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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Child Psychology in 2022

Love & Rage: The Inner Worlds of Children by Paiva, Nupur D.
Aprende Mejor Con Gimnasia Para El Cerebro by Dennison, Paul E., Dennison, Gail E.
COGAT Grade 5 Test Prep-Gifted and Talented Test Preparation Book - Two Practice Tests for Children in Fifth Grade (Level 11) by Prep, Savant
El Cerebro del Niño / The Whole-Brain Child by Siegel, Daniel J., Bryson, Tina Payne
Dis/Ability in the Americas: The Intersections of Education, Power, and Identity by
Loose-Leaf for Child by Martorell, Gabriela
Resilient Children: Nurturing Positivity and Well-Being Across Development by
HowExpert Guide to Mentoring Juvenile Youth: 101 Tips to Learn How to Build Trust with Your At-Risk Mentee, Find Their Purpose and Passions, and Guide by Howexpert, Johnson, Sd
HowExpert Guide to Mentoring Juvenile Youth: 101 Tips to Learn How to Build Trust with Your At-Risk Mentee, Find Their Purpose and Passions, and Guide by Howexpert, Johnson, Sd
An Uneasy Guest in the Schoolhouse: Art Education from Colonial Times to a Promising Future by Winner, Ellen
Loose Leaf for Adolescence by Steinberg, Laurence
Leistungsemotionen. Förderung emotionaler Intelligenz, um Prüfungsangst zu reduzieren by Weber, Giulia
Children and Complex Trauma: A Roadmap for Healing and Recovery by Geddes, Chuck
Children and Complex Trauma: A Roadmap for Healing and Recovery by Geddes, Chuck
Clinical Interviews for Children and Adolescents: Assessment to Intervention by McConaughy, Stephanie H., Whitcomb, Sara A.
Respark: Igniting hope and joy after trauma and depression by Music, Graham
Dopamine Detox: Biohacking Your Way To Better Focus, Greater Happiness, and Peak Performance by Trenton, Nick
Dopamine Detox: Biohacking Your Way To Better Focus, Greater Happiness, and Peak Performance by Trenton, Nick
L'engendrement de l'enfant ficelé by Thouret, Dominique
Brief Sel Interventions at School: Integrating Research Into Practice by Macklem, Gayle L.
Applied Psychology Collection: A Guide To Developmental, Health and Forensic Psychology by Whiteley, Connor
Applied Psychology Collection: A Guide To Developmental, Health and Forensic Psychology by Whiteley, Connor
Grief in Schools: Basic Knowledge and Advice on Dealing with Dying and Death by
Angry Adolescents by Goldman, Ronald
Religious Thinking from Childhood to Adolescence by Goldman, Ronald
Learning Styles, Classroom Instruction, and Student Achievement by
The Best Start for Positive Parenting by Akwuobi, Karen
The Best Start for Positive Parenting by Akwuobi, Karen
Prenatal Family Dynamics: Couple and Coparenting Relationships During and Postpregnancy by
Sensei Self Development Series: Evading The Burnout Trap: Proven Stress Management Strategies by David, Sensei Paul
School Social Work: A Skills-Based Competency Approach by Grumbach, Giesela, Keller, Jodee
School Behavioral Health: Interconnecting Comprehensive School Mental Health and Positive Behavior Support by
Raising Brains: Mindful Meddling to Raise Successful, Happy, Connected Kids by Allen, Sarah Levin
Emotional Self Care for Black Women: A Powerful Mental Health Workbook to Silence Your Inner Critic, Raise Your Self-Esteem, And Heal Yourself by Moon, Layla
Parent Like It Matters: How to Raise Joyful, Change-Making Girls by Johnson Dias, Janice
The Popular Girls: Helping Your Daughter with Adolescent Power Struggles - 7 Steps for Flourishing by Kaspar, Mary
Parenting, Infancy, Culture: Specificity and Commonality in Argentina, Belgium, Israel, Italy, and the United States by
Anything But My Phone, Mom!: Raising Emotionally Resilient Daughters in the Digital Age by Cohen-Sandler, Roni
Maria Montessori's Own Handbook by Montessori, Maria
Counseling 21st Century Students for Optimal College and Career Readiness: A 9th-12th Grade Curriculum by Costantini, Kathleen, Fitzpatrick, Corine
Counseling 21st Century Students for Optimal College and Career Readiness: A 9th-12th Grade Curriculum by Fitzpatrick, Corine, Costantini, Kathleen
Unerwartete Perspektiven Der Schulpsychologie: Adhs, Kindeswohl, Wut, Mobbing, Prüfungsangst, Schulschwänzen by Bröscher, Nicole, Lindel, Charlotte, Schadow, Thora
The KrazyGirl (& Guy) Parent Survival Guide: Helping Your Child of Any Age Thrive with Mental Health Challenges by Ober, Marci Wolff
The KrazyGirl (& Guy) Parent Survival Guide: Helping Your Child of Any Age Thrive with Mental Health Challenges by Ober, Marci Wolff
Scaffold Parenting: Raising Resilient, Self-Reliant, and Secure Kids in an Age of Anxiety by Koplewicz, Harold S.
The Remodel: Reconstructing My Reality & Repairing Generational Trauma by Allure, Lex
Intergenerational Bonds: The Contributions of Older Adults to Young Children's Lives by
A Parenting Revolution for Higher Evolution: Raising Resilient, Responsible, Compassionate Kids from the Inside Out by Hatch, Julie
A Practical Resource for Understanding Behaviour and Emotions by Bates, Liz
The Psychology of Infancy and Childhood: Evolutionary and Cross-Cultural Perspectives by Fishbein, Harold D.
Finitude: The Psychology of Self and Time by Rochat, Philippe
Finitude: The Psychology of Self and Time by Rochat, Philippe
Toying with Childhood: Tracing the Child-Toy Bond from Britain and America to India by Mudiganti, Usha
Super Brain: Strategies to Upgrade Your Brain, Unlock Your Potential, Perform at Your Peak, and Achieve Anything by Hollins, Peter
Super Brain: Strategies to Upgrade Your Brain, Unlock Your Potential, Perform at Your Peak, and Achieve Anything by Hollins, Peter
Wonder: Childhood and the Lifelong Love of Science by Keil, Frank C.
Child Development: Learning and Cognition by
The Art of Talking with Children: The Simple Keys to Nurturing Kindness, Creativity, and Confidence in Kids by Rolland, Rebecca
Der Einfluss Von Stress Auf Diagnostische Urteilsprozesse Bei Lehrkräften by Becker, Sara
The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Development by
The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Development by
Sensei Self Development: The Road to Self-Discovery: Strategies on How to Recover from the Setbacks of Life by David, Sensei Paul
Survivors: Children's Lives After the Holocaust by Clifford, Rebecca
Perfectionism in Childhood and Adolescence: A Developmental Approach by Hewitt, Paul L., Flett, Gordon L.
Thrivers: The Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine by Borba, Michele
Why We ACT: Turning Bystanders Into Moral Rebels by Sanderson, Catherine A.
Mindsets for Parents: Strategies to Encourage Growth Mindsets in Kids by Lee, Margaret, Ricci, Mary Cay
Emotional Intelligence for Students, Parents, Teachers and School Leaders: A Handbook for the Whole School Community by Gonzales, Mabel
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Characteristics, Causes and Practical Issues by Boucher, Jill
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Characteristics, Causes and Practical Issues by Boucher, Jill
Positive Parenting Solutions to Raise Highly Sensitive Children: Understanding Your Child's Emotions and How to Respond with Radical Compassion, Love by Baurer, Jonathan
Positive Parenting Solutions to Raise Highly Sensitive Children: Understanding Your Child's Emotions and How to Respond with Radical Compassion, Love by Baurer, Jonathan
Nature Meets Nurture: Science-Based Strategies for Raising Resilient Kids by Doan, Stacey N., Borelli, Jessica L.
Brain-Body Parenting: How to Stop Managing Behavior and Start Raising Joyful, Resilient Kids by Delahooke, Mona
How To Analyze People To Improve Your Life: Improve Your Emotional Intelligence, Understand Personality Types (Enneagram), Master Body Language & Prot by B. Langston, Johnathan
Therapy for the Wounded Child by Robinson, Jerry W.
Helping Kids to Thrive, Not Just Survive, After Trauma by Neihardt, Alison
Therapeutic Assessment with Children: Enhancing Parental Empathy Through Psychological Assessment by Tharinger, Deborah J., Rudin, Dale I., Frackowiak, Marita
Therapeutic Assessment with Children: Enhancing Parental Empathy Through Psychological Assessment by Tharinger, Deborah J., Rudin, Dale I., Frackowiak, Marita
Handbook of Research on Neurocognitive Development of Executive Functions and Implications for Intervention by
Braving the Erotic Field in the Psychoanalytic Treatment of Children and Adolescents by
Braving the Erotic Field in the Psychoanalytic Treatment of Children and Adolescents by
A Human Values Pathway for Teachers: Developing Silent Sitting and Mindful Practices in Education by
The Happiness Workbook for Kids: 24 Fun Activities to Help Kids Focus, Make Smart Choices, and Bounce Back from Challenges by Healy, Maureen
Moral Development: Theory and Applications by Vozzola, Elizabeth C., Senland, Amie K.
Soma Summarum Kurzversion: Programm zur psychodynamischen Tiefenanalyse und -Entspannung by Bopp, Alain
Moral Development: Theory and Applications by Vozzola, Elizabeth C., Senland, Amie K.
The Acquisition of Chinese as a Second Language Pronunciation: Segments and Prosody by
Executive Function Skills in the Classroom: Overcoming Barriers, Building Strategies by Faith, Laurie, Bush, Carol-Anne, Dawson, Peg
The Foundations of Flourishing and Our Responsibility to Infants: An ethical and evidence-based case to challenge the societal acceptance of childcare by Joiner, Gillian
Narrative Psychiatry and Family Collaborations by Alexander, June, JØrring, Nina Tejs, Epston, David
Narrative Psychiatry and Family Collaborations by Epston, David, Alexander, June, JØrring, Nina Tejs
Psychology of Education: Theory, Research and Evidence-Based Practice by
Psychology of Education: Theory, Research and Evidence-Based Practice by
Effective Teaching Strategies for Dyscalculia and Learning Difficulties in Mathematics: Perspectives from Cognitive Neuroscience by Noël, Marie-Pascale, Karagiannakis, Giannis
Understanding Infants Psychoanalytically: A Post-Jungian Perspective on Michael Fordham's Model of Development by Urban, Elizabeth
Understanding Infants Psychoanalytically: A Post-Jungian Perspective on Michael Fordham's Model of Development by Urban, Elizabeth
Functional Assessment for Challenging Behaviors and Mental Health Disorders by
Postsecondary Transition for College- Or Career-Bound Autistic Students by
Effective Teaching Strategies for Dyscalculia and Learning Difficulties in Mathematics: Perspectives from Cognitive Neuroscience by Noël, Marie-Pascale, Karagiannakis, Giannis
The Teen Interpreter: A Guide to the Challenges and Joys of Raising Adolescents by Apter, Terri
Soma Summarum Vollversion: Programm zur psychodynamischen Tiefenanalyse und -Entspannung by Bopp, Alain
Life After My Mother's Stroke: A Teenage Take on How to Cope by Du Toit, Tashi Hansen, du Toit, Pieter H.
Life After My Mother's Stroke: A Teenage Take on How to Cope by du Toit, Pieter H., Du Toit, Tashi Hansen
Learn With Us! Lucky Ladybug And Friends!: Lucky Ladybug by Joy, Margo
Learn With Us! Lucky Ladybug And Friends!: Lucky Ladybug by Joy, Margo
Child Psychology: Developments in Knowledge and Theoretical Models by Assailly, Jean-Pascal
Analysis and Exile: Boyhood, Loss, and the Lessons of Anna Freud by Heller, Vivian
Imperfect Parenting: How to Build a Relationship with Your Child to Weather Any Storm by Matthews, Dona
Writing as Meaning-Making: A Systemic Functional Linguistic Approach to EFL Writing by Xuan, Winfred Wenhui
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child, Adolescent, and Adult Development by
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Child, Adolescent, and Adult Development by
The Secrets to Happy Parenting, Happy Kids: Understanding How Different Styles Affect The Development Of Your Kids by James, Nijel
Assessment of Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence by
Sensei Self Development Series: Collection of Books 13-17 by David, Sensei Paul
Violence in America: Coping with Drugs, Distressed Families, Inadequate Schooling, and Acts of Hate by Flannery, Raymond B.
Children of Incarcerated Parents: Integrating Research Into Best Practices and Policy by
Parenting: Selected Writings of Marc H. Bornstein by
Sensei Self Development Series: Collection of Books 13-17 by David, Sensei Paul
Transmitting Minority Languages: Complementary Reversing Language Shift Strategies by
Adolescent Risk Behavior and Self-Regulation: A Cybernetic Perspective by Parzer, Peter, Resch, Franz
Teaching Self-Compassion to Teens by Tamura, Niina, Hobbs, Lorraine M.
Eternally Awkward: A Future Mom of Eight Reflects on Mysteries of Anxiety, ADHD and Coming of Age in the 80s by Harrison, Amy Liz
The Out-Of-Sync Child, Third Edition: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Differences by Stock Kranowitz, Carol
The Good Enough Parent: How to Raise Contented, Interesting, and Resilient Children by Life of School the
Vulnerable Children: Three Studies of Children in Conflict: Accident Involved Children, Sexually Assaulted Children and Children with Asthm by Burton, Lindy
Prenatal Stress and Child Development by
Child Abuse and Neglect by McCoy, Monica L., Keen, Stefanie M.
Enabling Technology for Neurodevelopmental Disorders: From Diagnosis to Rehabilitation by
Enabling Technology for Neurodevelopmental Disorders: From Diagnosis to Rehabilitation by
How to Be Angry: Strategies to Help Kids Express Anger Constructively by Whitson, Signe
Child Abuse and Neglect by Keen, Stefanie M., McCoy, Monica L.
Where Social Work Can Lead You: Journeys Into, Around and Even Out Of Social Work by Hoeper, Jess
Mental Health, What's That?: Let's Explore: An Introduction to Mental Health for Children by Norman, Marcella K.
Adolescent Portraits: Identity and Challenges by
Adolescent Portraits: Identity and Challenges by
What Drives You? How Our Family Dynamics Shape the People We Become by Chute, Ellen Yashinsky
Parent Nation: Unlocking Every Child's Potential, Fulfilling Society's Promise by Suskind, Dana
Big Behaviors in Small Containers: 131 Trauma-Informed Play Therapy Interventions for Disorders of Dysregulation by Goodyear-Brown, Paris
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Adolescents: College student development and treatment by Webb, Richard E., Rosenbaum, Philip J.
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Adolescents: College student development and treatment by Rosenbaum, Philip J., Webb, Richard E.
Jung's Technique of Active Imagination and Desoille's Directed Waking Dream Method: Bridging the Divide by Cassar, Laner
Seeing God in Our Birth Experiences: A Psychoanalytic Inquiry into Pre and Perinatal Religious Development. by Holmes, Helen
The Routledge International Handbook of Global Therapeutic Cultures by
Replacement Children The Unconscious Script by Battat, Rita J., Brenner, Abigail
Becoming Autistic: How Technology Is Altering the Minds of the Next Generation by Sharman, Rachael, Nagel, Michael C.
ACT for Treating Children: The Essential Guide to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Kids by Black, Tamar D.
You Need to Get Help by McAfee, Ellie
School Psychology for the 21st Century: Foundations and Practices by Gimpel Peacock, Gretchen, Merrell, Kenneth W., Ervin, Ruth A.
Interkulturelle Kommunikationskompetenz Bei Kindern Und Jugendlichen by Skriabina, Olga, Samokhvalova, Anna, Metz, Marina
Social Competence and Social Skills: A Theoretical and Practical Guide by del Prette, Zilda A. P., del Prette, Almir
Climate Change and Youth: Turning Grief and Anxiety into Activism by Goldman, Linda
Mastering Modern Psychological Testing: Theory and Methods by Allen, Daniel N., Reynolds, Cecil R., Altmann, Robert A.
The Development of Memory in Infancy and Childhood by
The Development of Memory in Infancy and Childhood by
Helping Children to Build Self-Confidence: Photocopiable Activity Booklet to Support Wellbeing and Resilience by Plummer, Deborah
The CWP and Emhp Handbook: CBT Essentials with Children and Young People by Miller, Hugh
Practical Ethics for Effective Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder by Cox, David J., Brodhead, Matthew T., Quigley, Shawn P.
Online Child Sexual Exploitation: Treatment and Prevention of Abuse in a Digital World by
The CBT Workbook for Anxious Teen: 57 Exercises to Find Relief from Worry, Panic, Negative Thinking & Perfectionism by
Girls' Identities and Experiences of Oppression in Schools: Resilience, Resistance, and Transformation by Hamilton, Deanna, Brinkman, Britney G., Brinkman, Kandie
Girls' Identities and Experiences of Oppression in Schools: Resilience, Resistance, and Transformation by Hamilton, Deanna, Brinkman, Britney G., Brinkman, Kandie
Adolescents and Parental Divorce: Helping Teens Thrive When Families Divide by Carlson, Joanne E.
Cultures of Infancy by Keller, Heidi
Practical Guide to Child and Adolescent Psychological Testing by Moss, Nancy E., Moss-Racusin, Lauren
Cultures of Infancy by Keller, Heidi
On Being and Well-Being in Infant/Toddler Care and Education: Life Stories from Baby Rooms by McMullen, Mary Benson
On Being and Well-Being in Infant/Toddler Care and Education: Life Stories from Baby Rooms by McMullen, Mary Benson
From Two to Five by Chukovsky, Kornei
From Two to Five by Chukovsky, Kornei
Tackling Cyberbullying and Related Problems: Innovative Usage of Games, Apps and Manga by
Virtues and Virtue Education in Theory and Practice: Are Virtues Local or Universal? by
Reducing Inter-generational Ethnic Poverty: Economics, Psychology and Culture by Clydesdale, Greg
El Cerebro del Adolescente: Descubre Cómo Funciona Para Entenderlos Y Acompañarl OS / The Teenage Brain: Explore Its Workings to Understand and Suppor by Bueno, David
The Emotionally Intelligent Child: Effective Strategies for Parenting Self-Aware, Cooperative, and Well-Balanced Kids by Hadani, Helen Shwe, Katz, Rachael
The Elephant Path: Attention Development and Training in Children and Adolescents by Bissanti, Michelle, Brown, Daniel, Pasari, Jae
Niño En Silencio, El by Magagna, Jeanne
No Easy Answers: The Truth Behind Death at Columbine (20th Anniversary Edition) by Merritt, Rob, Brown, Brooks
Reconceptualizing Quality in Early Childhood Education, Care and Development: Understanding the Child and Community by
Puppet-Assisted Play Therapy: Theory, Research, and Practice by Hulburd, Cheryl
An Introduction to Coping with Childhood Trauma by Kennerley, Helen
Deliberate Practice in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy by Rousmaniere, Tony, Bate, Jordan, Prout, Tracy A.
200 Ways to Raise a Girl's Self-Esteem: A Self Worth Book for Teaching, Guiding, and Parenting Daughters (Adolescent Health, Psychology, & Counseling) by Glennon, Will
Renforcer l´estime de soi des jeunes by Rausch, Fabienne
Understanding the Biological Basis of Behavior: Developing Evidence-Based Interventions for Clinical, Counseling and School Psychologists by
Observing Children from Birth to 6: A Practical Guide for Early Childhood Students and Practitioners by Vennis, Diana, Sharman, Carole, Cross, Wendy
The Origin of Language by Kellerman, Henry
Preventing Youth Violence Before It Begins by Flannery, Raymond B.
Preventing Youth Violence Before It Begins by Flannery, Raymond B.
Beyond the Clouds: An Autoethnographic Research Exploring Good Practice in Crisis Settings by Mochi, Claudio
Anxiety and Panic Attacks: Twelve-Step Guide to Coping with Stress, Panic, and Anxiety Attacks. Eliminate Worries and Negative Thoughts to Improv by Haynes, Tracy
Between Form and Freedom: Raising a Teenager by Staley, Betty K.
Beyond the Clouds: An Autoethnographic Research Exploring Good Practice in Crisis Settings by Mochi, Claudio
The Origin of Language by Kellerman, Henry
Navigating Teen Mental Health by Hall Brown, Tyish
A Head Full of Everything: Inspiration for Teenagers with the World on Their Mind by Oattes, Gavin
Children's Imagination by Harris, Paul L.
MMPI Instruments: Assessing Personality and Psychopathology by Veltri, Carlo O. C., Lee, Tayla T. C., Graham, John R.
Hardwiring vs. Rewiring: Shaping the Mindset, Skillset, and Behaviors During Early Childhood Development Stages by Rajaratnam, Ravi
Hochsensible Menschen: Reizüberflutung erkennen, verstehen, umgehen by Winkels, Iris
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