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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Child Psychology in 2020

Child Psychology Primer by Hollich, George
The First 1000 Days of Early Childhood: Becoming by Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen, Rutanen, Niina, Gradovski, Mikhail
Imagination and Adolescent Trauma: The Role of Imagination in Neurophysiological, Psychological, and Spiritual Healing by Walsh, Mary Caswell
L. S. Vygotsky's Pedological Works: Volume 1. Foundations of Pedology by Vygotsky, L. S.
Reading Minds: How Childhood Teaches Us to Understand People by Wellman, Henry M.
Reassessing Attachment Theory in Child Welfare by Wastell, David, White, Sue, Gibson, Matthew
Reassessing Attachment Theory in Child Welfare by Wastell, David, White, Sue, Gibson, Matthew
Beautiful, Being an Empowered Young Woman (2nd Ed.) by Katz, Naomi
Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education Vol 4.2: Conceptualizing Perfectionism in Early Childhood Through the Lens of Perfectionism R by
Universal Grammar and the Initial State of Second Language Learning: Evidence of Chinese Multidialectal Children's Acquisition of English at the Synta by Han, Weifeng
The Power of Showing Up: How Parental Presence Shapes Who Our Kids Become and How Their Brains Get Wired by Siegel, Daniel J., Bryson, Tina Payne
Prüfungstrainer Zur Entwicklungspsychologie Im Kindes- Und Jugendalter: Lernhilfe-Begleitbuch Zum Lehrbuch by Stolarova, Margarita, Pauen, Sabina
The Clinical Guide to Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Learning and Attention Problems by
Clinician's Toolkit for Children's Behavioral Health by
Psychodynamic Treatment of Children with Severe Emotional Disturbances by Pollitt, Gertrude
Anxiety Management in Children with Mental and Physical Health Problems by Nabors, Laura
Stress in der mittleren Kindheit. Nimmt sie Einfluss auf die Entwicklung depressiver Symptome?: Wissenschaftliche Analyse einer empirischen Studie von by Neuberger, Nathalie
Child and Adolescent Development in Context by Kuther, Tara L.
Age, Gender and Sexuality through the Life Course: The Girl in Time by Pickard, Susan
Freeing Your Child from Negative Thinking: Powerful, Practical Strategies to Build a Lifetime of Resilience, Flexibility, and Happiness by Chansky, Tamar
Inventing Ourselves: The Secret Life of the Teenage Brain by Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne
Psychosoziale Folgen sozialer Phobie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen by Sawinzew, Larissa
Exposure Therapy for Children with Anxiety and Ocd: Clinician's Guide to Integrated Treatment by
Comunicación no verbal: La guía definitiva para acelerar la lectura de personas a través de la psicología conductual, y análisis del lenguaje by Gordillo, Lita
Cómo analizar a las personas: Descubre el código encubierto para la manipulación prohibida, y el control mental mediante la persuasión subliminal, l by Gordillo, Lita
Uplifting Black Muslim Youth: A Positive Youth Development Approach by Khalid, Muneer, Ahmed, Sameera, Hashem, Hanan
New Trends in Language Acquisition Within the Generative Perspective by
The Enchanted Hour: The Miraculous Power of Reading Aloud in the Age of Distraction by Gurdon, Meghan Cox
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development by
Grundschule Liebe: Alles ist Liebe. Auch Hass. by
Parent Work Casebook by
Mental Health in Children and Young People: Can We Talk by Vohra, Sarah
Infants and Children in Context by Kuther, Tara L.
Your Child is Smarter Than You Think!: Unleashing Your Child's Unlimited Potential by Draper, Wanda
Your Child is Smarter Than You Think!: Unleashing Your Child's Unlimited Potential by Draper, Wanda
Achtsamkeit Und Selbstmitgefühl: Anwendungen in Der Psychotherapeutischen PRAXIS by
Self-Injurious Behavior in Individuals with Neurodevelopmental Conditions by Furniss, Frederick, Biswas, Asit B.
Emotion in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Etiology, Assessment, Neurobiology, and Treatment by
Exposure Therapy for Child and Adolescent Anxiety and Ocd by Ollendick, Thomas H., Biggs, Bridget K., Whiteside, Stephen P.
Die Auswirkungen einer mütterlichen Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung auf die Kindesentwicklung by Klement, Annika
Language and Concept Acquisition from Infancy Through Childhood: Learning from Multiple Exemplars by
Cómo Educar a Niños Con Déficit de Atención by Rodríguez López, Miguel
How to Overcome Your Childhood by The School of Life
The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read: (And Your Children Will Be Glad That You Did) by Perry, Philippa
Positive Parenting: Discipline Your Kids the Loving Way by Grant, Simon
Toddler Discipline: 20 Commandments That Really Work by Grant, Simon
Positive Parenting: Discipline Your Kids the Loving Way by Grant, Simon
Toddler Discipline: 20 Commandments That Really Work by Grant, Simon
Transforming Residential Interventions: Practical Strategies and Future Directions by
Bayley 4 Clinical Use and Interpretation by Aylward, Glen P.
Lifeblood of trust for real relationship: listen to hear ... find your voice ... risk your truth by Krasner Aka Budir, Barbara R., Schoeninger, Douglas W., Allen, Karen K.
Transforming Residential Interventions: Practical Strategies and Future Directions by
Instruction Modeling: Developing and Implementing Blended Learning Programs by Khachatryan, George A.
Kinder psychisch kranker Eltern. Resilienzfaktoren und Hilfsmöglichkeiten für Kinder by Krismann, Jessica
What to Say to Kids When Nothing Seems to Work: A Practical Guide for Parents and Caregivers by Miller, Ashley P., LaFrance, Adele
Pedagogiek in de Vingers: Werkboek Pedagogische Begeleiding in de Kinderopvang by Van Rijn, Inge
Sprachentwicklung bei Kindern. Wie erlernen Kinder mit Down-Syndrom das Sprechen? by Behrend, Alicia
Elterliches Erziehungsverhalten und Bindungssicherheit. Gibt es einen Zusammenhang?: Eine vergleichende Studie zwischen Deutschen und Lateinamerikaner by Vidalon, Thorsten
Essential Readings from the Melanie Klein Archives: Original Papers and Critical Reflections by
Why Am I So Angry?!: A Guide on Spiritual Warfare for Teens & Tweens. by Gray, Msl Msw
Disability Inclusion and Inclusive Education by
Der Spracherwerb bei Kleinkindern von 0 - 3 Jahren. Was sind die ersten Entwicklungsschritte im Spracherwerb? by Cetin, Büsra
What to Say to Kids When Nothing Seems to Work: A Practical Guide for Parents and Caregivers by Miller, Ashley P., LaFrance, Adele
Essential Readings from the Melanie Klein Archives: Original Papers and Critical Reflections by
Adolescence: A Parent's Guide by Egan, Tara
Anger Management Skills Workbook for Kids: 40 Awesome Activities to Help Children Calm Down, Cope, and Regain Control by Robinson, Amanda
The Questioning Child by
Praxisratgeber Wechselmodell: Wie Getrennterziehen Im Alltag Funktioniert by Sünderhauf, Hildegund
Children's Exploration and Cultural Formation by
Declarative Language Handbook by Murphy, Linda K.
The Science of College: Navigating the First Year and Beyond by Herzog, Patricia S., Harris, Casey T., Morimoto, Shauna A.
Emotional Intelligence in Schools: A Comprehensive Approach to Developing Emotional Literacy by Krefft, Katherine M.
Aberrant Development in Infancy: Human and Animal Studies by
Adolescent Addiction: Epidemiology, Assessment, and Treatment by
Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality: a New Clinical Approach by Nicolosi, Joseph
Mehrsprachigkeit. Welche Auswirkungen hat sie auf die Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen? by Gräber, Marcel, Marinova, Tereza, Steiner, Anna
Children's Health and Illness Recovery Program (Chirp): Teen and Family Workbook by Scott, Eric L., Carter, Bryan D., Kronenberger, William G.
Children's Health and Illness Recovery Program (Chirp): Clinician Guide by Scott, Eric L., Carter, Bryan D., Kronenberger, William G.
Entwicklung von Emotionen im Säuglings- und Kleinkindalter: Welchen Einfluss hat die Familie? by Giere, Johanna
Disciplina infantil: 20 reglas para los Padres by Grant, Simon
Crianza positiva: Disciplina a tus hijos de manera amorosa by Grant, Simon
Evaluating Educational Interventions: Single-Case Design for Measuring Response to Intervention by Kilgus, Stephen, Burns, Matthew K., Riley-Tillman, T. Chris
Toddler Discipline: A Helpful Guide With Valuable Tips to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind by Grant, Simon
Toddler Discipline: A Helpful Guide With Valuable Tips to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind by Grant, Simon
Advances in Child Development and Behavior: Volume 58 by
¿Cómo Piensa Mi Hijo? (What's My Child Thinking?): Psicología Infantil Práctica by Carey, Tanith
Foster Care and Best Interests of the Child: Integrating Research, Policy, and Practice by Gershoff, Elizabeth T., Font, Sarah A.
Exploring Best Child Development Practices in Contemporary Society by
Student Engagement: Effective Academic, Behavioral, Cognitive, and Affective Interventions at School by
Integrity, Honesty, and Truth Seeking by Miller, Christian B.
Guía para lidiar con la ansiedad y ataques de pánico: El libro de trabajo comprobado para el introvertido para remediar la ansiedad y sobrellevar la t by Manrique, Benito
Guía para el estocismo y la superación de la ansiedad y los ataques de pánico: Descubre los secretos psicológicos de la filosofía estoica en la vida m by Manrique, Benito
Estoicismo y dureza mental: Descubre los secretos psicológicos de la filosofía estoica en la vida moderna. Construir una autodisciplina inquebrant by Manrique, Benito
Children as Agents in Their Worlds: A Psychological-Relational Perspective by Greene, Sheila, Nixon, Elizabeth
Emilee's Special Time by Wilhelm, Tifani Kaye
Technology and Adolescent Health: In Schools and Beyond by
Transforming Trauma in Children and Adolescents: An Embodied Approach to Somatic Regulation, Trauma Processing, and Attachment-Building by Finn, Heather, Warner, Elizabeth, Westcott, Anne
The child's conception of the world by Piaget, Jean
Handbook of Research on Prenatal, Postnatal, and Early Childhood Development by
Vygotsky's Pedology of the School Age by Van Der Veer, René
Vygotsky's Pedology of the School Age (hc) by Van Der Veer, René
Raising Multiracial Children: Tools for Nurturing Identity in a Racialized World by Nayani, Farzana
Clinical Handbook of Psychological Consultation in Pediatric Medical Settings by
Inneres Kind heilen: "Ich war schon immer so..." - Wie du endlich alte Glaubenssätze auflöst und wie entfesselt dein Glück selbst in die Ha by Lorenz, Stefanie
AD(H)S und/oder Trauma? Überlegungen zur Differentialdiagnostik, Komorbiditäten und möglichen Konsequenzen für therapeutische Interventionen: TraumAD( by Müller, Simon
Children as Agents in Their Worlds: A Psychological-Relational Perspective by Nixon, Elizabeth, Greene, Sheila
Adverse and Protective Childhood Experiences: A Developmental Perspective by Hays-Grudo, Jennifer, Morris, Amanda Sheffield
Infant Play Therapy: Foundations, Models, Programs, and Practice by
A Pocketful of Daisies: The poetry of raising a child from birth to 7 years by May, Christine
Lesekompetenz Fördern: Ein Manual Für Das Life-Programm Zur Stärkung Der Zusammenarbeit Von Schule Und Elternhaus by Bonanati, Sabrina, Greiner, Christian
Crash Kids - Courage Tests, Risk-Taking-Behavior and Self-Assessment of Young People: A Developmental Psychological Study by Jost, Michael
Infant Play Therapy: Foundations, Models, Programs, and Practice by
Becoming Men: Black Masculinities in a South African Township by Langa, Malose
New Treasure: A Study of the Psychology of Love by Lytton, Earl Of
Methodik, Beispiele und Grenzen der Biographiearbeit by Liebing, Maria
Das Mentalisierungsinteresse von in Deutschland lebenden Afghanen und Deutschen by Ventz, Klara
Tommy's Wired and Mommy's Tired: Help for Moms of High-Energy Kids (and Tips for Family and Friends) by Bergen, Rita
Psychology, Human Growth and Development for Social Work: A Comprehensive Guide by O'Brien, Emma Zara
Child Development: A Practitioner's Guide by Davies, Douglas, Troy, Michael F.
Evaluation and Treatment of Neuropsychologically Compromised Children by
Understanding ADHD: A Guide to Symptoms, Management and Treatment by Re, Anna Maria, Capodieci, Agnese
Reflective Practice in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: Listening to Young People by Connor, Jeanine
Becoming Men: Black Masculinities in a South African Township by Langa, Malose
Understanding ADHD: A Guide to Symptoms, Management and Treatment by Capodieci, Agnese, Re, Anna Maria
Educational Neuroscience: Development Across the Life Span by
Educational Neuroscience: Development Across the Life Span by
Reflective Practice in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: Listening to Young People by Connor, Jeanine
The Developing Mind: A Philosophical Introduction by Butterfill, Stephen
Störungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter by Anonymous
How To Hold a Cockroach: A book for those who are free and don't know it by Maxwell, Matthew
The Developing Mind: A Philosophical Introduction by Butterfill, Stephen
Familien, Systeme und andere Unwägbarkeiten: Handbuch zum Systemstellen für Fortgeschrittene by Beyer, Gabriele
DBT Therapeutic Activity Ideas for Kids and Caregivers by Lozier, Carol
Overcome Anxiety in Relationships: Learn How to Manage Anxiety to Save Your Relationship(Manage Negative Thinking, Jealousy, Attachment, Insecu by Watson, Elisa
Science of the Child in Late Imperial and Early Soviet Russia by Byford, Andy
Parent-Infant Psychotherapy for Sleep Problems: Through the Night by Sutton, Sarah, Daws, Dilys
Online Peer Engagement in Adolescence: Positive and Negative Aspects of Online Social Interaction by
Emotionale Intelligenz Bei Kindern Fördern: Ein Elternratgeber Mit Interaktiven Geschichten, Übungen Und Spielen by Bosley, Irina, Kasten, Erich
COGAT Test Prep Grade 5 Level 11: Gifted and Talented Test Preparation Book - Practice Test/Workbook for Children in Fifth Grade by Resources, Gateway Gifted
The Orchid and the Dandelion: Why Sensitive Children Face Challenges and How All Can Thrive by Boyce, W. Thomas
Future of Schools and Teacher Education: How Far Ahead Is Finland? by Andere, Eduardo
What Does This Mean? The ABC's of Autism: Unicorn Themed Coloring Book for Kids. Communication Tool for Parents & Children by Press, Motherly Love
Parent-Infant Psychotherapy for Sleep Problems: Through the Night by Sutton, Sarah, Daws, Dilys
Online Peer Engagement in Adolescence: Positive and Negative Aspects of Online Social Interaction by
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Adolescents with Eating Disorders by Dalle Grave, Riccardo, Calugi, Simona
Overcoming ADHD in Adolescence: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach, Therapist Guide by Safren, Steven A., Sprich, Susan
Overcoming ADHD in Adolescence: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach, Client Workbook by Sprich, Susan, Safren, Steven A.
Day Trading for Beginners 2020: The Ultimate Day Trading Guide to Make a Living and Create a Passive Income with the Best Tools, Learning Risk Managem by H. Elder, Andrew
Intuitive Eating: The Revolutionary Program. A Step by Step Guide to Manage Overeating and to end your Battle with Food by Meal, Nina
Intuitive Eating, the Carnivore Diet, Stop Emotional Eating: 3 in 1 Collection by Meal, Nina
Stop Emotional Eating: The 15 - Day Program to Stop Compulsive Eating and to Burning Excess Fat Through Hypnosis by Meal, Nina
The Carnivore Diet: A Complete Guide on a 100% Animal-Based Diet to Achieving Optimum Health, to Lose Fat and Finally Sleep Better by Meal, Nina
A for Adoption: An Exploration of the Adoption Experience for Families and Professionals by Roy, Alison
Theories of Adolescent Development by Newman, Barbara M., Newman, Philip R.
Disabled & Challenged: Reach for your Dreams! by Cohen, Barry M., Cohen, Terry Scott
Persönlichkeitspsychologie. Zusammenhänge von psychischer Widerstandsfähigkeit (Resilienz) und den Big Five (OCEAN Modell) by Neumann, Jana
Michael & Mia: An Adventure in the Positive Cycle of Nature by Marcano Scott, Hohbach, George, Hohbach, Ehrengard
Recovering Boarding School Trauma Narratives: Christopher Robin Milne as a Psychological Companion on the Journey to Healing by Jack, Christine
Wired Youth: The Online Social World of Adolescence by Talmud, Ilan, Mesch, Gustavo
Seeing with Heart: Using Appreciative Connection to Help Children Learn and Develop by Laane, Taina, Saukkola, Kirsi
Effects of Self Regulated Learning, Academic Self-Concept and Help-Seeking Behaviour on Students' Academic Achievement: The case of Finote Selam Colle by Jemberie, Alelign
The Importance of Connectedness in Student-Teacher Relationships: Insights from the Teacher Connectedness Project by García-Moya, Irene
From Contempt to Dignity by Rustomjee, Sabar
Trabajando Con Niños Que Sufren El Trastorno Oposicional, Negativista Y Desafiante by Vázquez, Wilo
Trabajando Con Niños Que Sufren El Trastorno Oposicional, Negativista Y Desafiante by Vázquez, Wilo
Teen-A-Pause: Consciously Parenting Your Teen Whilst Reparenting Yourself by Disney, Emma
Teen-A-Pause: Consciously Parenting Your Teen Whilst Reparenting Yourself by Disney, Emma
A for Adoption: An Exploration of the Adoption Experience for Families and Professionals by Roy, Alison
International Handbook on Child Rights and School Psychology by
My Sibling by Filliozat, Isabelle
The Laughing Baby: The Extraordinary Science Behind What Makes Babies Happy by Addyman, Caspar
Recovering Boarding School Trauma Narratives: Christopher Robin Milne as a Psychological Companion on the Journey to Healing by Jack, Christine
Trauma-Informed Social-Emotional Toolbox for Children & Adolescents: 116 Worksheets & Skill-Building Exercises to Support Safety, Connection & Empower by Sibbald, Laura, Weed Phifer, Lisa
Mindful Parenting: Finding Space to Be - In a World of to Do by Bogels, Susan
Framing a Family: Building a Foundation to Raise Confident Children by Marvel, Robin
Ohb Deaf Stud in Learn & Cognit Olop C by Marschark
Three days coronavirUS in my head: A little story about the meaning of the Corona crisis by Kanacher, Britta
Building Resilience in Children and Teens: Giving Kids Roots and Wings by Jablow, Martha M., Ginsburg MD MS Ed Faap, Kenneth R.
Bullying in School: Perspectives from School Staff, Students, and Parents by
Don't Wait and See! by Papazoglou, Emily
Internet Addiction in Adolescents: The Protect Program for Evidence-Based Prevention and Treatment by Kindt, Sophie, Szász-Janocha, Carolin, Lindenberg, Katajun
Yes Brain Workbook: Exercises, Activities and Worksheets to Cultivate Courage, Curiosity & Resilience in Your Child by Siegel, Daniel J., Payne Bryson, Tina
Die Veränderung des Selbstverständnisses von Schulversagern durch systemisches Denken und Handeln by Von Lingen, Sophia
Handbook of Adolescent Transition Education for Youth with Disabilities by
Handbook of Adolescent Transition Education for Youth with Disabilities by
Toddler Discipline: 3 Books in 1 - 20 commandments for Parents + A Guide with Valuable Tips to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind + Stra by Grant, Simon
Psychoeducational Assessment and Report Writing by
The Origins of Language Revisited: Differentiation from Music and the Emergence of Neurodiversity and Autism by
Cultural-Historical and Critical Psychology: Common Ground, Divergences and Future Pathways by
Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and Behavior by Barry, Christopher T., Kamphaus, Randy W., Frick, Paul J.
Stoner Viaggio Libro da Colorare: Libro da Colorare per Adulti con Incredibili Fantasy Disegni per Alleviare lo Stress e Rilassarsi by Pubblicazioni, Casa Blu
Stoner Voyage Livre de Coloriage: Livre de Coloriage pour Adultes Offrant de Superbes Fantastiques Dessins pour Soulager le Stress et se Détendre by Publications, Bleue Maison
Gifting Empathy: That Selfless Gift that Cultivates Understanding and Bonding between Parents and Teens by Buckingham, Dwayne L.
Toddler Discipline: 20 Strategies to Raise a Curious, Confident and Responsible Child by Grant, Simon
Improving Father-Daughter Relationships: A Guide for Women and their Dads by Nielsen, Linda
Hanna and the Flying Carpet by Olsson, Heidi
Improving Father-Daughter Relationships: A Guide for Women and their Dads by Nielsen, Linda
Elterntrainings bei expansivem Problemverhalten. Wie wirksam sind deutschsprachige Trainingsprogramme? by Müller, Simon
Stressed Years of Their Lives by Hibbs, B. Janet
Nurturing Boys: 200 Ways to Raise a Boy's Emotional Intelligence from Boyhood to Manhood (Communication, Emotions & Feelings) by Glennon, Will
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