Eine Auseinandersetzung by Meinhart, Thomas
Increasing Awareness of Child and Adolescent Mental Health by
Increasing Awareness of Child and Adolescent Mental Health by
Entwickelungsgeschichte Der Seele Des Kindes (1851) by Lobisch, J. E.
Die Spiele Der Thiere (1896) by Groos, Karl
I Minorenni Nei Discorsi Dei Pubblici Ministeri: Orfani, Delinquenti, Corrigendi (1903) by Benelli, Giulio
Die Seelische Entwicklung Des Kindes: Nebst Kurzer Charakteristik Der Psychologie Des Reiferen Alters (1908) by Sikorsky, Ivan Alekseevich
Des Kindes Freiheit Und Freude (1907) by Ernst, Otto
Die Nervositat Des Kindes: Vier Vortrage (1903) by Combe, Andrew
Die Spiele Der Menschen (1899) by Groos, Karl
Die Entwicklung Des Kindes: Vererbung Und Umwelt (1905) by Oppenheim, Nathan
Die Intelligenz Der Kinder Und Jugendlichen: Und Die Methoden Ihrer Untersuchung (1920) by Stern, William
Gehirn Und Seele Des Kindes (1904) by Probst, Moritz
Haus Und Schularbeit: Experimente An Kindern Der Volksschule (1904) by Meumann, Ernst
Gli Infantilismi: Studio Nosografico E Clinico (1905) by de Sanctis, Sante
Eingriff In Die Erziehungsgewalt Der Eltern (1907) by Bittong, Joseph
Erziehung Der Modernen Seele (1908) by Horneffer, August
Gli Infantilismi: Studio Nosografico E Clinico (1905) by de Sanctis, Sante
Einfluss Des Jugendlichen Alters Auf Die Strafrechtliche Zurechnung (1862) by Meyendorff, Von
Die Geistige Entwickelung: In Der Ersten Kindheit, Nebst Anweisungen Fur Eltern, Dieselbe Zu Beobachten (1893) by Preyer, William T.
Experimentelle Und Kritische Studien Uber Sauglingsfaces Bei Naturlicher Und Kunstlicher Ernahrung (1897) by Blauberg, Magnus
Entwickelungsgeschichte Der Seele Des Kindes (1851) by Lobisch, J. E.
Die Spiele Der Thiere (1896) by Groos, Karl
Die Kunstliche Fruhgeburt (1855) by
Die Entwicklung Der Kindesseele (1900) by Compayre, Gabriel
Die Seele Des Kindes (1882) by Preyer, William
Die Spiele Der Menschen (1899) by Groos, Karl
Die Entwickelung Des Geistes Beim Kinde Und Bei Der Rasse: Methoden Und Verfahren (1898) by Baldwin, James Mark
Adolescence: Continuity, Change, and Diversity by Cobb, Nancy J.
Mind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs by Galinsky, Ellen
Think Positively!: A Course for Developing Coping Skills in Adolescents by Frydenberg, Erica
Inside the Mind of a Teen Killer: Reasons, Warning Signs, and a Prevention Game Plan for Parents and Educators by Chalmers, Phil
A Thousand Days of Wonder: A Scientist's Chronicle of His Daughter's Developing Mind by Fernyhough, Charles
Asian American Parenting and Parent-Adolescent Relationships by
The Education of English Language Learners: Research to Practice by
The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales by Bettelheim, Bruno
The Idle Parent: The Idle Parent: Why Laid-Back Parents Raise Happier and Healthier Kids by Hodgkinson, Tom
Reading and Dyslexia in Different Orthographies by
Core Principles of Assessment and Therapeutic Communication with Children, Parents and Families: Towards the Promotion of Child and Family Wellbeing by Schmidt Neven, Ruth
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Child Trauma and Abuse: A Step-By-Step Approach by Feather, Jacqueline S., Ronan, Kevin
Core Principles of Assessment and Therapeutic Communication with Children, Parents and Families: Towards the Promotion of Child and Family Wellbeing by Schmidt Neven, Ruth
Social Skills for Teenagers with Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorders: The PEERS Treatment Manual by Laugeson, Elizabeth A., Frankel, Fred
Die Psychologie Des Kindes Und Die Schule (1901) by Erdmann, Benno
Measurements Of Twins (1905) by Thorndike, Edward Lee
Autoerotic Phenomena In Adolescence: An Analytical Study Of The Psychology And Psychopathology Of Onaism by Menzies, K.
Des Kindes Freiheit Und Freude (1907) by Ernst, Otto
Observations Sur Le Developpement De L'Enfant (1902) by Giroud, Gabriel
The Symbolism of Color by Conroy, Ellen
Rational Sports: In Dialogues Passing Among the Children of a Family by Lovechild
The Maternal Mind Versus The Spiritual Mind by Mulford, Prentice
Will-Development by Leland, Charles G.
John Locke And Formal Discipline (1911) by Hodge, Frederick Arthur
Advanced Course in Personal Magnetism The Secrets of Mental Fascination by Dumont, Theron Q.
Risk Behaviour in Adolescence: Patterns, Determinants and Consequences by Richter, Matthias
Psychology: Developmental (Life Span): Quickstudy Laminated Reference Guide by Barcharts Inc
101 More Favorite Play Therapy Techniques by
101 Favorite Play Therapy Techniques by Kaduson, Heidi, Schaefer, Charles
Connected Parenting: Set Loving Limits and Build Strong Bonds with Your Child for Life by Kolari, Jennifer
Re-Theorizing Discipline in Education: Problems, Politics, and Possibilities by
Attachment Parenting: Developing Connections and Healing Children by
Building Healthy Communities for Positive Youth Development by Mannes, Marc, Nakkula, Michael J., Foster, Karen C.
Primary Love: The Elemental Nature of Human Love, Intimacy, and Attachment by Klein, Randall S.
Aphorisms on the Mental Culture and Training of a Child: With an Excerpt from Advice to a Mother on the Management of Her Children by Chavasse, Pye Henry
Therapy With Young Men: 16-24 Year Olds in Treatment by Verhaagen, Dave
Groot Worden: de Ontwikkeling Van Baby Tot Adolescent by Baeten, Marlies, Kyndt, Eva, Struyven, Katrien
Therapy With Young Men: 16-24 Year Olds in Treatment by Verhaagen, Dave
Handbook of Genomics and the Family: Psychosocial Context for Children and Adolescents by
Wat Je Speelt Ben Je Zelf: Over Spel En Spelbegeleiding Met Specifieke Aandacht Voor Mensen Met Een Verstandelijke Beperking by Blokhuis, A., Van Der Poel, L.
Attachment Parenting: Developing Connections and Healing Children by
Building Healthy Communities for Positive Youth Development by Foster, Karen C., Mannes, Marc, Nakkula, Michael J.
Children, Youth, and Families: The Action-Research Relationship by
Die Entwicklung des Freundschaftskonzeptes by Hinz, Susann
Please Understand Me, I Am Your Child by Mainville, Henry
Trant Senk Segond by Fonrose, Nbct
Please Understand Me, I Am Your Child by Mainville, Henry
The Way of Boys: Promoting the Social and Emotional Development of Young Boys by Rao, Anthony, Seaton, Michelle D.
The Long Shadow of Sexual Abuse: Developmental Effects across the Life Cycle by Colarusso, Calvin A.
Wie lernen Kinder Normen und Werte?: Der richtige Erziehungsstil ist die Basis für die Werte- und Moralentwicklung von Kindern by Preiß, Karin
The Philosophical Baby: What Children's Minds Tell Us about Truth, Love, and the Meaning of Life by Gopnik, Alison
A History of Autism: Conversations with the Pioneers by Feinstein, Adam
Art for Autism: Enhancing the Lives of Children by Parkerson Mapc, Elissa Anne
The Infinite Gift: How Children Learn and Unlearn the Languages of Th by Yang, Charles
Manual on Task-Switching or Set-Shifting by Strayhorn, Joseph Mallory, Strayhorn, Jillian Claire
Teenage Sex and Pregnancy: Modern Myths, Unsexy Realities by Males, Mike
Unseen Worlds: Looking Through the Lens of Childhood by Adams, Kate
Die Geschwisterkonstellation und ihr Einfluss auf die Entwicklung und Sozialisation von Kindern und Jugendlichen by Pickert, Kathleen
Innovations and Advances in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy by
Functional Family Therapy in Clinical Practice: An Evidence-Based Treatment Model for Working With Troubled Adolescents by Sexton, Thomas L.
Functional Family Therapy in Clinical Practice: An Evidence-Based Treatment Model for Working with Troubled Adolescents by Sexton, Thomas L.
Families Communicating with Children: Building Positive Developmental Foundations by Yingling, Julie, Socha, Thomas
Developmentalism in Early Childhood and Middle Grades Education: Critical Conversations on Readiness and Responsiveness by
Developmentalism in Early Childhood and Middle Grades Education: Critical Conversations on Readiness and Responsiveness by
Evidence-Based Practice in Educating Deaf and Hard-Of-Hearing Students by Marschark, Marc, Spencer, Patricia Elizabeth
Playing to Learn: The role of play in the early years by Smidt, Sandra
Emerging Topics on Father Attachment: Considerations in Theory, Context and Development by
Identifying, Assessing, and Treating Self-Injury at School by Brock, Stephen E., Miller, David N.
Lonely Children and Adolescents: Self-Perceptions, Social Exclusion, and Hope by Margalit, Malka
International Handbook of Play Therapy: Advances in Assessment, Theory, Research and Practice by
The Secret Lives of Boys: Inside the Raw Emotional World of Male Teens by Saval, Malina
Innovative Interventions in Child and Adolescent Mental Health by Norton, Christine Lynn
Long-Term Memory Problems in Children and Adolescents by Dehn, Milton J.
Please Explain Anxiety to Me! Simple Biology and Solutions for Children and Parents by Zelinger, Laurie E., Zelinger, Jordan
Why Kids Kill: Inside the Minds of School Shooters by Langman, Peter
Deliberate Parenting: Empowering Children with the Essential 1/2 Dozen by Brinkley Med, Phyl R.
I Need a Friend by Sandra Nelson, Sandra Nelson, Nelson
The Road to Evergreen by Stryker, Rachael J.
Promoting Psychological Well-Being in Children with Acute and Chronic Illness by Edwards, Melinda, Titman, Penny
The Road to Evergreen: Adoption, Attachment Therapy, and the Promise of Family by Stryker, Rachael J.
Play Therapy with Adolescents by
Interpersonal Trust During Childhood and Adolescence by
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