• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

China in 2024

Undiscovered Quy Nhon: The Local Guide to Vietnam's Beach Paradise by Nguyen, Elly Thuy
The Tricky Bit by Charlesworth, Peter B.
Birds of China by Yang, Liu, Shuihua, Chen
Guía de Viaje de Hong Kong 2024: Guía de viaje de bolsillo para principiantes con imágenes en color y mapas de la ciudad by Esteban, Richard
To Lhassa at Last by Millington, Powell
Living With the Dragon by Lively, William
Residential Electricity Consumption in Urbanizing China: Time Use and Climate-Friendly Living by Wong, Pui Ting, Xu, Yuan
You've Got Mail - From China: Hazy Days and Crazy Bites by Habgood, Martyn
Hello Korean Volume 1: A Language Study Guide for K-Pop and K-Drama Fans with Online Audio Recordings by K-Drama Star Lee Joon-Gi! by Yoo, Soyoung, Joon-Gi, Lee, Park, Jiyoung
Black Ghosts: Encounters with the Africans Changing China by Saro-Wiwa, Noo
Macau Vacation Guide 2024: "Macau 2024: Your Allure Moments To Dynamic Culture, Enticing Attractions, Destinations and Complex Beauty in China" by Wilson, Earl C.
Cutted Chicken in Shanghai by Winters, Sharon
Cutted Chicken in Shanghai by Winters, Sharon
The Mysteries of Nepal and Tibet: Legends and Mysteries in the Himalayas by Ever, Alex
Mastering Mandarin: Your Path to Proficiency - Learn Chinese Language for English Speakers, Business, Academia and Global Trade by Choi, Allen S. C.
A Doctor's Life in Hong Kong by MacKay, John
Guide to the Flowers of Western China by Grey-Wilson, Christopher, Cribb, Phillip
The Perfect Tour Guide to China: Exploring the Dynamic Cities in China by Smith, Yang
Zao Fan: Breakfast of China by Zee, Michael
With Carl Schuster, in search of folk-art motifs in China: Szechuan Travel Diary, 1936 by Liebenthal, Frank
A Visual Journey Into Yunnan: Lost Horizon Rediscovered by N/A, The Office of Yunnan Local Chronicles Compilation Commi, N/A, The Institute for Planets
Thrilling Cities: Fourteen Cities Seen Through the Eyes of Ian Fleming, the Creator of James Bond by Fleming, Ian
Basic Written Chinese: An Introduction to Reading and Writing for Beginners (Audio Recordings Included) by Kubler, Cornelius C.
China Atlas Road Map 2024: Explore China And Its Neighborhood With The Details Road Map And Insider Planning Tips To Navigate The Country Like A by Rick, Edward
1600+ Essential Mandarin Phrases: Easy to Intermediate - Pocket Size Phrase Book for Travel by Pro, Fluency
Celebrating the City of Bangkok by Walter the Educator
中华学人论文集--文化大革命50年(1-4): 学校&#216 by 启之
Celebrating the City of Hong Kong by Walter the Educator
Hello Korean Volume 2: A Language Study Guide for K-Pop and K-Drama Fans with Online Audio Recordings by K-Drama Star Lee Joon-Gi! by Park, Jiyoung, Yoo, Soyoung, Joon-Gi, Lee
Other Rivers: A Chinese Education by Hessler, Peter
Celebrating the City of Macau by Walter the Educator
Celebrating the City of Shenzhen by Walter the Educator
Celebrating the City of Guangzhou by Walter the Educator
Celebrating the City of Beijing by Walter the Educator
Celebrating the City of Shanghai by Walter the Educator
Celebrating the City of Chennai by Walter the Educator
Celebrating the City of Zhuhai by Walter the Educator
Celebrating the City of Guilin by Walter the Educator
Fodor's Kauai by Fodor's Travel Guides
Celebrating the City of Chengdu by Walter the Educator
Celebrating the City of Xi'an by Walter the Educator
Celebrating the City of Xiamen by Walter the Educator
Celebrating the City of Dalian by Walter the Educator
The History of Shanghai American School by Zhang, Shun Ming (Tony)
Chinese Outbound Tourism: From Source Markets to Destinations by Dejean, Maxime
Celebrating the City of Hangzhou by Walter the Educator
Celebrating the City of Tianjin by Walter the Educator
Celebrating the City of Qingdao by Walter the Educator
Grow Towards the Sun by Wu, Jing (Heidi)
王康纪念文集(平装本1): Wang Kang Memorial Anthology by 责编:一平,北&#26
纽约一行 第5期: First Line New York-Quarterly Literary Magazine No.5 by 《纽约一行》杂&#24
中国电影与时装、时尚: 兼论电影产业语境&#20 by 张程、乔晞华
世纪的歧路 (上卷二): ---左翼共同体批判 by 荣剑
Exploring China - Cultural Coloring Book - Classic and Contemporary Creative Designs of Chinese Symbols: Ancient and Modern Chinese Culture Blend in O by Editions, Zenart
Explorando China - Libro cultural para colorear - Diseños creativos clásicos y contemporáneos de símbolos chinos: La China antigua y la moderna se mez by Editions, Zenart
China erkunden - Kulturelles Malbuch - Klassische und zeitgenössische kreative Designs chinesischer Symbole: Das alte und das moderne China verschmelz by Editions, Zenart
毛筆 宣紙的結合!您也能!: 書法 by 二度居士
记忆:Vol 4, No. 4 by 方惜辰
演变 ---冯迟中短篇小说选: Evolution- Feng Chi's Selected Short Stories) by Chi), 冯迟 (Feng
当代中国评论 (2022夏季刊)总第9期: Contemporary China Review &#65 by 当代中国评论编&#36
冯晏诗选 by 冯晏
冯晏诗选 by 冯晏
冯晏诗选 by 冯晏
关于中美关系及人类前景的宣言: Manifesto on Sino-US Relations and t by 李伟东/张博树/邓&#
韭菜与镰刀--社会两极化时代的思考: Being fooled and played&#6 by 著, 莫莱斯
Contemporary China Review (2021 Summer Issue): 当代中国评论(英文季刊) by Rong, Editors W., Liu, H., Luo, W.
王康纪念文集(平装本): Wang Kang Memorial Anthology by 责编:一平,北&#26
Les sociétés secrètes chinoises: L'esprit des races jaunes, Tome 5 by Matgioi
根植大地:中国自由知识分子的自我省思: Root by 著, 张博树
La Voie Taoïste by Matgioi
Introduction à l'ésotérisme islamique by Aguéli, Yvan
The Civilization of China by Giles, Herbert A.
Philososaur! V.2 by Brummitt, Daniel
Philososaur! by Brummitt, Daniel
中华学人论文集--文化大革命50年(1-4): 政治&#199 by 启之
纵论中外:王庆民时政评论文选: On Chinese and Global Affairs by 王庆民
三农危机---中国改革经济学: Upcoming Agricultural, Peasant and Rural Crisis --China R by 岩华
劳动文化学(上)(Labor Culture): 当代中国的劳工意&#357 by 王江松
劳动文化学(下)(Labor Culture): 当代中国的劳&#24037 by 王江松
中国社会民主主义论纲: An Outline of Chinese Social Democratism by 王江松
明察政道 (Explaining Power with Political Science): ---中美狂人乱政造难 by 夏明
Finding Firmer Ground: The Role of Civil Society and NGOs in U.S. - China Relations by Thornton, Yawei Liu ,susan
艺术的话语政治: Art as a Discourse Politics by Qi), 朱其 (Zhu
艺术的话语政治: Art as a Discourse Politics by 朱其
当代中国评论 第2期: 2020年冬季号 by 刘迎曦, 副主编 罗慰年, 主&
旅行的詩 Poems from the Road: Poetry in Chinese by Xiziwenjun, 西子文君
当代中国评论 季刊 (2021 春季刊) (总第4期&#652 by 编委:荣伟、罗&#24
秋天的詩 Poems of Autumn: Poetry in Chinese by Xiziwenjun, 西子文君
社会问题40问: 西方社会学面面观 by 乔晞华、张程
戊戌六章: China's Ongoing Crisis: Six Chapters from the Wuxu Year of the Dog by 许章润
华埠英雄谱: 二十世纪九十年代曼哈顿华埠 by 著, 陈苇华
文化启蒙与制度重建--五四新文化运动100周年& by Wu, 吴称谋 Chenmou
人民电影(1949-1966): 一个制度与观念的历史(&#1 by 启之
我和我的学生们: 一个教师的工作札记 by 张子扬
遲來的春天: 南国边防知青侧记 by 著, 陳葦華
時事妄議錄 by 著, 黃一龍
现代宪法的政治思想基础: The Modern Constitution's Foundation in Political Ideas by 著, 张雪忠
当代中国评论 (2021冬季刊)总第七期: Contemporary China Revi by 当代中国评论编&#36
与阿伦特散步 by 童天遥
青岛物语: The Story About Qingdao by 主编, 孙基亮
红墙: 文革五十周年纪实文集 by 主编, 罗慰年
当代中国人物: 聂元梓 by 方惜辰
私民与公民: Natural Person and Public Citizen by 萧楚
上山下乡与大返城: 以社会运动学视角 by 乔晞华
吴忠将军口述: 几件大事亲历记 by 陈楚三、李大震
梅 花 刼 by 赵品华
挣扎与奋斗(下): 一个地主崽的一生 by 韦文德
挣扎与奋斗(上): 一个地主崽的一生 by 韦文德
红色教育(2): 中小学 by 方惜辰
Chinatown Heroes: Manhattan Chinatown in the 1990s by 著), Wai Wah Chen (陈苇华
华埠英雄谱: Chinatown Heroes by 著, 陈苇华 (wai Wah Chan&#652
柔软的来客 by 李成恩
回声Echoes by Yang, 杨悦jane
红色教育(1): 高等院校 by 方惜辰
Landing Hong Kong: A journey through urban sceneries by Bretzmann, Daniel
帽子下的父与女---生活在毛泽东时代: Life and Death in Nanjing by 著, 吴式超
弘一法师书信全集(下) by 编著, 陈飞鹏
Dark Fantasy Horror Coloring Book: Coloring Pages for Adults and Teens Featuring Creepy Creatures and Monsters by Camy, Camelia
Asia selvaggia: le meraviglie di una terra lontana by Saints, Val
Asia selvaggia: le meraviglie di una terra lontana by Saints, Val
中华文化与皇权文化 by 春天
记忆:Vol 6, No. 1 by 方惜辰
酸刺林:农民与政府与毛泽东的关系(天&#2484 by 周浙平
酸刺林:农民与政府与毛泽东的关系(偷&#2796 by 周浙平
中华文化与皇权文化 by 春天
酸刺林:农民与政府与毛泽东的关系(把&#2147 by 周浙平
当代中国评论 (2022春季刊)总第8期: Contemporary China Review &#65 by 《当代中国评论&#12
寂静的原野: The Silent Wilderness by 著, 寂静
思想与文化:中华学人文革论文集(二) by 启之
砥柱中流:王希哲文集第一卷 by 著, 王希哲
力回狂澜:王希哲文集第二卷 by 著, 王希哲
国家与思考:王希哲文集第三卷 by 著, 王希哲
当代中国评论 (2023夏季刊)总第13期: Contemporary China Review &#6 by 本刊编辑部
寂静的原野 by 著, 寂静
慧眼识政---《时政大视野》栏目优秀作品选&#3 by 《时政大视野》&#26
重重雾释鸭绿江---抗美援朝决策探秘: China's military interven by )著, 徐泽荣 (xu Zerong
童年梦:童年家园 (1936-1946)): 任彦芳自传(&# by 著, 任彦芳
农业劳动力转移经济学 (下) by Jingbei)著, 胡景北 (hu
农业劳动力转移经济学 (上): Economics of Labor Migration Out of Agricul by Jingbei)著, 胡景北 (hu
薛明剑、孙冶方兄弟---中国经济界奇异的双&#2 by 著, 王晓林
Cognizing the Chinese Coercion by Jayaprakash, Jagath
两京(上) by 毛崇杰
World Of Asia "Forbidden Flavors" China: China by Ingrasselino(tm), Peter
The Funeral Singer by Gao, Anhua
人文中国 (2023年春季刊,创刊号): Humanities China (2023 S by 本刊编辑部
白頭翁詩文集 (A Modern Treatment of Classical Chinese Poetry) by Lou), 婁良輔 (Liang-Fu
Le Tsunami Scandaleux de Causeway Bay: La Vérité et l'Impact de l'Incident de Disparitions au Causeway Bay Books by (庄晓斌), Par Zhuang Xiaobin
当代中国评论 (2023春季刊)总第12期: Contemporary China Review &#6 by 本刊编辑部
The Light: All by Chengen, Li
劫灰: From Heaps of Ashes by 著, 许章润
流浪的青春 by 著, 叶志安
当代中国评论 (2022秋季刊)总第10期: Contemporary China Review &#6 by 本刊编辑部
魔暴美学:艺术之批判: Demon Aesthetic: The Criticism of Art by 著, 黑峰
The Treaty With China, its Provisions Explained (Esprios Classics) by Twain, Mark
改变中国:六四以来的中国政治思潮: CHANGE CHINA: Politi by 著, 张博树
Contemporary China Review 2023 Spring Issue by House, Bouden
记忆:Vol 5, No. 4 by 方惜辰
上市捷径: ---讲清spac那点事儿 by 著, 段懿航
现代性的反抗: 东南亚的抗争运动 (1989-2011): T by 著, 吴强 (wu Qiang)
扇摇两石 by 著, 黄笑生
演变---冯迟中短篇小说选: Evolution- Feng Chi's Selected Short Stories) by 著, 冯迟
重生之门: The Road to Rebirth by Mu), 光目 (guang
扇摇两石: Two Countries, One System by 著, 黄笑生
扇摇两石: Two Countries, One System by 黄笑生
The Down to the Countryside Campaign and Return to the City Movement: A Social Movement Perspective by Zhang, Joshua, Monte, Philip
惊回首:美国宪政危机与未来中国宪制: Looking Back by 著, 张博树
The Down to the Countryside Campaign and Return to the City Movement: A Social Movement Perspective by Zhang, Joshua, Monte, Philip
记忆:Vol 4, No. 3 by 方惜辰
记忆:Vol 4, No. 2 by 方惜辰
记忆:Vol 4, No. 1 by 方惜辰
记忆:Vol 3, No. 4 by 方惜辰
记忆:Vol 3, No. 3 by 方惜辰
记忆:Vol 3, No. 2 by 方惜辰
记忆:Vol 3, No. 1 by 方惜辰
记忆:Vol 2, No. 4 by 方惜辰
记忆:Vol 2, No. 3 by 方惜辰
岁月有痕---國務卿索要的政治犯: THE TRACES OF YEARS:A Chinese poli by 著, 吴建民
Contemporary China Review 2022 Summer Issue: 当代中国评论 (英文版)2022 夏&#2 by House, Bouden
当代中国评论 (2022夏季刊)总第9期: Contemporary China Review &#65 by House, Bouden
扇摇两石 by 黄笑生
苏联奥援中共档案: The Discoveries on the Financial & Weaponry Supply from from USSR to CCP by 著, 徐泽荣
镇反沉冤: 我的劳改三十年 by 王丕忠
马克思主义之证伪(真相真理双真集-下册&#652 by 著, 徐泽荣
古稀回望人生路(下册) by 方延曦
大沽河往事 by 著, 刘路 (liu Lu)
记忆:Vol 1, No. 2 by 方惜辰
古稀回望人生路(上册) by 方延曦
记忆:Vol 5, No. 3 by 方惜辰
仰望与追寻: 一位中国老人穷其一生的思考 by 方延曦
胡星斗言论选集: Hu Xingdou Anthology of Speech by 胡星斗
记忆:Vol 5, No. 2 by 方惜辰
云烟未散: 记忆与反思 by 宋书星
记忆:Vol 5, No. 1 by 方惜辰
被西风吹尽: 中国现代化进程与未来 by 楚天江
启蒙 美学 文化 by 毛崇杰
赤裸人生 (上): Bare Life (I) by 著, 莊曉斌
赤裸人生 (下): Bare Life (II) by 著, 莊曉斌
岁月有痕---國務卿索要的政治犯: THE TRACES OF YEARS:A Chinese poli by 著, 吴建民
Mao Zedong: MY CONFESSION (Volume II) by Wen, Zhong
Mao Zedong: MY CONFESSION (Volume I) by Wen, Zhong
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