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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Child Psychology in 2012

Cain's Legacy: Liberating Siblings from a Lifetime of Rage, Shame, Secrecy, and Regret by Safer, Jeanne
Scared Sick: The Role of Childhood Trauma in Adult Disease by Karr-Morse, Robin
La otra cara de la adopción: Aspectos emocionales de los que no se habla by Folch Mateu, Pere, Vilagines, Carme
Crecimiento Infantil: Guía para padres, maestros y profesionales acerca del crecimiento psicológico de los niños by Tcah, Alberto
Starving the Anger Gremlin: A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on Anger Management for Young People by Collins-Donnelly, Kate
Die Anfänge der Geschwisterbeziehung by Zeising, Nora
Writing: A Mosaic of New Perspectives by
A Guide to Psychiatric Services in Schools: Understanding Roles, Treatment, and Collaboration [With CDROM] by Brent, Shawna S.
Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship by Landreth, Garry L.
A Lethal Inheritance: A Mother Uncovers the Science Behind Three Generations of Mental Illness by Costello, Victoria
Success in School: How to Help Children Pay Attention for School and Homework by O'Connor, Colette
The Development of Emotional Intelligence: A Case Study by Reissland, Nadja
Early Experience and Human Development by Wachs, Theodore D., Gruen, Gerald E.
Thought and Language by Vygotski, Lev S.
Handbook of Accessible Achievement Tests for All Students: Bridging the Gaps Between Research, Practice, and Policy by
The Development of Emotional Intelligence: A Case Study by Reissland, Nadja
Man-Making - Men Helping Boys on Their Journey to Manhood by Hipp, Earl W.
Schulabsentismus am Gymnasium by Nolde, Bettina
Identifying, Assessing, and Treating Early Onset Schizophrenia at School by Li, Huijun, Pearrow, Melissa, Jimerson, Shane R.
Academic and Behavior Supports for At-Risk Students: Tier 2 Interventions by Reinke, Wendy M., Herman, Keith C., Stormont, Melissa
Classroom Discourse and Democracy: Making Meanings Together by Mayer, Susan Jean
A Childhood Psychology: Young Children in Changing Times by Sommer, Dion
The Structuring of Experience by
Nurturing Adoptions: Creating Resilience After Neglect and Trauma by Gray, Deborah D.
Nine Years Old by Pollak, M.
Brain, Mind, and Developmental Psychopathology in Childhood by
Brain, Mind, and Developmental Psychopathology in Childhood by
A Childhood Psychology: Young Children in Changing Times by Sommer, Dion
Handbook of Juvenile Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry by
Early Female Development: Current Psychoanalytic Views by
Messages for Educational Leadership: The Constance E. Clayton Lectures 1998-2007 by
Gifted! The Story of a "Teenage Genius" by Thompson, Cameron, Thompson, Alison, Thompson, Bethany
Alone in the Mirror: Twins in Therapy by Klein, Barbara
Children's Interpersonal Trust: Sensitivity to Lying, Deception and Promise Violations by
Children Owe Karma Too!: Nine Karmic Clues to Raising Children by Rich, Penny
Children Owe Karma Too!: Nine Karmic Clues to Raising Children by Rich, Penny
Classroom Discourse and Democracy: Making Meanings Together by Mayer, Susan Jean
I Am Different from You: How Children Experience Themselves and the World in the Middle of Childhood by Selg, Peter
Minding the Child: Mentalization-Based Interventions with Children, Young People and their Families by
Designing Digital Experiences for Positive Youth Development: From Playpen to Playground by Bers, Marina Umaschi
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Europe: Historical Development Current Situation Future Perspectives by
Child Psychotherapy Homework Planner by McInnis, William P., Berghuis, David J., Peterson, L. Mark
Minding the Child: Mentalization-Based Interventions with Children, Young People and their Families by
Montessori et la notion Piagetienne d'inclusion des classes by Karastergiou, Maria
Adolescence and Adulthood: Transitions and Transformations by Kloep, Marion, Hendry, Leo
The Child's Representation of the World by
The Dark Side of Innocence: Growing Up Bipolar by Cheney, Terri
The Psychobiology of Childhood: A Profile of Current Issues by
Toddler Adoption: The Weaver's Craft Revised Edition by Hopkins-Best, Mary
Creating Loving Attachments: Parenting with PACE to Nurture Confidence and Security in the Troubled Child by Hughes, Daniel, Golding, Kim S.
School Consultation: Conceptual and Empirical Bases of Practice by Erchul, William P., Martens, Brian K.
Child Psychology by
Environmental Influences on Prenatal Development by
Screen Time: How Electronic Media--From Baby Videos to Educational Software--Affects Your Young Child by Guernsey, Lisa
Children's Peer Relations: Issues in Assessment and Intervention: Issues in Assessment and Intervention by
Origins of Intelligence: Infancy and Early Childhood by
Cogat Practice Test (Grade 7 and 8) by Seattle, Wa Bright Minds Publishing
Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Volume 2 by
Collaborative Model for Promoting Competence and Success for Students with Asd by McGrew, John H., Ruble, Lisa a., Dalrymple, Nancy J.
Evaluating and Promoting Positive School Attitude in Adolescents by Stern, Mandy
Resilienz in der pädagogischen Arbeit: Die Bedeutung zentraler Resilienzfaktoren und Möglichkeiten ihrer Förderung in der pädagogischen Praxis by Eggers, Sandra
Angststörungen im jüngeren Schulalter und Möglichkeiten einer schulischen Intervention by Rosenhahn, Steffanie
The Future of Piagetian Theory: The Neo-Piagetians by
Children's Therapeutic Stories Coloring Book by Chelette-Wilson, Deborah
Exceptional Children: The Century Psychology Series by Goodenough, Florence Laura, Rynkiewicz, Lois M.
Entwicklungsstand der sprachlichen Fähigkeiten und der auditiven Gedächtnisleistung 4-jähriger ehemaliger Late Talkers im Vergleich zu einer sprachges by Radestock, Sabine
Cognitive Science and Genetic Epistemology: A Case Study of Understanding by Leiser, David, Gillièron, Christiane
Symbiosis in Parent-Offspring Interactions by
Day Treatment for Children with Emotional Disorders: Volume 2 Models Across the Country by
Einführung in Die Entwicklungsphysiologie Des Kindes by
The Thinking Heart: Three Levels of Psychoanalytic Therapy with Disturbed Children by Alvarez, Anne
The Thinking Heart: Three Levels of Psychoanalytic Therapy with Disturbed Children by Alvarez, Anne
Message in a Bottle: Questions from Parents About Teen Alcohol and Drug Use by Drake, Deborah, Wolfsberg, Jeff
Happiness in Children: Measurement, Correlates and Enhancement of Positive Subjective Well-Being by Holder, Mark D.
CogAT Practice Test (Grade 7 and 8) by Publishing, Bright Minds
Die Physiologische Entwicklung Des Kindes: Vorlesungen Über Funktionelle Pädologie / Lectures on Functional Paedology by
Child Rorschach Responses: Developmental Trends From Two To Ten Years by Metraux, Ruth W., Ames, Louise Bates, Learned, Janet
Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents: Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention by Huberty, Thomas J.
Human and Machine Problem Solving by
Advances in Child Development and Behavior: Volume 42 by
Growing Up: Limiting Adolescence in a World Desperate for Adults by Strasburger, Frank C.
Dynamic Psychotherapy with Adult Survivors: Living Past Neglect by Bennett, Lori
REPAIR For Teens: A Program for Recovery from Incest & Childhood Sexual Abuse by McKinnon, Marjorie
REPAIR For Teens: A Program for Recovery from Incest & Childhood Sexual Abuse by McKinnon, Marjorie
Mirrors of the Mind: Introduction to Mindful Ways of Thinking Education by Inoue, Norijuki
The Measurement of Social Competence: A Manual for the Vineland Social Maturity Scale by Doll, Edgar Arnold
A Study of Some Personality Aspects of Deaf Children: Contributions to Education, No. 687 by Brunschwig, Lily
Infancy And Human Growth by Gesell, Arnold
Your Child's World from Infancy Through Adolescence by Odenwald, Robert Paul
Intensive One-Session Treatment of Specific Phobias by
Mind, Brain, and Education in Reading Disorders by
Florida the Turtle: Who Thinks He's a Dog Finds His Feelings by Spero, Maria, Dr Mitch Spero, Spero, Mitch
Personality Development in Adolescent Girls: Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, V16, No. 53, 1951 by Hellersberg, Elisabeth, Frank, Lawrence K., Harrison, Ross
Social and Personality Development: An Evolutionary Synthesis by MacDonald, Kevin B.
An Early Start for Your Child with Autism: Using Everyday Activities to Help Kids Connect, Communicate, and Learn by Vismara, Laurie A., Dawson, Geraldine, Rogers, Sally J.
Cogat Practice Test (Kindergarten and Grade 1) by Wa, Bright Minds Publishing Seattle
An Early Start for Your Child with Autism: Using Everyday Activities to Help Kids Connect, Communicate, and Learn by Dawson, Geraldine, Vismara, Laurie A., Rogers, Sally J.
Psyche-Soul-Ology: An Inspirational Approach to Appreciating and Understanding Troubled Kids by David L. Roberts, Ba MS Ph. D.
Psyche-Soul-Ology: An Inspirational Approach to Appreciating and Understanding Troubled Kids by David L. Roberts, Ba MS Ph. D.
Your Child and His Problems: A Basic Guide for Parents by Teicher, Joseph D.
Functional Assessment for Challenging Behaviors by
Substance Abuse Recovery in College: Community Supported Abstinence by
Mirrors of the Mind: Introduction to Mindful Ways of Thinking Education by Inoue, Norijuki
Trauma-Focused CBT for Children and Adolescents: Treatment Applications by
Zur Lage von Kindern mit Hauptschulempfehlung nach Realschulbesuch und Rücküberweisung an die Hauptschule by Storm, Sabine
Hearing Voices. Qualitative Inquiry in Early Psychosis by
Die Eltern-Kind-Beziehung im Jugendalter - eine entwicklungspsychologische Betrachtung by Dinter, Anja
Jean Piagets Theorie der kognitiven Entwicklung by Kuhn, Katja
Counseling Boys and Young Men by
From Juvenile Delinquency to Adult Crime: Criminal Careers, Justice Policy, and Prevention by
Child Development And Adjustment by Crow, Alice Von Bauer, Crow, Lester Donald
The Problem Child At Home: A Study In Parent Child Relationships by Sayles, Mary Buell
Psychiatric Inpatient Treatment of Children by
The Whole Child: Selected Papers on Existential- Humanistic Child Psychology by Derobertis, Eugene M.
Infant Observation and Research: Emotional Processes in Everyday Lives by
Physical Activity Across the Lifespan: Prevention and Treatment for Health and Well-Being by
Emotions: Living Life in Colour by Beynon, Graham
Problems Of Infancy And Childhood: Transactions Of The Sixth Conference, March 17-18, 1952, New York by
The Well-Being of America's Children: Developing and Improving the Child and Youth Well-Being Index by
Child Psychotherapy: Integrating Developmental Theory into Clinical Practice by Adler-Tapia, Robbie
Motivation For Child Psychiatry Treatment by Kohrman, Robert, MacGregor, Helen, Lichtenberg, Philip
Youth Culture and Private Space by Lincoln, S.
Youth Culture and Private Space by Lincoln, S.
Parenting and the Child's World: Influences on Academic, Intellectual, and Social-emotional Development by
Asian American Parenting and Parent-Adolescent Relationships by
The Voice of the Body by Lowen, Alexander
Adolescent Counselling Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice by
Suicide by Security Blanket, and Other Stories from the Child Psychiatry Emergency Service: What Happens to Children with Acute Mental Illness by M. D., Abigail Louise Donovan, M. D., Laura M. Prager
Democracy Promotion in the EU's Neighbourhood: From Leverage to Governance? by
Child Abuse and Neglect: A Multidimensional Approach by
Beziehungsqualität Und Kindliche Kooperations- Und Bildungsbereitschaft: Eine Studie in Kindergarten Und Grundschule by Glüer, Michael
Einzel- Und Familientherapie Mit Kindern: Kinderpsychodrama Band 3 by Aichinger, Alfons
C. Henry Kempe: A 50 Year Legacy to the Field of Child Abuse and Neglect by
Stuck: Asperger's Syndrome and Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors by Hoffman, Jonathan
Cogat Practice Test (Grade 2) by Publishing, Bright Minds
Addictive Behaviour in Children and Young Adults: The Struggle for Freedom by Goldberg, Raoul
The Approximate Parent: Discovering the Strategies That Work with Your Teenager by Simon, Michael Y.
Handbook of Children with Special Health Care Needs by
Biopsychosocial Regulatory Processes in the Development of Childhood Behavioral Problems by
The Teacch Approach to Autism Spectrum Disorders by Schopler, Eric, Shea, Victoria, Mesibov, Gary B.
Encyclopedia of School Psychology by
Criminal Conduct and Substance Abuse Treatment for Adolescents: Pathways to Self-Discovery and Change: The Provider's Guide by Milkman, Harvey B., Wanberg, Kenneth W.
Digital Youth: The Role of Media in Development by Subrahmanyam, Kaveri, Smahel, David
The Bio-psychosocial Impact of Trauma on Children and Adolescents; Suggestions for Assessment and Treatment in the Jamaican Context. by Johnson, Jean J.
Art and Human Development by
EMDR Therapy and Adjunct Approaches with Children: Complex Trauma, Attachment, and Dissociation by
Ready: Why Women Are Embracing the New Later Motherhood by Gregory, Elizabeth
Handbook of Resilience in Children by
Children's Dreams: Understanding the Most Memorable Dreams and Nightmares of Childhood by Bulkeley, Kelly, Bulkley, Patricia M.
Girls at Risk: Swedish Longitudinal Research on Adjustment by
Wenn Zwänge das Leben von Kindern und Jugendlichen bestimmen: Gilles de la Tourette aus der Sicht von Betroffenen by Meili, Fränzi
Observing Children in Their Natural Worlds: A Methodological Primer, Third Edition by Hoch, John, Pellegrini, Anthony D., Symons, Frank
Positive Discipline for Teenagers: Empowering Your Teens and Yourself Through Kind and Firm Parenting by Nelsen, Jane, Lott, Lynn
Learning about Learning Disabilities by
Asq-3(tm) Learning Activities [With CDROM] by Fink, Ginger, Twombly, Elizabeth
Rebuilding Attachments with Traumatized Children: Healing from Losses, Violence, Abuse, and Neglect by Kagan, Richard
Adolescent Emotional Development and the Emergence of Depressive Disorders by
The Development and Treatment of Girlhood Aggression by
Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience by
The Development of Social Cognition and Communication by
Community Planning to Foster Resilience in Children by
Understanding How Young Children Learn: Bringing the Science of Child Development to the Classroom by Ostroff, Wendy L.
Autism and the Brain: Neurophenomenological Interpretation by Glezerman, Tatyana B.
Values, Religion, and Culture in Adolescent Development by
Nature and Nurture in Early Child Development by
Abduction Topology: The Psycholinguistics of Discourse by Spano, Andrew
Nurturing Children Families by
Stress, the Brain and Depression by Kloet, E. R. de, Os, J. Van, Praag, H. M. Van
Pathways to Self-Discovery and Change: A Guide for Responsible Living: The Participant's Workbook by Milkman, Harvey B., Wanberg, Kenneth W.
Tsaoism: A Simple Guide to Understanding Children and Adults by Tsao, Thomas
The Silent Child: Communication Without Words by Magagna, Jeanne
Concise Dictionary Value Pack for Computer Sciences Students: Bridging the Generation Gap by Gupta, Seema
Beyond the Sling: A Real-Life Guide to Raising Confident, Loving Children the Attachment Parenting Way by Bialik, Mayim
The Sibling Effect: What the Bonds Among Brothers and Sisters Reveal About Us by Kluger, Jeffrey
Accomplishing Permanency: Reunification Pathways and Outcomes for Foster Children by Fernandez, Elizabeth
Bachhon KI Pratibha Kaise Ubharein by Chunni Lal, Saluja
Exploring Play for Early Childhood Studies by Andrews, Mandy
On Purpose Before Twenty by Cox, Adam
How Shall I Tell My Child? a Parents' Guide to Sex Education for Children by Mooney, Belle Stull
The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind by Bryson, Tina Payne, Siegel, Daniel J.
Social and Emotional Prevention and Intervention Programming for Preschoolers by Denham, Susanne A., Burton, Rosemary
Cognitive-Constructivist Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents by Ronen, Tammie
Temperament: Infancy Through Adolescence the Fullerton Longitudinal Study by Gottfried, Allen W., Oliver, Pamella H., Guerin, Diana Wright
Dynamic Assessment of Young Children by Tzuriel, David
Human Development and the Spiritual Life: How Consciousness Grows Toward Transformation by Irwin, Ronald R.
Gender Rejection / Gender Replacement: A Developmental Theory of Homosexuality by Singmaster, J. Scott
Painting and Our Inner World: The Psychology of Image Making by Machotka, Pavel
Practitioner's Guide to Behavioral Problems in Children by Aylward, Glen P.
Nathan Meets His Monsters by Kropp, Joseph P.
Nathan Meets His Monsters by Kropp, Joseph P.
The Many Faces of Youth Crime: Contrasting Theoretical Perspectives on Juvenile Delinquency Across Countries and Cultures by Marshall, Ineke Haen, Enzmann, Dirk, Junger-Tas, Josine
School-Based Interventions for Students with Behavior Problems by Bowen, Julie, Jenson, William R., Clark, Elaine
Other People's Kids: Social Expectations and American Adults? Involvement with Children and Adolescents by Scales, Peter C.
Handbook of Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders by
The Effects of Parental Dysfunction on Children by
Understanding Adult Attachment in Family Relationships: Research, Assessment and Intervention by Bifulco, Antonia, Thomas, Geraldine
Understanding Adult Attachment in Family Relationships: Research, Assessment and Intervention by Thomas, Geraldine, Bifulco, Antonia
Positive Relationships: Evidence Based Practice Across the World by
Waiting for Daddy by Freeman, Victoria
Successful Prevention and Youth Development Programs: Across Borders by Lorente, Carolyn Cass, Ferrer-Wreder, Laura, Stattin, Håkan
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