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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Child Psychology in 2019

Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education Vol 3.2: Family Collaboration in Early Childhood Education and Research in Community Childcar by
Kid Confidence: Help Your Child Make Friends, Build Resilience, and Develop Real Self-Esteem by Kennedy-Moore, Eileen
Childhood Beyond Pathology: A Psychoanalytic Study of Development and Diagnosis by Farley, Lisa
School Bullying and Mental Health: Risks, Intervention and Prevention by
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy with Toddlers: Improving Attachment and Emotion Regulation by Wallace, Nancy M., Kohlhoff, Jane R., Girard, Emma I.
With Stars in Their Eyes: Brain Science and Your Child's Journey Toward the Self by Oppenheimer, Sharifa
Rebt in the Treatment of Subclinical and Clinical Depression by Matu, Silviu, Cândea, Diana, Stefan, Simona
Handbook of School-Based Mental Health Promotion: An Evidence-Informed Framework for Implementation by
Empowering Engagement: Creating Learning Opportunities for Students from Challenging Backgrounds by Bartlett, Brendan, Elliott, Stephen N., Ng, Clarence
The Yes Brain: How to Cultivate Courage, Curiosity, and Resilience in Your Child by Siegel, Daniel J., Bryson, Tina Payne
Attachment, Play, and Authenticity: Winnicott in a Clinical Context by Tuber, Steven
Assessing and Treating Anxiety Disorders in Young Children: The Taming Sneaky Fears Program by Benoit, Diane, Monga, Suneeta
CogAT Test Prep Series FIGURE CLASSIFICATION: Book 6 A Step by Step Study Guide by Mine, Mind
Positive Schooling and Child Development: International Perspectives by
Pediatric Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: A Global, Healthcare Systems-Focused, and Problem-Based Approach by
Children, Dogs and Education: Caring For, Learning Alongside, and Gaining Support from Canine Companions by
kash hamara aashiyana bhi aasma sa ho by Praveen Maben
Introduction to Rights-Based Direct Practice with Children by Desai, Murli
Nurturing Children: From Trauma to Growth Using Attachment Theory, Psychoanalysis and Neurobiology by Music, Graham
Social Work Practice with Children by Webb, Nancy Boyd
Positive Psychotherapy: Workbook by Rashid, Tayyab, Seligman, Martin
Supernormal: The Secret World of the Family Hero by Jay, Meg
From a Mother to a Warrior by White, Terri L.
Nurturing Children: From Trauma to Growth Using Attachment Theory, Psychoanalysis and Neurobiology by Music, Graham
Development During the Transition to Adolescence: The Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology, Volume 21 by
Fear in Front of the Screen: Children's Fears, Nightmares, and Thrills from TV by Götz, Maya, Lemish, Dafna, Holler, Andrea
Shakespeare for Sociopaths by Garth, Kristin
Eu & Meu Amigo Dda - Autobiografia de Um Portador Do Transtorno Do Déficit de Atenção Com Hiperatividade (Tdah): Prévia Da 2a Edição by Deminco, Marcus
Adolescent Substance Abuse: Evidence-Based Approaches to Prevention and Treatment by
Subjectivity Within Cultural-Historical Approach: Theory, Methodology and Research by
It Takes a Child to Raise a Parent: Stories of Evolving Child and Parent Development by Johnston, Janis Clark
Psychoanalysis, Neuroscience and Adolescent Development: Non-Linear Perspectives on the Regulation of the Self by Bendicsen, Harold K.
Eu & Meu Amigo DDA. Autobiografia de um Portador do Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção / Hiperatividade by Deminco, Marcus
Play and Social Skills for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder by Charlop, Marjorie H., Lang, Russell, Rispoli, Mandy
Handbook of Accessible Instruction and Testing Practices: Issues, Innovations, and Applications by
Cultural Competence in Applied Psychology: An Evaluation of Current Status and Future Directions by
Fidelity of Implementation in Assessment of Infants and Toddlers: Evaluating Developmental Milestones and Outcomes by Pizzo, Lianna, Stone-MacDonald, Angela, Feldman, Noah
Jeannie's Brave Childhood: Behavior and Healing through the Lens of Attachment and Trauma by McConnaughey, Janyne
Lust Auf Bälle, Barren, Bodenmatten: Objektempathie in Der Sportunterrichtspraxis by Ullmann, Roland
Psychoanalysis, Neuroscience and Adolescent Development: Non-Linear Perspectives on the Regulation of the Self by Bendicsen, Harold K.
Referent Similarity and Nominal Syntax in Task-Based Language Teaching by Lambert, Craig
A Comparison of Eastern and Western Parenting: Programmes, Policies and Approaches by Yiu Tsang Andrew, Low
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in Secondary Schools: The Definitive Guide to Effective Implementation and Quality Control by Dockweiler, Katherine A., Clark, Alison G.
Clinical Guide to Assessment and Treatment of Communication Disorders by Prelock, Patricia A., Hutchins, Tiffany L.
Emotional Intelligence in Education: Integrating Research with Practice by
Neuroscience of Mathematical Cognitive Development: From Infancy Through Emerging Adulthood by Brown, Rhonda Douglas
Fridays with Tristan: Understanding ADHD from a mentoring perspective by Da Camara, Grace
Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools: Your Guide to Creating Safe, Supportive Learning Environments for All Students by Alexander, Jen
Generation of Men: How to raise your son to be a healthy man among men by Lessor, Clayton
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in Secondary Schools: The Definitive Guide to Effective Implementation and Quality Control by Clark, Alison G., Dockweiler, Katherine A.
Global Perspectives on Family Life Education by
Child Abuse and Neglect: Forensic Issues in Evidence, Impact and Management by
Healing Self-Injury: A Compassionate Guide for Parents and Other Loved Ones by Whitlock, Janis, Lloyd-Richardson, Elizabeth E.
Mittendrin statt nur dabei! Relevanz von klassenklimatischen Aspekten für die Unterrichtsbeteiligung in der Grundschule by Franzbecker, Alice
3-System Theory of the Cognitive Brain: A Post-Piagetian Approach to Cognitive Development by Houdé, Olivier
A Practitioner's Guide to Enhancing Parenting Skills: Assessment, Analysis and Intervention by Williams, Margiad, Hutchings, Judy
A Practitioner's Guide to Enhancing Parenting Skills: Assessment, Analysis and Intervention by Hutchings, Judy, Williams, Margiad
3-System Theory of the Cognitive Brain: A Post-Piagetian Approach to Cognitive Development by Houdé, Olivier
Diskrepanzkriterien in Der Diagnostik Von Legasthenie Und Dyskalkulie: Eine Kritische Auseinandersetzung Zur Orientierung in Der Diagnostischen PRAXIS by Tischler, Lars
Pause and Reset: A Parent's Guide to Preventing and Overcoming Problems with Gaming by Petry, Nancy M.
Practice Test for the Cogat Grade 3 Level 9 Form 7 and 8: Practice Test 1: 3rd Grade Test Prep for the Cognitive Abilities Test by Origins Publications, Gifted &. Talented Test Prep Team
Vygotsky's Notebooks: A Selection by
Pretend Play Among 3-year-olds by
Dynamic Learning Spaces in Education by
Youth Studies in Transition: Culture, Generation and New Learning Processes by Herz, Marcus, Johansson, Thomas
Narratives in Research and Interventions on Cyberbullying Among Young People by
Youth Civic and Political Engagement by Barrett, Martyn, Pachi, Dimitra
Youth Civic and Political Engagement by Pachi, Dimitra, Barrett, Martyn
The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives by Johnson, Ned, Stixrud, William
Deaf Education Beyond the Western World: Context, Challenges, and Prospects by
Cogat: Practice Test for the Cognitive Abilities Test: Form 7 Level 9 by Gifted and Talented Test Editors
Das Heidelberger Kompetenztraining: Grundlagen, Methodik Und Anwendungsfelder Zur Entwicklung Mentaler Stärke by
You Won't Believe What Your Child Is Thinking by Thorpe, Catherine
Transformational Parenting by Johnston-Jones, Jennifer
Working With Fathers in Psychoanalytic Parent-Infant Psychotherapy by
Handbook of Parenting: Volume 4: Social Conditions and Applied Parenting, Third Edition by
Handbook of Parenting: Volume I: Children and Parenting, Third Edition by
Trauma and Play Therapy: Helping Children Heal by Goodyear-Brown, Paris
Handbook of Parenting: Volume 5: The Practice of Parenting, Third Edition by
Pedagogisch Kader Kindercentra 4-13 Jaar by Boogaard, Marianne, Schreuder, Liesbeth, Fukkink, Ruben
Working With Fathers in Psychoanalytic Parent-Infant Psychotherapy by
What's My Child Thinking? by Kennedy-Moore, Eileen, Carey, Tanith
Child Maltreatment Research, Policy, and Practice: Contributions of Penelope K. Trickett by
Handbook of Parenting: Volume 5: The Practice of Parenting, Third Edition by
Handbook of Parenting: Volume 4: Social Conditions and Applied Parenting, Third Edition by
Handbook of Parenting: Volume I: Children and Parenting, Third Edition by
Increasing Your Play Therapy Tool Box: A Collection of Play Therapy and Expressive Arts Interventions by
¿Qué saben los docentes de educación inicial, de la ciudad de Paraná, sobre la dificultad específica del aprendizaje, denominada dislexia, en el año 2 by Macca, Mari
Teaching Kids to Manage Anxiety: Superstar Practical Strategies by Hopper, Deb
Teaching Kids to Manage Anxiety: Superstar Practical Strategies by Hopper, Deb
Brothers: Every man needs strong, authentic friendships by Evensen, Kim
Die Bedeutung transgenerativer Weitergabe von Traumata für das Bindungsverhalten von Kindern by Eger, Cornelia
The Psychology of Grandparenthood: An International Perspective by
Internet Addiction Among Cyberkids in China: Risk Factors and Intervention Strategies by Jiang, Qiaolei
A Genealogy of Puberty Science: Monsters, Abnormals, and Everyone Else by Pinto, Pedro, MacLeod, Catriona Ida
Living Gifted: 52 Tips To Survive and Thrive in Giftedland by Van Gemert, Lisa
Handbook of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Children on the Autism Spectrum by
Social Cognition During Infancy: A Special Issue of the European Journal of Developmental Psychology by
Perfectionism: A Practical Guide to Managing Never Good Enough by Van Gemert, Lisa
Karen's LOL Jokes Collection: The 2 Joke Books Compilation For Kids by Bun, Karen J.
Ultimate Mindfulness Activity Book: 150 Playful Mindfulness Activities for Kids and Teens (and Grown-Ups too!) by Bergstrom, Christian
Trauma and Play Therapy: Helping Children Heal by Goodyear-Brown, Paris
Conducting School-Based Functional Behavioral Assessments: A Practitioner's Guide by Wickerd, Garry, Steege, Mark W., Pratt, Jamie L.
Sexualerziehung: Kritisch Hinterfragt by Etschenberg, Karla
Remote Fieldwork Supervision for Bcba(r) Trainees by Cicoria, Matthew J., Britton, Lisa N.
The Romantic Lives of Emerging Adults: Getting from I to We by Konstam
Teen Mindfulness Skills Workbook; Remedies for Worry, Anxiety & Stress: A practitioner's guide to teaching mindfulness skills by Liptak, John J., Leutenberg, Ester R. a.
Integrating Technology into Modern Therapies: A Clinician's Guide to Developments and Interventions by
Integrating Technology into Modern Therapies: A Clinician's Guide to Developments and Interventions by
Guided by the Spirits: The Meanings of Life, Death, and Youth Suicide in an Ojibwa Community by Allard, Seth
School Spaces for Student Wellbeing and Learning: Insights from Research and Practice by
Advances in Child Development and Behavior: Volume 56 by
Please Explain Time Out to Me: A Story for Children and Do-it-Yourself Manual for Parents by Zelinger, Laurie, Zelinger, Fred
Critiquing Social and Emotional Learning: Psychodynamic and Cultural Perspectives by Stearns, Clio
A Workbook of Ethical Case Scenarios in Applied Behavior Analysis by Najdowski, Adel C., Sush, Darren
Young People's Visions and Worries for the Future of Europe: Findings from the Europe 2038 Project by
Young People's Visions and Worries for the Future of Europe: Findings from the Europe 2038 Project by
Perception Through Experience by Vernon
Perception and Understanding in Young Children: An Experimental Approach by Bryant, Peter
The Visual World of the Child by Vurpillot, Eliane
Frames of Mind: Ability, Perception and Self-Perception in the Arts and Sciences by Hudson, Liam
Behavioral Interventions in Schools: Evidence-Based Positive Strategies by
Inner Power Now: Healing Meditations to Reduce Stress and Pain so Children and Families Thrive by Atlas Israel, Vicki
A Conversation Between A Boy and His Dad: Simple Truths Hidden in Plain Sight by Panza, Prisco a.
Engaging College Men by
Engaging College Men by
Ideology and Character Building vs Social and Developmental Issues of Youth: Critical Analysis of Punjab Youth Policy (2012) by Riaz, Nouman
Beyond Behaviors: Using Brain Science and Compassion to Understand and Solve Children's Behavioral Challenges by Delahooke, Mona
The Elements of Counseling Children and Adolescents by Cook-Cottone, Catherine P., Anderson, Laura M.
Appearance Anxiety: A Guide to Understanding Body Dysmorphic Disorder for Young People, Families and Professionals by Service
Nordic Dialogues on Children and Families by
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Workout for Teens: Skills and Exercises from ACT and CBT for Healthy Thinking by Nagel, Paula
Anxiety in Preschool Children: Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention by Barrett, Paula, Fisak, Brian
Working with Transgender Young People and Their Families: A Critical Developmental Approach by Riggs, Damien W.
Neurobehavioral Toxicology: Neurological and Neuropsychological Perspectives, Volume II: Peripheral Nervous System by Albers, James W., Berent, Stanley
TDAH - Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade. Como Diagnosticar Crianças & Adultos by Deminco, Marcus
TDAH - Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção / Hiperatividade. Verdade ou Invenção? by Deminco, Marcus
TDAH - Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade. Invenção ou Verdade? by Deminco, Marcus
TDAH (Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade). Diagnosticando Crianças & Adultos by Deminco, Marcus
Leaving Care and the Transition to Adulthood: International Contributions to Theory, Research, and Practice by
Dragon Worriers: Stories, Worksheets & Therapeutic Tools to Overcome Childhood Anxiety by DePasquale, Dawn
Replanted: Faith-Based Support for Adoptive and Foster Families by Hook, Joshua N., Berry, Mike, Ranter Hook, Jenn
Anxiety in Preschool Children: Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention by Fisak, Brian, Barrett, Paula
Research on Alcoholics Anonymous and Spirituality in Addiction Recovery: The Twelve-Step Program Model Spiritually Oriented Recovery Twelve-Step Membe by
Forensic Interviews Regarding Child Sexual Abuse: A Guide to Evidence-Based Practice by
Pediatric Anxiety Disorders by
From Challenge to Champion: 10 Factors That Can Drastically Improve Your Child's Challenging Behavior by Carson, Mildred
Emil oder Über die Erziehung (Großdruck) by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Emil oder Über die Erziehung (Großdruck) by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Neuromodulation, Neurofeedback, and Sensory Integration Approaches to Research and Treatment by
Solution-Focused Therapy with Children and Adolescents: Creative and Play-Based Approaches by Taylor, Elizabeth R.
An Independent Practitioner's Introduction to Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: Playing with Ideas by Dowling, Deirdre
Solution-Focused Therapy with Children and Adolescents: Creative and Play-Based Approaches by Taylor, Elizabeth R.
Inclusive Mathematics Education: State-Of-The-Art Research from Brazil and Germany by
An Independent Practitioner's Introduction to Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: Playing with Ideas by Dowling, Deirdre
Therapy and Counseling: Your Questions Answered by Selby, Christine L. B.
Childhood and Society by Wyness, Michael
Handbook of Behavioral Interventions in Schools: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support by
Predicting Cyberbullying: Research, Theory, and Intervention by Barlett, Christopher Paul
Mindful Max by Goldsmith Lcsw, David M.
The Good News about Bad Behavior: Why Kids Are Less Disciplined Than Ever -- And What to Do about It by Lewis, Katherine Reynolds
Trauma-Informed Schools: Integrating Child Maltreatment Prevention, Detection, and Intervention by
Biology and Knowledge Revisited: From Neurogenesis to Psychogenesis by
Managing Children with Developmental Language Disorder: Theory and Practice Across Europe and Beyond by
Clinical Guide to Psychiatric Assessment of Infants and Young Children by
Somatic Methods for Affect Regulation: A Clinician's Guide to Healing Traumatized Youth by Shilson, Kimberley L.
Cultural-Historical Approaches to Studying Learning and Development: Societal, Institutional and Personal Perspectives by
Critical Thinking for Kindergarten and Grade 1: Supplemental workbook for CogAT(R), OLSAT(R) and NNAT(R) and GATE(R) Testing by Publishing, Bright Minds
Somatic Methods for Affect Regulation: A Clinician's Guide to Healing Traumatized Youth by Shilson, Kimberley L.
Oxford Handbook of Developmental Linguistics by
Theory and Practice in Social Group Work: Creative Connections by Weil, Marie, Southerland, Dannia, Chau, Kenneth L.
Mood: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, New Theories by
UP to 1 by Hosseini, Amin
Death, Dying, Transcending: Views from Many Cultures by Kalish, Richard
Biology and Knowledge Revisited: From Neurogenesis to Psychogenesis by
TDAH (Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade) x RITALINA - Mentiras & Verdades by Deminco, Marcus
ADHD in Teens & Young Adults: A Mindfulness Based Workbook to Keep You ANCHORED by Springstead Cahill, Melissa
Tracing the Consequences of Child Poverty: Evidence from the Young Lives Study in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam by Boyden, Jo, Dawes, Andrew, Dornan, Paul
Psychological Methods Of Child Assessment by Goldman, Jacquelin, Stein, Claudia L'Engle
Theory of Mind: Specialized Capacity or Emergent Property? Perspectives from Non-human and Human Development: A Special Issue of the E by
Parentshift: Ten Universal Truths That Will Change the Way You Raise Your Kids by Thomas Russell, Wendy, Hatfield, Linda, Hatfield, Ty
The Attachment Theory Workbook: Powerful Tools to Promote Understanding, Increase Stability, and Build Lasting Relationships by Chen, Annie
Aggressionsdiagnostik bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit der Achenbach-Skala by Burmeister, Jens
Helping Parents of Diagnosed, Distressed, and Different Children: A Guide for Professionals by Maisel, Eric
Handbook of Student Engagement Interventions: Working with Disengaged Students by
Irritability in Pediatric Psychopathology by
Handbook of Interdisciplinary Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder by
Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education Vol 4.1 by
Do My Story, Sing My Song: Music therapy and Playback Theatre with troubled children by Salas, Jo
Good-bye Skink by Saldarini, Suzanne T.
International Handbook of Language Acquisition by
Helping Parents of Diagnosed, Distressed, and Different Children: A Guide for Professionals by Maisel, Eric
Time-Limited Adolescent Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Developmentally Focussed Psychotherapy for Young People by Briggs, Stephen
Time-Limited Adolescent Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Developmentally Focussed Psychotherapy for Young People by Briggs, Stephen
Mathematical Learning and Cognition in Early Childhood: Integrating Interdisciplinary Research Into Practice by
Ethnocultural Diversity and the Home-To-School Link by
Practice Tests for Gifted Children Test Preparation for Talented Children in Preschool and Kindergarten Cogat Olsat Nnat Workbook for Pre-K and Kinder by Lab, Pre-K
The Clinician's Guide to Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Symptoms, Assessment, and Treatment by Martel, Michelle M.
The Secret Life of the Unborn Child: How You Can Prepare Your Baby for a Happy, Healthy Life by Verny, Thomas R.
Don't Use Your Words!: Children's Emotions in a Networked World by Juffer, Jane
See More