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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Child Psychology in 2014

Residential Children's Homes and the Youth Justice System: Identity, Power and Perceptions by Shaw, Julie
Motives in Children's Development by
Romania's Abandoned Children: Deprivation, Brain Development, and the Struggle for Recovery by Fox, Nathan A., Zeanah, Charles H., Nelson, Charles A.
Ghosts from the Nursery: Tracing the Roots of Violence by Karr-Morse, Robin, Wiley, Meredith S.
The Twin in the Transference by Lewin, Vivienne
The ABCs of Curriculum-Based Evaluation: A Practical Guide to Effective Decision Making by Hosp, John L., Hosp, Michelle K., Howell, Kenneth W.
Preventing the Sexual Victimization of Children: Psychological, Legal, and Public Policy Perspectives by Ewing, Charles Patrick
Youth On Religion: The development, negotiation and impact of faith and non-faith identity by Madge, Nicola, Hemming, Peter, Stenson, Kevin
John Bowlby and Attachment Theory by Holmes, Jeremy
Social Understanding and Social Lives: From Toddlerhood through to the Transition to School by Hughes, Claire
In the Middle: The adolescent brain, behaviour and learning by Nagel, Michael C.
Working with Traumatic Brain Injury in Schools: Transition, Assessment, and Intervention by Bigler, Erin D., Jantz, Paul B., Davies, Susan C.
Indigenous Adolescent Development: Psychological, Social and Historical Contexts by Whitbeck, Les B., Walls, Melissa, Hartshorn, Kelley
International Handbook of Adolescent Pregnancy: Medical, Psychosocial, and Public Health Responses by
Impacts of Cyberbullying, Building Social and Emotional Resilience in Schools by Chadwick, Sharlene
John Bowlby and Attachment Theory by Holmes, Jeremy
Youth On Religion: The development, negotiation and impact of faith and non-faith identity by Madge, Nicola, Hemming, Peter, Stenson, Kevin
Understanding Child Language Acquisition by Rowland, Caroline
Reading Intervention in the Primary Grades: A Common-Sense Guide to RTI by Mesmer, Heidi Anne E., Powell, Jennifer Jones, Mesmer, Eric M.
Was Schulen Für Ihre Guten Schülerinnen Und Schüler Tun Können: Hochbegabtenförderung ALS Schulentwicklungsaufgabe by Steinheider, Petra
The Scientific Study of Personal Wisdom: From Contemplative Traditions to Neuroscience by
Psychoanalytic Therapy with Infants and Their Parents: Practice, Theory, and Results by Salomonsson, Björn
Street Culture 2.0: An Epistemology of Street-dependent Youth by Fest, Jt (Jerry)
Magical Years 2 Learn With Liam by Watts, Carolyn Ferrell
Using Trauma-Focused Therapy Stories: Interventions for Therapists, Children, and Their Caregivers by Pernicano, Pat
Using Trauma-Focused Therapy Stories: Interventions for Therapists, Children, and Their Caregivers by Pernicano, Pat
Healing after Parent Loss in Childhood and Adolescence: Therapeutic Interventions and Theoretical Considerations by
The Same But Different: How Twins Can Live, Love, and Learn to Be Individuals by Friedman, Joan A.
Self-Regulation Interventions and Strategies: Keeping the Body, Mind and Emotions on Task in Children with Autism, ADHD or Sensory Disorders by Garland, Teresa
Equipping Quality Youth Development Professionals: Improving Child and Youth Program Experiences by Kearney, William B.
Equipping Quality Youth Development Professionals: Improving Child and Youth Program Experiences by Kearney, William B.
Beyond Reason and Tolerance: The Purpose and Practice of Higher Education by Thompson, Robert J., Jr.
Politics Aside: Our Children and Their Teachers in Score-Driven Times by Koplow, Lesley
The African American Child: Development and Challenges by Harris, Yvette R., Graham, James a.
Disruptive Behavior Disorders by
Diagnostic Assessment of Learning Disabilities in Childhood: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice by Taylor, Amber E. Brueggemann
Trust and School Life: The Role of Trust for Learning, Teaching, Leading, and Bridging by
Redefining Normal: A real world guide to raising an autistic child by Price, Brooke
Making It Better: Activities for Children Living in a Stressful World by Oehlberg, Barbara
Bindung und Bindungsstörung. Diagnostische Berührungspunkte zweier distinkter Konzepte by Margelisch, Katja
Ecobehavioral Consultation in Schools: Theory and Practice for School Psychologists, Special Educators, and School Counselors by Lee, Steven W., Niileksela, Christopher R.
Ecobehavioral Consultation in Schools: Theory and Practice for School Psychologists, Special Educators, and School Counselors by Niileksela, Christopher R., Lee, Steven W.
Lesson Plans For Teaching Resilience to Children by Namka, Lynne
Psychoanalytic Therapy with Infants and Their Parents: Practice, Theory, and Results by Salomonsson, Björn
The (Re-)Making of a Black American: Tracing the Racial and Ethnic Socialization of Caribbean American Youth by Coleman-King, Chonika
You Can Heal Your Child by Melrose Ph. D., Regalena
Advances in Child Development and Behavior: Volume 46 by
Fostering Resilience and Well-Being in Children and Families in Poverty: Why Hope Still Matters by Maholmes, Valerie
Immigration and Acculturation: Mourning, Adaptation, and the Next Generation by Akhtar, Salman
The Children's Bill of Emotional Rights: A Guide to the Needs of Children by Johnson, Eileen
Fehlerklima in Der Klasse: Zum Umgang Mit Fehlern Im Mathematikunterricht by Steuer, Gabriele
The Myth of Executive Functioning: Missing Elements in Conceptualization, Evaluation, and Assessment by Koziol, Leonard F.
Brave Parenting: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide to Raising Emotionally Resilient Children by Pozatek, Krissy
Learning and the Development of Cognition (Psychology Revivals) by Inhelder, Barbel, Sinclair, Hermine, Bovet, Magali
Talking about Right and Wrong: Parent-Child Conversations as Contexts for Moral Development by
Understanding Individual Differences in Language Development Across the School Years by
Monolingualismus und Bilingualismus. Ein Vergleich by Tecchiati, Elena
Understanding Individual Differences in Language Development Across the School Years by
Toolkit for Working with Juvenile Sex Offenders by
Interaction, Communication and Development: Psychological development as a social process by Zapiti, Anna, Psaltis, Charis
The Burgess Animal Book For Children by Burgess, Thornton W.
Children of the Ghetto: A Study of a Peculiar People by Zangwill, Israel
The Secret of Everyday Things: Informal Talks with the Children by Fabre, Jean-Henry
The Children's Lark by France, Leila
The Burgess Animal Book for Children by Burgess, Thornton W.
The Children Of The Abbey by Roche, Regina Maria
For The Children's Hour by Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin, Lewis, Clara M.
The Incas: The Children of the Sun by Groesbeck, Telford
Madam How And Lady Why; Or First Lessons In Earth Lore For Children by Kingsley, Charles
The Care of Children and Mothers by Tilden, John H.
Emerging Adults' Religiousness and Spirituality: Meaning-Making in an Age of Transition by
Las Semanas Magicas: Como Estimular las Semanas de Desarrollo Mas Importante en los Primeros 20 Meses de Vida del Bebe, y Convertir Esas 10 = The Magi by Plooij, Frans, Van de Rijt, Hetty
Learning by Playing: Video Gaming in Education by
Students with Intellectual Disabilities: Insights, Implications and Recommendations by Datta, Poulomee
Trust and Skepticism: Children's Selective Learning from Testimony by
Trust and Skepticism: Children's selective learning from testimony by
Thriving on the Front Lines: A Guide to Strengths-Based Youth Care Work by Bertolino, Bob
The Beginnings of Social Understanding by Dunn, Judy
Early Language by de Villiers, Peter a., de Villiers, Jill G.
Working with Young People in Secure Accommodation: From chaos to culture by Rose, Jim
Handbook of Borderline Personality Disorder in Children and Adolescents by
Metaphors of Healing: Playful Language in Psychotherapy and Everyday Life by Malhotra, Harish
The Baby and the Couple: Understanding and Treating Young Families by Philipp, Diane A., Fivaz-Depeursinge, Elisabeth
Equine-Assisted Therapy and Learning with At-Risk Young People by Burgon, Hannah
An Introduction to Early Childhood by
Working Memory and Severe Learning Difficulties (PLE: Memory) by MacKenzie, Susie, Hulme, Charles
Memory Development in Children (Ple: Memory) by
Art Therapy For Children: Activities for Individuals and Small Groups by Dorson, Jodi A.
A Critical Approach to Human Growth and Development: A Textbook for Social Work Students and Practitioners by Nicolson, Paula
Play and Playfulness: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Aspects by
Clinical Perspectives on Reflective Parenting: Keeping the Child's Mind in Mind by Davis, Mary, Etezady, M. Hossein
Absent Fathers: Understanding Perceptions Adult Males have of their Absent Fathers by Adewale, Jody
Working with Young People in Secure Accommodation: From chaos to culture by Rose, Jim
Young Children and Their Parents: Perspectives from Psychoanalytic Infant Observation by Diem-Wille, Gertraud
I'm Proud to Be Natural Me! by Dillon, Marlene
Making and Breaking Children's Lives by
The Baby and the Couple: Understanding and treating young families by Fivaz-Depeursinge, Elisabeth, Philipp, Diane A.
Sibling Matters: A Psychoanalytic, Developmental, and Systemic Approach by
Questionable Autism by Peterson, Susan Louise
Auditory (Re)Habilitation for Adolescents with Hearing Loss: Theory and Practice by Duncan, Jill, Rhoades, Ellen A., Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth M.
Media and the Well-Being of Children and Adolescents by Jordan, Amy B.
Therapeutic Hypnosis with Children and Adolescents: Second Edition by
Saving Cinderella: Fairy Tales and Children in the 21st Century by Crossman, Rachel Hope
A Survival Guide to Parenting Teens: Talking to Your Kids about Sexting, Drinking, Drugs, and Other Things That Freak You Out by Geltman, Joani
Developing Attachment in Early Years Settings: Nurturing secure relationships from birth to five years by Read, Veronica
Resilience Interventions for Youth in Diverse Populations by
Take Action Parent Handout Workbook by Waters, Allison
Take Action Child Handout Workbook by Waters, Allison
Determining Self-Preservation Capability in Pre-School Children by Taciuc, Anca, Dederichs, Anne S.
From Research to Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health by
The Wounded Woman: Healing the Father-Daughter Relationship Volume 31 by Leonard, Linda Schierse
Aided Augmentative Communication for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders by Ganz, Jennifer B.
Take Action Practitioner Guidebook by Waters, Allison
Infant Observation: Creating Transformative Relationships by Thomson-Salo, Frances
Case Formulation with Children and Adolescents by Manassis, Katharina
Developing Attachment in Early Years Settings: Nurturing secure relationships from birth to five years by Read, Veronica
Agressie Bij Kinderen by Van Der Ploeg, Jan
Residential Children's Homes and the Youth Justice System: Identity, Power and Perceptions by Shaw, Julie
Termination That Works With At-Risk Children and Adolescents: Four Steps That Build Resilience and Give Hope to Challenging Populations by Seminars Inc, 21st Century
Incest Fantasies and Self-Destructive Acts: Jungian and Post-Jungian Psychotherapy in Adolescence by Sidoli, Mara
The Childes Project: Tools for Analyzing Talk, Volume I: Transcription format and Programs by Macwhinney, Brian
Inspiring Greatness in Education: A School of the 21st Century Model at the Independence School District by Zigler, Edward
Raising Happy Children by Du Plessis, Lizanne
Why Do They Act That Way?: A Survival Guide to the Adolescent Brain for You and Your Teen by Walsh, David
Talking Bodies: How do we Integrate Working with the Body in Psychotherapy from an Attachment and Relational Perspective? by White, Kate
When Boys Become Boys: Development, Relationships, and Masculinity by Y., Carol
When Boys Become Boys: Development, Relationships, and Masculinity by Carol, Y.
Transforming Troubled Children, Teens, and Their Families: An Internal Family Systems Model for Healing by Mones, Arthur G.
Emdr for the Next Generation-Healing Children and Families 2nd Ed by Morris-Smith, Joanne, Silvestre, Michel
Intensive One-Session Treatment of Specific Phobias by
Lernen Lernen - Allein Und Mit Anderen: Konzepte, Lösungen, Beispiele by Konrad, Klaus
Mobbing in der Schule: Ursache, Auswirkung und Prävention by Sasse, Stephanie
Transforming Troubled Children, Teens, and Their Families: An Internal Family Systems Model for Healing by Mones, Arthur G.
Helping Children Cope with Trauma: Individual, family and community perspectives by
Psychodynamic Perspectives on Working with Children, Families, and Schools by
Residential Interventions for Children, Adolescents, and Families: A Best Practice Guide by
Residential Interventions for Children, Adolescents, and Families: A Best Practice Guide by
Therapeutic Metaphors for Children and the Child Within by Crowley, Richard J., Mills, Joyce C.
Teen Pregnancy and Parenting: Rethinking the Myths and Misperceptions by Nicholson, Jody S., Farris, Jaelyn R., Weed, Keri
Stepfather-Stepson Communication: Social Support in Stepfamily Worlds by Pettigrew, Jonathan
Teaching Effective Supervision of Child and Adolescent Analysis: Enriching the Candidate's Clinical Experience by
Echt Stark! Ein Manual Für Die Arbeit Mit Kindern Psychisch Kranker Und Suchtkranker Eltern by Kliegl, Katrin, Mauser, Christine, Schulze, Ulrike M. E.
Therapeutic Metaphors for Children and the Child Within by Crowley, Richard J., Mills, Joyce C.
Beyond Intelligence: Secrets for Raising Happily Productive Kids by Matthews, Dona, Foster, Joanne
7 Pentru O Viata: Cele Mai Importante Lucruri Pe Care Le Poti Face Pentru Copilul Tau by Ciucurovschi, Gabriela
Attachment, Trauma, and Healing: Understanding and Treating Attachment Disorder in Children, Families and Adults by Orlans, Michael, Levy, Terry M.
Ansiedad infantil: Los trastornos explicados a los padres by Baron, Chantal
Habla con tu hijo by
Child Psychopathology by
Developmental Psychology: The Developmental Context by Elliott, Gary
Adolescent Violence in the Home: Restorative Approaches to Building Healthy, Respectful Family Relationships by Routt, Gregory, Anderson, Lily
Adolescent Violence in the Home: Restorative Approaches to Building Healthy, Respectful Family Relationships by Routt, Gregory, Anderson, Lily
Social Deviancy and Adolescent Personality by Ball, John C.
Soziale Entwicklung im Jugendalter: Schwerpunktverlagerung der sozialen Beziehungen im Zusammenhang mit sozial abweichendem Verhalten by Hilger, Caren
Conceptual Development: Piaget's Legacy by
Progress in infancy Research: Volume 3 by
Physical Activity Across the Lifespan: Prevention and Treatment for Health and Well-Being by
The Well-Being of America's Children: Developing and Improving the Child and Youth Well-Being Index by
Bright Kids Who Can't Keep Up: Help Your Child Overcome Slow Processing Speed and Succeed in a Fast-Paced World by Braaten, Ellen, Willoughby, Brian
The Brain and Educational Connections by Connor, Bridget
Child and Family Advocacy: Bridging the Gaps Between Research, Practice, and Policy by
Therapeutic Practice in Schools Volume Two The Contemporary Adolescent: A clinical workbook for counsellors, psychotherapists and arts therapists by
The (Re-)Making of a Black American: Tracing the Racial and Ethnic Socialization of Caribbean American Youth by Coleman-King, Chonika
Wednesday Afternoons with Dr. J by Jenkins, Jonathan Haywood
Psychological Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children and Adolescents: A Practitioner's Guide by Geva, Esther, Wiener, Judith
The Critical Role of Parenting in Human Development by Travis, Adam D., Klebanov, Marianna S.
The Critical Role of Parenting in Human Development by Klebanov, Marianna S., Travis, Adam D.
The Fate of the Children of Lir (1883) by Society Preservation Irish Language
The Development of Intelligence in Children by Binet, Alfred, Simon, Theodore
The Bitter Cry of the Children (1906) by Spargo, John
Writing Development in Children with Hearing Loss, Dyslexia, or Oral Language Problems: Implications for Assessment and Instruction by Arfe, Barbara, Dockrell, Julie, Berninger, Virginia
Frühe Kindheit 0-3 Jahre: Beratung Und Psychotherapie Für Eltern Mit Säuglingen Und Kleinkindern by
Parent-Baby Attachment in Premature Infants (Psychology Revivals) by
Developing Mental Toughness in Young People: Approaches to Achievement, Well-Being, Employability, and Positive Behaviour by
C. Henry Kempe: A 50 Year Legacy to the Field of Child Abuse and Neglect by
Therapeutic Practice in Schools Volume Two The Contemporary Adolescent: A clinical workbook for counsellors, psychotherapists and arts therapists by
Early Social Cognition: Understanding Others in the First Months of Life by
Developmental Language Disorders: From Phenotypes to Etiologies by
Language and Discourse in Special Education: Understanding Ethnographic Interdisciplinary Team Culture by Manor-Binyamini, Iris
Myths of Childhood by Paris, Joel
To Hold and Be Held: The Therapeutic School as a Holding Environment by Reinstein, Daniel K.
The Conscience and Self-Conscious Emotions in Adolescence: An integrative approach by Schalkwijk, Frans
Children and Separation: Socio-Genealogical Connectedness Perspective by Owusu-Bempah, Kwame
Piaget, Vygotsky & Beyond: Future issues for developmental psychology and education by
The Psychology of Children's Drawings: From the First Stroke to the Coloured Drawing by Eng, Helga
Young Children's Personal, Social and Emotional Development by Dowling, Marion
Young Children's Personal, Social and Emotional Development by Dowling, Marion
Inclusive Special Education: Evidence-Based Practices for Children with Special Needs and Disabilities by Hornby, Garry
The Enneagram for Teens: Discover Your Personality Type and Celebrate Your True Self by Wagele, Elizabeth
Dear Dr. Pullias: A Healing Epistolary Friendship Between Generations: Earl V. Pullias, Ph.D. and Debbie Bumstead - 1968-1978 by Bumstead, Debbie
Making (Your) Kids Smarter 3rd Edition (Flipped Spanish Side: ) Como Hacer a Tu Hijo Mas Inteligente: Knowing How to Cultivate Intelligence & Creativi by Portes, Pedro R.
Evidence-Based Treatment for Children with Autism: The Card Model by Granpeesheh, Doreen, Tarbox, Jonathan, Najdowski, Adel C.
Handbook of Autism and Anxiety by
Starving the Anger Gremlin for Children Aged 5-9: A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on Anger Management by Collins-Donnelly, Kate
Advertising to Children: New Directions, New Media by
Childhood, Youth and Violence in Global Contexts: Research and Practice in Dialogue by
Como Multiplicar La Inteligencia de Su by Doman, Glenn
The Princess Problem: Guiding Our Girls Through the Princess-Obsessed Years by Hains, Rebecca
The Conscience and Self-Conscious Emotions in Adolescence: An integrative approach by Schalkwijk, Frans
Child Neuropsychology: Assessment and Interventions for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 2nd Edition by Semrud-Clikeman, Margaret, Teeter Ellison, Phyllis Anne
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