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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Chinese History in 2018

62 Ki Baaten by Saran, Neelum Gour
They Shall See His Face: The Story of Amy Oxley Wilkinson and Her Visionary Blind School in China by Banks, Linda, Banks, Robert
Forming the Early Chinese Court: Rituals, Spaces, Roles by Habberstad, Luke
Forming the Early Chinese Court: Rituals, Spaces, Roles by Habberstad, Luke
A History of the Kaifeng Israelites: Encounters with Israelites in Chinese Literature by Weisz, Tiberiu
Live by the Pen, Professor Chu-yuan Cheng's Memoir: Teaching, Researching, Writing, and Propounding Theories by Cheng, Chu-Yuan
Collected Writings in Commemoration of Liu Xiaobo by Chu, Cai
The Tragedy of Liberation: A History of the Chinese Revolution 1945-1957 by Dikötter, Frank
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Heritage and Adaptation by Unschuld, Paul U.
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Heritage and Adaptation by Unschuld, Paul U.
Mao's Great Famine: The History of China's Most Devastating Catastrophe, 1958-62 by Dikötter, Frank
Treaty Ports in Modern China: Law, Land and Power by
International Competition in China, 1899-1991: The Rise, Fall, and Restoration of the Open Door Policy by Elleman, Bruce A.
China's New Retail Economy: A Geographic Perspective by Wang, Shuguang
Basics of the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics by Qin, Xuan, Xu, Zhihong
An Historical Sketch of Chinese Historiography by Wu, Huaiqi
The Aviator of Tsingtao: My War in China and Escape from a British POW Camp by Plüschow, Gunther
警鐘長鳴 倪柝聲與中國地方教會 by , 許梅驪醫&#
The Catholic Church in Taiwan: Problems and Prospects by
Historical Farmland in China During 1661-1980: Reconstruction and Spatiotemporal Characteristics by Yang, Xuhong, Jin, Xiaobin, Zhou, Yinkang
New Hong Kong Cinema: Transitions to Becoming Chinese in 21st-Century East Asia by Cheung, Ruby
The Jesuits in China by Smorzhevsky, Feodosy
Crime and Punishment in Ancient China: T'ang-Yin-Pi-Shih by
Deng Xiaoping's Long War: The Military Conflict Between China and Vietnam, 1979-1991 by Zhang, Xiaoming
Crime and Punishment in Ancient China: T'ang-Yin-Pi-Shih by
Scrapbook for Chinese Collectors: Shu Hua Shuo Ling by Lu, Shih-Hua
Zhu Rongji on the Record: The Shanghai Years, 1987-1991 by Zhu, Rongji
No Wall Too High by Hongci, Xu
Meaning and Controversy Within Chinese Ancestor Religion by Batairwa Kubuya, Paulin
The Cultural Revolution: The Controversial History of Mao Zedong's Political Mass Movement After the Great Leap Forward by Charles River
New Dimensions in Hunter-Gatherer Studies: The Prehistory of the Tarafeni Valley by Basak, Bishnupriya
The Forbidden City: The History of the Chinese Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing by Charles River
China at War: Triumph and Tragedy in the Emergence of the New China by Van de Ven, Hans
Young China by Dychtwald, Zak
The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Miscellany; Volume 5 by Anonymous
A Grammar of Gan Chinese by Li, Xuping
FAITH and FIRE by Chan, Helen Kimmei
Reeboks and the Revolution: A Young Man's Journey in a Very Old Land by Leiter, Douglas Earl
Everything Under the Heavens: How the Past Helps Shape China's Push for Global Power by French, Howard W.
Educating China by Zarrow, Peter
Affairs in China: Report of William W. Rockhill, Late Commissioner to China, With Accompanying Documents: Foreign Relations Of The United States by Rockhill, William Woodville
The Politics of Rights and the 1911 Revolution in China by Zheng, Xiaowei
The Politics of Rights and the 1911 Revolution in China by Zheng, Xiaowei
晚清民初的新学和巴哈伊文明 by 蔡, 德贵
The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Miscellany; Volume 7 by Anonymous
The Middle Kingdom by Tien, H. Yuan
The Middle Kingdom by Tien, H. Yuan
Un balcon à Pékin by Jacob-A
What Is China?: Territory, Ethnicity, Culture, and History by Ge, Zhaoguang
China's Crisis Behavior by He, Kai
The Dragon Stirs by Misselwitz, Henry Francis
Tiananmen Square: The Site of China's Most Infamous Protests by Charles River
Tibet and Shangri-La: The Search for a Hidden Paradise by Charles River
Chinese Surplus: Biopolitical Aesthetics and the Medically Commodified Body by Heinrich, Ari Larissa
Chinese Film Festivals: Sites of Translation by
1919 - The Year That Changed China: A New History of the New Culture Movement by Forster, Elisabeth
Chinese Surplus: Biopolitical Aesthetics and the Medically Commodified Body by Heinrich, Ari Larissa
Stalin and Mao: A Comparison of the Russian and Chinese Revolutions by Bianco, Lucien
60 Jahre Aufbau der Menschenrechte in China by Dong, Yunhu
The Souls of China: The Return of Religion After Mao by Johnson, Ian
Capital Cities and Urban Form in Pre-modern China: Luoyang, 1038 BCE to 938 CE by Xiong, Victor Cunrui
Ancient China and the Yue by Brindley, Erica
The Reunification of China by Lorge, Peter
General He Yingqin by Worthing, Peter
Genghis Khan: History's Greatest Conquerors by Scott, Walter J.
Orion's Shoulder by Fiedorczuk, Julia
Gender, Power, and Talent: The Journey of Daoist Priestesses in Tang China by Jia, Jinhua
Mao Zedong: A Captivating Guide to the Life of a Chairman of the Communist Party of China, the Cultural Revolution and the Political Theory of Maoism by History, Captivating
Imperfect Understanding: Intimate Portraits of Chinese Celebrities by Wen, Yuan-Ning
Dynamics of Change in East Asia: Historical Trajectories and Contemporary Development by Preston, P. W.
Heritage Sites in Contemporary China: Cultural Policies and Management Practices by Zan, Luca, Yu, Bing, Yu, Jianli
At Home in the World: Women and Charity in Late Qing and Early Republican China by Shi, Xia
Insights on Education Reform in China by
Diaspora's Homeland: Modern China in the Age of Global Migration by Chan, Shelly
Diaspora's Homeland: Modern China in the Age of Global Migration by Chan, Shelly
Reading Lu Xun Through Carl Jung by Brown, Carolyn T.
The Administration of Buddhism in China: A Study and Translation of Zanning and the Topical Compendium of the Buddhist Clergy (Da Song Seng shilue) by Welter, Albert
Teaching Red Scarf Girl by Facing History and Ourselves
Chinese Women Writers and Modern Print Culture by Ferry, Megan M.
Texts and Transformations: Essays in Honor of the 75th Birthday of Victor H. Mair by
Violence and Order on the Chengdu Plain: The Story of a Secret Brotherhood in Rural China, 1939-1949 by Wang, Di
Violence and Order on the Chengdu Plain: The Story of a Secret Brotherhood in Rural China, 1939-1949 by Wang, Di
The Qing Empire and the Opium War by Mao, Haijian
A Chinese Bestiary: Strange Creatures from the Guideways Through Mountains and Seas by
Persian Christians at the Chinese Court: The Xi'an Stele and the Early Medieval Church of the East by Godwin, R. Todd
Crossing the Yellow Sea: Sino-Japanese Cultural Contacts, 1600-1950 by
Sagacious Monks and Bloodthirsty Warriors: Chinese Views of Japan in the Ming-Qing Period by
Crossing the Yellow Sea: Sino-Japanese Cultural Contacts, 1600-1950 by
Sui-Tang China and Its Turko-Mongol Neighbors by Skaff, Jonathan Karam
Chinese Characteristics by Smith, Arthur H.
Chinese Characteristics by Smith, Arthur H.
In the Crook of the Rock: Jewish Refuge in a World Gone Mad -- The Chaya Leah Walkin Story by Schwarcz, Vera
Transforming Monkey: Adaptation and Representation of a Chinese Epic by Sun, Hongmei
Transforming Monkey: Adaptation and Representation of a Chinese Epic by Sun, Hongmei
In the Crook of the Rock: Jewish Refuge in a World Gone Mad -- The Chaya Leah Walkin Story by Schwarcz, Vera
130 Years of Medicine in Hong Kong: From the College of Medicine for Chinese to the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine by Ching, Frank
China's Philological Turn: Scholars, Textualism, and the DAO in the Eighteenth Century by Sela, Ori
Medicine and Memory in Tibet: Amchi Physicians in an Age of Reform by Hofer, Theresia
Medicine and Memory in Tibet: Amchi Physicians in an Age of Reform by Hofer, Theresia
Media and Protest Logics in the Digital Era: The Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong by Lee, Francis L. F., Chan, Joseph M.
Christianizing South China: Mission, Development, and Identity in Modern Chaoshan by
Understanding Chinese Culture: Philosophy, Religion, Science and Technology by
Introduction to Chinese Culture: Cultural History, Arts, Festivals and Rituals by
China in the 21st Century: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) by Cunningham, Maura Elizabeth, Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N.
The Body Incantatory: Spells and the Ritual Imagination in Medieval Chinese Buddhism by Copp, Paul
Chinese Law in Imperial Eyes: Sovereignty, Justice, and Transcultural Politics by Chen, Li
Contesting Cyberspace in China: Online Expression and Authoritarian Resilience by Han, Rongbin
Contesting Cyberspace in China: Online Expression and Authoritarian Resilience by Han, Rongbin
The China Mission: George Marshall's Unfinished War, 1945-1947 by Kurtz-Phelan, Daniel
A Texan's Journey - Another Hong Kong History - From British Occupation to The Hong Kong Special Administration Region's Basic Law: Queen Elizabeth I by Harvey, Jimmy Edward
Panda Nation: The Construction and Conservation of China's Modern Icon by Songster, E. Elena
The Rise of Political Intellectuals in Modern China by Rahav, Shakhar
Linguistic Mysteries of Ethnonyms in Inner Asia by Wang, Penglin
La secte du Lotus blanc et la secte du Nuage blanc by Pelliot, Paul
Chinese Local Elites and Patterns of Dominance: Volume 11 by
Mao's Images: Artists and China's 1949 Transition by Geng, Yan
La Chine et l'Europe: Leur histoire et leurs traditions comparées by Ferrari, Joseph
Poisonous Pandas: Chinese Cigarette Manufacturing in Critical Historical Perspectives by
Red China's Green Revolution: Technological Innovation, Institutional Change, and Economic Development Under the Commune by Eisenman, Joshua
Poisonous Pandas: Chinese Cigarette Manufacturing in Critical Historical Perspectives by
Red China's Green Revolution: Technological Innovation, Institutional Change, and Economic Development Under the Commune by Eisenman, Joshua
Britain and China, 1840-1970: Empire, Finance and War by
Taiwan and The 'China Impact': Challenges and Opportunities by
The Han Dynasty: The History and Legacy of Ancient China's Most Influential Empire by Charles River
The Han Dynasty: The History and Legacy of Ancient China's Most Influential Empire by Charles River
China's Hidden Fortress, Volume II: The Chongqing Fishing City by Danielson, Eric N.
A Paradise Lost: The Imperial Garden Yuanming Yuan by Wong, Young-Tsu
China Through American Eyes: Early Depictions of the Chinese People and Culture in the Us Print Media by Zhang, Wenxian
Striking to Survive: Workers' Resistance to Factory Relocations in China by Shigang, Fan
The Confucian Four Books for Women: A New Translation of the Nü Sishu and the Commentary of Wang Xiang by
Ancient Highlands of Southwest China by Yao, Alice
Ten Lessons in Modern Chinese History by Zheng, Yangwen
Guangzhou: The History and Legacy of China's Most Influential Trade Center by Charles River
Guangzhou: The History and Legacy of China's Most Influential Trade Center by Charles River
A Century of Change in a Chinese Village: The Crisis of the Countryside by Juren, Lin, Yuxi, Xie
The First Sino-Japanese War: The History and Legacy of the Conflict that Doomed the Chinese Empire and Led to the Rise of Imperial Japan by Charles River
The First Sino-Japanese War: The History and Legacy of the Conflict that Doomed the Chinese Empire and Led to the Rise of Imperial Japan by Charles River
The History of China's Qing Dynasty by Wei, Lilly
The History of China's Qing Dynasty by Wei, Lilly
Legend of Heroes Vol 2: Traditional Chinese Edition by Xiang, Kai Ran
The Golden Ring Vol 1: Traditional Chinese Edition by Xiang, Kai Ran
警钟长鸣 For Whom the Siren Wails by , 许梅骊医师 Lily M. Hsu
Etrog: How a Chinese Fruit Became a Jewish Symbol by Moster, David Z.
Seventh Justice Vol 4: Traditional Chinese Edition by Shi, Yu Kun
China's Conquest of Taiwan in the Seventeenth Century: Victory at Full Moon by Wong, Young-Tsu
Eurasian Matters: China, Europe, and the Transcultural Object, 1600-1800 by
Women in Ancient China by Hinsch, Bret
The Battle for Fortune: State-Led Development, Personhood, and Power Among Tibetans in China by Makley, Charlene
The Battle for Fortune: State-Led Development, Personhood, and Power Among Tibetans in China by Makley, Charlene
Chinese Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Chinese Folklore Including Fairy Tales, Myths, and Legends from Ancient China by Clayton, Matt
A History of Some of China's Most Famous Landmarks by Charles River
A History of Some of China's Most Famous Landmarks by Charles River
Finding the Direct Bloodline of My 111 Ancestors in China by Chan, Hanson
Hong Kong 20 Years After the Handover: Emerging Social and Institutional Fractures After 1997 by
China: Metanational Capitalism by Coutinho, Carlos Sidnei
La Révolution et la guerre civile en Chine by Lavollée, Charles-Hubert
Sacred Mandates: Asian International Relations Since Chinggis Khan by
China's Conservative Revolution by Tsui, Brian
The Confucian Political Imagination by Møllgaard, Eske J.
Global Entanglements of a Man Who Never Traveled: A Seventeenth-Century Chinese Christian and His Conflicted Worlds by Sachsenmaier, Dominic
Ten Lessons in Modern Chinese History by Zheng, Yangwen
Violence, Kinship and the Early Chinese State by Campbell, Roderick
Experimental Legislation in China Between Efficiency and Legality: The Delegated Legislative Power of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone by Martinek, Madeleine
Decoding the Rise of China: Taiwanese and Japanese Perspectives by
Treasured Tales of China Vol. 1 by
Confucian-Legalist State: A New Theory of Chinese History by Zhao, Dingxin
Old Beijing: Postcards from the Imperial City by Titus, Felicitas
Ethnographic Plague: Configuring Disease on the Chinese-Russian Frontier by Lynteris, Christos
China's War on Smuggling: Law, Economic Life, and the Making of the Modern State, 1842-1965 by Thai, Philip
Battle for Beijing, 1858-1860: Franco-British Conflict in China by Gelber, Harry
The Teahouse Under Socialism: The Decline and Renewal of Public Life in Chengdu, 1950-2000 by Wang, Di
The Teahouse Under Socialism: The Decline and Renewal of Public Life in Chengdu, 1950-2000 by Wang, Di
Sexuality in China: Histories of Power and Pleasure by
Social Memory and State Formation in Early China by Li, Min
Sexuality in China: Histories of Power and Pleasure by
The Phony Reformer: Greed, Status, and Patronage in Late Qing China by
The Phony Reformer: Greed, Status, and Patronage in Late Qing China by
The Making of the Chinese Middle Class: Small Comfort and Great Expectations by Rocca, Jean-Louis
The Letters and Diaries of Colonel John Hart Caughey, 1944-1945: With Wedemeyer in World War II China by
Brush, Seal and Abacus: Troubled Vitality in Late Ming China's Economic Heartland, 1500-1644 by Zhao, Jie
Portuguese Macau: The History and Legacy of the Autonomous Chinese Territory that Became the Last European Colony in Asia by Charles River
Chinese Society and Politics by King, Ambrose Y. C.
Portuguese Macau: The History and Legacy of the Autonomous Chinese Territory that Became the Last European Colony in Asia by Charles River
Daily Life in Ancient China by Poo, Mu-Chou
Daily Life in Ancient China by Poo, Mu-Chou
The Rise of Tea Culture in China: The Invention of the Individual by Hinsch, Bret
From Commune to Capitalism: How China's Peasants Lost Collective Farming and Gained Urban Poverty by Xu, Zhun
From Commune to Capitalism: How China's Peasants Lost Collective Farming and Gained Urban Poverty by Xu, Zhun
Governance, Domestic Change, and Social Policy in China: 100 Years After the Xinhai Revolution by
The Making of China's War with Japan: Zhou Enlai and Zhang Xueliang by Itoh, Mayumi
Mapping Asia: Cartographic Encounters Between East and West: Regional Symposium of the Ica Commission on the History of Cartography, 2017 by
Social Life Of The Chinese: Daily Life in China by Doolittle, Justus
The Bonhoeffer Legacy 5/1: An International Journal by
Negotiating Socialism in Rural China: Mao, Peasants, and Local Cadres in Shanxi, 1949-1953 by Hou, Xiaojia
On the Trail of the Yellow Tiger: War, Trauma, and Social Dislocation in Southwest China During the Ming-Qing Transition by Swope, Kenneth M.
China's Quest: The History of the Foreign Relations of the People's Republic, Revised and Updated by Garver, John W.
The China Order: Centralia, World Empire, and the Nature of Chinese Power by Wang, Fei-Ling
The Language and Iconography of Chinese Charms: Deciphering a Past Belief System by
The Chinese Sisters of the Precious Blood and the Evolution of the Catholic Church by Chu, Cindy Yik-Yi
The Making of the Modern Chinese State: Cement, Legal Personality and Industry by Ko, Humphrey
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